WTT another land shark for cash shop pets.

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Joined:November 10th, 2014
Pet Score:2324
WTT another land shark for cash shop pets.

Post by Ropefly » December 28th, 2014, 7:13 pm

I almost got my second land shark and willing to sell it as well
Accepting 3 cash shop pets and the etherael soul trader for the Land Shark
4 cash shop pets is actually better but 3 + the soul trader is fine too

Sold my previous Land Shark to Ryazan for 2 cash 2 tgc pets(mvp on this website) ;)

I'll probably decline most other offers but feel free to convince me because I still miss quite a few pets (declining lil leftovers, accepting a hatespark)

Ropefly#1872 is my tag

Greetings Rópefly-stormscale

Willing to go first if you have decent rep on this website
Last edited by Ropefly on January 5th, 2015, 11:25 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Joined:November 10th, 2014
Pet Score:2324

Re: WTT another land shark for cash shop pets.

Post by Ropefly » January 4th, 2015, 10:27 am


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