Someone was leveling pets from 1 to 25 in 20 minutes for 1000g before (on the forums), but I think they were using PvP wintrading to do it which no longer works.
I can level a pet from 1-25 in about 30 minutes by doing wild pet battles against critters in Valley of the Four Winds using a Razzashi Hatchling to boost it (easily takes out all the critters and aquatics, never needs a bandage because it self heals with Devour), and there are many other ways to (legitimately) level pets pretty quickly.
I am offering 1500g to anyone interested to to do it. You can get player XP, lesser charms, and stones as a bonus when doing wild pet battles as well.
How will the trade work? Pretty simple and risk-free, just PM me for a current list of pets that I need leveled (or I may post it here) and if you have one of the pets I need at level 25 then I will trade you a level 1 of the same pet plus 1500g for your level 25 pet. I will pay 2500g if the pet also needs a stone and you want to use your stone, or else I can use my own stones.
I have gold available on the following realms:
Silvermoon (A)
Kazzak (H)
Twisting Nether (H)
Ravencrest (A)
Bloodhoof (A)
Plus smaller amounts on a few other realms.
Currently my list of cageable pets needed at max level is about 60 pets, so odds are you probably already have some I need

If you are interested just send me a PM or add me Invictus#2834
Happy collecting!
PS - here is my current list of pets needed at level 25 & rare quality (can be my stone or yours + my 1000g extra) . In some cases I have indicated the breed I want, otherwise any breed is ok:
I need the following pets as well, but I do not have them yet. If you are interested to sell any of these pets outright at a reasonable price let me know:
Darkmoon Rabbit (S/S)
Lunar Lantern