Available to trade:
- Fishing: Tiny white carp
- ToT: Ji-Kun Hatchling
- World Drop: Razzashi Hatchling & Black Tabby Cat
- Raiding with Leashes II: Fiendish Imp, Tideskipper & Pocket Reaver
- Archeology grind: the Voodoo Figurine
- Isle of Giants: Direhorn Runt & full set of 4 Zandalari Raptors
- Pet Bags: Mountain Panda, Pandaren Earth Spirit & Pandaren Fire Spirit
- Shattrath Fishing bag: Chuck
- + loads of others, including:
- Sunreaver Micro-sentry
- Aqua Strider
- Rustberg Gull
- Reputation exalted pets (Pengu, Nether Ray, Tiny Sporebat)
- JC & Ench pets (Jade Owl, Sapphire Cub, Magic Lamp, Enchanted Lantern)
- Alliance Icecrown Tournament Pets (am exalted with all) - Teldrassil Sproutling, Shimmering Wyrmling
- Darkmoon Hatchling (or if you wait for DMF I can get a diff one)
You can also check out my wanted list here: Callena to see what I need if you'd like to trade - mostly blizz store pets & a few TCG though left on there