Hello! I have a few extras that I'd be willing to trade for some that I miss. Id naturally grab a few of them for one of the needed pets, as some the price range might differ Just poke me and Im sure we can come to some kind of agreement.
The pets I have for offer:
Albino Chimaeraling - Rare
Azure Crane Chick
Brilliant spore
Darkmoon Eye
Clockwork Rocket bot
Fiendish Imp
Imperial moth
Iron starlette
Pandaren Fire Spirit
Meadowstomper Calf
Mechanical axebeak x2
Mechanical Scorpid
Menargerie Custodian lvl 9
Sentinels companion
Soul of the forge
Sun sproutling
I can basically get all the crafting pets no matter profession.
The pets I need:
Bone Wasp
Bush chicken
Forest sproutling
Lanticore Spawnling
Ore eater
Sky Fry
Son of Sethe
The new leaches pets
Just send me a poke and Im sure we can come to an agreement