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LF a battlenet balance card for pets

Posted: July 8th, 2015, 5:41 am
by Randomwelshbloke
I'm looking for £15 pounds worth of battlenet balance card to buy the nightmare hitching post,which can be bought in game stores or online and sites like .I have quite a few spares and I will trade them ALL for the bnet balance card.

Guardian cub
Hatespark the tiny
Lanticore hatchling
Jadefire spirit
Eye of observation
Servant of Demidos
Corrupted nest guardian

Over 130ks worth of pets(at silvermoon EU prices:p :)for £15 battlenet balance slightly better than £20 for 48k game token prices atm ;)

alternatively we can some to some gold arrangement,though I would prefer to trade in pets

Contact me on sheepshagurr#2603

Thanks !

Re: LF a battlenet balance card for pets

Posted: July 11th, 2015, 1:30 pm
by Randomwelshbloke
just got a spare seaborne spore,i'll throw that in aswell!

Re: LF a battlenet balance card for pets

Posted: July 23rd, 2015, 8:19 am
by Palatank
Just for reference cards paid for in Euros will not be claimable by some living in the UK (had too find that out the hard way :()

Re: LF a battlenet balance card for pets

Posted: July 23rd, 2015, 10:39 am
by Randomwelshbloke
Oh damn pala did you buy one for this trade?