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DONE [EU] WTB Blizzcon Virtual Ticket

Posted: August 20th, 2015, 5:03 am
by Wetsand
Good day you all, so... the virtual ticket is out and i'm looking for a fellow collector to gift a ticket to me (price is 29,99€), what i'm offering is 150k worth of pets(every pet depending on AH availability)/mounts or just plain golds, all of this can ofc be mixed up, can buy stuff off ah if needed, really, just call out what you'd like to have and we'll work out something for sure.

Feel free to add me ingame or just PM me for more informations or to name your offer, did the same last year with user Absorb.

Again, pets list includes all of the pets which can be found in AH (TGC ones too ofc) ,vendors and so on.

Waiting to hear from you, have a good day.


Re: WTB Blizzcon Virtual Ticket

Posted: August 22nd, 2015, 7:20 am
by Wetsand
EDIT: raised the offer from 120k to 150k (worth of pets,mounts or mere golds).
It's 50k per 10 €...c'mon :P

Re: DONE [EU] WTB Blizzcon Virtual Ticket

Posted: August 29th, 2015, 7:49 am
by Wetsand

Thanks to User Palatank for again a very nice and safe trade.
Feralicious i'll wait for you.
