Currently on the lookout for:
Fox Kit
Gundrak Hatchling
Ji-Kun Hatchling
Living Sandling
Son of Animus
Spawn of G'nathus
Darkmoon Rabbit
Spectral Porcupette
Dragon Kite
Tuskarr Kite
Ethereal Soul-Trader
Rocket Chicken
Spectral Tiger Cub
Hippogryph Hatchling
Available for trade:
Pandaren Elemental Spirits (all four)
Aqua Strider
Zandalari Raptors
Sea Ponies! All the Sea Ponies!
Reputation-based pets (Pengu, Tiny Goldfish, Tiny Sporebat
Darkmoon pets (except the Rabbit), once the faire drops by (more tickets than I can eat)
Might be willing to negotiate for others in my collection, depending on the trade. And as a last resort, gold.
Also on the lookout for a guild that has the Thundering Hatchling on any of my active servers, being Moonglade (Horde), Argent Dawn (Alliance), Ghostlands (Horde) or The Sha'tar (Alliance).