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WTT Darkmoon eye, white carp - LF Viscous horror

Posted: May 30th, 2013, 12:35 pm
by Dash

- Title says it all : I have a spare DMF eye and I'd very much like either a Viscous horror

- I also have a lvl25 Tiny white carp and (the carp can be lvl1 if you prefer for some reason).and custodian from Karazhan to throw in the mix.

Sidenote : lvl25 mountain and snowy panda are ready to leave the nest too, just in case, as well as battle stones (all available except beast and mecha, and only one flying)


edit : porcupette is gone (thanks Vilnar), blue carp also gone (thanks Someone), just fished out a white one ans scored a living fluid, edited post+title accordingly

Re: WTT Darkmoon eye, blue carp, porcupette ...

Posted: May 31st, 2013, 9:58 am
by Someone
You don't wanna trade the blue carp for a green one? or maybe something else I have? :)

Re: WTT Darkmoon eye, blue carp, porcupette ...

Posted: May 31st, 2013, 10:33 am
by Vilnar
I can trade you My spectral Porcupette for your porcupette. Add me!

Btw, i'm also interested in the Blue carp so, if you could see if i have anything you may want for it, i apreciate it.

Re: WTT Darkmoon eye, blue carp, porcupette ...

Posted: May 31st, 2013, 2:09 pm
by Dash
Cool beans, Vilnar, I'll add you, I'll be online tonight!

For the blue carp, @someone, I have all 4 carps so this one is a spare, sorry.

Re: WTT Darkmoon eye, blue carp - LF 5.3 ToT

Posted: June 1st, 2013, 9:39 pm
by Someone
I can trade you a pygmy for the blue carp if you want, I suddenly found myself with one extra.


Re: WTT Darkmoon eye, blue carp - LF 5.3 ToT

Posted: June 2nd, 2013, 8:28 am
by Dash
Someone wrote:I can trade you a pygmy for the blue carp if you want, I suddenly found myself with one extra.

and suddenly, a wild deal appears :p
I've added you :)

Re: WTT Darkmoon eye, white carp - LF Viscous horror

Posted: June 7th, 2013, 1:44 pm
by Dash
The offer still stands, even though I sold the custodian and have a spare Fiendlish imp instead. Other than that, DMF eye, white carp, lvl 25 pandas or pandaren spirits, plus other more common pets (recent engi and jewelcrafting pets for ex) are yours if you have a spare Viscous horror for me :)