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[EU] Closed!

Posted: September 30th, 2013, 8:41 am
by Shaixne
All sorted and done, thank you everyone whom helped, you guys rock! <3

Callena, contact me if you still need an engi pet. If not, no problems! :)

Re: [EU] LF 5.4 pets

Posted: September 30th, 2013, 10:09 am
by Angerfisty
I can give u a vengefull porcupette and spineclaw crab for the pierre.

add me if u like gstar#2178

Re: [EU] LF 5.4 pets

Posted: September 30th, 2013, 10:27 am
by Shaixne
That sounds great! Thank you Steffied, I'll add you tonight when I get home, probably around 24:00 game time. :D

Re: [EU] LF 5.4 pets

Posted: September 30th, 2013, 2:29 pm
by Shaixne

2 x Pierre have now been reserved for Steffied and Dopamine. I will be adding your tags tonight once I'm home. <3
It will take a few days before I have the last daily engi-mats needed to make them, so I ask for your patience. :)

If anyone else is interested in the Engineering pets, I can craft more and make a long-term reservation list for the next set (I have 3 engineers so I can make 3 pets every 15 days) just let me know in this thread so I know whom to reserve the next 3 for. Currently my 3rd engineer is being used to make the last few mats for the mount, otherwise I would have taken one more reservation this time around, sorry!

Re: [EU] LF 5.4 pets - Offering the new Engineering pets

Posted: September 30th, 2013, 4:42 pm
by Venun
I can get you a Gooey, not sure if the value is up with the engi pet, on my server at least it's not, but can work out another trade if you'd prefer :p

Add me if you want, Venun#2613

Re: [EU] LF 5.4 pets - Offering the new Engineering pets

Posted: October 1st, 2013, 11:55 am
by Shaixne
Hey there :)
I will be more than happy to reserve one for you. Just let me know which one of them you want before I make the next batch of pets so that I craft you the right one!
If you can get a hold of a Jadefire spirit to go along with the Gooey until then, that would be amazing, but if you can't then I'm sure we can still work something out. :D Hope to hear from you!

Update: Thank you guys for your interest and replies - I've updated the first post with additional information and please don't hesitate to contact me should you have any questions or concerns. Thank you!

Re: [EU] LF 5.4 pets - Offering the new Engineering pets

Posted: October 2nd, 2013, 6:16 am
by Venun
I'll have a look, might be possible! :)
And for the pet, it'd be Pierre =)

edit: those are to pricy for me, and would be one i'm after myself too (jadefire spirit).
At this price I think I'll pass on the pet, my own engi pet should be ready in about a week, max 2 :) but ty.

Re: [EU] LF 5.4 pets - Offering the new Engineering pets

Posted: October 3rd, 2013, 5:37 pm
by Shaixne
Not a problem Venun! :D

And Dopamine, I replied to your PM regarding your Pierre's arrival - hoping it came through!
Thank you guys. :)

Re: [EU] LF 5.4 pets - Offering the new Engineering pets

Posted: October 4th, 2013, 4:05 am
by Dopamine
Thanks Shaixne, I don't mind waiting:)

Re: [EU] LF 5.4 pets - Offering the new Engineering pets

Posted: October 4th, 2013, 4:41 pm
by Shaixne
Thank you Steffied for a smooth and fast trade! :)
(Used my own Rascal bot for this trade so will simply craft a new one once the cd is ready on the 18th.)

If you change your mind Dopamine and would like an advance trade as well, just poke me in game, np. :D

Thank you guys! <3

Re: [EU] LF 5.4 pets - Offering the new Engineering pets

Posted: October 5th, 2013, 8:26 am
by Shaixne
Thank you Dopamine for a fast and smooth trade. It's much appreciated! <3

Re: [EU] LF 5.4 pets - Offering the new Engineering pets

Posted: October 5th, 2013, 8:29 am
by Dopamine
Thank you smooth trade and a shiny Pierre (no grease stains on it at all)!

Re: [EU] LF Jadefire, Kovok and Blackfuse - Have Engi pets

Posted: October 14th, 2013, 7:47 am
by Shaixne
Updated the main topic slightly - Thank you everyone for the trades thus far! <3

Re: [EU] LF Jadefire, Kovok and Blackfuse - Have Engi pets

Posted: October 14th, 2013, 9:13 am
by Angerfisty
Hej! I got A jadefire And willing to trade it for rascal:)

Re: [EU] LF Jadefire, Kovok and Blackfuse - Have Engi pets

Posted: October 15th, 2013, 7:39 am
by Callena
Looking for the following Island pet:

- Jadefire Spirit
I have a spare Jadefire Spirit - took me ages to get one then got a 2nd the next kill! Would love to trade for either of the engi pets - got a friend making me the other one :)

Let me know if interested!

Re: [EU] LF Jadefire, Kovok and Blackfuse - Have Engi pets

Posted: October 15th, 2013, 12:04 pm
by Shaixne
Hello Steffied and Callena!

Firstly I have to apologize for not being all too clear regarding the Jadefire Spirit. Currently, I can buy one for about 10k gold, however the value for the Engineering pets is a lot higher (between 25-30k per pet). As such, I can buy the Jadefire should I get desperate enough.

That said, I would love to be able to give the coming batch of engineering pets a good home. Gold is nice and all but I prefer to see fellow pet collectors get these pets over selling them on the AH etc. So if you can combine a Jadefire with f.ex. another Timeless Island pet I would be more than happy to reserve an engineering pet for you, as the trade would then be equal in worth so to speak.

Once again, my apologies for not having been too clear on this, but I hope you both understand where I'm coming from. After all, each engi pet takes 15 cd's/days and 15 living steel to make, so it can get a little tedious.

Thank you for your time and for your understanding, and I hope to talk to you both soon. <3

Re: [EU] LF Jadefire, Kovok and Blackfuse - Have Engi pets

Posted: October 16th, 2013, 1:02 pm
by Callena
No worries at all Shaixne :)

The only other timeless pet I have a duplicate of is the one from the nests - the Azure crane chick. I have a P/P and P/S one (I have no preference which I keep if you wanted one of those).

I did have a second dandelion frolicker but gave it to a friend who hadn't had any luck in getting it!

If the crane chick would be of interest in addition to the jadefire just let me know otherwise I'll post again if I get another dupe :)

Re: [EU] LF Jadefire, Kovok and Blackfuse - Have Engi pets

Posted: October 16th, 2013, 5:35 pm
by Shaixne
The batch will not be ready until the 29th so should you be lucky and find another dupe apart from the Crane chick I'd be most grateful - this is primarily as the chick, Jademist Dancer and Ominous Flame are relatively easy to obtain compared to the rest of the TI pets.

Thank you for your time and patience! :)

Re: [EU] LF Jadefire, Kovok and Blackfuse - Have Engi pets

Posted: October 16th, 2013, 6:05 pm
by Jenkr77
Looking to trade rascal bot lvl 11 for droplet of yshaarj.

Re: [EU] LF Jadefire, Kovok and Blackfuse - Have Engi pets

Posted: October 17th, 2013, 6:34 am
by Callena
Shaixne wrote:this is primarily as the chick, Jademist Dancer and Ominous Flame are relatively easy to obtain compared to the rest of the TI pets
Do you know how many flames I have killed???? I've been killing them daily for the daily 20 elites quest (most days more than double the needed number, some days 20 times as many! Infact yesterday I got my 50 stones from those mobs only), and still NO DROP!!!

Will update as soon as I have another since I have some time to play with anyway :)