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EU - Ethereal Soul-Trader

Posted: October 19th, 2013, 7:09 am
by Keybash
Hello Fellow Pet-Traders!

As the Subject says, I'm looking for a Soul-Trade

I wanna point a little out of what i have to trade for it, but else add me on "jinte#1542" And let's have a talk.

Up for trade:

Blackfuse Bombling(Breed: #4 P/P)
Droplet of Y'Shaarj (Breed: #8 P/S)
Gooey Sha-Ling(Breed: #4 P/P)
Some different Timeless pets.

Hope to hear from someone out there!

P.s - It's my first post, but id think i've kept all rules/guidelines :)

Re: EU - Ethereal Soul-Trader

Posted: October 19th, 2013, 2:35 pm
by Keybash
Might be able to "Sweet'n" up the deal with a Banelin Code :)