Arena Pass 2013 (EU)

Find people willing to do 50 Arena games with you just for the pet!
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Re: Arena Pass 2013 (EU)

Post by Rynidor » June 21st, 2013, 11:42 am

Howdy. My battletag is Kristian#2627.

I don't normally engage in PvP, so expect a poor show of skillz if you want me in your team; I just want that pet. :3 As sixth form has finished for me, I have an extremely flexible schedule, especially on the weekends. I'm usually online from 7pm, UK time.

I now have a team.
Last edited by Rynidor on July 14th, 2013, 11:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Arena Pass 2013 (EU)

Post by Zarkis » June 21st, 2013, 1:25 pm

Interested too, just for the pet :)
evening weekdays and week end

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Re: Arena Pass 2013 (EU)

Post by Maor » June 21st, 2013, 3:33 pm

Hello! Much like everyone else here, I'm looking to do 50 battles for the pet. ^^

My Battletag is Arkynos#2125, and I can be on to do the matches basically whenever you want.

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Re: Arena Pass 2013 (EU)

Post by Annieb » June 22nd, 2013, 10:04 am

Slaanesi wrote:Hey,
I'm an EU player, too.

I just want the 50 battles for the pet and I'm maybe the worst pvp player ever ^^

I <3 you!!! I frustrate the stuffings out of my PvP mad Viking husband. I just want the pretty murkimus. GRGLRGLRRRR I solemnly promise to run around in circles and scream like a little girl. Fair warning.
Will update with info later.

Best regards, annie-what-does-this-button-do-again?

Edited to add: Battletag ID Anisette#2200

OK, I'm registered and paid up and all that... The arena server will open the 25th then for the next 4 weeks it's 'practice' battles, then the rated ones (for the pet)... or? I'm HOPELESSLY confused and just a weensy bit frustrated. :(


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Re: Arena Pass 2013 (EU)

Post by Sheals » June 22nd, 2013, 4:50 pm

Well, anyone up for losing 50 battles with me?

Play on the EU servers mostly from 18:00 pm game time till i feel like going to bed :)
I am really really really bad at pvp.

Please let me know :)

Removed my battletag, after posting it i somehow got compromised through the mobile auction house.
These can be completely unrelated but still... removed it just in case.

If you would like to play with me on arena tournament and lose 50 games with me then please just send me a message here.
Thanks in advance :)

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Re: Arena Pass 2013 (EU)

Post by Jin » June 23rd, 2013, 12:35 pm

If there is a team that needs another player I'd love to join.

Can play pretty much any time, and prefer just losing 50 battles together with other non-pvpfreaks. :D

My battletag is porcupine#2796 or reply here.

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Re: Arena Pass 2013 (EU)

Post by Elmarc » June 23rd, 2013, 1:06 pm

Annieb wrote:
OK, I'm registered and paid up and all that... The arena server will open the 25th then for the next 4 weeks it's 'practice' battles, then the rated ones (for the pet)... or? I'm HOPELESSLY confused and just a weensy bit frustrated. :(

If i understood well from the payment pages you buy a pass for 6 weeks (4 week practice, 2 week rated, like you stated) and after a talk with a gm he told me the rated matches is what we are aiming for to get the pet. If I'm wrong please let someone correct it. But i believe the latter matches (rated) is where we should be playing 50 for the pet (and not switch teams etc as in the OP was posted)

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Re: Arena Pass 2013 (EU)

Post by Lolcarepie » June 23rd, 2013, 10:15 pm

Me and a friend are looking for a 3rd companion in order to get us a new pet. We can play mostly any days given, preferred weekends. Elemental shaman + frost mage. Battle tag : Rojs#2269.
Last edited by Lolcarepie on June 24th, 2013, 4:37 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Arena Pass 2013 (EU)

Post by Index » June 24th, 2013, 3:23 am

I'm signed up now, bring on the merciless slaughter and me squealing like a little girl as some hordie has their wicked way!!

That said, I'm sure the hordies will be in the same boat, trying to get this pet, so I think this could actually be fun to be part of :P

Let the hopeless PVP commence!

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Re: Arena Pass 2013 (EU)

Post by Djarnis » June 25th, 2013, 1:38 pm

I'm in it for the 50-matches-to-the-pet as well. I have a little experience in PVP, and can play most classes in a PVE like capacity (heal/dps). I don't mind loosing all 50 matches, but I'm up for at least trying to win a few.

My battle tag is

Add me if you are interested :-)

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Re: Arena Pass 2013 (EU)

Post by Stormrow » June 26th, 2013, 6:58 am

me me me me me :D
i have paid, i know nothing about pvp but have to have the pet:)

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Re: Arena Pass 2013 (EU)

Post by Marikari » June 26th, 2013, 8:00 am

Oh wows I'm so up for this! I've wanted wanted to try arena for ages and this way, the pressure to perform is off, and I get a sweet little murloc at the end! Anyone got room in their team for me? Or want to join me? Not decided which role I will be yet, likely the one with the least buttons to press!

Last edited by Marikari on June 26th, 2013, 8:32 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Arena Pass 2013 (EU)

Post by Index » June 26th, 2013, 8:13 am

Looks like I'm on my own too, Elmarc is having technical issues, and Ekzim is silent.

Cannon Fodder, LF PVP!!! Hook me up on snoopy#2287 for Target practice and bad jokes! Look forward to new people (unless Elmarc gets his troubles sorted!)
Last edited by Index on July 1st, 2013, 4:49 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Arena Pass 2013 (EU)

Post by Tendo » June 26th, 2013, 8:40 am

Looking for people for this pet, im on Horde side.

Battle tag Tendo85#2362

I also have a team speak server we can use.

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Re: Arena Pass 2013 (EU)

Post by Arji » June 26th, 2013, 8:53 am

Done it before so will not be up for it this time unless some of my Guildies need to be motivated to do it.

Wish you all so much of fun in this!

Doesn't matter what side you are. You can create ANY char you want. You get money, you get vendors for all your hearts desire (except professions).**
And you will meet other pet players in the arena sooner or later and might even end up winning once in a while.
But all in all : It's soooooooooo much fun - you have no clue, you're in a boat with others who have no clue .. and laughing in Voice chat while trying to hit something :lol:

Just remember to fight and not flee and not just sit there 8-)

**(We had no clue. So we searched the armory for a high ranked pvp team, that would be made of our classes and then bought their equip and enchants on the Tournament Server ^_^)
°° Swiss (-German) °° @Home on Lothar (EU) Horde [German] and
Silvermoon (EU) Alliance [English] (EU warcraftpets Guild)

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Re: Arena Pass 2013 (EU)

Post by Marikari » June 26th, 2013, 10:52 am

thats me on, got a WW monk geared/gemmed/chanted/reforged etc. no idea how to play one, this will be fun since there are no training dummies to practice on lol


EDIT - oh - horde :P

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Re: Arena Pass 2013 (EU)

Post by Elmarc » June 26th, 2013, 1:36 pm

As Index mentioned above I'm having trouble getting signing up for the pass. After hours of messages typing / reading through (not very usefull) links provided by customer support I am still not able to get through. So, today after another multiple tries and several responses from blizz reps. I gave up! ...
Thank you blizzard, for keeping my money for myself! Also, thanks alot for not having the Murkimus pet! Thanks for the many (auto?) responses.

Good luck to all who are signed and ready to slay some people (or just stand around looking pretty) to get Murkimus :) Maybe next year i try again (but i doubt i wanna go through so much hassle again). Also good luck Index on getting a team. Keep me posted on how things are going.

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Re: Arena Pass 2013 (EU)

Post by Lefty619 » June 26th, 2013, 4:12 pm

hey , i'd love to join a team if any one has room,

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Re: Arena Pass 2013 (EU)

Post by Gabrizar » June 26th, 2013, 5:08 pm

*Found our 3th team mate to team mewmew. I am sorry to the person I had to reject, was out long tonight training. Not pvp thank the Gods ;) *

*Sorry to All I had to reject, I thought it was enought to make a edit and put it on the top of the post. I do hope all of you that have tried to add me have found other teams or created some with likeminded inhere. I should had putted a strike over it all. Sorry about it, and feel bad about have had to say no.*

My friend and I would like a 3. person for team Mewmew, where we will die a lot, or at least 50 times we think. We might stand and /dance or blow kisses or giggle or scream like little girls.

We are doing it for the pet, only the pet and are totally non pvpers, nor do we like pvp, and would like the slaughter to end as fast and easy as possible.

We will be on skype doing the fun, and will most likely be having a very good laugh about it all. Our 3th is welcome to join or not, totally up to him or her.
I guess we are mostly on during the night to .. late I guess. Could be awsome gettimng it done in one go or 2 nights.

As I understand it, it is the RATED battle, and wont count before then, so first really start up in think 4 weeks. Why use practice games when we dont care to win. If we do, great, more fun .. I mean to loose to us, if we loose, we get a laugh too.

I'm thinking, joining the team, keeping in touch with the battlenet acc, and when the start go in 4 weeks, go in and earn our lovely pets.

My battletag is : Gabrizar#2600

Oh yeah, we play evil hordies.
Last edited by Gabrizar on July 16th, 2013, 8:06 am, edited 2 times in total.
