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Flexible team looking for a 3'rd

Posted: July 8th, 2013, 9:39 am
by Alisonder
Hi there folks!
The two of us are currently looking for a laid back 3'rd who is willing to commit to the 50+ rated battles required for Murkimus the Gladiator.
We're not concerned about the title and are in it to have fun and get our little murloc! We are both paid up and waiting for you~!
So far we are thinking alliance and have a prot pally / holy priest, but we're cool for which ever faction.
I'd like to make this a weekly thing, pop out 20 or so fights and repeat. We are both very flexible and open to whatever your preferred time of the week might be. Vent is an option as well, if needed :)
The only requests are we stick it through to the end by getting our ~50 battles and that you come into this with a relaxed PVP attitude. If we're going for a pet, not a title, no reason to panic if we take a few losses right? :lol:
Feel free to add me on bnet or shoot me a PM here.
Looking forward to hearing from you!

Re: Flexible team looking for a 3'rd

Posted: July 8th, 2013, 11:08 am
by Alisonder
Full up~ and looking great! :) thanks guys!