PTR menagerie experience nerfed

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Re: PTR menagerie experience nerfed

Post by Axarien » January 24th, 2015, 8:34 pm

I'm pretty bummed to hear that pet leveling exp in the menagerie may be nerfed. I have very limited time to play WoW, and grinding through pet leveling in tedious, repetitive battles once again is not my idea of a good time.

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Re: PTR menagerie experience nerfed

Post by Iibis » January 25th, 2015, 4:18 am

I canceled my subscription the day before I heard about 6.1 PTR changes / new things (including archaeology reset fix, omg). I got the message "your game time will expire in 30 minutes, went to cancel the subscription but it had already refreshed so now I have a couple of weeks left . Not sure whether I should now level as many pets as I can if the xp really gets nerfed. :O

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Re: PTR menagerie experience nerfed

Post by Buruan » January 26th, 2015, 9:56 am

Tekulve2012 wrote:Too bad Blizzard didn't spin this into something fun and positive... If the pet leveling boon shows up twice a month why not create a <Jahan, Samm, Archimedes> event?!

Can you imagine if they created a special instance or zone like a DM Faire for pet leveling...theres room for a lot of innovation here...Im sure many of you have run into the same folks when doing pandarian tamer dailies ...I know i wave and fly off ...there could be more...a sort of group pet leveling party for pet lovers

For more variety, throw in novelty - some here have proposed a pet pvp arena... I know this is not for everyone but I find pet PvP is very busy nowadays so maybe its popularity is on the rise....

Just food for thought...instead of shutting down something that people want and like, they should enhance and promote it IMHO
Loads of good ideas here, I am hoping that a tiered experience can be introduced. Similar to LFR/Heroic/Mythic
For newbies to unlock the menagerie make the encounters easy and the rewards low, and let us pick higher level "Legendary" encounters for larger rewards higher challenges.

One thing I really would love would be an "Endless Wave" encounter. Pick 20 pets of your chosing, and let them have at a gauntlet style event, how may waves can they survive. You can swap in any pet at any time, but once your 20 are cooked, thats it.

A PvP ladder would be great or a PvP Tournament with brackets.
So many options beyond whats currently there to make entry into pet battling easy and keep end game interesting for others.

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Re: PTR menagerie experience nerfed

Post by Arshadi » January 26th, 2015, 3:26 pm

Skavenged wrote:Honestly, I'm glad they're going to nerf the menagerie. I'm probably in the minority here, and this may seem a little selfish, but I don't like the idea of being able to level forty or fifty pets in a day. I spent months flying around pandaria, doing bag dailies, hitting old world tamers, and power leveling on wild pets. The thought that I could have just waited and done it all in just a few weeks just rubs me the wrong way. A nice pet collection should feel like a big accomplishment, not something that is given out like candy
I leveled pets 'old-school', too. And farmed some of them when there was no other way to get them (Hyacinth Macaw, anyone?). I've worked very hard on my collection. doesn't bother me at ALL that people can power-level pets in the menagerie. It's not like very many people really will take the time and trouble to level "forty or fifty pets in a day". And if they do, so what?

It's a small subset of players who care about collecting the 'right' pets in the 'right' breeds, and leveling them. I just don't see the harm in an occasional day when the menagerie offers power-leveling. It's not like fying in circles around Pandaria made me special ;)

I love my collection for what it is, and the experiences I had getting to this place. Power-leveling isn't going to take that away from me, and there's a whole new set of pets coming up in the next patch anyway.

I'm going to be pretty disappointed if Blizzard actually nerfs the menagerie experience. Make those days more rare or something, but good lord, there's no reason at all to remove them. It doesn't imbalance the pet battle/collector world, but losing it means losing a little treat for those of us who enjoyed it.

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Re: PTR menagerie experience nerfed

Post by Chicca » January 29th, 2015, 12:01 pm

Morlis wrote:
Chicca wrote:Saddly, I can confirm that the xp received from Menagerie daily over the pet lvled is nerfed in live normal server. I just noticed this after tested in 3 chars today.
Chicca what did you fight? If you are on a EU server then it would likely be the Beakinator since, if my memory serves, is one day behind US rotation.

If that is the case exp has not been nerfed yet, it's always been reduced. You get a bonus for facing 3 opponents plus the normal exp for each one of the pets you defeat. One opponent means just exp for that one kill and no bonus.
Hi Morlis, sorry the delay in answered your observation, and you are right. I forgot completely that the xp received is proprocional to the number of oponents you defeat in a battle pet. So atm, we are receiving the normal xp.

I read the ptr 6.1 notes and there is no reference of any nerf in the xp given. For the daily mechanic we have atm seems the quest and battle will be more easy. They will add more new pets in old raid content and a new achiev.

Anyway, better continue to work around in the leveling as much we can as prevention and search for the pets we are missed yet, several are hard to get as the cooking one :roll:

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Re: PTR menagerie experience nerfed

Post by Jerebear » January 29th, 2015, 7:40 pm

Chicca wrote: Hi Morlis, sorry the delay in answered your observation, and you are right. I forgot completely that the xp received is proprocional to the number of oponents you defeat in a battle pet. So atm, we are receiving the normal xp.
Also note that lack of a "tamer" (the post or squirt for menagerie battles) reduces EXP by an even larger factor.
Carry Pet Experience Reference Guide:

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Re: PTR menagerie experience nerfed

Post by Valianya » January 30th, 2015, 3:37 am

Since they nerfed XP from the Menagerie dailies, did they also nerf the other daily pet battles' XP? Has anyone on PTR checked?

Are the WoD daily trainer battles still giving the same XP as on live servers?

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Re: PTR menagerie experience nerfed

Post by Kpb321 » January 30th, 2015, 11:17 am

Valianya wrote:Since they nerfed XP from the Menagerie dailies, did they also nerf the other daily pet battles' XP? Has anyone on PTR checked?

Are the WoD daily trainer battles still giving the same XP as on live servers?
I'm sure they still give the same exp as they can only be done once a day and can't be done repeatedly like the Menagerie fights.

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Re: PTR menagerie experience nerfed

Post by Sile9 » January 30th, 2015, 10:48 pm

I would imagine the awarded exp elsewhere to be no different. In the case of Menagerie battles the severe reduction in reward is meant to reflect the drop in difficulty as the legendary pets become rares.

I can see the reasoning behind their decision; the Menagerie is pretty much the first real point in the game where pet battles intersects with the standard gameplay as an opportunity to draw players in. Sure, there was the starter quest just hanging around at a specific NPC in the cities, but no real hook to it - just "wanna play?" On the other hand, upon upgrading to tier 3 garrison you'd see that you have a whole new building you can unlock with interesting features, the completionist in you would drive you to at least check it out, and accepting the quest would drop an ugly carrot in the middle of your herb garden that you wanted to punch in the face. However, the amount of investment required just to beat Carrotus Maximus would likely be a major turn off for someone testing the waters with their first team of 25s as they barely get anything through Ironbark.

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Re: PTR menagerie experience nerfed

Post by Gilneas » January 31st, 2015, 2:07 am

Niaabi wrote:I'm currently leveling my pets using the Icespine Hatchlings (using 2 lvl 25's and 1 low level against them) - does anyone think this way will be nerfed in 6.1?
I don't see any reason why. If they are intentionally changing the menagerie's XP, I would assume its to get you out into the world to do pet leveling. Granted, the Icespine's aren't very far out in the world but still is outside your garrison involving seeing others and a little travel time. I can't see why they would have any problem with doing it off wild battles as you are.
