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PTR menagerie experience nerfed
Posted: January 21st, 2015, 12:07 pm
by Ryna
Sorry if this is the wrong place to put this.
I was checking out Erris the Collector, who was nice enough to gift me with a bone serpent. Sloppus/Mr.Terrible/Carroteye were up today I battled them for a couple of easy levels, or so I thought. With safari hat, it got 70 exp at level 1, and without 80 exp at level 2. I assume this is intended and not a bug.
Picture links:
Edited for links and grammar.
Re: PTR menagerie experience nerfed
Posted: January 21st, 2015, 3:47 pm
by Morlis
This is sad news if it comes to fruition. Future pets will have to go back to the slow grinding.
Ultimate Battle-Training Stone seems to be a bit of a let down as well, 1 per character after completing a one time quest.
I have leveled probably 80ish pets using the various menagerie dailies.
I am at:
677 unique and rare pets
638 are level 25
12 are non-combat
27 pets that are not level 25 yet
So I think I'll hammer those 27 out in the next week or so.
Re: PTR menagerie experience nerfed
Posted: January 21st, 2015, 3:55 pm
by Stormseeker
I can't say for certain since i wasn't watching xp gains but i know when i did the daily twice on lunch break my carry pet leveled up twice. I'll look here in a minute to see what level i got it to but it seems like it MIGHT not have been nerfed. Will report back once i check on his level and try battles again once i get off work.
Ok got my carp to lvl 16 today. He was at lvl 5 when i used him at menagerie. I'm 90% certain I didn't level him at all yesterday so that's 11 levels off 2 battles so while i don't have exact numbers that sounds about right. Once again if someone doesn't beat me to it I'll check exactly how much i get on a lvl 1 once i get back home in an hour-ish.
Re: PTR menagerie experience nerfed
Posted: January 21st, 2015, 4:45 pm
by Ryna
Storm- Did you do that on PTR or live realms?
I copied another character to make sure the first one wasn't bugged somehow and got the same result.
Re: PTR menagerie experience nerfed
Posted: January 21st, 2015, 4:54 pm
by Stormseeker
It was on live. Ah read what you posted and it seems like you're on ptr so we'll have have to see what happens... sorry for confusion. I need to learn to read apparently. /sigh
Re: PTR menagerie experience nerfed
Posted: January 21st, 2015, 6:45 pm
by Kpb321
Not too surprised. I figured they'd either nurf the exp or make it like other high exp battles in that you can only do it once per day.
Re: PTR menagerie experience nerfed
Posted: January 21st, 2015, 6:46 pm
by Darolyn
Do we have any idea when the patch will go live? Because I want to level as many of my pets as possible before then, just in case.
Re: PTR menagerie experience nerfed
Posted: January 21st, 2015, 7:50 pm
by Melfice
I use the Pet master trainers for my power leveling. I get the two food buffs, and hat for 85% exp, and I can level up 3+ pets a day. I have never used the pet menagerie, and I don't understand what people mean by "slow grinding" lol
How many pets are you leveling up in a day?!?! Leveling pets is a joke these days.
Re: PTR menagerie experience nerfed
Posted: January 21st, 2015, 11:29 pm
by Jerebear
That looks more like a bug than a nerf. 77 exp is way below that of a wild pet battle (495 vs a level 25 wild minimum).
Re: PTR menagerie experience nerfed
Posted: January 22nd, 2015, 2:35 am
by Melfice
Tyrelius wrote:I leveled 12 yesterday using Brutus and Rukus as boar steak...was using Lil'Bling and Menagerie Custodian. Leveled about 10 the day Manos, Fatos and Hanos were up. Still need about 370 so I will be leveling like crazy before that patch drops.
Wow 12 pets?! That's hardcore indeed
Re: PTR menagerie experience nerfed
Posted: January 22nd, 2015, 4:15 am
by Robotusch
The last time the bird trio was up, I levelled 49 pets from lvl 3-6 to 25.
Re: PTR menagerie experience nerfed
Posted: January 22nd, 2015, 8:50 am
by Skavenged
I don't see how you guys have that kind of time for pet leveling. Between my raid team twice per week, daily dungeon, three LFRs, garrison harvesting, gathering mats for garrison buildings, daily apexis run, one menagerie daily, daily fishing quest, weekly invasion, and helping guildies do garrison invasions I'm doing good if I get to make a run of the pandaria tamers for one or two pets.
Re: PTR menagerie experience nerfed
Posted: January 22nd, 2015, 9:12 am
by Rendigar
It's all about priorities (plus my guild hasn't raided since SoO came out), but after burning 2 hours doing 10 garrisons (7 for lvl 100's, including 6 doing the Menagerie daily), it's hard to have much energy for everything else so I often end up only doing 1 thing or another on any given day on my main. On the fast days you can run 30+ pet battles in an hour (at high XP gain) so in a couple hours you can max a lot of pets, depending on where they started. My levelling queue right now has about 30 pets in it. On Tuesday they were mostly level 1, they are now all 16-24, and that's after spending most of 2+ hours visiting all the WoD tamers to test strats last night. I'll probably max out another 100 pets by Monday night, if I'm not distracted by some other shiny thing or other (it's amazing to have 450+ maxed pets and STILL not have the right ones to test some strats I come across).
Re: PTR menagerie experience nerfed
Posted: January 22nd, 2015, 11:46 am
by Melfice
Wow amazing how many pets you guys are leveling up haha. I'm happy when I get 4 to 5 pets to lv 25 in a day. My game time is limited, so I don't play as much as I would like too.
Re: PTR menagerie experience nerfed
Posted: January 22nd, 2015, 6:44 pm
by Melmo
Sounds like I need to do some leveling and quickly!! >_>
Re: PTR menagerie experience nerfed
Posted: January 22nd, 2015, 7:23 pm
by Khorah
Melmo wrote:Sounds like I need to do some leveling and quickly!! >_>

Re: PTR menagerie experience nerfed
Posted: January 23rd, 2015, 8:03 am
by Pigpen
Sunday and Monday are good days for grinding out some pets. Grubbles, Stings, and Scrags are easily farmable for massive amounts of XP with the right set up (I use the Xu-Fu and Chrominius strat), and can get about 30 pets done in a day from 1-25 (more if I can deal with the repetitiveness. This one is my personal favorite, since you can do it with any level carry pet, and this is the one on Sunday. Monday has the infamous bird trio that is easily farmable with a few sets of pet (I use Nexus Whelpling and Chrominius), and easily can get the same amount of pets done in a day. Just remember that using this one, you typically have to have a pet who can absorb a hit of about 150ish (I forget the exact number atm), and a lot of times it crits; best to go in with a level 3 or higher pet.
So, as long as you have the time, and the pets to carry, you have a couple days to get some grinding in.
Re: PTR menagerie experience nerfed
Posted: January 23rd, 2015, 8:55 am
by Niaabi
I'm currently leveling my pets using the Icespine Hatchlings (using 2 lvl 25's and 1 low level against them) - does anyone think this way will be nerfed in 6.1?