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Bonus Events and pet treat question

Posted: May 15th, 2015, 9:36 am
by Mastr
With 6.2 Bonus Events will be added. Obviously the only one of interest is the 300% experience boost to pet battles.

Does anyone know if the pet treat bonuses will be on top of the 300% or figured independent of the boost?
If they are on top of the boost it makes sense to wait and use them then, if not we can use them anytime.

Re: Bonus Events and pet treat question

Posted: May 15th, 2015, 3:33 pm
by Topaz
on the PTR it shows 200% EXP (its on right now)
from a lvl 25 uncommon and 2 poors I got 2175 EXP with no treats and no hat (lvl 1 pet)
from a lvl 25 uncommon and 2 poors I got 2248 EXP with hat on and no treats (lvl 1 pet)
from a lvl 25 rare and 2 poors I got 2791 EXP with hat and both treats (lvl 1 pet)

Re: Bonus Events and pet treat question

Posted: May 15th, 2015, 4:37 pm
by Jerebear
As a note, the rare/uncommon/poor part won't make a difference in the EXP. EXP is purely based on:

1. Your pet level
2. The enemy pet level
3. Presence of a tamer bonus
4. Presence of EXP buffs.
5. Number of pets

The current mechanic on PTR as of today is additive buffing of EXP gains for the bonus event.

With Safari hat and no bonus weekend: 1.10x EXP
With Safari hat and bonus weekend: 3.10x EXP
With Safari hat, both buffs, and bonus weekend: 3.85x EXP
If extremely lucky:
Safari Hat, both pet treat buffs, bonus weekend AND Darkmoon Faire Tophat: 3.95%

Re: Bonus Events and pet treat question

Posted: May 15th, 2015, 10:15 pm
by Mastr
Thanks, looks like I might get around to leveling all of my pets now that 3X experience will be possible.
Still quite the timesink.

Re: Bonus Events and pet treat question

Posted: May 18th, 2015, 8:19 pm
by Flohsakk
@Jerebear (@Iibis)

With the new bonus weekends I updated my WeakAura Pet Bonus XP frame. Now all 5 stacking buffs are in there (you suggested the Darkmoon Top Hat a while ago, now it's included).

Example video with Tanaan's Skrillix (Links to WA strings are in the video description)

Re: Bonus Events and pet treat question

Posted: May 19th, 2015, 6:58 am
by Jerebear
Awesome! thanks a bunch!