Rematch 4.0

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Re: Rematch 4.0

Post by Gello » November 20th, 2015, 5:08 pm

Iibis wrote:I just noticed a small "inconsistency" or maybe it's just that I'd like them to be exactly the other way around... ;)

If I type something to the search box and then noticed that I have some filters on that are preventing me seeing the correct result, when I clear the filters with the x it also clears the search box (which I rather it did not). If I have something typed to the search box and then apply a filter from the favorite filters, it does not clear the search box. I don't really mind this that much, since the search box can be cleared with its own x, but the first part is something I repeatedly do ("damnit").

I think it's just because I don't categorize search as a filter so I always forget that it's sometimes treated that way?

I don't know how others feel about this?
There are actually a few "clear" buttons involved with filters:


The one in the search box clears just search.
The one in the typebar clears the current typebar tab (or all tabs if current one currently clear).
Then the one beside the number of pets and involved filters to basically reset everything and display all pets.

I could very easily add an option to exclude Search as a filter cleared by that button. You're right, search is not technically a filter (as seen when saving a favorite filter), just as sort isn't. And sort defaults to not being in the filters when cleared.

In a consistent world, sort and search would both be exempt from that clear button with both having an option to be included in a reset (as sort does now).

To me it feels right to have that button wipe everything, but I'm willing to go with what others feel is best too.

edit: after playing around with this a bit, I'll likely make "Reset Search With Filters" to mirror exactly the behavior of "Reset Sort With Filters". So hitting that reset won't reset search unless this option is checked. It makes the most sense for consistency in both the sort and search not being a part of the actual filter; and having two options do the same thing instead of one doing the opposite of the other. This option will be in a new option header "Pet Filters".
edit2: though there is a problem in that the "results bar" that lists how many pets were found in the search+filters would not show. This isn't a problem for sorts since sorts never remove pets being listed. So I may change my mind. :p
Last edited by Gello on November 20th, 2015, 9:32 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Rematch 4.0

Post by Gello » November 20th, 2015, 5:10 pm

Delis wrote:I have "Auto Load" set in the options and have noticed a little quirk. If I am in combat when I targeting the opponent the team does not load. I understand that it cannot load since I am in combat. However once I exit from combat and then re-target the opponent the team does not load since it thinks it has already loaded, but it did not. Is there a way you could not register the targeting of the opponent if you are in combat?

Thanks for reporting it! If it's due to what I believe is happening, the fix should be very easy.

edit: Actually, I'm unable to duplicate this. I have a strong suspicion what would be causing it and will add a small fix to see if it works.

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Re: Rematch 4.0

Post by FuxieDK » November 27th, 2015, 10:38 am

I updated today, and noticed the sound from team switch didn't pop, when I targetted Quint

I opened Rematch, and this is what I saw.....


No idea, why the images seem to be only half the width, but the important stuff is there....

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Re: Rematch 4.0

Post by Gello » November 27th, 2015, 3:08 pm

If it's not already, can you enable lua errors: esc->interface->help->display lua errors.

That messedup-UI looks like it was aborted due to one.

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Re: Rematch 4.0

Post by Tiusele » November 27th, 2015, 7:08 pm

When I try to open rematch with the latest update I get the following Lua Error code. Looks like the same thing that's happening to FuxieDK.

Code: Select all

Message: Interface\AddOns\Rematch\Frames\Frame.lua:141: attempt to index field 'MiniQueue' (a nil value)
Time: 11/27/15 19:07:44
Count: 1
Stack: [C]: ?
Interface\AddOns\Rematch\Frames\Frame.lua:141: in function `ConfigureFrame'
Interface\AddOns\Rematch\Frames\Frame.lua:47: in function `OnShow'
[string "*:OnShow"]:1: in function <[string "*:OnShow"]:1>
[C]: in function `SetShown'
Interface\AddOns\Rematch\Frames\Frame.lua:39: in function `Toggle'
Interface\AddOns\Rematch\Widgets\MinimapButton.lua:30: in function `oclick'
Interface\AddOns\MBB\MBB.lua:467: in function <Interface\AddOns\MBB\MBB.lua:455>


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Re: Rematch 4.0

Post by Gello » November 27th, 2015, 7:50 pm

That looks like the addon was udpated while logged into the game. Two new files were added to the addon (MiniQueue.xml and MiniQueue.lua) that won't be recognized on a simple /reload.

If you exit the game entirely and then log back in everything should be ok. If that doesn't help let me know.

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Re: Rematch 4.0

Post by FuxieDK » November 28th, 2015, 3:20 am

No idea, why it didn't occur to me, to look in BugSack..
9x Rematch\Frames\Frame.lua:141: attempt to index field 'MiniQueue' (a nil value)
Rematch\Frames\Frame.lua:141: in function `ConfigureFrame'
Rematch\Frames\Frame.lua:47: in function `OnShow'
[string "*:OnShow"]:1: in function <[string "*:OnShow"]:1>
[C]: in function `SetShown'
Rematch\Frames\Frame.lua:39: in function `Toggle'
[string "REMATCH_WINDOW"]:1: in function <[string "REMATCH_WINDOW"]:1>

self = RematchFrame {
PanelTabs = <unnamed> {
ToggleSize = <function> defined @Rematch\Frames\Frame.lua:248
MoveStart = <function> defined @Rematch\Frames\Frame.lua:234
UpdateCorner = <function> defined @Rematch\Frames\Frame.lua:71
Toggle = <function> defined @Rematch\Frames\Frame.lua:37
OnShow = <function> defined @Rematch\Frames\Frame.lua:45
PanelTabOnClick = <function> defined @Rematch\Frames\Frame.lua:270
OnHide = <function> defined @Rematch\Frames\Frame.lua:55
Update = <function> defined @Rematch\Frames\Frame.lua:33
MinimizeOnKeyDown = <function> defined @Rematch\Frames\Frame.lua:260
0 = <userdata>
MoveStop = <function> defined @Rematch\Frames\Frame.lua:241
layouts = <table> {
TitleBar = <unnamed> {
LockButtonOnClick = <function> defined @Rematch\Frames\Frame.lua:255
SelectPanel = <function> defined @Rematch\Frames\Frame.lua:229
ConfigureFrame = <function> defined @Rematch\Frames\Frame.lua:86
narrow = <table> {
CheckIfHidingForBattle = <function> defined @Rematch\Frames\Frame.lua:64
rematch = Rematch {
0 = <userdata>
ListScrollToIndex = <function> defined @Rematch\Utils.lua:353
HideMenu = <function> defined @Rematch\Menus\Menu.lua:281
ListScrollToTop = <function> defined @Rematch\Utils.lua:343
LoadoutPanel = RematchLoadoutPanel {
PET_BATTLE_QUEUE_STATUS = <function> defined @Rematch\Main.lua:330
GetPetName = <function> defined @Rematch\Utils.lua:133
PreferencesOnTabPressed = <function> defined @Rematch\Dialogs\Preferences.lua:220
PauseQueue = <function> defined @Rematch\Process\QueueProcess.lua:313
breedNames = <table> {
PetListButtonOnEnter = <function> defined @Rematch\Widgets\PetListButtons.lua:271
GetPetIcon = <function> defined @Rematch\Utils.lua:120
GatherBreedNames = <function> defined @Rematch\Utils.lua:61
StopTimer = <function> defined @Rematch\Main.lua:450
TopToggleButtonOnMouseUp = <function> defined @Rematch\Utils.lua:431
IsPetLeveling = <function> defined @Rematch\Process\QueueProcess.lua:31
UpdatePreferencesDialog = <function> defined @Rematch\Dialogs\Preferences.lua:170
PET_JOURNAL_LIST_UPDATE = <function> defined @Rematch\Main.lua:214
UPDATE_MOUSEOVER_UNIT = <function> defined @Rematch\Main.lua:184
PetListButtonOnDoubleClick = <function> defined @Rematch\Widgets\PetListButtons.lua:337
CreateNpcMenus = <function> defined @Rematch\Menus\Npcs.lua:321
PushSideline = <function> defined @Rematch\Dialogs\Sideline.lua:140
UpdateShareIncludes = <function> defined @Rematch\Dialogs\Share.lua:255
print = <function> defined @Rematch\Utils.lua:314
ResumeQueue = <function> defined @Rematch\Process\QueueProcess.lua:323
TeamPanel = RematchTeamPanel {
ListBling = <function> defined @Rematch\Utils.lua:367
SetSaveAsTarget = <function> defined @Rematch\Dialogs\Save.lua:117
MenuButtonOnMouseUp = <function> defined @Rematch\Menus\Menu.lua:361
MenuButtonSetEnabled = <function> defined @Rematch\Menus\Menu.lua:95
IsNotableNPC = <function> defined @Rematch\Menus\Npcs.lua:240
ShowAbilityCard = <function> defined @Rematch\Cards\PetCard.lua:520
MaybeSlotNewLevelingPet = <function> defined @Rematch\Process\QueueProcess.lua:296
CheckToOverwriteNotesAndPreferences = <function> defined @Rematch\Dialogs\Save.lua:221
ProcessQueue = <function> defined @Rematch\Process\QueueProcess.lua:62
ShowTeam = <function>
Today, Rematch worked normally, nothing (new) in BugSack...
So it seems like it was the two extra files that caused the mess; most likely because I launched the game too quickly..

Joined:November 9th, 2014
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Re: Rematch 4.0

Post by Buruan » November 30th, 2015, 12:43 pm

Gello, you are the best.
This addon is incredible.

Very very much appreciated.

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Re: Rematch 4.0

Post by Delis » December 1st, 2015, 2:56 am

Gello wrote:
Delis wrote:I have "Auto Load" set in the options and have noticed a little quirk. If I am in combat when I targeting the opponent the team does not load. I understand that it cannot load since I am in combat. However once I exit from combat and then re-target the opponent the team does not load since it thinks it has already loaded, but it did not. Is there a way you could not register the targeting of the opponent if you are in combat?

Thanks for reporting it! If it's due to what I believe is happening, the fix should be very easy.

edit: Actually, I'm unable to duplicate this. I have a strong suspicion what would be causing it and will add a small fix to see if it works.
With the fix you added in 4.1 it seems to have fixed the issue when targeting an opponent while in combat allowing me to re-target after ending combat and have the team load normally. As a side effect of the fix I think it has caused another issue. I have the option Auto Load -> Show On Injured selected. Now when I complete a pet battle and target the opponent again to complete the quest the Auto Load window pops again since the pets are injured from finishing the battle. Before the fix this would not happen until I target the next opponent if the team for that opponent had injured pets. I do not necessary heal pets after each battle since sometimes you can go several battles before needing to heal allowing me to save the pet heal/bandages for when I really need them.

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Re: Rematch 4.0

Post by Gello » December 1st, 2015, 6:40 pm

Delis wrote:With the fix you added in 4.1 it seems to have fixed the issue when targeting an opponent while in combat allowing me to re-target after ending combat and have the team load normally. As a side effect of the fix I think it has caused another issue. I have the option Auto Load -> Show On Injured selected. Now when I complete a pet battle and target the opponent again to complete the quest the Auto Load window pops again since the pets are injured from finishing the battle. Before the fix this would not happen until I target the next opponent if the team for that opponent had injured pets. I do not necessary heal pets after each battle since sometimes you can go several battles before needing to heal allowing me to save the pet heal/bandages for when I really need them.
The update tonight (4.1.2) dials this back a bit. Let me know if any issues still.

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Re: Rematch 4.0

Post by Delis » December 2nd, 2015, 11:44 pm

Gello wrote:
Delis wrote:With the fix you added in 4.1 it seems to have fixed the issue when targeting an opponent while in combat allowing me to re-target after ending combat and have the team load normally. As a side effect of the fix I think it has caused another issue. I have the option Auto Load -> Show On Injured selected. Now when I complete a pet battle and target the opponent again to complete the quest the Auto Load window pops again since the pets are injured from finishing the battle. Before the fix this would not happen until I target the next opponent if the team for that opponent had injured pets. I do not necessary heal pets after each battle since sometimes you can go several battles before needing to heal allowing me to save the pet heal/bandages for when I really need them.
The update tonight (4.1.2) dials this back a bit. Let me know if any issues still.
With the latest update (4.1.2) everything is working great now for this issue.

Thanks for the quick response and fixes.

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Re: Rematch 4.0

Post by Delis » December 2nd, 2015, 11:54 pm

Think I found another little bug for you. Tonight I was filtering pets with the following items:

1. Search Box = "level<19"
2. Filter -> Other -> Not Leveling

When I would right-click a pet in the pet list and select the "Add To Level Queue" option the pet is added to the queue, but is not removed from the pet list. I have to change the search/filter options to make the pet list reflect the changes. Also selecting a pet in the Queue and right-clicking and selecting "Stop Leveling" does not make it appear again in the pet list when using the filtering options above.

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Re: Rematch 4.0

Post by Gello » December 3rd, 2015, 8:13 am

Delis wrote:Think I found another little bug for you. Tonight I was filtering pets with the following items:

1. Search Box = "level<19"
2. Filter -> Other -> Not Leveling

When I would right-click a pet in the pet list and select the "Add To Level Queue" option the pet is added to the queue, but is not removed from the pet list. I have to change the search/filter options to make the pet list reflect the changes. Also selecting a pet in the Queue and right-clicking and selecting "Stop Leveling" does not make it appear again in the pet list when using the filtering options above.
Thanks for pointing it out. A fix is already made for next update. But since it's pretty minor I'll wait until more changes before posting an update.

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Re: Rematch 4.0

Post by Gello » December 16th, 2015, 5:16 pm

The next update is going to have scriptable pet filters, which is going to be pretty fun.

Instead of hard coding each filter into the addon, there will be a new filter category called Script, where you can use, create, edit and delete scripts to run your own filters (or more commonly, filters someone else made and posted for others to use). Only one script can be active at a time, but it will otherwise behave like all other filters: it can be used alongside other non-script filters, can saved in Favorite Filters, shows up in filter results, resets with the rest, etc.

My question to you guys: what are some useful scripts to include pre-made?

So far my list is:
- Unnamed pets (pets that haven't been renamed)
- Named pets (pets that have been renamed)
- Partially leveled (pets that have more than 0 xp in their level)
- Pets with unique abilities not shared by other pets. (like Weebomination's Cleave)
- Pets without any rare versions.

Can you guys think of any others that may want to be included in the default pre-made scripts?

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Re: Rematch 4.0

Post by Aranesh » December 17th, 2015, 7:35 am

Hey Gello! Sounds awesome and I really admire you for working so relentless on the addon :-)

The only thing coming to my mind here - and it's not something I have a clear idea now how to put it into action - would be pets that have an ability other than their own family. For example Beast pets that have mechanical abilities. Or since there are so many of these variations, Beast pets that have at least Mech abilities in 2 different slots.

Or to make it more user friendly you could look at the enemy you are facing and have the addon figure out the best counter. So making up an example, I have an Undead enemy with mostly Flying skills. Meaning the addon should look primarily for Dragonkin that has as many Critter abilities as possible - if that exists.

Something like a "counter-finder". Just a very rough idea really

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Re: Rematch 4.0

Post by Alkaia » December 17th, 2015, 9:19 am


Logged on today and found all my teams, queue, notes had gone.

Any idea a) why and b) is there anyway to get them back ?

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Re: Rematch 4.0

Post by Gello » December 17th, 2015, 2:49 pm

Aranesh wrote:Hey Gello! Sounds awesome and I really admire you for working so relentless on the addon :-)

The only thing coming to my mind here - and it's not something I have a clear idea now how to put it into action - would be pets that have an ability other than their own family. For example Beast pets that have mechanical abilities. Or since there are so many of these variations, Beast pets that have at least Mech abilities in 2 different slots.

Or to make it more user friendly you could look at the enemy you are facing and have the addon figure out the best counter. So making up an example, I have an Undead enemy with mostly Flying skills. Meaning the addon should look primarily for Dragonkin that has as many Critter abilities as possible - if that exists.

Something like a "counter-finder". Just a very rough idea really
I'll tinker with the idea. The Strong and Tough tabs are for finding direct counters (for facing an undead enemy with flying skills). But a "Hybrid Counters" filter could find all pets that have at least two attacks not of their type or something.
Alkaia wrote:Hi

Logged on today and found all my teams, queue, notes had gone.

Any idea a) why and b) is there anyway to get them back ?
I'm sorry you lost your teams! Did the settings/tabs disappear? Other addons' settings/data?

The most common cause for an addon's settings to be wiped is due to a crash or unorthodox exit from the game. Addons can't write their own files and depend on the game to save out its stuff. The game saves addon stuff on a logout or exit. And scarily, part of that write process is to delete whatever was there. So if the game crashes while exiting, it's possible to lose saved addon stuff.

About the only thing you can do if no backup was made is to look in your WTF\Account\%accountname%\SavedVariables folder and see if a Rematch.lua.bak is there. This is a backup automatically made by the game now and then. I recommend making a backup of both Rematch.lua and Rematch.lua.bak (can copy them to desktop or something) and then delete the Rematch.lua and rename Rematch.lua.bak to Rematch.lua. Then log in and see if it returns.

For anyone else reading, it's a good idea to backup your WTF folder now and then to save your addon's stuff.

If you want a low-tech way of baking up teams in Rematch, right-click a tab and Export Teams. It will give you teams in that tab in a text format. Email that text to yourself or paste it to a text file someplace safe in case you ever need to restore them. Exported teams can be imported with the Import Teams menu option.

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Re: Rematch 4.0

Post by Gracin » December 29th, 2015, 10:12 pm

I may be completely overlooking it, but is there a way to macro saved teams. I'm looking to have three teams that are "the same" but with different pets. For example using three seperate Weeboms for squirt spamming, and just tabbing through individual weeboms with the macros.

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Re: Rematch 4.0

Post by Delis » December 30th, 2015, 1:09 am

On the buttons to Revive Battle Pets, Battle Pet Bandages, Safari Hat, Lesser Pet Treat and Pet Treat would it be possible to make it if they were right clicked then they would perform the action and then close the Rematch/Pet Journal Window. Maybe make it an option if all users would not find this useful.



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Re: Rematch 4.0

Post by Gello » December 30th, 2015, 2:21 am

Gracin wrote:I may be completely overlooking it, but is there a way to macro saved teams. I'm looking to have three teams that are "the same" but with different pets. For example using three seperate Weeboms for squirt spamming, and just tabbing through individual weeboms with the macros.
/rematch Team Name will load a team.

If you want a macro to rotate through three teams it'd need to be scripted:

Code: Select all

/run local t={"First Team Name","Second Team Name","Third Team Name"} RtT=(RtT or 0)%#t+1 Rematch.SlashHandler(t[RtT])
Delis wrote:On the buttons to Revive Battle Pets, Battle Pet Bandages, Safari Hat, Lesser Pet Treat and Pet Treat would it be possible to make it if they were right clicked then they would perform the action and then close the Rematch/Pet Journal Window. Maybe make it an option if all users would not find this useful.
That's possible but it would definitely be an opt-in option.

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