Rematch 4.0

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Re: Rematch 4.0

Post by Discodoggy » April 3rd, 2016, 9:55 am

Gello wrote: Do you miss not seeing the number of losses and draws?
You know, I've been keeping records that way for a year now so I'm really accustomed to seeing the draws. However, I think I could get used to this new way of seeing it. As long as the draws are included in the mouseover or card I think it's fine. It looks really clean right now.

Here's what someone said about the win/loss tracking in a comment on YouTube:

"If someone runs, it counts as your loss even if it's on the last move and you're kicking their butt." I thought that this happened to me as well, but I didn't want to send you on a wild goose chase until I could confirm. It looks like it happened to someone else. I will keep a close watch on this.

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Re: Rematch 4.0

Post by Gello » April 3rd, 2016, 12:26 pm

Discodoggy wrote:
Gello wrote: Do you miss not seeing the number of losses and draws?
You know, I've been keeping records that way for a year now so I'm really accustomed to seeing the draws. However, I think I could get used to this new way of seeing it. As long as the draws are included in the mouseover or card I think it's fine. It looks really clean right now.
That's cool. I may still be adding a team card so seeing losses/draws will be from a mouseover of the regular team instead of that little button.
Here's what someone said about the win/loss tracking in a comment on YouTube:

"If someone runs, it counts as your loss even if it's on the last move and you're kicking their butt." I thought that this happened to me as well, but I didn't want to send you on a wild goose chase until I could confirm. It looks like it happened to someone else. I will keep a close watch on this.
That's very good to know, thanks for mentioning it. Nobody ever flees from me in pvp (for good reason). I'll have to make some Blossoming Ancient teams to try and get the other guy to flee or corner a guildmate to duel to test this.

edit: I cornered a guildmate to test, and it's crazy but the game credits the opponent winning in the final round when she forfeit, both before we picked first pet and after. I'll do some more research and hopefully get an update up tonight.

The update just posted (4.3.1) will sort teams by total wins if you have the button displaying total wins.
Also the forfeit bug is fixed. What's more, in fixing it, I figured out a way to track draws. :D So draws (in both pvp and pve) should be tracked. Draws are defined simply as when all pets on both sides are dead at the end of battle (if two undead pets have a true death on the same round). I was able to test this with one undead pet surviving to last round and then dying and popping back up while the opponent undead had a true death. It correctly credited that situation as a win. And several tests where both sides' undead pets killed each other in the last round and popped back up in the last round. It credited those as a draw. But as always let me know if anyone sees any unexpected behavior.

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Re: Rematch 4.0

Post by Discodoggy » April 8th, 2016, 8:42 am

Everything appears to be working properly, thanks. Is there a place where we can send you donations?

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Re: Rematch 4.0

Post by Gello » April 8th, 2016, 10:15 am

Discodoggy wrote:Everything appears to be working properly, thanks. Is there a place where we can send you donations?
That's great the hear. There is no place to send donations, but I appreciate the kind offer.

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Re: Rematch 4.0

Post by Kamikaze » April 14th, 2016, 11:27 am

Really love that Addon.

But when I rightclick on an enemy pet during a petbattle (e.g. against a trainer) and select "Show enemy Pet in Journal" then, nothing happens :-(.
Without rematch I can see the enemy pet in my petwindow after that and have a look on its 3 abilities and their description including damage and cooldowns.

Can I get there another way, with rematch?
Or is there a possibility to fix that?

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Re: Rematch 4.0

Post by Gello » April 14th, 2016, 2:13 pm

Kamikaze wrote:Really love that Addon.

But when I rightclick on an enemy pet during a petbattle (e.g. against a trainer) and select "Show enemy Pet in Journal" then, nothing happens :-(.
Without rematch I can see the enemy pet in my petwindow after that and have a look on its 3 abilities and their description including damage and cooldowns.

Can I get there another way, with rematch?
Or is there a possibility to fix that?
Interesting. I was not aware you could do this. :p

I'll see what I can do. Thanks for pointing it out!

In the meantime if you uncheck Rematch beside the Summon button, the regular behavior of the journal will return. You can check it again to turn Rematch back on or keep the default journal alone and use the standalone Rematch window. But I'll see if I can get something working for an update this weekend.

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Re: Rematch 4.0

Post by Discodoggy » April 15th, 2016, 3:40 pm

Still loving the record tracking. Having a newish interface makes me a little more excited about battling than I was before.

So I sort of hate to ask, is there any way to track our overall record? It would be nice to know my overall win %

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Re: Rematch 4.0

Post by Gello » April 15th, 2016, 5:57 pm

Discodoggy wrote:Still loving the record tracking. Having a newish interface makes me a little more excited about battling than I was before.

So I sort of hate to ask, is there any way to track our overall record? It would be nice to know my overall win %
That's a really great idea. It'd be trivial to add, it's just a matter of where on the UI. Maybe beside the achievement score.

In the meantime this macro will print your overall stats to the chat window:

Code: Select all

/run local T,t={0,0,0,0} for k in pairs(RematchSaved) do t={Rematch:GetTeamWinRecord(k)} for i=1,4 do T[i]=T[i]+t[i] end end print(format("Wins:%d Losses:%d Draws:%d\nBattles:%d\nPercent Won:%.2f%%",T[1],T[2],T[3],T[4],T[1]*100/T[4]))

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Re: Rematch 4.0

Post by Gello » April 17th, 2016, 8:30 am

Kamikaze wrote:But when I rightclick on an enemy pet during a petbattle (e.g. against a trainer) and select "Show enemy Pet in Journal" then, nothing happens :-(.
Without rematch I can see the enemy pet in my petwindow after that and have a look on its 3 abilities and their description including damage and cooldowns.

Can I get there another way, with rematch?
Or is there a possibility to fix that?
Today's update (4.3.4) will address this by doing a few things:
  • "Show Pet in Journal" from the right-click menu on a Battle UI unit frame will search for the pet in the journal, just as clicking [Click to view pet in journal] will do from a pet link.
  • Because Rematch's pet card is not actually built into Rematch's journal like it is for default, this won't have any use for pets you can never own (like tamer opponents, search for "Stiches Jr" would show now pets) so:
  • "Show Pet Card" was added to that menu to show the pet card, so you can see opponent's abilities that wouldn't ordinarily be in Rematch's journal.
This feels kind of awkard to me still so I'm going to explore an option to make the pet card replace the default pet tooltips throughout the UI, including the one you see when a pet is linked.

For instance on the battle UI, instead of seeing a list of pet abilities in a default tooltip and then right-click of the pet and "Show Pet in Journal" or "Show Pet Card" and then going over to the abilities to see what they actually do; it would be neat if the original default tooltip was the card itself. Left-clicking the pet would lock the card so you can mouseover abilities. No extra windows or right-click involved.

It will also be possible to do this for pet links too. Instead of clicking a link to open the journal to see more about the pet, the link is displayed as a pet card right there. Likely with a search button on the card if you really did want to look up the pet in the journal.

This will require a bit of research but preliminary poking around has shown great promise. The end result may be awesome.
Discodoggy wrote:So I sort of hate to ask, is there any way to track our overall record? It would be nice to know my overall win %
This made it in today's update too. On the win record window, you should see "Hold [Alt] to view totals for all teams." at the bottom (if you haven't disabled extra help in options). When you hold [Alt] it will show overall stats instead of team stats. Just like the pet card you can click to lock the window and mouseover one of the two icons at the top too.

And you should never hesitate to suggest stuff! I may be a little pickier about what gets added to avoid bloat, or farming them off to separate addons like the ElvUI and TomTom plugins, but stuff like overall stats is an awesome idea. I appreciate you suggesting it!

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Re: Rematch 4.0

Post by Discodoggy » April 17th, 2016, 3:24 pm

Gello wrote:And you should never hesitate to suggest stuff!
Well here goes then (I realize that this is asking for quite a lot):

- A way to see each pet's win record/win %. Perhaps I could click somewhere on my Prairie Mouse and it would show something like "Prairie Mouse 73 teams, 500 battles, 68% win rate (or the equivalent w/l/d record")

- A records tab down at the bottom. Clicking on this tab would give you the info suggested above, but as a list of all your pets. For example:

Graves 103 teams 1000 battles 800-150-50
Prairie Mouse 73 teams 500 battles 340-150-10
Peddlefeet 2 teams 2 battles 0-2

- I don't know if you even have access to this info, but building on the last suggestion, you could also look at records versus family (how well does Graves do versus humanoids) and records versus individual pets (how well does the Prairie Mouse do against the MPD).

- Everyone who uses Rematch would automatically have their data sent to a central database where all these records are stored and then the community would have access to them. We could then see which pets do universally well. I don't know how it would be possible to keep the integrity of these records since people can give a team any record they want, so this may be impossible.

If none of these things ever happened Rematch would still be my favorite and most useful add on :D

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Re: Rematch 4.0

Post by Gello » April 17th, 2016, 4:32 pm

Those are great ideas.

Getting how successful a pet is would be the lowest hanging fruit. There's already a number of teams a pet belongs to on the pet card. The pet's individual record can be in that tooltip, or a separate stat can be added very easily. A little icon with the number of wins (or % of wins depending on that existing setting) and its own tooltip to give a breakdown of its individual record.

Is it okay if the pet's wins are taken from the teams they're on and wins aren't stored on the pet itself? So if you swap out a pet on a team and save it, the new pet gets attributed to that team's wins despite not participating with that team yet? I'm very reluctant to add win/loss/draw to each pet but it's not off the table.

If the above happens, on the Records tab, maybe a compromise would be to add a sort by the pets' wins. Just like the team tab sort by wins. Then it'd list most successful pets to least successful.

Probably recording what a pet actually fought against wouldn't make the cut for Rematch. Recording the family types wouldn't be bad but it'd swell the data tables too much to record what actual pets they fought. Something like this would be very useful still. Maybe a separate addon will get made someday to do it. Since this data doesn't care about the teams it'd require nothing that Rematch offers since it can track each pets in each battle on its own. (If anyone with addon experience wants some help creating it, let me know.)

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Re: Rematch 4.0

Post by Shingetsu » April 17th, 2016, 6:43 pm

Is it okay if the pet's wins are taken from the teams they're on and wins aren't stored on the pet itself?
Hm, wouldn't it probably be a good idea to reset the win % of a team if you change the pets?

//Edit: On a second thought: This would actually not solve the problem. This would remove win % from the other two pets of the team too. Still the "original" team does no longer exist if you change a pet. Mh...
Discodoggy wrote:- I don't know if you even have access to this info, but building on the last suggestion, you could also look at records versus family (how well does Graves do versus humanoids) and records versus individual pets (how well does the Prairie Mouse do against the MPD).
This sounds like a lot of data.
Last edited by Shingetsu on April 19th, 2016, 1:55 am, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Rematch 4.0

Post by Discodoggy » April 18th, 2016, 5:54 pm

Gello wrote:
Is it okay if the pet's wins are taken from the teams they're on and wins aren't stored on the pet itself?
Yeah I think that's a good way of doing it. That's how I'd calculate it if I were to do it by hand.

If I were to swap in a new pet on an already existing team I would save it under a different name.

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Re: Rematch 4.0

Post by Kamikaze » April 20th, 2016, 11:26 am

Gello wrote:
Kamikaze wrote:But when I rightclick on an enemy pet during a petbattle (e.g. against a trainer) and select "Show enemy Pet in Journal" then, nothing happens :-(.
Without rematch I can see the enemy pet in my petwindow after that and have a look on its 3 abilities and their description including damage and cooldowns.

Can I get there another way, with rematch?
Or is there a possibility to fix that?
Today's update (4.3.4) will address this by doing a few things:
  • "Show Pet in Journal" from the right-click menu on a Battle UI unit frame will search for the pet in the journal, just as clicking [Click to view pet in journal] will do from a pet link.
  • Because Rematch's pet card is not actually built into Rematch's journal like it is for default, this won't have any use for pets you can never own (like tamer opponents, search for "Stiches Jr" would show now pets) so:
  • "Show Pet Card" was added to that menu to show the pet card, so you can see opponent's abilities that wouldn't ordinarily be in Rematch's journal.
This feels kind of awkard to me still so I'm going to explore an option to make the pet card replace the default pet tooltips throughout the UI, including the one you see when a pet is linked.

For instance on the battle UI, instead of seeing a list of pet abilities in a default tooltip and then right-click of the pet and "Show Pet in Journal" or "Show Pet Card" and then going over to the abilities to see what they actually do; it would be neat if the original default tooltip was the card itself. Left-clicking the pet would lock the card so you can mouseover abilities. No extra windows or right-click involved.

It will also be possible to do this for pet links too. Instead of clicking a link to open the journal to see more about the pet, the link is displayed as a pet card right there. Likely with a search button on the card if you really did want to look up the pet in the journal.

This will require a bit of research but preliminary poking around has shown great promise. The end result may be awesome.
Thank you!
For me the Petcard is fine and does what I need. (Having a look at Abilities of an enemy pet incl. Damage and CDs). I like it.
And no longer need to turn off rematch for that (and back on afterwards).

Your descriped way to improve that sounds very good.
Perhaps I would replace the default mouseover window with the Petcard on Leftclick and hide the card on a second leftclick (or leftclick on a cross in its upper right corner) instead of showing the Petcard already on mouseover.
I think this will fit in a more natural way of expecting things to be. I wouldnt expect mouseover-windows to be interactive or to be able to be made interactive by a mouseclick. (sry, no native english speaker)

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Re: Rematch 4.0

Post by Ril » May 9th, 2016, 5:29 pm

i want to show all pets that are at level 24. what do i need to do?

bonus: i only want to see the ones at level 24, but below 80% experinece. any suggestions here? :)

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Re: Rematch 4.0

Post by Gello » May 9th, 2016, 6:43 pm

To search for level 24s, search: level=24

To get a specific xp range you'll need to script it. Go to Filter -> New Script, give it a name and paste this in the big editbox:

Code: Select all

return level==24 and xp/maxXp<0.80
Then Test to make sure it's working okay and Save.

(You can also just do "return xp and xp/maxXp<0.80" so you can combine the script with a "level=x" search too for more flexibility.)

The queue preferences accepts partial levels. So if you pick a max level of 24.8 the queue will prefer pets up to level 24 and 80% towards 25.

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Re: Rematch 4.0

Post by Ril » May 13th, 2016, 1:17 pm

thanks, this helped a lot!

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Re: Rematch 4.0

Post by Gello » May 15th, 2016, 8:33 am

If any are in the Legion beta, a version of Rematch is posted [url=]on wowinterface[/url].

For the moment the standalone window is disabled and just the journal view is available. Getting the standalone working will be my focus this week after doing a quick pass on my other addons.

(The standalone window includes the minimized view, if curious.)

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Re: Rematch 4.0

Post by Gello » May 17th, 2016, 11:35 pm

Just a heads up that since the views seem more or less set now, I'll be doing another bit of refactoring to streamline the code and make it more extensible. Some things will be going away. I'm warning about these in advance in case anyone really really (really!) wants them to stay:

The "Current Leveling Pet" pullout at the top of the queue will be removed. It doesn't always reflect the most preferred pet in the queue, the "current leveling pet" doesn't have the meaning it once did since "top of the queue" became fixed, and it is actually rather a lot of code to support its potential use (since it's not only for display purposes but it's intended to allow dropping a pet onto the "slot" to move a pet to the top of the queue).

The "Loaded Team" pullout at the top of the team list will be removed. This is not really necessary since all views of the addon show the loaded team above the loadout slots (except for single panel options views when it's not important) with full right-click menu support and left-click to reload (which was the original intent of that pullot team).

The option "Move Panel Tabs To The Right" will be going away and instead panel tabs (this is the "Pets" "Teams" "Queue" "Options" tabs across the bottom) will move to the side the standalone anchor is pointed to; except for the journal view which will always be on the right. While left-aligned tabs is the overwhelming norm, it's just too useful to have tabs on the right when the window is anchored to the right so it can toggle open/closed without tabs jumping across the screen. This will also allow a couple new anchors ("Top" and "Bottom") without the need for extra options so panel tabs will be centered instead of left/right aligned.

The "Minimal Minimized Window" will be replaced with "Hide Panel Tabs While Minimized" and the titlebar will always remain when the standalone window is minimized. Hiding the titlebar was achieved by breaking apart the frame into pieces. There was intended to be more work done with that separate-titlebar business but it didn't work out. The option to remove it is being removed for several reason: it's rather a lot of unnecessary stuff that's carried around in all standalone views whether someone used this option or not, the inset maximize/close buttons leave very little room for the loaded team, the lock button is missing in that view, there's unavoidable "dead click space" where the titlebar would be that you can't click through and a person can unintentionally move the frame, the little overlap of drop shadow from the two overlapping pieces annoys me, and it looks awful in all the skinned versions of this addon to have that blank background across the top where the titlebar should be.

These changes will likely be with the launch of the Legion pre-patch. The existing live version will probably see little changes until then.

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Re: Rematch 4.0

Post by Jerebear » May 19th, 2016, 6:11 am

I never used the pull outs, so no probs there
Gello wrote: The option "Move Panel Tabs To The Right" will be going away and instead panel tabs (this is the "Pets" "Teams" "Queue" "Options" tabs across the bottom) will move to the side the standalone anchor is pointed to; except for the journal view which will always be on the right. While left-aligned tabs is the overwhelming norm, it's just too useful to have tabs on the right when the window is anchored to the right so it can toggle open/closed without tabs jumping across the screen. This will also allow a couple new anchors ("Top" and "Bottom") without the need for extra options so panel tabs will be centered instead of left/right aligned.
Is it possible to get a visual? I use the stanadlone window mostly (both minimized and not), so I am curious how this will look roughly.
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