Macro to accept/start pet battle automatically

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Macro to accept/start pet battle automatically

Post by Solshine » November 6th, 2016, 6:02 pm

Is there a way to compile a macro that would accept this dialogue "Let's do battle" that pops when you click on an NPC?
I've seen macros to automatically accept different dialogue options, using these commands available here at wowprogramming . com/docs/api_categories#gossip (can't post links yet, delete spaces around dot), but no clue how to use it for this specific purpose.

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Re: Macro to accept/start pet battle automatically

Post by Peanutty » November 8th, 2016, 2:42 am

There's an old addon called Auto Safari Hat that was intended to make sure you had your safari hat on, but a side bonus was it let you skip dialogue on some tamers and go straight into battle. Not sure if it's still around (my version is quite old and outdated, I keep it running as it still lets me skip dialogue in Pandaria content) but you might want to look around for that and maybe you can figure something out from the coding?

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Re: Macro to accept/start pet battle automatically

Post by FuxieDK » April 29th, 2017, 7:15 am

Peanutty wrote:There's an old addon called Auto Safari Hat that was intended to make sure you had your safari hat on, but a side bonus was it let you skip dialogue on some tamers and go straight into battle. Not sure if it's still around (my version is quite old and outdated, I keep it running as it still lets me skip dialogue in Pandaria content) but you might want to look around for that and maybe you can figure something out from the coding?
The addon works, sorta...

Hat is now a toy, so it warns that hat is missing if you don't have it in bags.
And it doesn't skip dialog in Legion (only WoD or older pet content).

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