Caged pet addon

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Joined:October 5th, 2014
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Caged pet addon

Post by Kateley » January 6th, 2020, 4:25 am

Clearly I'm missing something somewhere, so if anyone can help, it would be most appreciated.

I have about 40-50 caged pets hoarded from a couple of expansions spread across the inventories and banks of half a dozen toons, and I would like to make a list of them.

I've used both Altoholic and TSM to scan the contents of the bags and bank of all my toons, but for the life of me, I can't get the inventory search functions of either to give me a definitive list.

For Altoholic, the 'Battle Pet' category of the inventory search just outright doesn't work for me - i.e. nothing is returned.

As for TSM, I've set up a couple of Groups for Battle Pets, but again, the search returns nothing.

A simple search such as 'Cobalt' for 'Cobalt Raven' works. though.

If anyone has managed to get either addon to work and list all the caged pets in the inventories and banks of all the scanned toons, I'd like to know how you did it.

Alternatively, if you are using an inventory/bank scanner addon that can search for battle pets across several toons, I'd appreciate a recommendation.

Again, any help will be appreciated.

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