Rematch 4.0

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Re: Rematch 4.0

Post by Gello » September 8th, 2022, 5:17 pm

Flohsakk wrote:
September 8th, 2022, 4:15 pm
10.0 Prepatch is up on PTR
So it is thanks for heads up! I see quite a bit is broken but nothing looks earth-shattering. No promises but I'll see if I can get it working this weekend.

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Re: Rematch 4.0

Post by Gello » September 11th, 2022, 5:14 pm

Rematch 4.13.0 just sent to wowinterface/curse/wago should work in Dragonflight and the pre-patch PTR.

The only known issue right now is the close button in various windows (main window, notes, win record, pet card, etc.) looks wonky. But there may be other parts that I missed in a casual test. Please let me know if you run into issues.

There's more to be done such as adding new tamers/targets and seeing what's new that I can use. Such as what appears to be the ability to cast training/leveling stones onto pets in the journal without summoning them. This crashes the client when I try to use it (not a disconnect, a full exit to desktop, what-were-you-doing dialog box to send to Blizzard), so it appears still in development but a very interesting one. Hopefully it's not protected for Blizzard's use only.

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Re: Rematch 4.0

Post by Flohsakk » September 12th, 2022, 6:24 am

Gello wrote:
September 11th, 2022, 5:14 pm
Rematch 4.13.0 just sent to wowinterface/curse/wago should work in Dragonflight and the pre-patch PTR.
Thank you, will give it a try!
Such as what appears to be the ability to cast training/leveling stones onto pets in the journal without summoning them.
Training stones are kinda bugged right now. Maybe not causing the problems you've experienced, but right now they apply their XP to the pet directly (but obviously only into full levels, so i.E. Level 11.00 but not 11.01 to 11.99, that "overcapped" XP is is lost) and on top of that somehow store the full XP of training stones used into the pet's XP bar ( >100% ;-) ) and apply that to the pet on the next usual XP gain in a pet battle.
There's more to be done such as adding new tamers/targets and seeing what's new that I can use
Anything we can help you with? Already added the new Family Battler achievements to FamilyFamiliarHelper (viewtopic.php?f=19&t=17127) and made a CSV-File for new tamers/achievements/pets that Aranesh might forward to you.

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Re: Rematch 4.0

Post by Flohsakk » September 12th, 2022, 7:46 am

Gello wrote:
September 11th, 2022, 5:14 pm
Rematch 4.13.0 just sent to wowinterface/curse/wago should work in Dragonflight and the pre-patch PTR.... Please let me know if you run into issues.
When I drag another pet into one of the pet slots, I get this LUA error and then can't chose abilities until I reload.

Code: Select all

Message: Rematch:RegisterEvent(): Rematch:RegisterEvent(): Attempt to register unknown event "CURSOR_UPDATE"
Time: Mon Sep 12 14:44:17 2022
Count: 4
Stack: Rematch:RegisterEvent(): Rematch:RegisterEvent(): Attempt to register unknown event "CURSOR_UPDATE"
[string "=[C]"]: in function `RegisterEvent'
[string "@Interface/AddOns/Rematch/Main.lua"]:426: in function <Interface/AddOns/Rematch/Main.lua:413>
[string "=[C]"]: in function `PickupPet'
[string "@Interface/AddOns/Rematch/Widgets/PetListButtons.lua"]:232: in function `PetListButtonOnDragStart'
[string "*:OnDragStart"]:1: in function <[string "*:OnDragStart"]:1>

Locals: (*temporary) = Rematch {
 LoadingDone = <function> defined @Interface/AddOns/Rematch/Process/PetLoading.lua:225
 ListScrollToIndex = <function> defined @Interface/AddOns/Rematch/Utils.lua:400
 scriptFilterMenu = <table> {
 HideMenu = <function> defined @Interface/AddOns/Rematch/Menus/Menu.lua:298
 ListScrollToTop = <function> defined @Interface/AddOns/Rematch/Utils.lua:390
 petInfo = <table> {
 GetNpcNameFromTarget = <function> defined @Interface/AddOns/Rematch/Menus/TargetMenus.lua:62
 GetSpecialSlot = <function> defined @Interface/AddOns/Rematch/Process/SpecialSlots.lua:69
 PET_BATTLE_FINAL_ROUND = <function> defined @Interface/AddOns/Rematch/Main.lua:619
 GetPetName = <function> defined @Interface/AddOns/Rematch/Utils.lua:74
 CreatePetInfo = <function> defined @Interface/AddOns/Rematch/Process/PetInfo.lua:679
 targetRedirects = <table> {
 breedNames = <table> {
 GetExpansionNameFromTarget = <function> defined @Interface/AddOns/Rematch/Menus/TargetMenus.lua:35
 FillCompactListButton = <function> defined @Interface/AddOns/Rematch/Widgets/PetListButtons.lua:410
 PetListButtonOnEnter = <function> defined @Interface/AddOns/Rematch/Widgets/PetListButtons.lua:167
 Start = <function> defined @Interface/AddOns/Rematch/Main.lua:173
 GetPetIcon = <function> defined @Interface/AddOns/Rematch/Utils.lua:66
 ADDON_LOADED = <function> defined @Interface/AddOns/Rematch/Main.lua:669
 FindPetFromPetTag = <function> defined @Interface/AddOns/Rematch/Process/PetTag.lua:117
 AddSpecialBorder = <function> defined @Interface/AddOns/Rematch/Utils.lua:335
 StopTimer = <function> defined @Interface/AddOns/Rematch/Main.lua:695
 TopToggleButtonOnMouseUp = <function> defined @Interface/AddOns/Rematch/Utils.lua:480
 MinimapButtonOnMouseUp = <function> defined @Interface/AddOns/Rematch/Widgets/MinimapButton.lua:53
 UpdatePreferencesDialog = <function> defined @Interface/AddOns/Rematch/Dialogs/Preferences.lua:176
 PET_JOURNAL_LIST_UPDATE = <function> defined @Interface/AddOns/Rematch/Main.lua:162
 UPDATE_MOUSEOVER_UNIT = <function> defined @Interface/AddOns/Rematch/Main.lua:378
 SetFootnoteIcon = <function> defined @Interface/AddOns/Rematch/Main.lua:971
 isLoaded = true
 SpecialFootnoteOnClick = <function> defined @Interface/AddOns/Rematch/Process/SpecialSlots.lua:97
 SetSpecialSlot = <function> defined @Interface/AddOns/Rematch/Process/SpecialSlots.lua:61
 PetListButtonOnDoubleClick = <function> defined @Interface/AddOns/Rematch/Widgets/PetListButtons.lua:253
 GetBreedNameByID = <function> defined @Interface/AddOns/Rematch/Process/PetInfo.lua:629
 GetTeamStringNameAndNpcID = <function> defined @Interface/AddOns/Rematch/Process/TeamStrings.lua:267
 UpdateScriptFilterMenu = <function> defined @Interface/AddOns/Rematch/Menus/PetMenus.lua:733
 GetSpecialTooltip = <function> defined @Interface/AddOns/Rematch/Process/SpecialSlots.lua:86
 ConvertTitlebarCloseButton = <function> defined @Interface/AddOns/Rematch/Main.lua:934
 UpdateShareIncludes = <function> defined @Interface/AddOns/Rematch/Dialogs/Share.lua:126
 Reparent = <function> defined @Interface/AddOns/Rematch/Utils.lua:540
 GetMapNameFromTarget = <function> defined @Interface/AddOns/Rematch/Menus/TargetMenus.lua:48
 print = <function> defined @Interface/AddOns/Rematch/Utils.lua:361
 TeamPanel = RematchTeamPanel {
 ListBling = <function> defined @Interface/AddOns/Rematch

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Re: Rematch 4.0

Post by Flohsakk » September 12th, 2022, 7:56 am

Blizzard changed the appearance of windows/frames lately to make them look more modern. Guess they were using some sort of texture (that you are still using) and now skipped to straight lines (or extended color pixels). The "X" to close windows also looks different and the top bar often doesn't include text like NPC names, etc. right now.


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Re: Rematch 4.0

Post by Gello » September 12th, 2022, 5:04 pm

Thanks! I don't have an ETA for fixes but the pet pickup/slotting will be first on priority. The close button appearance was noted above, I just need to dedicate more time to identifying changes in the textures.

When you say top bar often doesn't include text like NPC names, do you mean this part?


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Re: Rematch 4.0

Post by Flohsakk » September 12th, 2022, 7:28 pm

When you say top bar often doesn't include text like NPC names, do you mean this part?
That picture and talking about UI/HUD changes was not related to Rematch, just wanted to mention a general thing that happened for all kinds of menus/windows in one of the latest builds to maybe give you ideas about what might have happened to "X" button, etc. Compared to Retail, names are missing on Vendors and Quest NPCs, menus usually have their text on them.

New shape and buttons look like this:

This it what FFH looks like, the X button seems to be the new one...

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Re: Rematch 4.0

Post by Flohsakk » September 13th, 2022, 7:29 pm

Buttons for Bandages, Revive Pets, and Safari Hat don't work for me right now on Beta. No LUA errors, just nothing happening on clicks.
All of them work fine from standard journal, bags, toy collection.

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Re: Rematch 4.0

Post by Dragonsafterdark » September 13th, 2022, 7:48 pm

I haven't read through all the replies, but on beta I also have an issue where when I slot a new pet I cannot change any of their abilities and need to reload before it'll work. Not sure if it's helpful or will point you in the direction of why this happens, but when you slot a new pet all the frames around the pet portraits in their slots flash.

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Re: Rematch 4.0

Post by Gello » September 14th, 2022, 5:23 am

An update posted this morning fixes the picking up and slotting of pets and the minimap button path.

It doesn't address the close button textures. I know where they changed and know where to find them and know precisely the texcoords to use so I expect the next update will fix them. I don't have time this morning to do them also unfortunately.

Also the secure toolbar buttons (those that use a spell, item or toy) are unfortunately broken. SecureActionItemButton is apparently broken on the PTR. I've read about registerForClicks workaround but it's not seeming to work.

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Re: Rematch 4.0

Post by Flohsakk » September 14th, 2022, 6:56 am

Gello wrote:
September 14th, 2022, 5:23 am
and the minimap button path.
Oh my minimap button has moved and when I dragged it around the minimap I realized it was no longer going inside (forgot to mention that). Now I know what minimap button path means :D Thank you!

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Re: Rematch 4.0

Post by Flohsakk » September 23rd, 2022, 2:30 pm

09/23/2022 version 4.13.2 - Fix for toolbar buttons not working in Dragonflight clients. - Fix for close button appearances in Dragonflight clients.
Thanks, updated instantly :D

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Re: Rematch 4.0

Post by Gello » September 23rd, 2022, 3:30 pm

:D Thanks too for the Family Familiar Helper data. I'm taking the first week off in October to update my addons for Dragonflight. That one will be easier thanks to your help.

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Re: Rematch 4.0

Post by Flohsakk » September 27th, 2022, 8:47 am

  • Not sure if this is thing that only happens in 10.0 environment, but sometimes it looks like the AddOn just temporarily and partially stops working. In these situations I can only see specific pets of my roster no matter how often I reset filters (standard journal still shows 'em all) and the Pet Heal & Bandage buttons also seem to not do anything (maybe because Rematch doesn't "see" injured pets while using bandages from bags and Pet Heal from standard Pet Journal work fine) while the Safari Hat button works fine (didn't try much more).
  • A /reload doesn't fix it... it just feels like internally the filter is still applied (Anxious Nibbler is something that I had up there from an earlier filter, 2nd picture is something that happened a bit after searching for "shrieker")
  • A relog fixes the problem


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Re: Rematch 4.0

Post by Gello » October 5th, 2022, 1:10 pm

I'm finally get back around to this and haven't seen this issue yet or been able to reproduce the issue. From the description it seems like the trigger for whether pets are done loading may have changed.

I'll take a closer look at the cold vs warm login events but in the meantime if you're able to reliably get that behavior to happen please let me know.

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Re: Rematch 4.0

Post by Flohsakk » October 5th, 2022, 5:21 pm

I couldn't reproduce it, sorry. To be honest, I've seen it only happen 3-4 times since you published the first working 10.0 version (not sure if some of them happened before your latest update). So now.... almost 10 days, a new beta Build, and excessive use for the Family Battler later... I haven't seen it happen again. Guess that could be a good sign that it was nothing you have to care about, but I'll keep my eyes open :D

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Re: Rematch 4.0

Post by Flohsakk » October 9th, 2022, 6:28 am

When I try to save a team for one of the Dragon Isles trainers, it's saving its NPC ID correctly, but somehow it grabs the title instead of the creature's name by default.


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Re: Rematch 4.0

Post by Gello » October 9th, 2022, 1:56 pm

This is a bug on Blizzard's end I've just submitted. It looks like the npcID 196069 has a name of "Master Pet Trainer" and not "Patchu" according to the only method I know to get localized names from npcIDs.

Rematch's targeting is entirely around npcIDs because the names vary on different languages. While it is technically possible to have the addon remember a history of spelled-out names captured from UnitName("target") (if that does indeed work) to use as options, this probably won't make prioritization due to time constraints but we'll see. (I took last week off and spent almost all of it working on addons and only 75% done I think lol)

I'm also not finding all the new target data in wowhead yet such as the pets that Haniko uses. I may need your help gathering data. :D

edit: This is a change Blizzard made and it's worse than I thought. It's affecting *all* npcIDs. This kinda destroys not only Rematch knowing names (if you open target list you'll see a lot of Grand Master Pet Tamers), but Battle Pet Daily Tamer and others too. ugh

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Re: Rematch 4.0

Post by Flohsakk » October 9th, 2022, 6:51 pm

I'm also not finding all the new target data in wowhead yet such as the pets that Haniko uses. I may need your help gathering data. :D

Code: Select all

NPC Data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Tamer,Bakhushek,197102,,Ohn'ahran Plains,2023,61.96,41.58,71140,Two and Two Together,Skritches,197116,3392,Phantus,197114,3391,,,
Boss Pet,Stormamu,197447,3402,Ohn'ahran Plains,2023,24.41,42.36,71206,Eye of the Stormling,Stormamu,197447,3402,,,,,,
Boss Pet,Enyobon,197336,3396,Thaldraszus,2025,39.46,73.59,71166,The Oldest Dragonfly,Enyobon,197336,3396,,,,,,
Tamer,Setimothes,197350,,Thaldraszus,2025,56.27,49.24,71180,You Have to Start Somewhere,Cockroach,197375,3397,Cat,197382,3398,Chicken,197384,3400
Boss Pet,Arcantus,197417,3401,The Azure Span,2024,40.98,59.40,71202,Mini Manafiend Melee,Arcantus,197417,3401,,,,,,
Tamer,Patchu,196069,,The Azure Span,2024,13.89,49.85,71145,The Grand Master,Anubisath Idol,197214,3393,Mechanical Pandaren Dragonling,197215,3394,Spectral Tiger Cub,197216,3395
Tamer,Haniko,196264,,The Waking Shores,2022,38.91,83.28,66551,The Terrible Three,Bloodbiter,192067,3387,Faceripper,192097,3386,Tina,192106,3388
Boss Pet,Swog,189376,3268,The Waking Shores,2022,26.17,92.39,66588,Swog the Elder,Swog,189376,3268,,,,,,
Boss Pet,Gwosh,196206,3377,The Azure Span,2024,14.22 ,47.58,,,Gwosh,196206,3377,,,,,,
Achievement Data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Meta,,16512,Family Battler of the Dragon Isles,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Humanoid,0,16508,Humanoid Battler of the Dragon Isles,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Dragonkin,1,16505,Dragonkin Battler of the Dragon Isles,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Flying,2,16507,Flying Battler of the Dragon Isles,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Undead,3,16511,Undead Battler of the Dragon Isles,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Critter,4,16504,Critter Battler of the Dragon Isles,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Magic,5,16509,Magic Battler of the Dragon Isles,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Elemental,6,16506,Elemental Battler of the Dragon Isles,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Beast,7,16503,Beast Battler of the Dragon Isles,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Aquatic,8,16501,Aquatic Battler of the Dragon Isles,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Mechanical,9,16510,Mechanical Battler of the Dragon Isles,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

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Re: Rematch 4.0

Post by Flohsakk » October 9th, 2022, 6:58 pm

This is a change Blizzard made and it's worse than I thought. It's affecting *all* npcIDs. This kinda destroys not only Rematch knowing names
I hope they make their final decisions on these things soon, the latest update generates tons of LUA errors on (mouseover) tooltips and my beloved idTip AddOn which is usually very robust is also broken with the changes they made.

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