Rematch 5.0

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Re: Rematch 5.0

Post by Gello » August 4th, 2023, 9:56 pm

Justgiz wrote:
August 3rd, 2023, 8:22 pm

Code: Select all

/run Rematch.petsPanel.List.ScrollBox.wheelPanScalar = 1
I'll play with this thanks! In lists with same-height list buttons (such as pets and options) it works perfectly, though in teams and target with different-height list buttons it seems to use the height of the first button. I'll tinker with this.

The win/loss for pvp I'll look into. (On the cumbersome bit: In Rematch 4 the win/loss bit was a tooltip/dialog like the pet card and notes. Mouseover number to see values and click to edit values. I brought preferences and the winrecord into the team dialog since it felt like they might be used rarely and I wanted to dial back how much stuff is in the way of clicking pets or teams. If they should be more easily reached I can certainly look into that. This is good feedback.)

And the notes one I believe I know the cause and should have a fix in the next update (not the one that went up tonight).

These are great keep them coming. :D

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Re: Rematch 5.0

Post by Gello » August 4th, 2023, 10:34 pm

Also, on the topic of balancing having information/dialogs easily accessible vs having stuff in the way of clicking teams: any thoughts to making team/target cards like pet cards?

I had considered making team/target cards that would be tooltips of the team/target and clicking the team/target would lock the tooltip; much like pet cards and notes (and possibly winrecord again).

Double click would load a team/target much like double clicking a pet summons it. But I'm not sure if that's intuitive and the majority would probably be loading from a right-click menu or a separate Load button which would be a bad experience.

I also considered just a tooltip that looks like a card (you can already mouseover pets in a team to see them, so maybe not as much need to mouseover parts of the team/target cards), but think if it looks too much like a card it'd be a little awkward that it didn't behave like one.

In the end I decided to have neither a tooltip or card, but I'm open to adding them.

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Re: Rematch 5.0

Post by Justgiz » August 4th, 2023, 11:38 pm

I'm trying to imagine what info would be on them. What they'd look like...

Say you have a target card open, at the bottom, icons showing the pets, and hovering over them showing the pet card. Maybe there's a button to open the map and put a pin, making it easier for people find those tamers. A button to go to and filter the tab for "teams for that target"/"teams for that target".

For a team card, being able to edit a team via the card, like when your in PVP queue and cant load a team or move pets, but want to build your next team, could be useful, but may be overkill. Maybe the "Save Team" could be tweaked to allow to edit a team. Same for the import.

Or just a simple hover card on the "team has a target" badge. Having a preview of the target name and portrait, and clicking that takin them to the targets tab and filtering to that target.

But maybe having that many popups could be overwhelming. And having the cards stay open would be quite cluttering of the screen. Target card, Team card, and Pet card. I also don't really like the double clicking to load a team. Rematch has always had the click once to load the team, and may be to much.

Ok, that was quite a lot of random thoughts and ideas.

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Re: Rematch 5.0

Post by Justgiz » August 5th, 2023, 11:39 pm

Gello wrote:
August 4th, 2023, 9:56 pm
These are great keep them coming. :D
Got you fam! :lol:

Open any RematchDialog (thanks /fstack) window that does not have an active input and hide the UI with ALT-Z. The window becomes blank, none of the bottom buttons work, and the only way to close it is with the X button.

Just tested if other things break when hiding the UI: Move a team with click and dragging, hide the UI, it will cancel the move, but the selected team is now greyed out like a move is still active. Nothing is attached to the mouse. Hiding Rematch, changing tabs, and even resizing the window does not fix it. Moving it resets the greying out. Same for groups, and leveling queue.

Dragging a pet out of a slot, hiding the UI will keep the glow affect on the slots. (The pet will stay on the mouse during the hide UI, but I assume that's due to wow handling the pet picking up.)

Got an actual error on this one: With the window in one column with the active pets at the top (or minimized mode), grab a pet, hide UI, and try to place the pet back in a slot. This does not happen with the full column pet slots.

Code: Select all

3x Rematch/panels/miniLoadoutPanel.lua:158: attempt to call method 'OnReceiveDrag' (a nil value)
[string "@Rematch/panels/miniLoadoutPanel.lua"]:158: in function `LoadoutOnClick'
[string "*miniLoadoutPanel.xml:286_OnClick"]:1: in function <[string "*miniLoadoutPanel.xml:286_OnClick"]:1>

Locals: {{!TRIMMED!}}
(trimmed for length, and them being all empty tables)

A very minor one: Open the filter menu, select a pet family, quickly move over and deselect the family via the quick icon. The filter menu 'Pet Families' will still be yellow. Closing the menu fixes it. I assume this is just a quirk of the menu not updating via outside changes.

Edit: Some of these things happen when hiding the Rematch window as well.

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Re: Rematch 5.0

Post by Justgiz » August 7th, 2023, 10:17 pm

Found a bug in the options. When clicking the "Export Simple Pet List", I get this error:

Code: Select all

5x Rematch/panels/optionsPanel.lua:247: attempt to call field '?' (a nil value)
[string "@Rematch/panels/optionsPanel.lua"]:247: in function <Rematch/panels/optionsPanel.lua:234>

Locals: {{TRIMMED}}
Tracked it down to the optionsList.lua entry's func, "HideDialog", not being defined on "rematch.optionsPanel.funcs" :geek:

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Re: Rematch 5.0

Post by Justgiz » August 8th, 2023, 12:01 am

So I have this saved favorite filters that came from Rematch4. When I click it, 'Other->Can Battle' radio is not checked. Even though the parent entry is lit up like it has child entries that are marked. I looked into my saved vars, and noticed that it's value is set to "true" but my newly created Favorite Filter is set to "Battle". Conversion needs some more code I think.

Code: Select all

	"Upgrade Quality", -- [1]
		["Other"] = {
			["Battle"] = true,
	}, -- [2]
}, -- [2]
	"Upgrade Quality New", -- [1]
		["Other"] = {
			["Battle"] = "Battle",
	}, -- [2]
}, -- [3] 
Curious why you don't use a true/false, which I assume is what Rematch4 used.

P.S. I just noticed that these code blocks have scroll bars. I guess I can post a big block of text. :lol:

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Re: Rematch 5.0

Post by FuxieDK » August 8th, 2023, 7:23 am

Looooads of new UI stuff... Looks nice...

But I've come across a few things that annoys me (Beta 10):
- Teams doesn't load automatic, when you target a boss. Edit Team -> Targets show the correct target.
- Script-button is greyed out
- Notes stay on screen after battle ends

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Re: Rematch 5.0

Post by Gello » August 8th, 2023, 5:56 pm

I'll take a closer look on above issues and post later in the week (busy week for me), but just wanted to add a couple responses:
- Teams doesn't load automatic, when you target a boss. Edit Team -> Targets show the correct target.
It sounds like you had some form of auto load enabled. These are completely overhauled into new settings and are not enabled or carried over on an upgrade:
I can see this might be a pain point so I'll consider going through all the possible variations of the old interact settings and translating to new. I don't know if I can do this for all settings since there are literally over 100 options and some like these interact options (was targeting options I think in Rematch 4) don't have a 1:1 translation.
- Script-button is greyed out
If this is for Pet Battle Scripts, I'm not involved in that project sorry. I've created stuff to hopefully make the move to the new version easier, but I don't know its status.

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Re: Rematch 5.0

Post by Schlumpf » August 9th, 2023, 9:42 am

Gello wrote:
August 8th, 2023, 5:56 pm
- Script-button is greyed out
If this is for Pet Battle Scripts, I'm not involved in that project sorry. I've created stuff to hopefully make the move to the new version easier, but I don't know its status.
Sorry, I've seen your update but didn't have time to work on it yet. For those interested, progress will be posted at, once there is progress.

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Re: Rematch 5.0

Post by FuxieDK » August 9th, 2023, 6:00 pm

Interact worked like a charm :)
I thought auto-load was pretty much default, when a target was specified; why else specify a target? Maybe let "Interact" be on as default?

Hopefully, the script thing will be fixed; Have gotten quite used to just pressed A to fight ;) But I can see, it's out of your hands.

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Re: Rematch 5.0

Post by Anaxalexi » August 12th, 2023, 9:00 pm

Not sure it if the right place to ask, but...

The Silver Pig (fresh from Amazon Gaming Promo) doesn't appear when using Rematch, nor does the Argent Squire.

Any chance of sorting these out with the new version... unless of course it's only me... :lol:

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Re: Rematch 5.0

Post by Gello » August 13th, 2023, 4:01 am

Anaxalexi wrote:
August 12th, 2023, 9:00 pm
The Silver Pig (fresh from Amazon Gaming Promo) doesn't appear when using Rematch, nor does the Argent Squire.
Go to options, Pet Filter Options, and make sure Allow Hidden Pets and Hide Non-Battle Pets are unchecked.

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Re: Rematch 5.0

Post by Anaxalexi » August 15th, 2023, 1:54 pm

Gello wrote:
August 13th, 2023, 4:01 am
Anaxalexi wrote:
August 12th, 2023, 9:00 pm
The Silver Pig (fresh from Amazon Gaming Promo) doesn't appear when using Rematch, nor does the Argent Squire.
Go to options, Pet Filter Options, and make sure Allow Hidden Pets and Hide Non-Battle Pets are unchecked.
Dude... you are a legend.
I actually had those options ticked, but click off / click on again and they both appear. :D
I must have hidden the Piggy when it became unobtainable... but he's back in all his shiney glory!

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Re: Rematch 5.0

Post by Justgiz » August 16th, 2023, 12:45 pm

So with Squirt being today, I thought id try out the multiple teams for one target feature. But with "Always Interact" and "Prefer Uninjured Teams" both checked. A new team is not loaded when targeting Squirt. Even when I click the "Load team" button on the target section. I do see the up/down arrows allowing me to select and load a new team. And if I unload the current team, a new uninjured team will load.

I also I have duplicate pets of the same breed, so shouldn't a team should try to use those pets when loading the team. Try primary pet, if its dead/injured try to load another pet. I'm sure that's how it worked in Rematch4... right?

P.S. Thank you for all your hard work on this amazing addon. <3

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Re: Rematch 5.0

Post by Gello » August 16th, 2023, 6:29 pm

Justgiz wrote:
August 16th, 2023, 12:45 pm
But with "Always Interact" and "Prefer Uninjured Teams" both checked. A new team is not loaded when targeting Squirt. Even when I click the "Load team" button on the target section. I do see the up/down arrows allowing me to select and load a new team. And if I unload the current team, a new uninjured team will load.
When a team for a target is already loaded, it's designed to not load a different team for that target. On the premise that you've chosen to use that team and may be annoyed if it picks one you didn't choose. I try to avoid options that take agency away from the user, but I can consider some more automation options here. (When you saw the up/down arrows--and Prefer Uninjured Teams checked--it should've started with the first uninjured team with a Load button to load that team.)
I also I have duplicate pets of the same breed, so shouldn't a team should try to use those pets when loading the team. Try primary pet, if its dead/injured try to load another pet. I'm sure that's how it worked in Rematch4... right?
Yep you're correct. It looks like some team options in Rematch 4 didn't make it to Rematch 5: Load Healthiest Pets, Allow Any Version and After Pet Battles Too. I'll get those options back.

Thanks for this!

As a side note, I've had a really busy couple weeks at work (major project is past due) so I haven't had a lot of time recently to work on this, but I'll hopefully have an update this weekend addressing some issues brought up earlier. This is great feedback I appreciate it!

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Re: Rematch 5.0

Post by FuxieDK » August 20th, 2023, 3:26 pm

Schlumpf wrote:
August 9th, 2023, 9:42 am
Gello wrote:
August 8th, 2023, 5:56 pm
- Script-button is greyed out
If this is for Pet Battle Scripts, I'm not involved in that project sorry. I've created stuff to hopefully make the move to the new version easier, but I don't know its status.
Sorry, I've seen your update but didn't have time to work on it yet. For those interested, progress will be posted at, once there is progress.
Pet Battle Scripts v1.8 was released today.

Is it me that is an imbicile, or does it still not work with Rematch v5.0?

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Re: Rematch 5.0

Post by Schlumpf » August 21st, 2023, 11:15 am

FuxieDK wrote:
August 20th, 2023, 3:26 pm
Pet Battle Scripts v1.8 was released today.

Is it me that is an imbicile, or does it still not work with Rematch v5.0?
There has not been any work on Rematch 5 in that version, as seen in the changelog.

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Re: Rematch 5.0

Post by FuxieDK » August 21st, 2023, 11:28 pm

Schlumpf wrote:
August 21st, 2023, 11:15 am
FuxieDK wrote:
August 20th, 2023, 3:26 pm
Pet Battle Scripts v1.8 was released today.

Is it me that is an imbicile, or does it still not work with Rematch v5.0?
There has not been any work on Rematch 5 in that version, as seen in the changelog.
The way I read it, was that Rematch was changed to accomodate a future update/fix of PBS, so they could work together again......and then PBS was updated, and I still couldn't get it to work.

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Re: Rematch 5.0

Post by Schlumpf » August 23rd, 2023, 3:41 pm

Gello wrote:
July 22nd, 2023, 6:52 pm
An update posted tonight to wowinterface has a few changes:
  • Collection summary added which includes a team battle summary tab for all recorded team battles
  • Fix for unique pets count in collection button at topleft of window
  • Updated handling of target names while waiting for them to be cached
  • Searches are now "accent-insensitive" on French, German, Italian, Spanish, Mexican, Portuguese, and Brazilian clients
  • Favorite filters now automatically import from Rematch 4
  • Added many ways to extend this addon from third-party addons, including events, badges and menus. See docs/extending.txt
  • Added LDB launcher
It may go up on beta channel of curse next weekend or weekend after.

For Schlumpf, relevant parts from extending.txt:
Finally got around at least reading the documentation. Looks fine so far.

One issue I do see is the team IDs changing during update and obviously us using the old IDs for mapping. From what I understood, you currently keep version 4 data, but it will obviously be gone with release. This means that we can't do the mapping ourselves by comparing data. We specifically pretty much only care about `teamUpgradeMap` so we can update our keys. No idea whether other addons might need more data. From what I see by reading code `REMATCH_TEAM_UPDATED` is fired, but obviously without the old key.

If the key can change on your side, I'd probably suggest to extend `REMATCH_TEAM_UPDATED` to contain an optional second parameter "old key". This could then be used for both 4→5 update and random rename-style updates. If the key will be static, I'd choose a separate, special "REMATCH_TEAMS_KEYS_CHANGED, teamUpgradeMap` event, for simplicity on your end.

This implies that we are active while you first do your update, which is unlikely since you'll obviously update first.

`rematch4key` in team data?
FuxieDK wrote:
August 21st, 2023, 11:28 pm
The way I read it, was that Rematch was changed to accomodate a future update/fix of PBS, so they could work together again......and then PBS was updated, and I still couldn't get it to work.
The big word here is future, sorry. Someone made changes to PBS for Rematch5 compatibility, but it will not support keeping your scripts with the update.

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Re: Rematch 5.0

Post by Gello » August 23rd, 2023, 5:58 pm

If the key can change on your side, I'd probably suggest to extend `REMATCH_TEAM_UPDATED` to contain an optional second parameter "old key". This could then be used for both 4→5 update and random rename-style updates. If the key will be static, I'd choose a separate, special "REMATCH_TEAMS_KEYS_CHANGED, teamUpgradeMap` event, for simplicity on your end.
I'll add this or something like it to tell when the teamID changes for a team, both for an upgrade and a post-upgrade change.

Right now, after the upgrade, a teamID shouldn't change except it can be repurposed through various save methods. There's a case (that escapes me right now) when a teamID is deleted because another team is overwriting it and keeping its old teamID. This should fire an event that the team was deleted. I'll see if I can document this more clearly.

I don't plan to remove the Rematch 4 data right away after release. I'll also be making sure Rematch 4 works in 10.1.7. This way if there's any serious issues that need fixed, people can go back to Rematch 4 in the meantime.

I was looking at an October timeframe for release but that can be extended.

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