Rematch 4.0

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Rematch 4.0

Post by Gello » August 18th, 2015, 8:06 pm

If it's okay I'd like to start a new thread for Rematch feedback since this is very much a new addon.

It's taken much, much longer than expected, but the new and improved Rematch is finally ready for beta. I typically don't post betas, but this is easily the largest addon I've ever made in over 10 years of writing WoW addons. It should probably be put through its paces before being released to the wild.

If interested, you can download it here:

Let me know if you have any comments, questions or feedback. If you decide to give the beta a try I'd also love to get feedback about how the UI works and feels. 4.0 is much, much more amenable to change than 3.x was. So just about anything can be changed. About the only hard and fast rule is the major panels (pets, teams, queue, loadouts, options) need to be the same size for the whole panel system to work.

Major bits I'm curious about:
  • Any bugs or unexpected behavior you encounter.
  • Is the standalone window too big? Any other feedback on the UI?
  • Is there anything that's confusing or you don't understand what it's for?
  • Is there anything you miss from the live version of Rematch that this version needs?
  • Do you use any addons that are overlapping the Rematch checkbox beside the "Summon" button in the journal? If so let me know what addon.
  • Any other addon conflict issues? I want Rematch to coexist flawlessly with all other battle pet addons.
Thanks again!

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Re: Rematch 4.0

Post by Index » August 19th, 2015, 6:48 am

Oooh good stuff! I made the switch to rematch recently, and have to say it's pretty fantastic! Not sure if you want questions here, or over at WoWinterface, but here goes:

1. is this a direct over-write of the previous version, or a new addon in it's own right?
2. If the second is the case above, can we export / import from the older addon?
3. The addon is AWESOME!
4. I struggled to find out (at first) how to set up leveling pets etc, has this been streamlined (might be user related ;P)?
5. Did I mention the awesome?
6. I use LDB. Could it be set that (right)clicking the broker can be configured to heal pets / use a bandage instead of having to go into the addon?


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Re: Rematch 4.0

Post by Gello » August 19th, 2015, 8:08 am

1. It's a direct over-write.
2. So teams and queue will carry over.
3. Thanks!
5. You did thanks!
Index wrote:4. I struggled to find out (at first) how to set up leveling pets etc, has this been streamlined (might be user related ;P)?
The process of setting up leveling pets hasn't changed, but there's an overview in the queue panel when it's empty, telling you to drag pets to the queue you want to level and a team saved with any queued pets will reserve their spot etc.

Perhaps one bit that's been streamlined is the "leveling slot" as a persistent place to drag pets is gone. When the queue is empty it's just the queue waiting to receive pets. When it's full it can be just the queue still, though there's a pullout button to display the top-most pet in the queue.

If you or anyone else has ideas to make the process of setting up leveling pets easier or more intuitive I'm all ears.
6. I use LDB. Could it be set that (right)clicking the broker can be configured to heal pets / use a bandage instead of having to go into the addon?
This may not be possible due to the restrictions Blizzard has on secure buttons, but will require some research to say for sure. I'll look into it. Do you know of any addons that add a LDB plugin that can cast a spell from its button? If any plugin exists that can cast spells then it should be possible.

edit: btw the LDB button is not in the update posted last night. I'll make sure it's in tonight's update. There are lots of loose ends that have yet to be implemented. But stuff will get added back as it's tested and from feedback.

One reason this beta is being posted a bit early (without all its bells and whistles) is to find out what features are missed if they aren't included. To trim the excess baggage the addon accumulated over time. So if anyone misses something they could do in the old one, please let me know!

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Re: Rematch 4.0

Post by Jerebear » August 19th, 2015, 5:30 pm

I'm on vacation so I won't be able to start testing until sometime next week. Looking forward to trying it out. How long will you keep in beta roughly?
Carry Pet Experience Reference Guide:

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Re: Rematch 4.0

Post by Gello » August 19th, 2015, 5:51 pm

Jerebear wrote:I'm on vacation so I won't be able to start testing until sometime next week. Looking forward to trying it out. How long will you keep in beta roughly?
I look forward to your feedback!

Perhaps two weeks for beta, or however long it takes to get the bullet points in the addon's description all done. I've cleared some time next week to work on this so it shouldn't be an issue. But it can be longer if there's any design changes, which I'm totally open to.

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Re: Rematch 4.0

Post by Gráinne » August 20th, 2015, 11:20 am

Hi Gello,

First, I'd like to thank you for making such an amazingly useful addon! I can't imagine doing pet battles without it. It's great to have a chance to do something practical to help. ;)

I have just a) backed-up WTF, b) removed the old Addons/Rematch directory and c) installed the Beta.

On logging in with the Beta, in Shrine, I immediately got a Lua error message. This is NOT a Rematch problem proper, since it doesn't happen when I disable all other addons and load Rematch alone, and I have a lot of addons, many not up to date, and some personally tweaked. However, I append the error below in case it's of any interest.

I ran it through a few tamers and BoF with no problem. My teams and queues were there as usual.

Three first-impression comments:

1. I love how easy you have made it to manage the queue now. Often it's not practical just to pop the next pet from the queue, because the pet may be under-level for this fight. Being able to drag and drop pets in the queue is very convenient. I may actually be able to stop using my Favourites as my backup levelling queue.

2. Having a single convenient Dismiss Pet button, regardless of which companion is summoned, is great. It always annoyed me to have to focus which pet was out, then Dismiss. This is much slicker.

3. The new UI, especially the squatter cards for the team members, with percentages instead of health values, will take some getting used to. I'll give it a few days before I comment.

I look forward to Notes. :D

I'll post again if I find anything worth noting.

Thanks for maintaining and improving this well-loved addon!

Date: 2015-08-20 15:32:22
ID: 1
Error occured in: Global
Count: 1
Message: ..\AddOns\Rematch\Process\Sanctuary.lua line 128:
Usage: GetNumCollectedInfo(speciesID)
[C]: ?
[C]: GetNumCollectedInfo()
Rematch\Process\Sanctuary.lua:128: FindReplacementPet()
Rematch\Process\Sanctuary.lua:113: UpdateSanctuaryNow()
Rematch\Main.lua:172: ?()

Swatter, v5.21e.5566 (SanctimoniousSwamprat)
NPCScan, v6.2.0.1
AckisRecipeList, v6.2.0.1
ACP, v3.4.16
Archy, v6.2.0.1
AucAdvanced, v5.21e.5566 (SanctimoniousSwamprat)
AucFilterBasic, v5.21e.5566 (SanctimoniousSwamprat)
AucFilterOutlier, v5.21e.5566.5459(5.21e/embedded)
AucMatchUndercut, v5.21e.5566.5507(5.21e/embedded)
AucStatHistogram, v5.21e.5566 (SanctimoniousSwamprat)
AucStatiLevel, v5.21e.5566 (SanctimoniousSwamprat)
AucStatPurchased, v5.21e.5566 (SanctimoniousSwamprat)
AucStatSales, v5.21e.5566.5476(5.21e/embedded)
AucStatSimple, v5.21e.5566 (SanctimoniousSwamprat)
AucStatStdDev, v5.21e.5566 (SanctimoniousSwamprat)
AucStatWOWEcon, v5.21e.5566.5323(5.21e/embedded)
AucUtilAHWindowControl, v5.21e.5566.5347(5.21e/embedded)
AucUtilAppraiser, v5.21e.5566.5545(5.21e/embedded)
AucUtilAskPrice, v5.21e.5566.5447(5.21e/embedded)
AucUtilAutoMagic, v5.21e.5566.5537(5.21e/embedded)
AucUtilCompactUI, v5.21e.5566.5550(5.21e/embedded)
AucUtilEasyBuyout, v5.21e.5566.5507(5.21e/embedded)
AucUtilFixAH, v5.21e.5566 (SanctimoniousSwamprat)
AucUtilItemSuggest, v5.21e.5566.5417(5.21e/embedded)
AucUtilPriceLevel, v5.21e.5566.5535(5.21e/embedded)
AucUtilScanButton, v5.21e.5566.5403(5.21e/embedded)
AucUtilScanFinish, v5.21e.5566.5515(5.21e/embedded)
AucUtilScanProgress, v5.21e.5566.4979(5.21e/embedded)
AucUtilScanStart, v5.21e.5566.5347(5.21e/embedded)
AucUtilSearchUI, v5.21e.5566.5556(5.21e/embedded)
AucUtilSimpleAuction, v5.21e.5566.5531(5.21e/embedded)
AucUtilVendMarkup, v5.21e.5566.4828(5.21e/embedded)
Auctionator, v3.2.4
AutoRepair, v
Babylonian, v5.1.DEV.332(/embedded)
BadBoy, v12.566
BadBoyCCleaner, v
BadBoyGuilded, v
BadBoyHistory, v
BadBoyLevels, v
BagBrother, v
Bagnon, v6.2.1
Bartender4, v4.6.10
BattlePetDailyTamer, v1.5.1
BattlePetBinds, vv2.5.0
BattlePetBreedID, vv1.4.4
BeanCounter, v5.21e.5566 (SanctimoniousSwamprat)
BittensSpellFlashLibrary, v60100.201503092107
BulkOrder, vv1.15
Carbonite, v6.2.0
CarboniteInfo, v6.2.0
CarboniteNotes, v6.2.0
CarboniteQuests, v6.2.0
CarboniteSocial, v6.2.0
CarboniteWarehouse, v6.2.0
CarboniteWeekly, v6.2.0
CensusPlus, v6.2.2
ClassTimer, v2.3.60200.1
CLCRet, v
Configator, v5.1.DEV.382(/embedded)
CoolLine, v6.0.004
DailyGlobalCheck, v
DailyGlobalCheckPetTamers, v
DailyGlobalCheckWodTreasureChests, v
DBMCore, v
DBMDefaultSkin, v
DBMSpellTimers, v
DBMStatusBarTimers, v
DebugLib, v5.1.DEV.337(/embedded)
DoomCooldownPulse, v
Enchantrix, v5.21e.5566 (SanctimoniousSwamprat)
EnchantrixBarker, v5.21e.5566 (SanctimoniousSwamprat)
FocusInterruptSounds, v4.0
Grail, v070
GrailReputations, v007
GreenWall, v1.6.4
GTFO, v4.37.2
HandyNotes, vv1.3.3
HandyNotesDraenorTreasures, v1.13
Informant, v5.21e.5566 (SanctimoniousSwamprat)
LibExtraTip, v5.12.DEV.390(/embedded)
LibSharedMedia30, v3.0-93
MageNuggets, v4.4.9
MasterPlanA, v
MikScrollingBattleText, v5.7.142
MogIt, v3.4.0
Multishot, v3.1.4
OmniCC, v6.2
PetTracker, v6.2.3
PetTrackerBreeds, v
PetTrackerConfig, v
PetTrackerSwitcher, v
PetTrackerUpgrades, v
PitBull4, vv4.0.0-beta55
PitBull4Aggro, vv4.0.0-beta55
PitBull4AltPowerBar, vv4.0.0-beta55
PitBull4Aura, vv4.0.0-beta55
PitBull4Background, vv4.0.0-beta55
PitBull4BattlePet, vv4.0.0-beta55
PitBull4BlankSpace, vv4.0.0-beta55
PitBull4Border, vv4.0.0-beta55
PitBull4CastBar, vv4.0.0-beta55
PitBull4CastBarLatency, vv4.0.0-beta55
PitBull4CombatFader, vv4.0.0-beta55
PitBull4CombatIcon, vv4.0.0-beta55
PitBull4CombatText, vv4.0.0-beta55
PitBull4ComboPoints, vv4.0.0-beta55
PitBull4ExperienceBar, vv4.0.0-beta55
PitBull4HealthBar, vv4.0.0-beta55
PitBull4HideBlizzard, vv4.0.0-beta55
PitBull4Highlight, vv4.0.0-beta55
PitBull4HostilityFader, vv4.0.0-beta55
PitBull4LeaderIcon, vv4.0.0-beta55
PitBull4LuaTexts, vv4.0.0-beta55
PitBull4MasterLooterIcon, vv4.0.0-beta55
PitBull4PhaseIcon, vv4.0.0-beta55
PitBull4Portrait, vv4.0.0-beta55
PitBull4PowerBar, vv4.0.0-beta55
PitBull4PvPIcon, vv4.0.0-beta55
PitBull4QuestIcon, vv4.0.0-beta55
PitBull4RaidTargetIcon, vv4.0.0-beta55
PitBull4RangeFader, vv4.0.0-beta55
PitBull4ReadyCheckIcon, vv4.0.0-beta55
PitBull4ReputationBar, vv4.0.0-beta55
PitBull4RestIcon, vv4.0.0-beta55
PitBull4RoleIcon, vv4.0.0-beta55
PitBull4ShadowOrbs, vv4.0.0-beta55
PitBull4Sounds, vv4.0.0-beta55
PitBull4ThreatBar, vv4.0.0-beta55
PitBull4VisualHeal, vv4.0.0-beta55
PitBull4VoiceIcon, vv4.0.0-beta55
Postal, v3.5.4
Prat30, v3.5.16
Prat30HighCPUUsageModules, v
Prat30Libraries, v
QuickRepair, v6.0.3
Recount, vv6.2.0f release
Rematch, v4.0.0-beta-05
sellgrey, v6.2.0.20173
Skada, v1.4-32
SlideBar, v5.21e.5566 (SanctimoniousSwamprat)
SpellFlash, v6.23
SpellFlashCore, v2.0.7
Stubby, v5.21e.5566 (SanctimoniousSwamprat)
TellMeWhen, v7.3.5
TidyPlates, v6.15.3
TidyPlatesThreatPlates, v7.011-Alpha
TidyPlatesHub, v
TidyPlatesWidgets, v
TipHelper, v5.12.DEV.389(/embedded)
TradeSkillMaster, vv2.10.26
TradeSkillMasterAccounting, vv2.4.4
TradeSkillMasterAuctionDB, vv2.6.5
TradeSkillMasterAuctioning, vv2.4.5
Wholly, v051
BlizRuntimeLib_enUS v6.2.0.60200 <none>

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Re: Rematch 4.0

Post by Flohsakk » August 20th, 2015, 11:51 am

  • Even if I have teams saved for nearly everything I don't autoload (because I try other pets to optimize stuff and don't want to have the saved team loaded everytime I mouseover or click the target)... so I really miss the minimap button or an option for it to open the minimized window quick.
  • I'd rather have the Find Battle (Pet PvP) Button back in the minimized window, I don't need "Dismiss Pet" there (especially if it's not working for a left clicked pet from the list, I first have to summon it to assign it to the button)
  • Usually I close the minimized window and open it again with a prompt load (or click on minimap icon), but for now I get the prompt, load the team for the target but the minimized window doesn't open.
  • Didn't have a bufffood to test it, but I expect these 2 buttons to still do nothing without having my summoned pet targeted? Is there an API function to do this, so I can click these buttons without targeting my pet first?
  • I'm glad to see the possible breeds for a specific pet directly on mouseover now, but somehow I miss the list of the stats of these possible breeds on the "back" of the pet card.
  • Is it possible to assign a lower priority to the minimized window, so it's behind Dungeon Browser windows etc. or do you need this priority for the journal "overlay"?
That's for now, maybe I'm back another day with more... Thanks so far, I like the journal integration.
Last edited by Flohsakk on August 20th, 2015, 12:13 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Rematch 4.0

Post by FuxieDK » August 20th, 2015, 12:11 pm

I have NOT tried this new Beta, but there are three things I will request:

1: Max HP, for levelling pet, per battle (similar to minimum HP).. This have already been discussed, it just ever made it to v3.x and now we know where all your coding efforts went ;)
2: Transparant notes/strategy window. To display tactics, the window needs to be big.. When window is big, most of the battle is not visible. A transparant window can solve this.. Maybe with a MouseOver function that turns it solid (for easier reading), when mouse is inside window.
3: For battles with 2x Levelling Pet, it would be nice, if we could enter the preferences seperately. This way, you could e.g. have a Min24 pet in one slot and Max20 in the other (etc etc)

Otherwise, I look forward to trying it, once it goes live (I'm not that big a faw of betas)..

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Re: Rematch 4.0

Post by Aurae » August 20th, 2015, 8:04 pm

Took a little bit of playing around to figure a couple things out. Love that I can see all my team categories without having to scroll. Glad the minimized window doesn't take up so much screen real estate anymore.

I do have to agree with above, I really miss the minimap button.
Also, once you enable notes, will it recognize the previously set notes we had?

I did notice that when trying to clear filters on the pets, the Sort option will not go back to its default.

Will keep an eye out for any other quirks.

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Re: Rematch 4.0

Post by Gello » August 20th, 2015, 8:49 pm

Gráinne wrote:On logging in with the Beta, in Shrine, I immediately got a Lua error message. This is NOT a Rematch problem proper, since it doesn't happen when I disable all other addons and load Rematch alone, and I have a lot of addons, many not up to date, and some personally tweaked. However, I append the error below in case it's of any interest.
Thanks for posting the error! I suspect I know what caused this and a fix will be up tomorrow (beta-05). Thanks for other comments too!
Flohsakk wrote:
  • Even if I have teams saved for nearly everything I don't autoload (because I try other pets to optimize stuff and don't want to have the saved team loaded everytime I mouseover or click the target)... so I really miss the minimap button or an option for it to open the minimized window quick.
  • I'd rather have the Find Battle (Pet PvP) Button back in the minimized window, I don't need "Dismiss Pet" there (especially if it's not working for a left clicked pet from the list, I first have to summon it to assign it to the button)
  • Usually I close the minimized window and open it again with a prompt load (or click on minimap icon), but for now I get the prompt, load the team for the target but the minimized window doesn't open.
  • Didn't have a bufffood to test it, but I expect these 2 buttons to still do nothing without having my summoned pet targeted? Is there an API function to do this, so I can click these buttons without targeting my pet first?
  • I'm glad to see the possible breeds for a specific pet directly on mouseover now, but somehow I miss the list of the stats of these possible breeds on the "back" of the pet card.
  • Is it possible to assign a lower priority to the minimized window, so it's behind Dungeon Browser windows etc. or do you need this priority for the journal "overlay"?
  • I'll get the minimap button back soon. I wanted to make teams taggable as favorites so they list at the top (like favorite pets do) with an extra benefit that favorite team can be accessed by right-clicking the minimap button. But sortable teams have to happen before this. But it will get there. (However, favorite teams will now wait for an update after 4.0 goes live.)
  • The minimized view may be widening a little bit (7.69% to be precise) and a Find Battle button may fit there if so. The Dismiss Pet button is generally to dismiss the current battle pet. I'll ponder some options to make that "toolbar" customizable if that widening doesn't happen.
  • I appreciate you posting about this way of using the addon. The impression from 3.x seems to be most users try to reduce the amount of time the window is on the screen. And with the maximized window so huge, it seemed inappropriate to make it appear on its own. Perhaps some emphasis on minimized view as the default view can happen. (For instance an update tomorrow will add a "mini target panel" to the minimized window when you've got a target that has a saved team not already loaded, lessening the need to expand the window as a player runs around doing battles.)
  • Unfortunately Blizzard won't allow addons to target pets. :( (If curious, this was to fix an exploit of attempting to target a pet to see if a skill should be used, and then a supporting addon summoning a pet when a skill should be used; Blizzard went heavy handed on this one: preventing both addons summoning pets and macros/addons targeting pets. grr) Addons can't target the treats onto a pet at all unfortunately.
  • That little table will be back. I haven't decided if it'd appear when you mouseover the breed of the specific pet or the "Possible Breeds" section of the card.
  • It is absolutely possible to lower the priority (frameStrata) of the minimized window (and its expanded form). The journal frameStrata needs to stay where it is. Look for a "Push Window Lower" or some options like that in an update this weekend.
FuxieDK wrote:I have NOT tried this new Beta, but there are three things I will request:

1: Max HP, for levelling pet, per battle (similar to minimum HP).. This have already been discussed, it just ever made it to v3.x and now we know where all your coding efforts went ;)
2: Transparant notes/strategy window. To display tactics, the window needs to be big.. When window is big, most of the battle is not visible. A transparant window can solve this.. Maybe with a MouseOver function that turns it solid (for easier reading), when mouse is inside window.
3: For battles with 2x Levelling Pet, it would be nice, if we could enter the preferences seperately. This way, you could e.g. have a Min24 pet in one slot and Max20 in the other (etc etc)

Otherwise, I look forward to trying it, once it goes live (I'm not that big a faw of betas)..
You don't like making easy suggestions lol

1: I'll reconsider Max HP. I'd feel better adding it if a use other than Frillblast was found. A preference to cater to only one target in the whole game is a big commitment.
2: The notes window will be styled like the dialog/pet card/frame. An option for semi-transparency is possible.
3: This would require not only a redesign of the preference system, but a redesign in how pet slots are classified and their abstraction. It's possible but the effort/amount of code/bloat it would cause for everyone may not be worth the benefit imho.
Aurae wrote:I do have to agree with above, I really miss the minimap button.
Also, once you enable notes, will it recognize the previously set notes we had?

I did notice that when trying to clear filters on the pets, the Sort option will not go back to its default.
I'll bump up the minimap button priority. With favorite teams going to back burner it's not necessary to keep it waiting any longer.

And yes all notes are still stored in your teams (and any manipulation of teams will carry notes around as if the feature was fully implemented). They're just not viewable yet.

On sort and filter, near the bottom of the option tab is "Reset Sort With Filters". While this is checked, any sort besides Sort by Name with Favorites First will make Sort among the list of filters and clearing filters will revert to Sort by Name with Favorites First.

I considered making this the default behavior. But some people use a sort other than Sort by Name as their default sort they keep running all the time. What default sort do you (and anyone else reading) use? If the consensus seems to be Sort by Name as the "default" sort, then I can reverse that option to "Don't Reset Sort With Filters".

Speaking of filters, I don't know if anyone noticed it but there's a new Favorite Filters in the filter menu. If you set up a filter like Tradable, Three+ Copies, Max Level (25), then go into Favorite Filters and choose "Save Filter", it will ask for a name to call the filter. You could call it something like "AH Candidates". Now when you go to the Favorite Filters menu it will show "AH Candidates" to load that filter. You can save as many favorite filters as you want to load back from that menu.

As it mentions on that dialog, search and sort order are not saved with the filter, but if I reverse the role of sort in a reset filter, I'll probably include sort in the favorite filter too.

Thanks again everyone for the feedback!

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Re: Rematch 4.0

Post by Flohsakk » August 20th, 2015, 9:31 pm

Favorite team on minimap button sounds good, with new content patches and wild pet additions I always wanted a "when I finished a battle (vs. a target with a saved team) give me a quick option to load my Level&Capture team so I don't have to load/search that team from my list"

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Re: Rematch 4.0

Post by Aurae » August 20th, 2015, 9:32 pm

Gello wrote:
Aurae wrote:I do have to agree with above, I really miss the minimap button.
Also, once you enable notes, will it recognize the previously set notes we had?

I did notice that when trying to clear filters on the pets, the Sort option will not go back to its default.
I'll bump up the minimap button priority. With favorite teams going to back burner it's not necessary to keep it waiting any longer.

And yes all notes are still stored in your teams (and any manipulation of teams will carry notes around as if the feature was fully implemented). They're just not viewable yet.

On sort and filter, near the bottom of the option tab is "Reset Sort With Filters". While this is checked, any sort besides Sort by Name with Favorites First will make Sort among the list of filters and clearing filters will revert to Sort by Name with Favorites First.

I considered making this the default behavior. But some people use a sort other than Sort by Name as their default sort they keep running all the time. What default sort do you (and anyone else reading) use? If the consensus seems to be Sort by Name as the "default" sort, then I can reverse that option to "Don't Reset Sort With Filters".

Speaking of filters, I don't know if anyone noticed it but there's a new Favorite Filters in the filter menu. If you set up a filter like Tradable, Three+ Copies, Max Level (25), then go into Favorite Filters and choose "Save Filter", it will ask for a name to call the filter. You could call it something like "AH Candidates". Now when you go to the Favorite Filters menu it will show "AH Candidates" to load that filter. You can save as many favorite filters as you want to load back from that menu.

As it mentions on that dialog, search and sort order are not saved with the filter, but if I reverse the role of sort in a reset filter, I'll probably include sort in the favorite filter too.

Thanks again everyone for the feedback!
I did notice the Save Filters option, but haven't played with it yet. I suspect that will come in very handy!

At the moment, I generally default my sorting to Reverse Sort by Level as I am still leveling the rest of my collection. Once done leveling, outside of the one-offs of picking up a new pet, I will probably be using the name sort, as it makes the most sense in the long run. Sounds like setting up Favorite Filters would be the best option in that. :D

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Re: Rematch 4.0

Post by Gráinne » August 21st, 2015, 7:45 am

A few interim points. No malfunctions so far.

1. On Sort sequence, my sort sequence has always been

a) Favourites first
b) Sort by Level Descending, then
c) (implicit) Sort by Name Ascending A-Z

and it has always bugged me a bit when that got reset.

I see in the current build that when I sort by Level, it actually sorts by Level Descending - I do not need to tick the Reverse Sort box to get Descending. I don't think that's the way it was before, but I'm fine with Descending being the default for Level.

2. On Dismiss, I haven't been able to reproduce the problem that Flohsakk mentions "(especially if it's not working for a left clicked pet from the list, I first have to summon it to assign it to the button)". I have summoned pets by teams, by left-clicking from the list, and by logging into a different character to summon, but the Dismiss Pet button always knows what my current summoned pet is, and dismisses it. Perhaps there's some behaviour that I just never think of.

3. I agree with Flohsakk that
a) not seeing the stats for a Blue 25 is a loss.
b) I miss the list of the stats of the possible breeds
When I was capturing and levelling pets, this was a quick and handy way to judge which to queue and which to release. "If there's a 306 Speed breed, I want it..."
I can still get to it by un-ticking Rematch in the Pet Journal, of course.

4.I finally found and switched on the "Color Pet Names by Rarity" option, which makes me happy. Did someone ask for this to be toggle-able? I don't understand why anyone would want to turn it off.

5. I have never used Rematch minimised, and I can't imagine I ever would. I usually open the whole Pet Journal Shift-P, or close it. I can imagine using Rematch without the Pet Journal and I have now made a button to open it on its own, and ticked the "Don't minimise on Esc". I'll see if that sticks.

6. I really, really like that the new "Release this pet" dialog shows the rarity and level. When releasing a lowbie when I have a Blue 25 of good breed, that moment of "am I releasing the right one?" was always stressful :)

Edited P.S. Your "AH Candidates" was in fact a filter I had always wanted, and I set it up last night before I read your post. It works great ;)

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Re: Rematch 4.0

Post by Flohsakk » August 21st, 2015, 10:48 am

Is there an option for "Put Leveling Pet here" in the maximized window too?

Some people are talking about the nice and easy way to change the Level Pet from the queue in 4.0 ... I don't see anything to change this pet without going into the maxed window... where do you do something like the live version mouseclick -> switch level pet <- arrows -> ?

And a big sorry, I missunderstood the Dismiss Pet button. I thought it's there to release pets, not the opposite of the Summon Pet button. (using german client ^^)

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Re: Rematch 4.0

Post by Gráinne » August 21st, 2015, 11:12 am

Flohsakk wrote:If I have 3x Level 25 pets in my former team and want to create & save a new one with a "level pet slot"... do I have to put a <25 pet in one slot first and then save this team to get the Level Pet Blue Arrow somewhere? Maybe I'm stupid, but the Rightclick + "Put Leveling Pet here" seemed to be much easier.
To make a levelling team as you describe, I
- get my 3 25s into the team
- drag any pet from the levelling queue into the slot I want
- Save, or Save As, if I want to save this as a new team
and that seems natural to me. But your idea, which I think was the old way, of right-clicking the slot and selecting "Add Levelling Pet" and then Save or Save As also seems intuitive enough.

Levelling pets used to be spaced out across the whole list of pets.The thing I most like about the queue is that now I have all my queue pets grouped together, and I can drag them up and down the queue to change the order, so I can easily see and select the best one for this battle. The actual slotting of a queue pet by dragging was OK by me, and is still OK by me.

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Re: Rematch 4.0

Post by Gello » August 21st, 2015, 11:46 am

Gráinne wrote:4.I finally found and switched on the "Color Pet Names by Rarity" option, which makes me happy. Did someone ask for this to be toggle-able? I don't understand why anyone would want to turn it off.
I like them uncolored! Someone may have requested it before, sorry if it wasn't added earlier! Recently I had wiped WTF for testing purposes, and then toggling Rematch on/off on the journal I saw all the colored names. My first reaction was "omg what did I break?" Then I realized it was colored by rarity and another addon was doing it. After going into BattlePet Breed ID and turning colors off, I added an option in Rematch to turn rarity colors on. If it was default for BPBID it's likely many people expect colored names in the journal.
Flohsakk wrote:Is there an option for "Put Leveling Pet here" in the maximized window too?
There is. Let me know if you don't see it:
Some people are talking about the nice and easy way to change the Level Pet from the queue in 4.0 ... I don't see anything to change this pet without going into the maxed window... where do you do something like the live version mouseclick -> switch level pet <- arrows -> ?
Changing which pet is the top-most in the queue does require the maximized window yes. The minimized view is losing the ability to swap the top-most leveling pet that was possible in 3.x. It was one of the superfluous extras that was cut for being an excessive amount of frames/code for what it did.

If you want to make it easier to go to the queue while it's minimized, there's an option "Show Tabs While Minimized" so you can go straight to queue while it's minimized. I may turn this on by default.

In addition to right-click and using arrows in the menu to move the pet up/down the queue, you can drag the pet directly and move it where you want it in the queue.

Also there's a pullout button in the topleft of the queue to show the "Current Leveling Pet". If you have that open you can also drop pets onto the slot to move them to the top of the queue.

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Re: Rematch 4.0

Post by Gráinne » August 21st, 2015, 11:47 am

Is anyone using this with the PetBattleTeams addon?

I can't get PetBattleTeams to display when Rematch is up.

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Re: Rematch 4.0

Post by Gello » August 21st, 2015, 12:01 pm

Gráinne wrote:Is anyone using this with the PetBattleTeams addon?

I can't get PetBattleTeams to display when Rematch is up.
Uncheck Rematch in the lower-left corner of the journal (next to the Summon button) to return to the default journal. PetBattleTeams PetJournal Enhaned and any other addons that modify the journal will be there. You may need to expand the PBT window with PBT's little button in the top-right of the journal.

To use Rematch again you can check the button beside the Summon button again.

This is an interesting topic I wish I had more time to go into today, but one of the major reasons that Rematch was not integrated into the journal for so long is because it would be forever fighting all the other addons modifying the journal. For example: even simply adding options to the right-click menu of the default journal pet list required also checking if PetJournal Enhanced was enabled. PJE completely replaced the default pet list. It was not a reskin or any tweak. It hid the original and replaced it with a clone that looked very similar with a lot of new filter options. So similar that most people probably didn't realize it was not the default journal list. So to add the few menu items it did, it had to check if PJE was enabled and insert them into PJE's menus instead of default, and vice versa. All this fighting, and potential fighting with future addons, would not be helpful to users, not to the addon ecosystem, not to other authors, and not to me. It would create bugs, it would require me to help support other addons, it would be a mess I didn't want to deal with.

So the solution is that checkbox: check it to turn Rematch on and ignore whatever all other addons are doing to the journal, uncheck it to turn Rematch off and go back to the default journal.

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Re: Rematch 4.0

Post by Flohsakk » August 21st, 2015, 12:27 pm

Ah okay, the "Put leveling pet here" option is in my maxed window but there's a problem:

When I do the rightclick on the pet's icon I don't see the pet card and "Put leveling pet here" is missing, if I move the mouse out of the icon and the pet card pops, the right click context menu has this option.

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Re: Rematch 4.0

Post by Gráinne » August 21st, 2015, 12:41 pm

Ahhh, that explains a lot.

And PBT does indeed return to visibility when I untick Rematch.

Thank you, Gello.

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