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Random pet battle team

Posted: October 12th, 2016, 8:56 pm
by Rhum
I would love to have an addon to pick three random battlepets for me
It would be fun, and add an opportunity to get back in touch with many long overlooked pets, and might even encourage me to get back onto those pvp achievements. I do pick random pets manually now and again, but the novelty wears off when repeatedly scrolling through a long list.
Has anybody here found such an addon, either standalone, or part of another mod?

Re: Random pet battle team

Posted: October 19th, 2016, 2:24 pm
by JEC
Rhum wrote:I would love to have an addon to pick three random battlepets for me
It would be fun, and add an opportunity to get back in touch with many long overlooked pets, and might even encourage me to get back onto those pvp achievements. I do pick random pets manually now and again, but the novelty wears off when repeatedly scrolling through a long list.
Has anybody here found such an addon, either standalone, or part of another mod?

No mods that I know of, but I've always thought a random mode built into pet battles would be a lot of fun. I sometimes also just randomly pick three, but the novelty wears off quickly, not because of scrolling, but because the person on the other side usually has a coordinated team.

Re: Random pet battle team

Posted: October 19th, 2016, 4:01 pm
by Lolfixheal
Would be great idea for PvP. Instead of seeing the same pre-scripted teams, one would be given 3 random pets from your journal. Then you would be able to arrange them and select abilities. First then your opponent will show with his pets and you battle. Your skills as a pet battler will determine how well you adapt to the situation, but also RNG dependant due to luck of the draw. This mode would naturally require say, a minimum of X level 25 blue unique pets in the journal so people don't cheese it. Also you wouldn't be able to get more than 1 of each pet race or same pet for that matter.

Re: Random pet battle team

Posted: October 19th, 2016, 9:05 pm
by Uduwudu
Rhum wrote:I would love to have an addon to pick three random battlepets for me
Ohhhh , what a load of ... bow puckies!




I would rather have an add-on that does the fight so I can sit back and just click one keystroke, and smoke a cigar!

.... well, at least an add-on that can give better suggestions about some pets, however, on that day, I guarantee you that Blizzard will change some of the abilities in many pets so they can switch around abilities, and your add-on will be quite worthless.

I don't think that you can replace YOUR knowledge of the pets with an add-on. It will help add information to make the fight better for you, but otherwise, I am not sure that it would be a good idea ... unless on that day, Blizzard is actively working on killing their game, like Everquest did many years ago that sent everyone (and specially well known programmers) to World of Warcraft.

Re: Random pet battle team

Posted: March 12th, 2017, 9:33 am
by Pouzzler
Hello, I just joined the forum and made a new post about my addon.
It would totally be able to select three random pets for you - in fact, it's the main thing it does : it switches pets for you. I would just have to add a random element, because right now it will always select the same ones if the same instructions are given.

Would you care to test it, and if it seems like it might fit the bill, I would implement that randomness.

Best regards :)