MC extended 1 week. Good Luck on your Hatesparks!

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MC extended 1 week. Good Luck on your Hatesparks!

Post by Sibi » January 5th, 2015, 9:05 pm

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Re: MC extended 1 week. Good Luck on your Hatesparks!

Post by Abashera » January 5th, 2015, 9:22 pm

Ha! I was just coming here to post this. Good news to those who haven't gotten the pet yet. Now if only Blizz would increase the drop-rate for the last week.

I have a feeling that MC will be hit HARD with all the people who didn't get the pet... after they got a taste of not getting it, and having no more chances.

I have to say though - Last night I ran three back to back, and I have never seen more organized and serious LFR groups since the creation of LFR. Man, people meant business!

Me? I'll be trying for the enchant, and any additional pets will just be a bonus.

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Re: MC extended 1 week. Good Luck on your Hatesparks!

Post by Sibi » January 5th, 2015, 9:33 pm

TBH I only ran it once, and that was a couple nights ago. It wasn't TOO bad after the tanks got together and decided who was going to pull what and when. A lot of trash skipping, not too much face-pulling after the initial jump off the edge where pet classes didn't dismiss their pets.
I'll probably give it another couple goes, queue healer for some friends that still didn't get their pets/enchants.
Honestly, with the way non-collectors were acting about selling off their Hatesparks today, I sort of hope they do increase the drop rate.

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Re: MC extended 1 week. Good Luck on your Hatesparks!

Post by Darolyn » January 5th, 2015, 9:38 pm

I've managed to get two to drop so far, one for me and one for my friend. I need to make back some of the money I spent on repairs during the first dozen I did, so I'm going to keep doing it in the hopes of getting another pet or two, and hopefully the enchant!

Good luck, everyone! I found it's best if you can queue with a friend or two, so you at least have someone to whisper if it gets bad.

Thaliana#1794 - My WoW account has 50 toons, so I would so greatly appreciate people creating toons on Kael'Thas or Ghostlands to trade with me. <3

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Re: MC extended 1 week. Good Luck on your Hatesparks!

Post by Sibi » January 5th, 2015, 10:17 pm

Skype + Netflix (vent/teamspeak whatever you prefer) that's how we did it lol

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Re: MC extended 1 week. Good Luck on your Hatesparks!

Post by Colar » January 6th, 2015, 5:34 am

serious is right. Not too long ago there was a scrub hunter who kept pulling everything because we were moving too slowly and we kept dying because he was moving too fast. I was one of the few players who suggested vote kicking him because he was playing like a spoiled brat who can't listen to instruction. Vote-kicking came very fast and was approved before I could even click yes or no so clearly a lot of players were irate as well.

After he was kicked off, he sent a very nasty whisper that probably earned him a very long break when GM looked at my ticket and answered it not even 2 hours later. :roll: sore loser that one. If he had taken the time to listen and held back, he would have finished MC and maybe gotten the pet or enchant but now he probably lost a few days or more. :|

I managed to get one drop from Rag a few days ago (different run from nasty player episode) and I paid 25k for one just a day earlier in case it never dropped for me. Will keep running to get a 3rd one. Right now my LFR isn't showing MC and that won't be for a few more hours.

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Re: MC extended 1 week. Good Luck on your Hatesparks!

Post by Index » January 6th, 2015, 6:51 am

I got really lucky! I was running MC for the Nth time, talking to a guy who was there for the enchant. he saw I had it already, and asked why I was crazy enough to come back time and time again - collectors are mad!

Anyway, we chatted for a while, cleared, and saw no pet. Couple of days later, a random lvl 1 /w me, asking me to meet them. Honestly, I thought it was a gold spammer/seller etc, and did my best to politely say I was busy. Persistent he was, so I caved, and went to meet him way up in the Exodar.

It was the guy from MC a few days previous, who had gotten a SPARE hatespark, and gave it to me for free! He said he'd gotten lucky, and could feel my pain and wanted to help me out :)

I was truly flabbergasted, at least there's still some decent players in this now largely toxic community :P

Good luck everyone! One more week to try!!!


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Re: MC extended 1 week. Good Luck on your Hatesparks!

Post by Ist » January 6th, 2015, 3:57 pm

Sibi wrote:Honestly, with the way non-collectors were acting about selling off their Hatesparks today, I sort of hope they do increase the drop rate.
Eh, that's the beauty of a free market: Things are only worth what folks are willing to pay. Be patient for a little bit - prices will go down (before they, admittedly, will shoot back up), but right now I would argue supply is beginning to exceed demand. There are 8 Hatesparks available for sale on my server and that number seems to only be going up. Most of the desperate folks splurged and bought theirs Sunday or Monday, and those of us who are interested but refuse to shell out a metric ton of gold can sit back and watch the undercutting war begin.

Hatey was 89k on my server at one point and is already down to 45k (with 8 total on the AH as I type this)... as those 8 continue to not sell I look forward to picking up a Hatespark for much cheaper as folks get bored with relisting day in and day out. Yes, the pet will become unobtainable, but that only matters when the number in circulation begins to drop. Buying a pet for oodles of gold is a very niche market, and most of the folks who want one have either farmed their own or spent what they were willing to spend before they extension was announced.

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Re: MC extended 1 week. Good Luck on your Hatesparks!

Post by Kpb321 » January 6th, 2015, 4:11 pm

It's really hard to say. Everyone knows it is a limited time drop and will no longer be dropping sooner rather than later. With pets the listing fee is only a silver so re-listing it until you sell isn't really costing you anything so you can be patient. ~90k was high but I wouldn't count on it crashing completely either. I doubt it will go much below, if at all, the previous average price.

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Re: MC extended 1 week. Good Luck on your Hatesparks!

Post by Sibi » January 6th, 2015, 4:18 pm

It isn't the price I'm having a problem with, it's their attitudes. Attempt to sell it for whatever price you choose, just don't be a jerk to people when they approach you about the item. Which is what is frequently happening when these people feel like they should be paid 300k for the pet but someone is only offering let's say 50k. (just making up numbers really) Mostly I'm just fed up with toxicity levels of the community at large lately and anything to thwart them is fine by me.

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Re: MC extended 1 week. Good Luck on your Hatesparks!

Post by Kel » January 6th, 2015, 5:17 pm

On my server there is only 1 posted, at 100k!!!!! :o

So glad I snagged mine at 15k when I did! :lol:
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Re: MC extended 1 week. Good Luck on your Hatesparks!

Post by Jegojas » January 6th, 2015, 6:49 pm

just had it drop for me, only took 22 runs :mrgreen:
never ever going back in there again, lfr the last few weeks have been hellish to say the least

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Re: MC extended 1 week. Good Luck on your Hatesparks!

Post by Kpb321 » January 6th, 2015, 7:01 pm

Jegojas wrote:just had it drop for me, only took 22 runs :mrgreen:
never ever going back in there again, lfr the last few weeks have been hellish to say the least
You have far more dedication than I do. One run on one toon was more than enough for me. I don't even want to think about 22 runs. Even if they were all good runs that is still probably ~3 days time running MC.

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Re: MC extended 1 week. Good Luck on your Hatesparks!

Post by Tekulve2012 » January 6th, 2015, 7:17 pm

Hatespark is an interesting case. The limited time factor has people worried they'll miss the boat.

I collect pets first admittedly. Mounts are 'meh' to me for the most part with a few exceptions. I'll be honest though, I ran MC shortly after it was available to get the Core hound mount.. I love it

Hatespark is cool too and i got lucky and nabbed for less than 12k early on..the pet didn't drop for me and I didn't return to MC even though the run I did was smooth compared to some tales of woe I've heard

I agree with others that Hatesparks' price will drop ...people will want to convert their asset to gold and when there are 400 or 500 present in total on US AHs (some realms with 8-10 up for sale) competition will bring rates down eventually imho

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Re: MC extended 1 week. Good Luck on your Hatesparks!

Post by Darolyn » January 6th, 2015, 7:42 pm

I've run it 25 times so far. Got two Hatesparks, 25 Helms, and zero enchants.

Keeping my fingers crossed that the enchant drops for me this week. I didn't have an opportunity to level any other toons to 100/615, so just have the helm and opportunity for the enchant on the one toon.

I didn't read the fine print on the MC event prior to a few days ago. I thought the enchant was a recipe for enchanters, so I wasn't even looking for it.

Darn you, whoever told me I could acquire it! Now I want it!
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Re: MC extended 1 week. Good Luck on your Hatesparks!

Post by Lakestone » January 6th, 2015, 8:12 pm

The prices on my server went from ca. 40k to 900k+ for a while but is now back at 60-90k.
I don't have so much gold so I decided to do the run, atleast i would have the mount.

First run went really well, the raid leader was great and knew what he was doing and everyone listened to him (except some idiots in the beginning, but they learned their lesson and started to listen), it took around 3-3.5 hour to do. Well, no pet for me or my BF.
When i then saw the prices on AH, I thought, well I have done it once and know what to do (and not to do), I queue up again the day after.
What can i say, we wiped 3-4 times before people understood not to pull the trash :roll: , no luck for me this time.
Third time's a charm so after dinner I queued up again (my BF thought I was crazy :lol: ) this time it was a little bit more organized but we wiped 1 or 2 times and some people got kicked.
Finally when Ragnaros was killed and i could loot I became a very happy lady :D I also got the enchant thing, but as a Hunter I can't use it :( .

I acctually thinking to run it again now when they extended the time for another week to see if I can get me another one, so I can give it to my BF, but first wait in queue for around 1-1.5h and then fight for another 3h ...

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Re: MC extended 1 week. Good Luck on your Hatesparks!

Post by Taleranor » January 7th, 2015, 4:30 am

I went once for the hat and mount. I tried to go back in, had a horrible horrible experience, and vowed never again.
I'd gotten lucky with a salvage crate and picked up a 665 piece which I sold for a fair amount. So I promptly ran to the auction house and bought a Hatespark for about 35k or so and considered it well worth the savings in time, energy, and sanity.

Why Blizzard was so sadistic as to tie a desirable low-percentage drop to such a miserable experience is beyond me. Design a place to be run just once, then give pet collectors a reason to go back numerous times. Sheesh.

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Re: MC extended 1 week. Good Luck on your Hatesparks!

Post by Robotusch » January 7th, 2015, 6:04 pm

I might try for a few more runs this week. I've got a pair of healers, allowing me to semi-afk all the way through, which should help with my sanity.

Trade / AH has been a rollercoaster all week long. On sunday+monday, the BO cost was hovering around 50-60k, then on tuesday it immediately soared to 289k, before dropping to around 80k today. Trade chat is always hilarious, when some of the usual AH players get a bid war going. Someone will start off offering to buy Hatespark for 20k, then a few lines later, another one chimes in offering 25k, then a third buyer offers 30k, before the first guy offers 35k and so on.

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Re: MC extended 1 week. Good Luck on your Hatesparks!

Post by Youkaiyume » January 7th, 2015, 6:53 pm

i would LOVE to do more runs and try and farm him.... but i keep getting greifers in the groups after hour long queue timers and i'm beginning to lose faith i'll get it and have to pay the 50k+ price tag i can't afford ; ;

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Re: MC extended 1 week. Good Luck on your Hatesparks!

Post by Cat666 » January 16th, 2015, 10:35 am

I bought mine for 23k when it became clear MC wasn't going to happen. Then I actually managed MC and got the pet! I then picked up a third for 38k as I knew the prices will rocket.

I've listed one up at 100k a couple of times, not sold yet, but I'm sure I will. Failing that it's a great thing to have for a trade for a rare pet I don't have.

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