Raiding with Leashes III - info soon™! (PTR discussion)

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Re: Raiding with Leashes III - info soon™!

Post by Guest » November 10th, 2014, 5:37 pm

There are already pets that drop from WOTLK dungeons. Wouldnt the meta just include getting those?

Mini-Anub'Arak is on my list of pets.

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Re: Raiding with Leashes III - info soon™!

Post by Opallena » November 10th, 2014, 5:40 pm

Naxxramas was originally a classic raid, so it was lumped with AQ40 and Molten Core raids for the achievment. WotLK raid pets would probably come from Trial of the Grand Crusader, Ulduar, Ruby Sanctum, or Icecrown Citadel (probably not Ruby Sanctum).

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Re: Raiding with Leashes III - info soon™!

Post by Saasan » November 10th, 2014, 5:49 pm

Argent Pony! Please and thank you. :D I'd also love to see a second val'kyr pet of some type from ICC. If I *must* run into hordes of val'kyrs, there may as well be variety!

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Re: Raiding with Leashes III - info soon™!

Post by Siegurd333 » November 10th, 2014, 6:23 pm

I would be very excited to see Ulduar pets. Mini titan avatars, or robots like the Flame Leviathan or Mimiron's voltron creation. An Iron Proto-Dragon/Dwarf/Vrykul/Giant would also be awesome. Some faceless one pet from General Vizaxx would fit well, we don't really have a lot of old god style pets besides the pug costume and the jade tentacle.

Lots of ideas that are pretty unique to Ulduar. It would also be nice to see the higher tiers of BC raids get some love. Hyjal, BT and Sunwell all have some very unique bosses that would make great pets (like the stone faces in BT, the dark Naaru in Sunwell, the old undead frost dragon model from Hyjal).

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Re: Raiding with Leashes III - info soon™!

Post by Luciandk » November 10th, 2014, 9:39 pm

I vaguely recall from long ago that the second half of the BC raids was supposed to get attention in the third raiding with leashes. As the second one only covers tier 4 and 5. Leaving Black Temple, Hyjal and Sunwell up for pet placements.

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Re: Raiding with Leashes III - info soon™!

Post by Peanutty » January 9th, 2015, 11:31 pm

(I know this is an old thread but I didn't see a reason to make a new one...)

Per MMO-Champion:

Raiding with Leashes III: Drinkin' From the Sunwell (New) Collect all of the battle pets listed below from Black Temple, Hyjal Summit, and the Sunwell. Reward: K'ute. 10 points. Account Wide.

So looks like all the guesses that they would go through old raids in progressive order were correct. And I know it's too early to get excited but I really want a little naaru pet!

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Re: Raiding with Leashes III - info soon™!

Post by Quintessence » January 10th, 2015, 1:48 am

Here's a list of pets that's been datamined, and will likely come from the RWL3 raid instances. 12 in total, with the 13th being the reward for completing the achievement (K'ute).
  • Leviathan Egg
  • Grotesque Statue
  • Shard of Supremus
  • Fragment of Anger
  • Fragment of Suffering
  • Fragment of Desire
  • Sultry Grimoire
  • Smelly Gravestone
  • Hyjal Wisp
  • Sunblade Rune of Activation
  • Void Collar
  • Servant's Bell
  • Holy Chime
My guess is Holy Chime will be K'ute and it will hopefully be a little naaru! :)
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Re: Raiding with Leashes III - info soon™!

Post by Gilneas » January 10th, 2015, 2:21 am

Quintessence wrote:Here's a list of pets that's been datamined, and will likely come from the RWL3 raid instances. 12 in total, with the 13th being the reward for completing the achievement (K'ute).
  • Leviathan Egg
  • Grotesque Statue
  • Shard of Supremus
  • Fragment of Anger
  • Fragment of Suffering
  • Fragment of Desire
  • Sultry Grimoire
  • Smelly Gravestone
  • Hyjal Wisp
  • Sunblade Rune of Activation
  • Void Collar
  • Servant's Bell
  • Holy Chime
My guess is Holy Chime will be K'ute and it will hopefully be a little naaru! :)
Based on the info on MMO, seems like there are 3 from Hyjal (Smelly Gravestone - Stinkrot, Grotesque Statue, Hyjal Wisp), 3 from Sunwell (Servant's Bell - a wretched BE, Void Collar - 2 headed demon dog, and the sunblade - a micro-defender) and 6 from BT (Leviathan, Supremus, the 3 reliquary of souls ones, and the grimoire - a succubus). And yes, the datamining show the chime is K'ute.

Edit: To expand on that, BT and Hyjal seem easy to place, while Sunwell is most questionable.

Smelly Gravestone - Frostwhisper...think that's the lich's name (or Anetheron)
Grotesque Statue - Kaz'rogal (or Azgalor)
Hyjal Wisp - Archimonde

Leviathan - Najentus
Shard of Supremus - Supremus (duh :P)
All 3 fragments - Reliquary of Souls
Sultry Grimoire - Mother

Sunblade - Kalecgos
Servant's Bell - Eredar Twins
Void Collar - M'uru

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Re: Raiding with Leashes III - info soon™!

Post by Luciandk » January 10th, 2015, 3:27 am

Ah, smelly gravestone might be the pet to have this ability, which had been datamined in the wod beta.
Grave Destruction

5 Turn Cooldown

100% Hit Chance

Deals 40 Undead damage to the enemy team, split evenly amongst them.

Destroys objects created by both teams.

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Re: Raiding with Leashes III - info soon™!

Post by Chibimage » January 10th, 2015, 9:11 am

I got way, way too excited about this information.

This pet collecting thing is definitely a problem :D Think maybe 6.1??

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Re: Raiding with Leashes III - info soon™!

Post by Topaz » January 10th, 2015, 2:13 pm

Luciandk wrote:Ah, smelly gravestone might be the pet to have this ability, which had been datamined in the wod beta.
Grave Destruction

5 Turn Cooldown

100% Hit Chance

Deals 40 Undead damage to the enemy team, split evenly amongst them.

Destroys objects created by both teams.
there are also 2 other attack datamined (probably belonging to Grotesque Statue)
[url=]Gargoyle Strike[/url]
(100% Hit Chance - Attack with unholy energy, dealing 20 Elemental damage.)
[url=]Stone Form[/url]
(6 Turn Cooldown
Stuns the caster and restores 45 health to the user each turn for 3 turns.)

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Re: Raiding with Leashes III - info soon™!

Post by Luciandk » January 10th, 2015, 3:21 pm

Topaz wrote:
Luciandk wrote:Ah, smelly gravestone might be the pet to have this ability, which had been datamined in the wod beta.
Grave Destruction

5 Turn Cooldown

100% Hit Chance

Deals 40 Undead damage to the enemy team, split evenly amongst them.

Destroys objects created by both teams.
there are also 2 other attack datamined (probably belonging to Grotesque Statue)
[url=]Gargoyle Strike[/url]
(100% Hit Chance - Attack with unholy energy, dealing 20 Elemental damage.)
[url=]Stone Form[/url]
(6 Turn Cooldown
Stuns the caster and restores 45 health to the user each turn for 3 turns.)
Stone Form just begs to be abused with Arcane Storm.

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Re: Raiding with Leashes III - info soon™!

Post by Gilneas » January 10th, 2015, 5:15 pm

Those do seem to be from the Grotesque. Keeping in mind that this is an early build and things will probably change (K'ute has no abilities yet, for example), these are their current abilities:

Leviathan (Beast): Poison Spit, Primal Cry, Tail Slap, Toxic Skin, Water Jet, Whirlpool
Abyssius (Magic): Crush, Flamethrower, Immolation, Meteor Strike, Scorched Earth, Volcano
Fragment of Anger (Undead): Enrage, Seethe, Soulrush, Spirit Spikes, Spiritfire Beam, Spiritfire Bolt
Fragment of Suffering (Undead): Arcane Blast, Breath of Sorrow, Darkflame, Drain Power, Soulrush, Spiritfire Bolt
Fragment of Desire (Undead): Arcane Blast, Reflective Shield, Soothe, Soulward, Soulrush, Spiritfire Bolt
Sister of Temptation (Magic): Agnoy, Curse of Doom, Haunting Song, Lovestruck, Shadow Shock, Siphon Life

Stinkrot (Undead): Corpse Explosion, Digest Brains, Diseased Bite, Infected Claw, Plagued Blood, Rot
Grotesque (Undead): Agony, Gargoyle Strike (new), Ghostly Bite, Ravage, Shadow Shock, Stoneform (new)
Hyjal Wisp (Magic): Amplify Magic, Arcane Blast, Evanescence, Feedback, Sear Magic, Wish

Sunblade Micro-Defender (Mechanical): Armageddon, Haywire (now a Mechanical ability), Interrupting Jolt, Repair, Shock and Awe, Zap
Chaos Pup (Magic): Bite, Consume Corpse, Dreadful Breath, Enrage, Eyeblast, Nether Gate
Wretched Servant (Humanoid): Consume, Consume Magic, Jab, Nether Blast, Weakness, Wild Magic

Since only the Gargoyle got new abilities so far, I would think that these are going to get changed a bit with new unique abilities (though the 3 fragments seem to be specifically different and somewhat fit their phases, so those might not change).

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Re: Raiding with Leashes III - info soon™!

Post by Poofah » January 11th, 2015, 9:14 am

Gilneas wrote:Since only the Gargoyle got new abilities so far, I would think that these are going to get changed a bit with new unique abilities (though the 3 fragments seem to be specifically different and somewhat fit their phases, so those might not change).
All of them have unique movesets: I really wouldn't expect a lot of change to these versions.

Here's a [url=]wowdb link to the new pets[/url]. You have to click through the list to see the abilities.

Stoneform is very overtuned so I'd expect that one to get nerfed. Otherwise, the movesets seem designed very much to fit the flavor of the pets, moreso than to be good for battles. A few look decent for battles though: mainly [url=]Fragment of Anger[/url], with a decent AoE moveset.
Luciandk wrote:Grave Destruction
This remains attached to an [url=]unused pet[/url] in the current game files that shares a model with Ancient Nest Guardian, and there's nothing new with it on PTR. That unused pet is super interesting -- crazy overpowered moveset and very generous base stats on an UD. It was added at the same time as Grommloc, but I have no idea what it is.

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Re: Raiding with Leashes III - info soon™!

Post by Graven » January 11th, 2015, 9:20 am

Poofah wrote:That unused pet is super interesting -- crazy overpowered moveset and very generous base stats on an UD.
Sounds like an npc tamer's pet or some kind of new beast of fable type deal.

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Re: Raiding with Leashes III - info soon™!

Post by Gilneas » January 11th, 2015, 12:02 pm

All of them have unique movesets: I really wouldn't expect a lot of change to these versions.
While I think that's possible, since it is the first build and only the gargoyle (granted, possibly K'ute as well) has any new abilities makes me think that there might be other new abilities that are planned but not in yet. Seems odd that the gargoyle was deemed special enough to have new abilities (two) but nothing else was.

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Re: Raiding with Leashes III - info soon™!

Post by Poofah » January 11th, 2015, 4:04 pm

Gilneas wrote:While I think that's possible, since it is the first build and only the gargoyle (granted, possibly K'ute as well) has any new abilities makes me think that there might be other new abilities that are planned but not in yet.
Well, consider that WoD release had maybe 5 new abilities, and those pets also basically stayed the same from PTR to live. Pet battles aren't the new shiny thing any more, and I don't think we can expect the level of effort going into pets to be anywhere near what it was in MoP.

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Re: Raiding with Leashes III - info soon™!

Post by Quintessence » January 12th, 2015, 3:27 pm

Small update: K'ute, the reward from RWLIII, cannot battle. Appropriate, I suppose, since the Naaru are usually peaceful?

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Re: Raiding with Leashes III - info soon™!

Post by Gilneas » January 12th, 2015, 3:38 pm

Sad, but I guess that explains why it has no abilities.

Though in the Alliance Draenor quests, at the end, K'ara is shown helping you fight off the Iron Horde.

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Re: Raiding with Leashes III - info soon™!

Post by Kel » January 12th, 2015, 5:27 pm

Am I mistaken here that these are all old content raids?
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