Most shameful/embarassing thing you've done for a pet?

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Re: Most shameful/embarassing thing you've done for a pet?

Post by Taleranor » January 14th, 2015, 9:54 pm

I ground a blood elf monk all the way to level 30 so I could get the Thundering Hatchling.
I suffered through the DK starting area and some of Hellfire Penisula yet again for the Deathwatch Hatchling.
I fought Jeremy Feasel 5-7 times a month for 2 years until the Darkmoon Eye dropped.
I dragged toons on half a dozen serves out to the Wetlands to hunt for a rare Tiny Bog Beast.
I've blown more gold on pets than anything else in WoW... including 38k for Hatespark.
I've chain-run old raids and dungeons, and spent hours upon hours stalking rares that dropped pets.
I've created alts whose emtire purpose was to provide me with pets. (See: the DK I made with tailoring and blacksmithing, then boosted to 90 with my free boost...)

I guess very few of these things are shameful, per say.... but I have always embraced my obsession.
The only thing I've ever balked at was spending RL money on pets, and then it always came down to a factor of financial resources. I'll always regret not having certain murloc pets or certain collectors' edition pets, and the Rent-a-Friend pets are also out of my league at the moment, but within reason...

The Crawling Claw may yet break me though. Stupid archaeology.

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Re: Most shameful/embarassing thing you've done for a pet?

Post by Opallena » January 14th, 2015, 9:58 pm

Not exactly sure what this would fall under, but late MoP I befriended the GM of a friend's guild who had unlocked not only the Thundering Serpent Hatchling (which I did have at the time), but also the Thundering Jade Serpent mount, which my own guild would never come close to unlocking.

I'm leaving said alt in that guild, since it looks like they'll have both pet and mount from raiding and challenge modes unlocked by the end of the year latest... I feel a little bad about it since I never play that particular alt.

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Re: Most shameful/embarassing thing you've done for a pet?

Post by Docmesa » January 15th, 2015, 5:16 am

I don't know if Saasan's won this thread but we've certainly got a Top 5 candidate. :D

I did just spend a considerable amount of cash on eBay for a promotional pet - far, far more than I have done in the past. The deal I made to shut my conscience up was that I wouldn't level or play it until I've cleared my credit card, which will be about 4 weeks.

Its important to find your motivation for something. ;)

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Re: Most shameful/embarassing thing you've done for a pet?

Post by Mehetabel » January 15th, 2015, 9:15 am

Last year I bought both the Vanilla and TBC CE's off ebay . . . it was a "fair" bit of cash and I was too scared to tell my BF for months afterwards. :oops:

(I did eventually come clean and he was more put out that I hadn't told him than that I had bought them in the first place lol)

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Re: Most shameful/embarassing thing you've done for a pet?

Post by Darolyn » January 15th, 2015, 4:55 pm

As long as he's still your boyfriend, I think you're okay. ;)

I'm thinking I might buy myself Vanilla as a treat this year, depending on my tax return and bonuses in the first few months of the year.

I don't think that's shameful at all. I'm dying to do it myself.
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Re: Most shameful/embarassing thing you've done for a pet?

Post by Cheln » January 16th, 2015, 1:34 am

I started collecting pets in Vanilla WoW and the Midsummers Festival came along and with it the pet Spirit of Summer. It was not bought back then with currency but a questline was required to obtain it involving instances and had to be completed by the end of the festival. I was up to the last part which was in Lower Blackrock Spire where you had to summon a boss by putting a head on a stick (not 100% sure of details as so long ago) but this part was easy to fail when you pugged groups and if failed you could carry on with the instance but you wouldn't get your pet. I never abandoned groups so it took me even longer to get out of there.

I stood in Ironforge looking for group in general as you did at the time of no looking for groups and made a group which failed at the boss. I did this over and over, taking hours to get a group going and I did this for 48 hours straight. I refused to go to bed as the festival was ending and I wanted that pet. I still lived at home at the time and shut my door, turned off the light and put a towel to stop any glow so my parents thought I was sleeping and not playing. The lectures I would have gotten for playing 2 days straight for an pixelated item. I eventually got help from my guild who realised that I was desperate and I got my pet then went to sleep for a long time.

I had mixed feelings when they took away the questline.

I also remember checking the AH daily for Hyacinth Macaw then one day it was there for 120g. I only had 100g which was a lot back then and yet again my guild came to the rescue and lent my 20g to buy it. That guild eventually disbanded unfortunately.

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Re: Most shameful/embarassing thing you've done for a pet?

Post by Pyy » January 16th, 2015, 1:53 am

Not sure if I'd call it "shameful/embarassing", but about a year ago I bought myself all of the TCG pets paying anywhere from 30-100k per pet. Can't tell exactly what which ones cost what because they all show up as [Pet Cage], but TradeSkillMaster is telling me I've spent 650k all up on [Pet Cage].

About half a year later the duping starts and they're all 10-30k each, doh ;\

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Re: Most shameful/embarassing thing you've done for a pet?

Post by Celya » January 16th, 2015, 6:29 am

I used to get up an hour earlier to kill snakes on Timeless Isle while the server was quiet trying to get the rare to spawn that drops [pet]Death Adder Hatchling[/pet].

Pet never dropped, I bought it off the AH, and resolved to never get up early for anything WoW-related ever again.

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Re: Most shameful/embarassing thing you've done for a pet?

Post by Stella3 » January 16th, 2015, 8:02 pm

Remember when the Iron Starlette came out and all you had to do was finish a stupid quest? Well I was so excited at seeing this new and what I thought rare pet in the AH for sale for about 10k that I immediately bought it up thinking I got some deal on something amazing that nobody else had. Turns out I finish the quests on my 4 toons and end up with 4 of those little bugger that I cannot give away for free.

I was sure upset when I blew nearly all I had to get that 'new rare pet' only to find everybody and their Uncle had one. That's why I always research pets before I buy them as I wont make that move again!

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Re: Most shameful/embarassing thing you've done for a pet?

Post by Yazhi » January 17th, 2015, 9:04 am

Mine is similar to Mehetabel, and I do believe we bought ours at the same time from the same person :P

I saw it was 'cheaper' than usual...still an awful lot! and I was trying to convince my friends to convince me not to buy it....of course I gave up because I have the willpower of a kitten.

Still happy that I bought it and I would regret it if I hadn't :)

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Re: Most shameful/embarassing thing you've done for a pet?

Post by Oracle » January 17th, 2015, 9:25 am

I REAAAAALLLY wanted a Viscidus Globule, and was totally unfamiliar with the boss mechanics involved. I was just getting into pet collecting as well.

So, I go and clear through Ahn Qiraj without any trouble soloing, til I get to that ONE BOSS. I get him down to one health and he just stays there, stuck at 1hp. Totally baffled, as I'd never run across this happening before, I keep whacking at him for another few min, and then open a ticket ~shameface~.....telling Blizz their boss is broken and won't die so I can have my pet! I'd stood there whacking at the boss for about 30 min at that point.

Turns out it was user error, and I learned how to do my homework after that. Even max toons aren't exempt from boss mechanics!

A few weeks later I got my drop. Turns out that guy is a piece of cake if you've got a frost dk. ...not quite as much on a hunter.

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Re: Most shameful/embarassing thing you've done for a pet?

Post by Skyquake » January 17th, 2015, 6:50 pm

I'm older and not much of a real-time gamer. I don't even do Normals anymore. Towards the end of Pandaria a real player was kind enough to help me get that rabbit from the Brewery. The time most convenient for him and his pocket healer was while I was on-call for work, but it was a Sunday night and I was hoping it would be quiet.

Hope in one hand...

The phone would not stop ringing. It was all I could do to keep them in sight while they plowed through the joint. I contributed, like, twelve DPS. They had it well in hand and didn't seem to mind, but sheesh, someone does you a favor and you'd like to at least make an effort to help out... :oops:

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Re: Most shameful/embarassing thing you've done for a pet?

Post by Cheln » January 17th, 2015, 8:58 pm

I did same thing Khtalla, I had to go buy a cheap dagger from the AH to do it as a warlock

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Re: Most shameful/embarassing thing you've done for a pet?

Post by Darolyn » January 18th, 2015, 11:55 am

Oracle wrote:I REAAAAALLLY wanted a Viscidus Globule, and was totally unfamiliar with the boss mechanics involved. I was just getting into pet collecting as well.

So, I go and clear through Ahn Qiraj without any trouble soloing, til I get to that ONE BOSS. I get him down to one health and he just stays there, stuck at 1hp. Totally baffled, as I'd never run across this happening before, I keep whacking at him for another few min, and then open a ticket ~shameface~.....telling Blizz their boss is broken and won't die so I can have my pet! I'd stood there whacking at the boss for about 30 min at that point.

Turns out it was user error, and I learned how to do my homework after that. Even max toons aren't exempt from boss mechanics!

A few weeks later I got my drop. Turns out that guy is a piece of cake if you've got a frost dk. ...not quite as much on a hunter.
I didn't go so far as to put in a ticket, but I did whine to my guild. One guildie said "check your mail" and he'd dropped frost oil and a low level weapon in there. I think this is a fail a lot of us who didn't raid in Vanilla went through.
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Re: Most shameful/embarassing thing you've done for a pet?

Post by Boyya » January 18th, 2015, 1:21 pm

Oracle wrote:I REAAAAALLLY wanted a Viscidus Globule, and was totally unfamiliar with the boss mechanics involved. I was just getting into pet collecting as well.

So, I go and clear through Ahn Qiraj without any trouble soloing, til I get to that ONE BOSS. I get him down to one health and he just stays there, stuck at 1hp. Totally baffled, as I'd never run across this happening before, I keep whacking at him for another few min, and then open a ticket ~shameface~.....telling Blizz their boss is broken and won't die so I can have my pet! I'd stood there whacking at the boss for about 30 min at that point.

Turns out it was user error, and I learned how to do my homework after that. Even max toons aren't exempt from boss mechanics!

A few weeks later I got my drop. Turns out that guy is a piece of cake if you've got a frost dk. ...not quite as much on a hunter.

If you run Ahn Qiraj as a hunter, use a Chimaera pet from Winterspring, the freeze ability makes this a piece of cake.

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Re: Most shameful/embarassing thing you've done for a pet?

Post by Docmesa » January 29th, 2015, 7:29 pm

Well, my special order pet arrived today and you can probably guess which one it is. It cost me a fair amount of IRL gold but you know what?

I regret nothing.


[pet]Grunty[/pet] <3

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Re: Most shameful/embarassing thing you've done for a pet?

Post by Jazeel » January 29th, 2015, 9:04 pm

A long time ingame friend and guildie was giving up the game for, hmm the third time :mrgreen: , knowing she had scored a hyacinth macaw for a bargain of 800g and had not yet learnt it (this was pre pandaland), i guilt tripped her into giving it to me :twisted: , even though i knew she would no doubt return to the game in a few months, and that the macaw was going for over 10k on our server then. Sure enough six months later she returned to WoW, and to assuage my guilt she has been recieving a steady pile of pets from myself ever since.

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Re: Most shameful/embarassing thing you've done for a pet?

Post by Abashera » January 29th, 2015, 9:46 pm

I've done far worse things for a Klondike Bar. :mrgreen:

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Re: Most shameful/embarassing thing you've done for a pet?

Post by Sibi » January 29th, 2015, 10:21 pm

Docmesa wrote:Well, my special order pet arrived today and you can probably guess which one it is. It cost me a fair amount of IRL gold but you know what?

I regret nothing.


[pet]Grunty[/pet] <3
Congrats! I got Grunty today as well! I traded a decent sum of gold plus a mount that I've wanted since I first saw it oh so many, many years ago when I first started playing. :x

Oh the things we do for our collections

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Re: Most shameful/embarassing thing you've done for a pet?

Post by Breezy » January 30th, 2015, 3:09 am

Paying way to much gold for TCG pets.
...Buying some tcg pets with rl cash (Though mostly the cheaper ones...)
Borrowing a pet from a friend to get the raiding with leashes 2 achievement before I actually got my own Netherspace Abyssal.
Accepting pets as a gift from a friend. (Together with a spectral tiger mount)

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