That's a lot of gold....

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Re: That's a lot of gold....

Post by Stella3 » January 16th, 2015, 4:59 am

Ugh that is more than I will ever see, but keep in mind things like Darkmoon Rabbit goes for high 70k on my server (Cenarion Circle) Yet my friend on Kil'Jaeden says theres a bunch of them for 20k each. In fact Kil'Jaeden used to be my server and I had one toon left on there who had honor point conversion gold in store, so for a thousandish gold I was able to buy two pets I needed that normally go for 4-5k in my realm.

TL;DR: My realm would require more gold than that.

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Re: That's a lot of gold....

Post by Terranoch » January 16th, 2015, 6:13 am

This makes me REALLY glad I got it as a quest reward way back when. And REALLY glad I have some awesome friends that will farm things and when they happen upon pets they'll just give them to me. 1 in 8k, ouch.

I paid 10k for my Hatespark while just goofing around in Garrison General Chat. Jokingly, thinking no would agree to it since they had just came out that day and were 50k on the AH, I said "paying 10k for Hatespark, please save me from Molten Core maddness." Someone whispered me "Meet me out front." I figured I was being trolled, because that's just the nature of my server but just in case I went anyway. I ran MC once for the mount after that, then one more the first "last night" of the event and one final time on the actual last dropped for me that night shortly before servers shutdown.

Just keep an eye on the AH Darolyn, you can often catch people that have no idea what they have or desperate for gold selling things super cheap. 4k for Gregarious Grell straight out of trade chat. 200g for Spineclaw Crab P/P even straight out of trade chat. 1k for Tuskarr Kite a few years back (read as many years before the "dupe" wave). I really hate trade chat and only have it enabled on my bank alt but it's worth it..sometimes.
There are lots of people who run molten core for the mount and the FoS. Some of them get the pet randomly, they learn the pet and never think about it again. And they don't know the value of the pet they have. I would say I am buying hatespark for 15k or 20k in Trade chat and almost every time found a seller. Some people didn't even know about caging pets so I explained it to them before buying :)
You may think it is a scummy thing to do and maybe it is. But it helped me expand my collection

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Re: That's a lot of gold....

Post by Tekulve2012 » January 18th, 2015, 5:26 pm

Just another point

No matter what realm you're on, friends matter. If you meet good folks through guilds or help others that ask for assistance in chat channels, you'll be rewarded over time.

If you're on a dead pet sales realm, its possible that someone who has a lot of pets to sell just doesn't bother because they're set for gold on that realm. In this case, post in trade chat or ask around and you might connect with a possible seller that way.

My main realm is SoE/Cen.Circle and pet prices are often higher there as a previous post stated. Bargains can be scooped up anywhere though if you keep looking. Once you land a big bargain, I suggest buying pets to flip on lower pop realms then regain gold on pet buyers realms. I nabbed a Guardian Cub for 2k on Draenor realm yesterday for example...I will sell it on one of these realms:
Area 52(the best in my experience)
Illidan (not so great for pet buying lately IMO)
Zuljin or Darkspear

You can get nice prices for pets on these realms and sell the pets on your realm if you need gold there
Good luck


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Re: That's a lot of gold....

Post by Darolyn » January 18th, 2015, 5:57 pm

I completely agree that there are ways to play the system.

And I don't plan to buy any of the pets for gold that are obtainable any other way, unless I get an amazing deal. I just found it amusing that if I had 770K (I've gotten a few good drops this week), I could buy them all instantly, in a perfect world.

I set up the spreadsheet with formulas, so I can subtract the amount each time I find a pet. I'm down over 50K already, only a few days after doing all the calculations. (Leftovers dropped, and that helped, big time)

Thaliana#1794 - My WoW account has 50 toons, so I would so greatly appreciate people creating toons on Kael'Thas or Ghostlands to trade with me. <3

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Re: That's a lot of gold....

Post by Kendrah » January 21st, 2015, 7:28 am

Yarl wrote:Sometimes people list pets on the AH well below the going rate
I got a hatespark for under 5k
Damn it. And I thought my 10k was a good deal.

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Re: That's a lot of gold....

Post by Ishildur » January 23rd, 2015, 10:47 am

Darolyn wrote:And I don't plan to buy any of the pets for gold that are obtainable any other way, unless I get an amazing deal. I just found it amusing that if I had 770K (I've gotten a few good drops this week), I could buy them all instantly, in a perfect world.
Yeah, that's pretty much my approach too. I mean the AH value seems huuuge, until you consider how many you would farm stuff up for it anyway along the way to other goals. Stuff like reputation pets, if you're doing apexis dailies anyway you'll end up getting the rep over time. And way I figure it is, more pets you get just through play, more gold you will have on hand when that one reeeeeally annoying to get pet gets introduced in a new patch. Y'know, something like "kill 65 blonde tauren paladins" (but more annoying to do) that you just can't bring yourself to even try for.

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Re: That's a lot of gold....

Post by Darolyn » January 23rd, 2015, 11:01 am

I've managed to get a few good deals on TCG cards on ebay recently, with a bigger bonus than normal at work, the rest of the menagerie pets, and a few other lucky drops, so my total is now down to 646K!

Of course, this total doesn't include the cost of the unbound stones to level these pets to rare. ;)

I love watching this total go down! It's great for motivation!
Thaliana#1794 - My WoW account has 50 toons, so I would so greatly appreciate people creating toons on Kael'Thas or Ghostlands to trade with me. <3

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Re: That's a lot of gold....

Post by Principa » January 23rd, 2015, 11:35 am

Thralkhar wrote:Of course, I have no plans on getting the TCG pets and such, that is real money I simply do not have and if I did have, I still probably would not. Personal choice on my part, but the thought that Blizzard could shut down WoW tomorrow and leave me with the remembrance of having spent real money on a string of digits on a now empty hard drive bothers me. Yet, spending 5 hours of my life grinding out badges is no problem ... Oh well, I am over 40, straight, male and a pet collector so you all already knew something was weird about me. :ugeek:
Hah, I feel the exact same way about the TCG and Blizzstore pets... until I went to a con that was selling the TCG cards, and then I was able to rationalize it as: "I budgeted X dollars to spend at this con on whatever I wanted... so it's different than just buying them on ebay...", so I bought a couple of the cheap ones ($4 for a gregarious grell, for example). I still feel like I cheated a little bit, though.

I don't mind spending a few thousand Gs on pets, but once it gets past 5k... ahh. It's a little painful, isn't it. And I will never have 700,000g to spend on Anything!

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Re: That's a lot of gold....

Post by Graven » January 23rd, 2015, 2:05 pm

The way I see it, I have enough alts to cover my various expenses like potions, enchants etc. What else am I going to do with gold? I like collecting mounts too, but the prices they go for are ridiculous.

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Re: That's a lot of gold....

Post by Opallena » January 25th, 2015, 3:22 pm

Graven wrote:The way I see it, I have enough alts to cover my various expenses like potions, enchants etc. What else am I going to do with gold? I like collecting mounts too, but the prices they go for are ridiculous.
Hear, hear! TCG mount prices are insane, even before the duping TCG pets were far cheaper to get. I don't mind spending tons of gold on in-game stuff, I think the most I've spent on a pet is 35k for a hatespark. I'll buy store pets too, but not always the mounts.

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