suspicious Hatesparks and HS rabbits

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Re: suspicious Hatesparks and HS rabbits

Post by Angelwings626 » January 28th, 2015, 11:52 pm

About Hatesparks, I'm not sure how many people who don't really collect pets realize how sought after these pets are. I have had many non-collectors be shocked at how much people value pets.

I have bought about 10 hatesparks from various individuals for about 35-55k each. If people don't have a lot of gold, and don't collect pets, this payment is often very enticing and successful. Early on in the celebration you could easily get these pets for half of what I had paid. If one had the the finances and for sight to collect as many of these as possible early on, it could be viewed suspiciously since one could easily move these pets from server to server as a sort of gold transfer.

I do think the indivuals who are running around various servers with a ton of hatesparks are doing just that. Collecting these pets and then moving them around where they want to have gold.

But then I could just be totally wrong and have no idea what i am talking about =).

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Re: suspicious Hatesparks and HS rabbits

Post by Kpb321 » January 29th, 2015, 12:40 pm

Yeah. There was a post about that a while back and some people took it as trying to deny that the issued existed or ignoring it but I always took it as meaning that they have an internal definition of what a dupe was and the pets didn't match that. I think the unique nature of pets has made them a popular target for this and really hit their value hard.

The fact that they are account wide and can be learned and caged on a completely different server makes a good way to move gold around. I think that learn and then cage process actually creates a whole new item which effectively cleans the pets is they were dupes in the Blizzard sense and makes them safe to post on the AH. They might have duped the item that teaches you the the Hatespark pet or DMR but when you learn it and then cage it it is no longer actually dupe. It's just a caged pet. Caging the pet doesn't recreate or the same item that taught you the pet in the first place. It appears to "attach" a particular pet to a generic caged pet item which is why there were bugs that could cause your caged pets to turn into the useful caged pet item.

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Re: suspicious Hatesparks and HS rabbits

Post by Iamwhatis » January 29th, 2015, 3:49 pm

Abashera wrote:If it's on the AH, I doubt it's duping. From what I've been told, duping is the process of changing the name of an item and tricking the game. The reason they try to sell dupes in trade chat is that, if you buy one, you won’t be able to post it on the AH for the same reason they couldn’t. The name and ID doesn’t match, and the AH notices the discrepancy.

But according to official blue posts, there are no dupes in the game. I believe Blizzard on this. ;^)
Sorry to say you are not correct. I am not condoning duping but duped pets can without question be caged and listed on the ah. Then purchased and learned. I speak from experience not conjecture.

I had one of those level six cubs and actually leveled it and then caged and sold it on the AH.

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Re: suspicious Hatesparks and HS rabbits

Post by Abashera » January 29th, 2015, 5:17 pm

Iamwhatis wrote:
Abashera wrote:If it's on the AH, I doubt it's duping. From what I've been told, duping is the process of changing the name of an item and tricking the game. The reason they try to sell dupes in trade chat is that, if you buy one, you won’t be able to post it on the AH for the same reason they couldn’t. The name and ID doesn’t match, and the AH notices the discrepancy.

But according to official blue posts, there are no dupes in the game. I believe Blizzard on this. ;^)
Sorry to say you are not correct. I am not condoning duping but duped pets can without question be caged and listed on the ah. Then purchased and learned. I speak from experience not conjecture.

I had one of those level six cubs and actually leveled it and then caged and sold it on the AH.
This may be the case with pets, because you can learn them, and then they register as a pet in your logs. Then you can cage them.

But I know it doesn't work this way with duped Mounts. The duped mounts can't be put on the AH. I know, I have friends in my guild who tried it. One friend bought an Onyx Panther for 20k, and tried to post it on the AH, and couldn't. Yet he could learn it. The difference is that you can't cage a mount once you've learned it.

So at least in part I do know what I'm talking about.

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Re: suspicious Hatesparks and HS rabbits

Post by Kpb321 » January 29th, 2015, 6:55 pm

Abashera wrote:
Iamwhatis wrote:
Abashera wrote:If it's on the AH, I doubt it's duping. From what I've been told, duping is the process of changing the name of an item and tricking the game. The reason they try to sell dupes in trade chat is that, if you buy one, you won’t be able to post it on the AH for the same reason they couldn’t. The name and ID doesn’t match, and the AH notices the discrepancy.

But according to official blue posts, there are no dupes in the game. I believe Blizzard on this. ;^)
Sorry to say you are not correct. I am not condoning duping but duped pets can without question be caged and listed on the ah. Then purchased and learned. I speak from experience not conjecture.

I had one of those level six cubs and actually leveled it and then caged and sold it on the AH.
This may be the case with pets, because you can learn them, and then they register as a pet in your logs. Then you can cage them.

But I know it doesn't work this way with duped Mounts. The duped mounts can't be put on the AH. I know, I have friends in my guild who tried it. One friend bought an Onyx Panther for 20k, and tried to post it on the AH, and couldn't. Yet he could learn it. The difference is that you can't cage a mount once you've learned it.

So at least in part I do know what I'm talking about.
Yup. I think being able to learn and cage a pet completely cleans up any possible traces of a duped pet and very quickly makes it impossible for blizzard to track them down which along with allowing you to move it from server to server makes them the perfect target for dupers to make money off of. You may or may not be able to list a duped mount on the AH but either way you definitely can't move it to another server.

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