Catch that pet

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Re: Catch that pet

Post by Trethsparr » February 2nd, 2015, 1:10 am

Gardenia wrote:
Who's up to give me my next three? :D
That would be me. :D Your theme tonight is crafted pets: Jade Owl, Pierre, and Soul of the Forge!

Thanks, Breezy, for the pet picks! Terrible Turnip, Iron Starlette, and Clock'em are all fighting fit. :)

Three more please?

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Re: Catch that pet

Post by Breezy » February 2nd, 2015, 7:34 am

[profile]Voskres[/profile], thanks for the green theme! I like them! :)
[pet]Emerald Whelpling[/pet], [pet]Tiny Green Carp[/pet], and [pet]Viscidus Globule[/pet]. are all 25.

[profile]Trethsparr[/profile], love is in the Air has started again, so...

[pet]Peddlefeet[/pet] wants to be stronger to shoot more love arrows around,
[pet]Brilliant kaliri[/pet] [pet]Crimson geode[/pet] as his lovely, pink, sidekicks ;)

Can I get 3 new ones, please? :)

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Re: Catch that pet

Post by Darolyn » February 2nd, 2015, 3:20 pm

Riena wrote:Darolyn, level your Tiny Snowman, Sun Sproutling, and Vampiric Batling.
Done, done, and done!

Breezy, your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to level your [pet]Crimson Lasher[/pet], [pet]Hyacinth Macaw[/pet], and your....[pet]Phoenix Hawk Hatchling[/pet]

Because they're pretty.
Thaliana#1794 - My WoW account has 50 toons, so I would so greatly appreciate people creating toons on Kael'Thas or Ghostlands to trade with me. <3

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Re: Catch that pet

Post by Amethice » February 2nd, 2015, 4:14 pm

Gardenia wrote:
Amethice wrote:I'll happily take suggestions on duplicates to level, though. =)

For you, I'm going to say Soul Trader, Ghastly Kid and Pygmy Cow.
Done, done, and done... ;)

And since you said you'd be willing to level some of your dupes and I'm a cat person, I say you should do the extra [pet]White Kitten[/pet] and [pet]Siamese Cat[/pet] you have... and bonus points if you do a [pet]Pandaren Fire Spirit[/pet], too. (Since it's a fiery cat spirit.)

Who's up to give me my next three? :D
Siamese Cat, White Kitten and not one but TWO Pandaren Fire Spirits are now fully trained, leaving a mere 105 duplicates to go.

Darolyn, you seem to have a true Eye for magic. Prove it by training an Arcane Eye, Kirin Tor Familiar and Feline Familiar.

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Re: Catch that pet

Post by Ryat » February 2nd, 2015, 6:45 pm

[profile] Amethice[/profile] u sure didnt make this one easy.
But here it goes.
[pet]Creepy Crate[/pet] , [pet]Pocket Reaver[/pet] and [pet]Fossilized Hatchling[/pet] wants some lovin.

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Re: Catch that pet

Post by Graven » February 2nd, 2015, 10:01 pm

Tiberius wrote:[profile]Graven[/profile], I have the following shineys, er pets, for you to level: [pet]Soul of the Forge[/pet], [pet]Sunfire Kaliri[/pet], and [pet]Moonshell Crab[/pet].
Burnside the [pet]Soul of the Forge[/pet], Coron* the [pet]Sunfire Kaliri[/pet] and Phoebe the [pet]Moonshell Crab[/pet] are gleaming brighter than ever at level 25. :D

* Name filter wouldn't let me have Corona, says it's mature language. Whatever, Blizz ;) :roll:

[profile]Ryat[/profile] here is your challenge - take your pick of any two Zandalari raptors (or all four if you're feeling adventurous). And, since love is in the air, acquire and level a [pet]Lovebird Hatchling[/pet] too! :)

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Re: Catch that pet

Post by Maylenne » February 3rd, 2015, 1:06 am

Furkel wrote:
Niaabi wrote:I'm liking this idea :) Furkel the pets I've picked for you are random: Chuck, Everbloom Peachick and Meadowstomper Calf - nice collection by the way :)
They've stomped, bloomed and... er, chucked their way to 25.

[profile]Maylenne[/profile], forgive me for giving you the blues: [pet]Tiny Blue Carp[/pet], [pet]Azure Whelpling[/pet], [pet]Blue Clockwork Rocket Bot[/pet] aaaand [pet]Umbrafen Spore[/pet].
Well I got the blues while leveling those 4 to 25 :D

[profile]Graven[/profile] your assignment is to level [pet]Albino Chimaeraling[/pet], [pet]Crazy Carrot[/pet] and[pet]Everbloom Peachick[/pet]

3 rares for me please :D

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Re: Catch that pet

Post by Principa » February 3rd, 2015, 12:13 pm

Alesis wrote: Principa you have some great pets!,

just for fun how about Harpy Youngling, Personal World Destroyer, and Soul of the Forge since they're all really cool looking.


as extra credit (since its still green), how about some love for your first pet the Siamese Cat :D
Thanks, [profile]Alesis[/profile]-- my Harpy, Destroyer of Worlds, and Soul of the Forge (whom I have named Hephaestus!) have been levelled, and that Siamese Cat has been rarified and levelled up too!

[profile]Maylenne[/profile], for you...!

First off, congrats on finishing the Celestial Tournament and getting your [pet]Xu-Fu, Cub of Xuen[/pet]-- now level him up!
Secondly, that [pet]Feline Familiar[/pet] of yours might use you as a scratching post if you don't get her to 25 fast.
Lastly, I'm going to give you one more Beast to level, because when it rains, it pours... so now that your [pet]Baby Ape[/pet] is out of the rain, get her up to 25!

3 more rares for me, please!

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Re: Catch that pet

Post by Gardenia » February 3rd, 2015, 7:30 pm

Trethsparr wrote: Your theme tonight is crafted pets: Jade Owl, Pierre, and Soul of the Forge!
All done! Next three, please! :D

[profile]Principa[/profile], I like cute things... what's cuter than babies? For you, I would like to see your [pet]Baby Blizzard Bear[/pet], [pet]Elwynn Lamb[/pet], and [pet]Armadillo Pup[/pet] reach adulthood!

P.S. Sorry I originally forgot your pets in my post. I hit Submit instead of Preview! :oops:
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Re: Catch that pet

Post by Tiberius » February 4th, 2015, 1:22 am

Noonoo wrote:Ooh sounds fun and I am new to this post so ....... Tiberius.
I pick [pet]Doom Bloom[/pet], [pet]Dread Hatchling[/pet], [pet]Teroclaw Hatchling[/pet], [pet]Eye of Observation[/pet] and because I am super jealous and it won't drop for me [pet]Sky-Bo[/pet].
Thank you for the pet selection [profile]Noonoo[/profile]. And welcome to the madness! ;)
Gardenia wrote: All done! Next three, please! :D
For you [profile]Gardenia[/profile], I have selected a holiday theme. One from the current [pet]Toxic Wasteling[/pet], one from the previous [pet]Winter's Little Helper[/pet], and another from the next [pet]Lunar Lantern[/pet]!

As for my next batch, let's see about another 5, any rarity.

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Re: Catch that pet

Post by Amethice » February 4th, 2015, 4:49 am

Ryat, as per your suggestion my third Creepy Crate, second Pocket Reaver and both second and third Fossilized Hatchlings are now levelled up.

Tiberius, you are getting good progress. How about Argi, Ghastly Kid, Lovebird Hatchling, Stormwind and Enchanted Lantern?

For myself, 3-4 more please (including duplicates)?

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Re: Catch that pet

Post by Ryat » February 4th, 2015, 10:53 am

[pet]Zandalari Anklerender[/pet], [pet]Zandalari Kneebiter[/pet] and [pet]Lovebird Hatchling[/pet] are now 25.
Took longer to acctualy acquire a [pet]Lovebird Hatchling[/pet] than it did to level it.

Amethice,here you go.
Everyone should have a team of 3 [pet]Harbinger of Flame[/pet] so level up that last one,while ur at it pull up one or even both of the [pet]Clockwork Gnome[/pet] u have there and that last [pet]Clock'em[/pet]
Last edited by Ryat on February 4th, 2015, 3:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Catch that pet

Post by Angsipangsi » February 4th, 2015, 11:09 am

Hello everyone :) This is my first post in this thread, so here we go!
For you, Ryat, the theme will be elementals.
Let's see Grinder, Pandaren earth spirit and Puddle Terror hit max level!

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Re: Catch that pet

Post by Ryat » February 4th, 2015, 2:48 pm

Angsipangsi wrote:Hello everyone :) This is my first post in this thread, so here we go!
For you, Ryat, the theme will be elementals.
Let's see Grinder, Pandaren earth spirit and Puddle Terror hit max level!
Done,done and done!
Liked the theme ;)

And for you:
[pet]Mechanical Pandaren Dragonling[/pet]
[pet]Hatespark the Tiny[/pet]

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Re: Catch that pet

Post by Tiberius » February 4th, 2015, 11:07 pm

Amethice wrote:Tiberius, you are getting good progress. How about Argi, Ghastly Kid, Lovebird Hatchling, Stormwind and Enchanted Lantern?
Thank you [profile]Amethice[/profile] for the selection of pets. These 5 have received extra training and are now top of the class!

For you [profile]Ryat[/profile] I have the following 3 pets that wish to rise in the ranks of your collection; [pet]Everbloom Peachick[/pet], [pet]Crazy Carrot[/pet], and [pet]Zandalari Toenibbler[/pet].

As for my next batch, let's increase the numbers. 10 of any rarity, including duplicates.

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Re: Catch that pet

Post by Jesjbrown » February 6th, 2015, 7:42 am

Maylenne wrote:
Well Jesjbrown pets with my name again...
Disgusting Oozeling, Dread Hatchling and Feline Familiar could use you're attention.

3 rares for me please (a)
Took me awhile, but they're all grown up!

Tiberius, how about giving some of your newer pets a boost, level: Flat tooth calf, Mudback calf, Mudjumper, Brilliant Bloodfeather, axebeak Hatchling, Puddleterror, Weebomination, Junglebeak, Sun sproutling, and crimson spore.

Five for me (any rarity), but of different pet families please!

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Re: Catch that pet

Post by Amethice » February 6th, 2015, 8:38 am

Ryat, as you asked the Harbinger, Clock'em and two Clockwork Gnomes have now been trained. Whee! =)

Jesjbrown, your theme is adorable: Wind Rider Cub, Mr Bigglesworth, Pengu, Molten Corgi and either Moonkin Hatchling.

For myself, another four please - only request is that I want one of them to be at least lvl 14. =)

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Re: Catch that pet

Post by Angsipangsi » February 6th, 2015, 9:32 am

[pet]Mechanical Pandaren Dragonling[/pet], [pet]Blighthawk[/pet] and [pet]Hatespark the Tiny[/pet] are now proud and powerful adults!

Now, for you Amethice, let's see you [pet]Iron Starlette[/pet], [pet]Coilfang Stalker[/pet], [pet]Darkmoon Zeppelin[/pet] and [pet]Weebomination[/pet] hit level 25!

I would like 4 pets please! :)

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Re: Catch that pet

Post by Trethsparr » February 6th, 2015, 6:21 pm

Breezy wrote: [profile]Trethsparr[/profile], love is in the Air has started again, so...

[pet]Peddlefeet[/pet] wants to be stronger to shoot more love arrows around,
[pet]Brilliant kaliri[/pet] [pet]Crimson geode[/pet] as his lovely, pink, sidekicks ;)
What a fun theme! Thanks, Breezy! All three are fully leveled and ready for the holidays! (As an extra bonus, I also made Crimson Geode and Peddlefeet rare.)

Three more, please? :D

Angsipangsi, your four pets are: Anubisath Idol, Son of Animus, Core Hound Pup, and Pengu!

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Re: Catch that pet

Post by Gardenia » February 6th, 2015, 10:18 pm

Tiberius wrote:For you [profile]Gardenia[/profile], I have selected a holiday theme. One from the current [pet]Toxic Wasteling[/pet], one from the previous [pet]Winter's Little Helper[/pet], and another from the next [pet]Lunar Lantern[/pet]!

All done! Next three, please! :D

[profile]Trethsparr[/profile]... You get pets in hats! Your [pet]Darkmoon Monkey[/pet], [pet]Feline Familiar[/pet], and [pet]Macabre Marionette[/pet] are ready to be stylin' 25s!
WoW Twitter account: @TamerGardenia

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