Calling Role Players!

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Calling Role Players!

Post by Pommie » March 7th, 2015, 9:06 am

((If you happen to be an active RP'er on any Americas-region realm and a member of the Alliance—and want to bring some RP to your battle pets—then consider coming to my in-character Pet Battle Classes.

Classes are Thursdays at 4pm pacific time in Darnassus. The official announcement is below:))


Hi! I'm Pommie Tappet, Ph.D., professor of biological sciences with a specialty in the small fauna of Azeroth, Outland, and Draenor! I'm also author of the 40 page [url=]doctoral dissertation[/url] on pets.

I'm proud to report that my pet battle classes are just starting out, offered through the prestigious <Stormwind University>.

If you're interested in collecting, battling, training, taming, or anything else related to small pets, this class is for you, regardless of skill level. In this class we cover everything:
  • The species of pets
  • Genotypes and phenotypes
  • Qualities and attributes
  • Capture of wild pets
  • Battles
  • Strategies for the Grand Master Tamers
  • Strategies for the Celestial Tournament
  • Strategies against other players ((PvP))
  • ((Pet Battle Add-Ons))
  • Expanding your collection
  • Economics of pet battles
  • Ethics of pet battles
Classes are held every Thursday at the 4th bell of the evening at the terrace off the throne room and library at Stormwind Keep in Darnassus.

((Sorry, Horde! Until I transfer my goblin, Megzy, back to Wyrmrest Accord (Americas), I'm afraid this is an Alliance-only event))

You don't have to be a student of Stormwind University to attend these classes. You can audit them for free! Of course, students of the University will be graded. Attendance and battle exams will be parts of your grade.

We're starting our third class on the 12th of March, but don't worry! The first class was just introductory, and we'll do a quick summary of the second class. I hope you all come with hungry minds and a love of pets!

Yours sincerely!
Pommie Tappet.

((RP event, every Thursday at 4pm pacific time at the in Darnassus.

If you want to get into pet battles, this event is for you!

If you already love pet battles and want to get into some pet battle RP, this event is also for you!))
Last edited by Pommie on August 25th, 2015, 2:45 pm, edited 6 times in total.

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Re: [A-RP] Calling Role Players! — Update!

Post by Pommie » March 9th, 2015, 12:21 pm

((EU-region Alliance class:

Our FINAL class will be on January 27th at 20.00 CET. We'll finsih our coverage of the Celestial Tournament. Time permitting, we'll look at the economics of battle pets.

EU-region Alliance class:

Class #16 will be back in-character. We'll be covering the Celestial Tournament, meeting at our usual spot in Darnassus on January 20th at 20.00 CET.

EU-region Alliance class:

Class #15 is our OOC session when we'll look at battle-pet add-ons.

We'll meet at our usual spot: the gatehouse at the eastern entrance to Darnassus.

EU-region Alliance class! We're back from Winter Veil break!

Class #14-B will be this week, January 6, at 20.00 CET with lecture #14-B (not lecture #15 as originally planned).

We'll meet at our usual spot: the gatehouse at the eastern entrance to Darnassus.

EU-region Alliance class special notice:

Battle Pets classes are on winter break. There will be no classes on 23rd nor on the 30th of December.

Classes will resume on January 6th at 20.00 CET with lecture #15.

Happy Feast of Winter Veil!

EU-region Alliance class:

Lecture #13 will go over the results of the midterm exam. Even if you didn't take the exam, I encourage you to show up because we'll look at common pitfalls and gaps in battle pet knowledge.

We'll meet on December 9th at 20.00 CET at the gatehouse east of Darnassus.

EU-region Alliance class:

Lecture #12 will prepare us for the dreaded and difficult midterm exam.

We'll meet on December 2nd at 20.00 CET at the gatehouse east of Darnassus.

EU-region Alliance class:

Lecture #11 will cover optimal training strategies.

We will meet on November 25th at 20.00 CET at the gatehouse east of Darnassus.

EU-region Alliance class:

Lecture #10 is our first field trip!

We will meet on November 18th at 20.00 CET at Westbrook Garrison, in Elwynn Forest.

EU-region Alliance class:

We'll meet on November 11th at 20.00 CET.

Lecture #9 will cover synergy and team assembly.

EU-region Alliance class:

Session #8 will cover weather-changing effects.

Notice! New meeting location! We will be meeting at the gatehouse at the east entrance to Darnassus.

EU-region Alliance class:

Session #7 is our first battle quiz. Please come to class prepared with a team of three pets.

Of course, thanks to our donors, we'll have rare pets to give away afterward!

EU-region Alliance class:

Lesson #6 is October 21st at 20.00 CEST.

We'll cover pet tricks (also known as "abilities") and, of course, give away some free pets after class.

EU-region Alliance class:

Class #5 is October 14th at the 8th bell of the evenining ((20.00 CEST)). We'll review pet genetics and look at additional pet attributes.

Americas-region Horde class:

Class #12 is October 11th at the noon gong ((12pm PDT)).

Sadly, turnout in this timeslot has been miserably poor, so I'm afraid I will have to cancel all future installments of the class. ((I really need more than five people to show up to make it worthwhile—both for me as an RP'er and to make the free pet giveaways more fair.))

We'll do a brief review, assign the final exam, and do a final pet giveaway!

Thank you so much for sticking it out with me for 12 weeks! I hope we can try again and get to the full 30 another in another timeslot.

EU-region Alliance class:

Class #4 is October 7th at 20.00 CEST.

We'll finish our tour of the families of pets and begin examining pet attributes.

And thanks to generous donors, I'll have rare pets to give away.

Americas-region Horde class:

Class #11 is October 4th at the noon gong ((12pm PDT)).

We'll be back in our usual classroom in Bilgewater Harbor, Azshara. Topic for class #11: optimal training strategies so you too can have hundreds of pets at their maximal level of learning.

EU-region Alliance class:

Class #3 is September 30th at 20.00 CEST.

We'll continue—and possibly conclude—our thorough examination of the families of pets.

And, of course, I'll give away some rare pets, too.

Americas-region Horde class:

Explosive calendar alarm! Class #10 is September 27th at the noon gong ((12pm PDT)).


Take note: we will be meeting at the south gate of Orgrimmarnot at Bilgewater Harbor. From there we'll take our field trip. Pack a snack and pick a field-trip-buddy!

EU-region Alliance class:

Class #2 is September 23rd at 20.00 CEST. We'll begin our detailed examination of the families of pets.

Americas-region Horde class:

Class #9 is September 20th at noon PDT. We'll cover the topics of synergy and team assembly.

EU-region Alliance class:

The premiere class will be September 16th at 20.00 CEST. This class will just be introductory, but there will be a pet giveaway!

Americas-region Horde class:

Class #8 is September 13th at the noon gong ((12pm PDT)).

We'll look at localized micro-climates along with your battle pets and you.

Americas-region Horde class:

Class #7 is September 6th at the noon gong ((12pm PDT)).

It's our first battle quiz! Have your teams ready!

Americas-region Alliance class:


Class #28 is our last lecture before we move onto final exams!

We'll look at garrison pets and close up any final lingering issues. See you on Thursday!

Americas-region Horde class:

Class #6 will be August 30th at the noon gong ((12pm PDT)).

We'll be covering the tricks pets know as well as the trapping of wild pets. Of course, I'll be giving out some rare pets after class.

Americas-region Alliance class:

Class #27 is on August 27th at the 4th bell of the evening ((4pm PDT)).

We'll look at the economics of battle pets, the ethics of pet battles, and the naming of pets.

Americas-region Horde class:

It's time for pet genetics!

This is some of the most important material and it will be on the midterm exam, so plan on attending!

The next class, #5, is August 23 at the noon gong ((12pm PDT)).

Alliance class:

We'll meet as usual on August 20th at the 4th bell of the evening ((4pm PDT)). This time we'll cover the Tiny Terrors of Tanaan.

Horde class:

Class #4 is August 16th at noon pacific time. We'll continue looking at the families/genus/species.

Alliance class:

Class #25 is August 13th at 4pm pacific time.

For this session we'll be completely out-of-character as we'll be discussing pet battle add-ons.

Horde class:

Class #3 is August 9th at the noon gong ((12pm pacific time)).

We'll continue our examination of the families of pets. And again, a visiting tamer will be dropping by to battle.

Alliance class:


Professor Pommie Tappet is away at a conference this week, so Master Tamer Canath will be teaching the next class on August 6th at the 4th bell ((4pm pacific time)).

This class is our second battle exam so have your teams ready.

((Invitations on Wyrmrest Accord will come from Morewdin the gnome.))

Alliance class: Next class is Thursday, July 30th at 4pm ((pacific time). We'll cover draenic pet battles and also have a special visitor.


Today is the FIRST class for the Horde! Meet at the noon gong ((noon pacific time)) in Bilgewater Harbor and get to know your instructor, Pommìe Pocketbomb.


Next class is July 23rd at the 4th bell ((4pm pacific time)).

We'll finish the Celestial Tournament. We'll have another special visitor, too.


Next class is July 16th at the 4th bell of the evening ((4pm pacific time)).

We'll continue our look at the Celestial Tournament. We'll also have a special visitor.

Reminder: our next class is July 9th at the 4th bell of the evening ((4pm server time)). We'll begin looking at the Celestial Tournament.

Another bump-along reminder:

Our next class is Thursday, July 2nd, at the 4th bell ((4pm PDT)). We'll look at Book I of the Beasts of Fable.

Bumping reminder!

Our next class will cover the Pandaren Spirit Tamers. We'll meet in our usual location on Thursday, June 25th, at the 4th bell ((4pm PDT)).


Next class features a special guest lecture by Canath!

We'll meet in our usual spot on Thursday, June 18th, at the 4th bell ((4pm PDT)).


Our next class is Thursday, June 11th, at the 4th bell ((4pm PDT)). We'll pick up where we left off with strategies for the Grand Masters of Pandaria.

((For those of you not on Wyrmrest Accord (Americas), let me know your Battle Tag and I'll cross-invite you.))


The next class is Thursday, June 4th, at the 4th bell of the evening ((4pm PDT)). We'll continue our Strategies for the Grand Masters.

Classes will start Horde-side in July. Still need folks willing to be guest speakers!


The next class is Thursday, the 28th of May, at the 4th bell of the evening ((4pm PDT)). We'll be meeting in our usual spot in Darnassus.

See you then!


Pet battle class is today, the 21st of May, at the 4th bell of the afternoon ((pacific time)).

Your take-home midterm exams were due at midnight last night, and I've completed grading them. Click here to review the graded exams.

((Please note: I graded only those from RP realms that were submitted before the deadline. Feel free to peek at another student's for the right answers.))

For today's class, we'll go over the exam and see where people tended to struggle. See you this afternoon!


Although we had a few RP griefers at the start, they did the right thing and left (not after lobbing a few choice insults, but hey—kids these days!). And we ended up with a nice short class!

The reason it was short: it was time for the Pet Battle Midterm Exam!

This is a take home exam and you are allowed to consult your notes. Click here to take the exam.

Completed exams are due by May 20th 2015, which should be plenty of time to complete and turn them in. Good luck everyone!


Our next class is May 14th at 4pm pacific time. We'll meet in Darnassus as usual.

It's time for midterm exams, so bring your #2 quills.

Still looking for guest lecturers on the Horde side! Pet Battle Classes will be starting for the Horde next month


We had a fun field trip! Our next class will be back in Darnassus, on May 7th at 4pm pacific time. We'll be back in Darnassus.

Also important: I am looking for guest lecturers on the Horde faction! I will be starting up this same class for the Horde, but taught by the goblin Pommìe Pocketbomb.


Our next class is tomorrow, April 30th at 4pm pacific time.

It's our first field trip so please meet just outside Goldshire. We will also have our guest lecturer, Jun "Threespears" Kettlebelly.

See you tomorrow!


I am honored and humbled to announce that Turwinkle, the Gnome Mage, posted an interview with Pommie on the RP Pet Battle Classes! Thank you, Turwinkle! Thank you so very much!

Video URL: — wooo!

WOW! Our last class was a record-breaker: 31 students from 3 different reamls!

I truly love just how creative and spontaneous we are in these classes. It's key to making it special. Thank you all!

Our next class is April 23rd at the 4th bell of the afternoon ((pacific time)). Our topic last week was supposed to be synergy, but we ended up discussing weather, so this week's class will be on synergy.

WOW WOW WOW! I am so impressed by the turnout and the quality of the role-players that show up! Another incredible class on April 16th! Thank you all for participating.


Our next class is tomorrow, April 16th at the 4th bell of the afternoon ((pacific time)). Our topic this week: synergy!

((Classes are held on the Alliance faction of Wymrest Accord (Americas) realm in Darnassus. If you're from off-realm or off-faction, send me a private message here on and I'll add you and invite you over before class starts.))

The first battle quiz is over! We had an incredible turnout!

Another fantastic class! I love how interactive everyone is. All the role-players really make it special.

The next class is tomorrow, April 2nd at 4pm in Darnassus on the Wyrmrest Accord (Americas) realm. If you're from off-realm and want to attend, send me a private message here with your battle tag and I'll invite you over.

Yet another update:

My RP pet battle class was featured on World of Warcraft Community Magazine issue #8! Woot! I'm so happy! ^_^

Another quick update:

The material from session #5 (pet attributes and genetics) was pretty advanced and went by quite fast too. Some students have asked for some notes, and, as promised, they're ready:

Class Notes from Session 5: Pet Attributes and Genetics

Just a quick update:

I've gotten whispers from players on other realms who want to join the classes, so to accommodate them I'm moving the classes to Darnassus, since Stormwind doesn't allow cross-realm folks. I've updated the post above to reflect that.

Another awesome class on March 26th! We covered pet genetics—and accurately as they are reflected in game!

Next class will be April 2nd. We'll cover the remaining pet attributes, and next class will be a battle exam—with a twist!

If you're not on Wyrmrest Accord, send me a PM here with your Battle Tag and I'll add you as a friend and invite you to cross-realm Darnassus.))
Last edited by Pommie on January 25th, 2016, 10:18 am, edited 42 times in total.

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Re: [A-RP] Calling Role Players!

Post by Mehetabel » June 5th, 2015, 10:13 am

If only I lived in the USA, I'd definately be signing up for these classes! :D

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Re: [A-RP] Calling Role Players!

Post by Pommie » June 8th, 2015, 10:55 am

Mehetabel wrote:If only I lived in the USA, I'd definately be signing up for these classes! :D
If I could play on EU realms, I would love to teach them there. We have so much fun! Really!

EDIT: There might be [url=]an EU Pommie[/url].

EDIT 2: Fixed URL. A very kind player gave up the name "Pommie" without any accent mark to me! Thank you, Wilbur the Gnome!
Last edited by Pommie on July 26th, 2015, 11:31 am, edited 1 time in total.

Joined:May 28th, 2015

Re: [A-RP] Calling Role Players!

Post by Addseo1115 » June 25th, 2015, 3:43 am

Glad to see your posts.
Interesting posts.
I have enjoyed with this forum.

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Re: [A-RP] Calling Role Players!

Post by Mehetabel » July 10th, 2015, 5:15 pm

Pommie wrote:EDIT: There might be [url=]an EU Pommie[/url].

If you start up some classes here in the EU I'm definately interested :)

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