Cinder Pup woes...
Hopefully by posting here, I'll have a change of luck =] 15 alts, and not a single mission for it yet. Same goes for the Left Shark, however, I only have 4 of the alts with the Naval yard unlocked.
- Opallena
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Re: Cinder Pup woes...
Yeah I'm in the same boat... None of the new pet/mount missions have popped up on any of my 6 100s (only my main has the shipyard though). I wound up buying a pup off AH for super cheap, 3 at 5k each.
Re: Cinder Pup woes...
You need 675 ilvl on your character for that character to be eligible for the new rare missions (pup, mount, burning blade toy, new tentacle heirloom trinket, medallions and experience elixirs). It doesn't have to be equipped ilvl, so if you can swing it with BoEs you should be able to then mail the BoEs to the next alt to trigger it for them.
Re: Cinder Pup woes...
is that 675 ilvl on the character? or the follower? just to clarify.
Re: Cinder Pup woes...
The character, judging from the context.
Re: Cinder Pup woes...
Yes on your character. It may also require the followers to be that level, I'm not sure since my alts are all... well they're not lacking for spare follower upgrade items. But even with all followers maxed I couldn't get any of the new missions on my alts until I raised the character ilvl to 675. Left shark ship mission thankfully doesn't seem to have the same requirement, I've gotten that mission a few times now on the still crappy ilvl alts.
Re: Cinder Pup woes...
Is there still an easy way to cheese ilvl or to gear up in Tanaan now? I've been on vacation and still play patch catch up so I haven't done a lot of exploring other than the toys and pets.
- Quintessence
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Re: Cinder Pup woes...
I'm skeptical about the Cinder Pup [url=]mission[/url] requiring 675 ilvl for your character, and not your followers.
To me it makes more sense to just require your follower to have the appropriate ilvl, and the resulting missions you get depend on RNG. But if someone has more conclusive evidence that "675 ilvl" means your character's gear, please do share!
To me it makes more sense to just require your follower to have the appropriate ilvl, and the resulting missions you get depend on RNG. But if someone has more conclusive evidence that "675 ilvl" means your character's gear, please do share!

Feel free to browse through my pet collecting blog:
Re: Cinder Pup woes...
I was sceptical about the 675 ilvl requirement for characters as well, but when I got my main's ilvl to 675, I immediately had the "The Botani Stirr" mission pop up after seeing none of these missions since patch. My ilvl 650 alts still have nothing which makes me sad.
Re: Cinder Pup woes...
As of now, my main is sitting at 697 and 3 alts around 686 while the rest are around 660+. Haven't seen them on any of the toons, however, shortly after posting here, I got a Left Shark mission on 2 of my lower ilvl alts
I'll wait a few more days to test the 675 ilvl but I'm hoping it's just RNG.

- Voskres
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Re: Cinder Pup woes...
I have been 675 since patch, I have all 25 followers at 675 and I do several rounds of missions a day, so much so that most of the time I have followers sitting in garrison idle because I have no more missions.
Still no mission for the pup.
Still no mission for the pup.
Re: Cinder Pup woes...
That could just be a coincidence. I have a toon above 675 but no cinder pup as of yet. It's considered a "rare" mission, so it shouldn't be an automatic one. I'm guessing you got lucky with your mission spawning at the same time period as your upgrade. I'm sittin at 678 on my main with no luck yet though.Merana wrote:I was sceptical about the 675 ilvl requirement for characters as well, but when I got my main's ilvl to 675, I immediately had the "The Botani Stirr" mission pop up after seeing none of these missions since patch. My ilvl 650 alts still have nothing which makes me sad.
Carry Pet Experience Reference Guide:
Re: Cinder Pup woes...
It didn't feel right to me that out of 18 of my alts an absolute ZERO got any of the new missions, ANY of them. NOT ONE! Not getting cinder pup or the mount mission sure I can see that - those aren't supposed to be that common I figured. But not even the xp elixir or medallion of the legion mission? It seemed like there had to be something other going on. So I searched and I found something: a post on MMO Champion about this ( It didn't make much sense to me either to tie it to character ilvl. Until I thought about how Blizzard doesn't like us to get things instantly and this was probably their way of making sure people with 19 lvl 100s like me didn't immediately complete all the new garrison mission additions (there's more than just the cinder pup as new missions) on day 1. It would be a good way to force us to go into tanaan to get those extra ilvls.
I decided to test the thing I heard on MMO Champ. I raised the ilvl of 7 alts out of 18 to 675 ilvl. None of them had ANY of the newly added garrison missions at 674 or lower, moment they hit 675 they each gained one mission out of the pool of new ones. Seven coincidences maybe? I suspect not. Each one gained exactly 1 new available mission on going to 675 and trust me with doing garrison missions on 19 lvl 100s the new missions I'd never seen before 6.2 that suddenly appeared stood out like a sore thumb. The other 11 still have zero of the new garrison missions. It's still down to luck to get the right one of out the new pool of missions it seems. I was lucky and monk got the cinder pup mission - I still haven't gotten the gronnling mount mission though. If people neither believe it nor want to test it that's fine, I just thought I could save people a few weeks of waiting around for these things to just appear on their own. I know I'll be getting the other 11 alts more ilvls, I don't believe in that much coincidence in unrelatedly getting new missions right after the ilvl boost.
It should be noted that the shipyard and the new garrison missions don't seem to have the same requirements. This week I got 4 left shark ship missions on alts as low as 642 ilvl. However looking at it there must be a requirement for instance for the heirloom rings to have shipyard lvl 3 (maybe more requirements than that, but at least that)... it's rather improbable that out of 19 characters with lvl 2 shipyard some with mostly epic ships I have seen 0 of those missions.
I decided to test the thing I heard on MMO Champ. I raised the ilvl of 7 alts out of 18 to 675 ilvl. None of them had ANY of the newly added garrison missions at 674 or lower, moment they hit 675 they each gained one mission out of the pool of new ones. Seven coincidences maybe? I suspect not. Each one gained exactly 1 new available mission on going to 675 and trust me with doing garrison missions on 19 lvl 100s the new missions I'd never seen before 6.2 that suddenly appeared stood out like a sore thumb. The other 11 still have zero of the new garrison missions. It's still down to luck to get the right one of out the new pool of missions it seems. I was lucky and monk got the cinder pup mission - I still haven't gotten the gronnling mount mission though. If people neither believe it nor want to test it that's fine, I just thought I could save people a few weeks of waiting around for these things to just appear on their own. I know I'll be getting the other 11 alts more ilvls, I don't believe in that much coincidence in unrelatedly getting new missions right after the ilvl boost.
It should be noted that the shipyard and the new garrison missions don't seem to have the same requirements. This week I got 4 left shark ship missions on alts as low as 642 ilvl. However looking at it there must be a requirement for instance for the heirloom rings to have shipyard lvl 3 (maybe more requirements than that, but at least that)... it's rather improbable that out of 19 characters with lvl 2 shipyard some with mostly epic ships I have seen 0 of those missions.
Re: Cinder Pup woes...
well I have 4 toons above 675 with my main being at 696. I haven't gotten any of the new rare 6.2 missions yet and that's been 2 weeks almost. A few more days won't hurt =]
The left shark was odd. Within a 24-48 hour window, I got the quest on all my toons that had a shipyard
The left shark was odd. Within a 24-48 hour window, I got the quest on all my toons that had a shipyard

Re: Cinder Pup woes...
It's not that we don't believe it (we have tested it), but I am just suggesting that it isn't concrete evidence either. When I turned 675 this week I didn't get any of the new rare missions (which is in direct contrast to your experience). I have a full complement of 675 ilvl followers as well.Ishildur wrote:IIf people neither believe it nor want to test it that's fine, I just thought I could save people a few weeks of waiting around for these things to just appear on their own. I know I'll be getting the other 11 alts more ilvls, I don't believe in that much coincidence in unrelatedly getting new missions right after the ilvl boost.
You could be completely right (not saying you are wrong), but if you are, how come I didn't receive one of the new missions when my toon dinged 675 ilvl? Maybe there is something else as an additional requirement? Maybe it is still RNG? I don't know for sure. It feels like there are still a bunch of unanswered questions concerning it. Make sense?
Carry Pet Experience Reference Guide:
Re: Cinder Pup woes...
Well, I just popped another alt. Even took screenshots of all the missions before and after I popped it. It popped another Cinder Pup mission for me!!
Guess in 6 hours I will have to find that little fella a good home. Wow, and the second one got Breaker Two which I can't even 100% for another 8 hours. Man, despite a crappy start this is turning out to be an awesome day for me! 

Re: Cinder Pup woes...
I suppose it could also be possible you can only pop X amount of rare missions at any given time. Never gave it any mind, to be honest. The only 6.2 rare mission I've seen so far was the exp potion. Haven't gotten any of them from the shipyard. Ah well, RNG is RNG.
Re: Cinder Pup woes...
I wonder what else pops it then? By this account I should have gotten a rare mission as soon as I hit ilvl 675. Both me and my followers are all 675+. Thoughts?Ishildur wrote:Well, I just popped another alt. Even took screenshots of all the missions before and after I popped it. It popped another Cinder Pup mission for me!!Guess in 6 hours I will have to find that little fella a good home. Wow, and the second one got Breaker Two which I can't even 100% for another 8 hours. Man, despite a crappy start this is turning out to be an awesome day for me!
Carry Pet Experience Reference Guide:
Re: Cinder Pup woes...
I'm starting to think you need a 675 ilvl character now as well.
The test:
2 alts, both around 670. Completed all the missions and didn't start any new ones. 11 missions each in the queue. Upgraded the 1st one to 675, checked to see available missions and got 1 of the new rare ones. 2nd alt, same thing, upgraded to 675 and then got the Cinder pup mission.
So what about my other 675+ toons? Apparently I have been getting the new rare missions, but seeing as how I didn't need them (1000 resources when I was already maxed), I most likely ignored/overlooked them. This is a link to ALL the 6.2 rare missions. They look like they are on a 1 week spawn time (similar to caches 2 week spawn time).
It's still RNG, but if this is similar to the cache, then it'll show up once a week.
The test:
2 alts, both around 670. Completed all the missions and didn't start any new ones. 11 missions each in the queue. Upgraded the 1st one to 675, checked to see available missions and got 1 of the new rare ones. 2nd alt, same thing, upgraded to 675 and then got the Cinder pup mission.
So what about my other 675+ toons? Apparently I have been getting the new rare missions, but seeing as how I didn't need them (1000 resources when I was already maxed), I most likely ignored/overlooked them. This is a link to ALL the 6.2 rare missions. They look like they are on a 1 week spawn time (similar to caches 2 week spawn time).
It's still RNG, but if this is similar to the cache, then it'll show up once a week.
Re: Cinder Pup woes...
How do all of you gear up your alts so fast? Normal/heroic raids?