A suggestion to blizzard on unobtainable pets

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A suggestion to blizzard on unobtainable pets

Post by Nochness » July 22nd, 2015, 2:21 am

Heey there ^^
I've just made an in-game suggestion to blizzard, about not being able to get all pets in the game, and how this could be "fixed".
I'd like to hear others thoughts, and if you like the idea please send it to blizzard aswell :)

Hello Blizzard :)
As the title says, this is actually a suggestion, since the suggestion section was too small.
It's about battle pets, and what i think to be a pretty big problem.
There are certain unobtainable pets in the game, pets like: collectors edition or special events.
These aren't pets that you can just farm if you put your back into it, or buy from the AH. Even if you played a 100 years, you still wouldn't be able to get them. And for me, not being able to get all pets is somewhat frustrating.
Anyway, these so called unobtainables aren't like the tcg pets or the ingame shop. You simply cant get them, period. If you dont have them already, there is only one way to, and thats to buy the code for real money from a third party. And in the process possibly being scammed.
This isn't anything blizzard even earns anything from, because the codes have already been bought in the first place, and are now just sold for more than original.

So now to my suggestion.
My idea is that the few who prove themself worthy and work hard, get the option of achieving these unobtainables in-game.
This could be done by first completing all pet related achievments. This would then open an epic questline from your respectable faction tamer (the SW one for ally and Og for horde).
Here you would have to defeat all tamers in the game (turned to lvl 25 maybe?) including darkmoon faire, fel corrupted pets (just NOTHING where you have to wait more than a month if you miss it).
The last step in this questline would be to defeat the one who gave you the quest, the pet tamer in SW/OG as a boss tamer.
This would then allow your character to encounter otherwise unobtainable pets in the wild as secondary pets. If you have one of them, you would ofc not encounter that one.
Once you get the all you could maybe get a special new pet?

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Re: A suggestion to blizzard on unobtainable pets

Post by Mehetabel » July 22nd, 2015, 6:39 am

I'm not sure. At the end of the day ALL CE pets ARE still available if you are prepared to pay. It's not like you can never ever get them. In the last 6 months I've bought both Vanilla AND TBC CE's for the pets. Cost me a fortune but it's my hobby so I don't mind. Even Mini Tyrael is out there to buy if you've got that sort of money (and if I did I would buy him in a second).

I don't begrudge people who DO have pets I don't have as they've simply been playing longer than I have and have something to show for it.

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Re: A suggestion to blizzard on unobtainable pets

Post by Opallena » July 22nd, 2015, 8:41 am

The special event pets like the vampire bat and Spirit of Competition shouldn't be re-released unless their specific event comes back to the game, but the CEs are still technically obtainable. I know I've read several posts of people wanting them to be put on digital deluxe, so those who missed out can get these pets without having to pay hundreds of dollars for a CE.

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Re: A suggestion to blizzard on unobtainable pets

Post by Buruan » July 22nd, 2015, 11:38 am

As much as I would like to attain some of the pets I don't have, and never will have, I don't think Blizz should or even could open this can of worms.

If they cave on something like this, they would basically have to re-enable all kinds of old world achievements and quest lines.
And it would be massively unfair to the people who have the pets now.

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Re: A suggestion to blizzard on unobtainable pets

Post by Cardee » July 22nd, 2015, 1:10 pm

For pets that are truly unobtainable now (such as Baby Blizzard Bear, Onyxian Whelpling, Spirit of Competition, and Vampiric Batling, etc.), what I would love to see is for Blizz to make them cageable. I know people who have multiples of these pets and would like to be able to sell them, and there are people who would pay good gold to have them.

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Re: A suggestion to blizzard on unobtainable pets

Post by Khorah » July 22nd, 2015, 1:34 pm

Cardee wrote:For pets that are truly unobtainable now (such as Baby Blizzard Bear, Onyxian Whelpling, Spirit of Competition, and Vampiric Batling, etc.), what I would love to see is for Blizz to make them cageable. I know people who have multiples of these pets and would like to be able to sell them, and there are people who would pay good gold to have them.
^-- This.. I missed the Batling and Blizz Bear as I had taken a break then..

Given they have now introduced the ability to buy the SC CE pets, I am hoping this trend will continue for some of the other CE's. I have all but the vanilla pets and I honestly dont mind if I see other folks get some of the cool pets and enjoy them. Your enjoyment of the pets does not diminish mine, so I am at a bit of a loss as to why there is such push back against re-releasing them. /shrug

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Re: A suggestion to blizzard on unobtainable pets

Post by Maizing » July 22nd, 2015, 2:14 pm

Cardee wrote:For pets that are truly unobtainable now (such as Baby Blizzard Bear, Onyxian Whelpling, Spirit of Competition, and Vampiric Batling, etc.), what I would love to see is for Blizz to make them cageable. I know people who have multiples of these pets and would like to be able to sell them, and there are people who would pay good gold to have them.
Yes. I have several [pet]Baby Blizzard Bear[/pet]s and 3 [pet]Vampiric Batling[/pet]s and would love to be able to cage the extras and sell or even give them away.

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Re: A suggestion to blizzard on unobtainable pets

Post by Peanutty » July 22nd, 2015, 2:31 pm

Cardee wrote:For pets that are truly unobtainable now (such as Baby Blizzard Bear, Onyxian Whelpling, Spirit of Competition, and Vampiric Batling, etc.), what I would love to see is for Blizz to make them cageable. I know people who have multiples of these pets and would like to be able to sell them, and there are people who would pay good gold to have them.
ITA with this, I've kept copies of my anniversary pets hoping that one day they'll make them tradeable.

Back to the original post, I really don't agree with the idea of making the original CE pets obtainable via a quest, unless you're talking about something on the scale of the legendary cloak/ring quest chain, and even then... I would maybe (big maybe) agree with putting a few of them on BMAH or heck, making them tradeable too, or rereleasing a special CE set like Starcraft did. Because regardless of how high the cost is, the CE pets are technically obtainable still, unlike the anniversary pets.

No I don't have any of the older CE pets, and yes, I would love to have them, but I also accept that I can't have everything I want.

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Re: A suggestion to blizzard on unobtainable pets

Post by Nochness » July 22nd, 2015, 3:34 pm

Thanks for all the responses :)
The reason for the idea isn't that i cant stand not having all the pets. Its the part that i dont have the option. And yes i know that you can in ways obtain the CE pets, but I dont really see the way as intended (by blizzard atleast). And this still leaves the special event pets.
If it was possible by trading your way to them - much like the tcg pets - i wouldnt mind. However this is an alternative, to actually get players to do something for once, besides just spending gold from a chair in their garrison.
And I sure as hell dont intend to make this anything close to easy :)
My idea was a hard and long epic quest-line, where the player is taken through all of the different sides of taming.
First of just proving yourself worthy for the quest by doing a shit ton of achievments.
Second do a hard and long, really epic quest with hard battles and whatever fun, maybe helping tamers catch rare pets?
And then getting the option of meeting whatever you still miss as secondary pets. This meaning that you dont have the possibility of farming anything specificly, but having to fight and fight pets all over in the wild - again away from that garrison! and i know it seems scary to leave the safe little bowl we all live in, but is it that fun staying in there all day? :p

This is as i said, just an alternative to just buying them, or whatever way. I would just like the option.
So other ideas would be welcome too :)

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Re: A suggestion to blizzard on unobtainable pets

Post by Noxiish » July 22nd, 2015, 4:04 pm

I still disagree with this, and thats really hard to say.

I've only recently started going with a few TCG pets and even then, I am absolutely not a fan of spending real money on pets or having that be a requirement for collecting in game. But some things deserve to stay that way.
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Re: A suggestion to blizzard on unobtainable pets

Post by Melmo » July 22nd, 2015, 6:02 pm

I think they should re-release the WoW Vanilla pets, just to be consistent with what they did with Mini Thor. I paid $110 to get my Mini Thor years ago in 2011, and $60 for the Baneling when it came out, and just shelled out $60 MORE for this newest SCII expac pet. Now they give "new players" the option to get all 3 for less than a hundred dollars? Seriously?

If they're going to do it with one game and give "new players" a bump then they need to do it with ALL their games. Someone just starting to play WoW should be able to get a DD re-release of the panda, deebs, and zerg. End of story.

As for Baby Blizz, Vampiric Batling, etc., they should not be re-released. They are a reward for older players who were playing at that time and I think they should stay that way. I don't even have Mr. Chilly, I started playing WoW literally 6 months too late. But I also don't think I deserve him just because I want him. I own all the WoW games, I think I should, however, be allowed to upgrade to DD versions just like with SCII.

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Re: A suggestion to blizzard on unobtainable pets

Post by Nochness » July 23rd, 2015, 1:30 am

I personally played since tbc, so i already have the baby blizzard bear, and it wouldnt kill me, if others could aswell.
But try looking at the feats of strength achievment "Clockwork Rocket Bot", it states you as the proud owner of the 2007 vintage version. However this pet is stil obtainable in game, just by a lower chance... I'd say they did it here?

But lets state an example:
A person played since release, bought only CE versions, even went to Blizzcon. There are still pets this guy wouldnt have?
CE pets from other blizzard games, and then comes all the region specifics to taiwan, korea and china? At this point it has nothing to do with not having played enough?

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Re: A suggestion to blizzard on unobtainable pets

Post by Nochness » July 23rd, 2015, 4:08 am

Second to this, there is on ravencrest atm a core hound chain on the bmah, an anniversary mount..
What im saying is, that in the small they are already putting otherwise unobtainable items in the game? its exactly the same with t3 sets.

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Re: A suggestion to blizzard on unobtainable pets

Post by Ishildur » July 23rd, 2015, 2:03 pm

Honestly I'd be fine with just putting the bloody things up on the Black Market Auction House. I mean the BMAH was supposed to be there to let people have a chance at things that were removed (mostly mounts but some transmog items too) and to get rid of some of the gold out of the economy. It does seem odd there's mounts in there you can't get by any other way, none at all, but no pets like that. I think it would be a good solution for some of those pets and it would also add some more items to the BMAH which most of the time has a sad pathetic collection of mostly trash with the occasional gem that then gets fought over in a bloody bidding war.

What I mean by this is stuff like the Olympics dragon, the vampire battling, stuff that was linked to one time events. And I'm not suggesting those pets be tradable from the BMAH (that way lies the path of duping and people camping the auctions to resell the pets at 900% markup, well until the duping gets out of control). I have most of those pets already, so I'm not saying this because I want to get those pets. It just doesn't make any difference to me at least whether someone else can get the same thing I have and love - I realize however that people are different in that regard and some would absolutely feel slighted and value their pet less if others could still get it.

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Re: A suggestion to blizzard on unobtainable pets

Post by Impeesa » July 23rd, 2015, 3:40 pm

Yeah, Black Market is my vote too. Everything from Vampiric Batling and Spirit of Competition all the way up to Mini Tyrael. Anniversary, Blizzcon, CE, other promos, maybe even the RAF ones if they won't let us buy them with WoW Tokens. If it shows up twice a year and goes to gold cap, does it really devalue it in the eyes of collectors all that much? I'd like to see them do this for other things too, including past season gladiator mounts, things like that, so maybe I'm biased towards a greatly expanded Black Market.

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Re: A suggestion to blizzard on unobtainable pets

Post by Mehetabel » July 23rd, 2015, 4:07 pm

Another vote for BMAH here. Still rare, still hard to get but . . . POSSIBLE.

From the point of view of someone who has spent a LOT of money on ebay buying up old CE's editions for the pets, I know I'd feel annoyed if they suddenly became digital for a fraction of the cost. I'm already feeling a bit bad for anyone who's bought the Starcraft CE for Mini Thor in the past (I've actually been saving up for it myself) as that goes for hundreds usually.

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Re: A suggestion to blizzard on unobtainable pets

Post by Nochness » July 24th, 2015, 3:00 am

Tbh the reason why i didnt suggest just making the unobtainable pets trade able or bmah, was to make players actually play the game.
Right now it seems that most players do the following:
Sit in their garrison alone and isolated OR Play Auction House simulator 2015.
And i dont blame anyone for doing this, cus its just not worth it from a resource perspective to do anything else. However there is a reason so many people stopped playing the game. Because playing like this is somewhat boring.
Wouldn't it be nice for a change to actually be rewarded for playing the game, rather than sitting at the AH all day?

If these pets was put on the bmah, it would just mean that players once again was rewarded for sitting at the AH (i would do too, cus i want those pets). However with my suggestion the reward would go to the players that prove themselfes worthy pet tamers.
And for those scared that everyone would get their hands on elsewhere unobtainable pets, no they wouldnt. The shear amount of time it takes for the achievments would scare most away, and then a hard and long quest-line afterwards. It would only be the best pet trainers in the game. And i think it would be fair that the pets trainers get a chance for these pets - and no im not there yet either.

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Re: A suggestion to blizzard on unobtainable pets

Post by Avo » July 24th, 2015, 6:53 am

I really think the unobtainables (also mounts) should be available again.

What about a time limit? Things can be exclusive for 10 years. TEN WHOLE YEARS. And then be released for everyone to get. - We just celebrated the 10th anniversary of wow. That means in a couple of years TBC stuff would be available and later on, wotlk. - That'd also give people motivation to stick around to actually be able to complete their collections. Right now I'm actually disheartened by the fact that I can never get some of the pets (I have all the CE pets, but I'd like the vampiric batling etc.)

I can see that people like to be unique snowflakes and have something rare, but ten whole years is a long time for something to be exclusive, and I'd be okay with the things requiring some kind of currency that'd be very hard to grind, to keep it rare. But there's a big difference between rare and "impossible to get".

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Re: A suggestion to blizzard on unobtainable pets

Post by Nagini » July 24th, 2015, 9:13 am

I think there's some virtue into keeping things unique for players that worked hard to get them (or were simply playing by the time they were released). I personally like seeing these 'unique' past achievements of myself. As the thread shows, there are quite a few issues when considering re-implimenting them.

If I were to ask for something akin to a solution, I would like to have a filter for the mount, toy and pet tab like we have on this site or in the many addons for managing collections, were you could put unobtained no longer obtainable pets on an 'ignore' or 'invisible' list. Next to the numerous pet examples given this would be an elegant solution for things like the original brewfest ram and that mechanostrider that are on the list currently. That way people whitout the resources to obtain them will be able to collect without having to scroll through a long list of 'unobtainables' when they're beginning to round off their collection.

For me, it would avoid the frustration, allow older players to keep their shinies, and still allow those hardcore newer collectors to add these pets to their collection when they win the lottery.

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Re: A suggestion to blizzard on unobtainable pets

Post by Peanutty » July 24th, 2015, 2:00 pm

Nochness wrote:Tbh the reason why i didnt suggest just making the unobtainable pets trade able or bmah, was to make players actually play the game.

Wouldn't it be nice for a change to actually be rewarded for playing the game, rather than sitting at the AH all day?

And for those scared that everyone would get their hands on elsewhere unobtainable pets, no they wouldnt. The shear amount of time it takes for the achievments would scare most away, and then a hard and long quest-line afterwards. It would only be the best pet trainers in the game. And i think it would be fair that the pets trainers get a chance for these pets - and no im not there yet either.

Problem with the quest you suggested (from what I understand of it) is I think there's already a number of hardcore collectors who would qualify on day 1. So that makes it not seem like much of a challenge to me. I don't have all the PVP ones for example but I have everything else.

Also I don't think sitting in a pet battle is all that much more interactive than sitting at the BMAH and at least I get to chat with random people while watching auctions. :) No one chats with random pet battlers.

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