[ENDED] Madja's Second Friendly Raffle (Any region)

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[ENDED] Madja's Second Friendly Raffle (Any region)

Post by Madja » September 20th, 2015, 10:11 am

So it's time for my second raffle. This one will be twice as long as I figure there's no reason to have a weeks break in between :)

I've tried to make it a little fun, so this time you will be given clues and will then need to figure out what it hints at.
If you have any fun ideas for future raffles, please let me know! Just keep in mind that it needs to be something that anyone is able to partake in.

The prize of this second raffle is the winner's choice of either Wind Rider Cub or Gryphon Hatchling.
You will be given a code which you enter on your battle.net account. These should work with any region (EU/US atleast).

How to enter:

In the next post there will be a list of clues. You must guess which pet is hinted at and then reply with your answer.
Each question can only be answered by one person, so the early bird gets the largest pick!

If you answer correctly, you will be given a number in order of your entering.
(If you answer incorrectly, then feel free to try again).

At the end of the raffle I will be doing an in-game /roll between 1 and the number of entries. The winner is the number rolled.


To be qualified for entry your account must either be from before September 2015 or have at least 10 posts.

Only one question and one entry per person! Replying with more than one will lead to disqualification!
You may use any tools available to you in order to answer the question. Feel free to use google, wowhead, ask your friends etc. but no spoilers in this thread!

If you feel like testing your knowledge and answering every question then feel free to send your answers in a private message to me. Though there is no benefit from doing so, anyone who correctly answers all of the questions will get a mention in the thread!

If there is a lack of questions I will supply more.

The raffle will end on Sunday the 4th of October at 7 PM CET.

Current entries:

#1 GrosBonda
#2 Gráinne
#3 Jesjbrown
#4 Azaelia
#5 Merana
#6 Angryyankee
#7 Blackmu
#8 Petzy
#9 Kayhos
#10 Zonnetje
#11 Salus
#12 Saviya
#13 Hikage
#14 Fahra
#15 Irayna
#16 Kiella
#17 Varzuhl
#18 FuxieDK
#19 Deviantelf
#20 Ismenot
#21 Bloodhound
#22 Fallast
#23 Dpavey11
#24 Shaniel
#25 Fyrelily
#26 Antaeus
#27 Khorah
#28 Aeseria
#29 Adumbledore
#30 Hobbitpolitics
#31 Seaka
#32 Sibi
#33 Bluzah
#34 Heamers
#35 Tinibree
#36 Annalise
#37 Brittybear
#38 Voskres
#39 Topaz
#40 Bellybell
#41 Edonae
#42 Lazzy
#43 Darkchyld
#44 Ama
#45 Markedangel6469
#46 Poutinette
#47 Iibis
#48 Jolienne
#49 Etta
#50 Kaz17
#51 Opallena
#52 Africanleopard
#53 Theone
#54 Shinii
#55 Arangar
#56 Seanna
#57 Az190
#58 Vapid
#59 Tanikat
#60 Kerbear
#61 Nochness
#62 Rhannos
#63 Gahtmilch
#64 Lunarific
#65 Evilpat
#66 Infernis
#67 Trethsparr

Good luck!
Last edited by Madja on October 7th, 2015, 12:55 am, edited 42 times in total.
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Re: Madja's Second Friendly Raffle (Any region)

Post by Madja » September 20th, 2015, 10:13 am

Here is the list of clues.

Every clue hints to a given pet, it is this pet that you must figure out and reply with!

You may only pick one to answer!

Please add the question you've picked, in your reply, for easier managing.

I will do my best to cross out the taken questions, but please check yourself.
(Though there's no penalty for answering an already taken question, it will not count for entry)

  • 1. The quest that awards this vocalizing pet is a tribute to a popular indie tower defense game.

    2. He may not be quite as powerful as his daddy, but this lil' guy's Cataclysm still packs a punch!

    3. This super rare pet is by far the most expensive to exist - the wet dream of any pet collector! Oh, and he has his own top hat!

    4. I have a feeling that this pet probably wouldn't make 'Employee of the Month' at Great-father Winter's workshop.

    5. This pet is one of only two to only spawn during a specific season. Its name rather suits the season in which it spawns.

    6. This rather paradoxically named fish gets is so called because of a famous 'Saturday Night Live' sketch.

    7. You'll have to undo a lot of voodoo in order to find this pet. On the plus side you'll meet a lot of grateful people!

    8. This fiery little guy might not be big, but what he lacks in size he makes up for in spawn time! A true bane of the Safari Achievement hunter.

    9. Personally I'd yell "Kill it with fire!!" if this creepy pet got anywhere near me, but in case you want it, you'll have to kill its mother in Blackrock Spire.

    10. Put on your fanciest dress because you'll be going to a festival if you want to catch this pet! You can only find it for 2 hours of the week, on an aptly named beach.

    11. While this canine is meant to pay tribute to a much loved musical, he actually shares a name with a chihuahua from a Disney cartoon.

    12. This pet would be the perfect companion for any aspiring witch. It even comes with its own broomstick!

    13. If you aren't lucky enough to have a Mini Diablo, then this murloc pet would be a good substitute.

    14. The boy who sells this pet would have love to keep it, but unfortunately his father won't let him because of allergies. Won't you give it a good home?

    15. This strange and mythical creature is extremely elusive. People talk of a tiny, fluffy, deer with wings, but it is usually dismissed as the ramblings of a drunkard.

    16. This might be the most useless battle pet ever, at least its heart is in the right place! Bring it along for your big adventure and you will be rewarded for your efforts!

    17. I don't know who had the brilliant idea of giving a rifle to a baby. Nevertheless they have created this extremely sought after pet. You can rest easily knowing that it will protect you from any evil aliens.

    8. Only a true bookworm will be able to obtain this pet. It might seem like a a lot of effort to get it, but, to me, the pet reward isn't even needed. As they say "learning is its own reward".

    19. I don't know what happened to this spiky little guy, but he seems dead-set on getting revenge!

    20. While Queen Elizabeth II loves this particular type of pet, I'm not sure she'd want this one. It might be a bit of a fire hazard to have around all those dusty old palaces.

    21. You probably want to keep any rings of power away from the watchful gaze of this pet. He might seem like just a friendly pet at a faire, but I'm pretty sure he's planning to take over all of Middle-earth.

    22. These "archaeologists" are always looking for potential profits (aren't all goblins?), so they'll happily sell you this rare variety of an otherwise common animal in order to fill their coin-purse!

    23. This pet is supposed to be a reward for your hard work, but I have a feeling that Breanni just wanted to get rid of it because he befouling the air in her shop. Remember to keep it away from black cats!

    24. This alluring pet is one of three pets to drop from the same boss, so you'll need to do a repeat visit if you want to reunite her with her brothers.

    25. "Run away little girl, run away!". Not really, though. He might be bad, but you'd have to be very small to be intimidated by this lil' guy.

    26. Rumour has it that this pet can only be seen if you're really drunk, which would explain why it's usually seen around Oktober. The nice thing is that it's the perfect size to fit in your mug.

    27. This long awaited pet finally completes the chromatic whelpling set. Luckily it's not as rare as its brother and sisters!

    28. I can never seem to summon this guy at the right time. He's always complaining that it's "Too soon...". Maybe all that frustration is what gives him his unparalleled attack power.

    29. With his father being known as 'The Bane of the Noob', this guy has a lot to live up to. He certainly has the looks, but he might be a bit lacking in size.

    30. Doom would certainly have come to this world had it not been for the sacrifice of this pet and thousands of its kin. So be grateful and spare them a thought whenever you're not trembling in despair!

    31. While this lil' guy isn't as generous as his "dad", he will hand out presents if asked. It just might not always be what you wanted! Still, just keeping him at your side will make any hip-hopper extremely jealous!

    32. This pet is so fond of fiestas that even death couldn't stop it from partying! Its celebrations have turned a bit more violent, though.

    33. D.E.H.T.A will mostly likely see you as their enemy number one if you and your friends were to complete the achievement needed to buy this pet.

    34. Killing this boss' precious pet might have been merely a set back, but it will take some time for his new one to grow to full size. Kill him before that happens and you got yourself a new shiny pet!

    35. Don't let this one's cute and cuddly looks fool you. This is the most foul, cruel and bad tempered rodent you'll ever set eyes on!

    36. While being shot with an arrow by this pet might seem like it would have a pleasurable outcome, it is best avoided. Goblin equipment has a tendency to malfunction.

    37. It isn't always glamorous being a pet collector. Sometimes you have to venture into rather unpleasant places to find that elusive pet. I suggest you bring a nose-clip as you'll most likely spend a few hours in a smelly place in order to catch this rather large pet.

    38. No true pirate would be seen without this pet by his side. Just be sure to stock up on crackers!

    39. You'd best not let this pet out of your sight. If it ever manages to get close to another of its kind, you might end up with more pets than you bargained for!

    40. The World of Warcraft might seem like it only has one endless season, but this pet has a unique trait that proves it isn't so.

    41. You have to watch your words around this beast as he has a tendency to go, what's the word I'm looking for... 'apples'? No, that doesn't sound right...

    42. Other players would probably think you had gone mad if they saw you running around trying to trigger the hidden quest that awards this pet, but hey, Leeroy must have done it and he's not mad, right?!

    43. You might get green with envy when you see all the fabulous pets that other people own when all you have is this nauseating blob. But rest assured, it's a fairly rare and unique pet you've got your hands on! Just remember to wear gloves...

    44. This pet really only hangs around in order to make a profit. Rest assured, though, that keeping him close will be mutually beneficial, as he can offer you some rather unique items.

    45. Some people might not like to hear it, but I'm fairly certain that this pet is a product of a Draenei loving his goat a bit too much... If you know what I mean.

    Addtional pet clues added!

    #46 This pet must have extremely good vision with those huge eyes. It is also one of the few, if not the only, pets capable of battling while having a different version for horde and alliance characters.

    #47 Maybe I'm just prudish, but I don't think younglings should go around dressed only in, what I would call, a skimpy bikini and some ankle bracelets. I guess all-female societies are just different.

    #48 Try not to make this pet feel threatened, because if it ever got excited it might accidentally pop the bubble it travels around in.

    #49 If its possible to diagnose a dinosaur, then I'm pretty sure that this one has ADHD. It just can't stand still! I guess the apples doesn't fall far from the tree.

    #50 Any tailor who ever trained in Pandaria must have gotten pretty tired of this pet, but who knows, one day it might grow up to produce materials for you!

    #51 This pet is so cute that even an evil undead magician had a soft spot for it.

    #52 I'm sure sure whether I should be intimidated by this pet or not. The last part of its name sounds pretty scary, but the first part isn't scary at all. In any case it's probably not Neptulon's most terrifying subject.

    #53 It can be a real chore to eat your vegetables and the name of this pet doesn't make it sound any more appetizing. In fact it does quite the opposite.

    #54 This pet has wandered into a wrong dimension and we can count ourselves lucky that its just the one! If a bunch of these get together they can easily take over an entire planet!

    #55 A famous children's story teaches us that "Slow and steady might win the race", but if this pet was the one racing the hare, he would probably win without being slow.

    #56 This pet gets its name from a famous meme. The premise of the meme is that he's is not exactly the brightest of the pack...

    #57 While I know that we here on warcraftpets do not find this sort of unrefined, childish, humor to be funny, people of lesser taste might suggest that this pet has a rather large libido. Its name also sounds like it's an amphibian, but it's actually a reptile!

    #58 This little pet is quite cute and harmless, but whatever you do, don't let it eat any food! It'll turn into a fledgling which might wipe your entire raid!

    #59 From the name of this pet I gather that it might need a good tooth-brushing, and perhaps some mouthwash. Be careful, though! He might only have two teeth, but his jaw strength is unmatched!

    #60 If you're anything like me, then you hate cleaning, so I bet you too have wished for this pet to be real. Now if only we could get something to clean the toilet!

    #61 Normally getting coal in your stockings at Christmas is meant as a punish, but because of this pet we're actually wishing for it!

    #62 He's always ready to play, but he isn't exactly gentle with his toys. If he asks you to play with him then, for the love of the Titans, don't refuse! He'll surely throw a tantrum.

    #63 Whoever named this pet can't have been thinking clearly! It's basically named after a favored food of its species. It'll need to constantly watch its back in order to not get eaten by its own family!

    #64 He might grow up to be a mighty mount one day, but for now he'll have to settle for being fairly unique among the store bought pets.

    #65 The fact that this creepy-crawly only comes out at night doesn't exactly help to mitigate the 'creepy' part...
    I do wonder what happened to its husband, though.

    #66 It's usually pretty dangerous to use one of these in a thunderstorm, but this pet brings its own lightning, so I guess its safe?

    #67 I don't know whether this pet is named for what it likes to eat or for the fact that it loves jumping. Maybe it's both?

    #68 If you're ever caught in an avalanche then fear not! This pet is sure to come to your rescue and he'll even bring you refreshments while he's at it.

    #69 I don't know what makes this pet magical... I just looks like a regular old crustacean to me.

    #70 This poor little thing is very timid. It really needs someone to care for it, so it can become comfortable enough to come out of its shell.

    #71 Previously this pet was awarded by an Alliance only quest, but luckily both factions can now get their hands on this fluttering little pet. They might have to slay a few thousands of its kin, though!

    #72 No one really knows what this pet truly looks like as all we ever get to see of it is one of its limbs. It would do quite well in Hentai, though. Or so I'm told.....

    #73 This pet's shell is meant to protect it, but I'm not sure how effective it is when it's all ethereal-like.

    #74 I can't say whether it enjoys it or not, but the latest fad seems to be to dress up this pet in all sorts of weird outfits.

    #75 You might think that this pet gets its name from the shape of its bill, but make no mistake, that's an actually blade attached to its head! Gnomes and their inventions...

    #76 I wonder... If this pet got together with its golden friend, would they create an electrum pet?

    #77 There isn't really any use in making a family tree for this pet, as all of its ancestors have had the same name!

    #78 I don't really know why this pet only comes out during the rain, but maybe its to wash of the smell of the unsavory things it flings at people.

    #79 This guys dad embodies the spirit of strength, so he is fairly strong himself. He requires moonlight to achieve his full potential, though.

    #80 It must be pretty lonely being this pet. There has never been spotted another of its species. Perhaps they all evolved to be the race introduced in the previous expansion.
Last edited by Madja on October 3rd, 2015, 1:16 pm, edited 44 times in total.
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Re: Madja's Second Friendly Raffle (Any region)

Post by GrosBonda » September 20th, 2015, 10:25 am

40. The World of Warcraft might seem like it only has one endless season, but this pet has a unique trait that proves it isn't so.

Answer: [pet]Blossoming Ancient[/pet]

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Re: Madja's Second Friendly Raffle (Any region)

Post by Gráinne » September 20th, 2015, 10:59 am

Thanks for this. A bit of fun. :)

Still puzzling over some of them, but this reminds me I still need to pick up one of these:
Madja wrote:10. Put on your fanciest dress because you'll be going to a festival if you want to catch this pet! You can only find it for 2 hours of the week, on an aptly named beach.
[pet]Wanderer's Festival Hatchling[/pet]

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Re: Madja's Second Friendly Raffle (Any region)

Post by Jesjbrown » September 20th, 2015, 12:40 pm

37. It isn't always glamorous being a pet collector. Sometimes you have to venture into rather unpleasant places to find that elusive pet. I suggest you bring a nose-clip as you'll most likely spend a few hours in a smelly place in order to catch this rather large pet.

[pet]Giant Sewer Rat[/pet] which I recently fished up!

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Re: Madja's Second Friendly Raffle (Any region)

Post by Merana » September 20th, 2015, 12:49 pm

Last edited by Merana on September 20th, 2015, 1:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Madja's Second Friendly Raffle (Any region)

Post by Yazhi » September 20th, 2015, 12:51 pm


The cute little Elekk Plushie. Made many of these on my tailors and currently doing the achieve for trunks :)

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Re: Madja's Second Friendly Raffle (Any region)

Post by Madja » September 20th, 2015, 12:55 pm

Merana wrote:3. This super rare pet is by far the most expensive to exist - the wet dream of any pet collector! Oh, and he dances too!

[snip]. Is he really that expensive?
While he is expensive at around €[snip], [snip] is not the most expensive pet. Feel free to give it another go!
Last edited by Madja on September 20th, 2015, 2:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Madja's Second Friendly Raffle (Any region)

Post by Merana » September 20th, 2015, 1:00 pm

Madja wrote:While he is expensive [snip] is not the most expensive pet. Feel free to give it another go!
Oh, ok then.

43. You might get green with envy when you see all the fabulous pets that other people own when all you have is this nauseating blob. But rest assured, it's a fairly rare and unique pet you've got your hands on! Just remember to wear gloves...

I call [pet]Disgusting Oozeling[/pet]

I'll delete my other post with the wrong answer if that's ok to avoid spoilers or something?
Last edited by Merana on September 20th, 2015, 1:46 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Madja's Second Friendly Raffle (Any region)

Post by Angryyankee » September 20th, 2015, 1:20 pm

36. While being shot with an arrow by this pet might seem like it would have a pleasurable outcome, it is best avoided. Goblin equipment has a tendency to malfunction.


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Re: Madja's Second Friendly Raffle (Any region)

Post by Madja » September 20th, 2015, 1:28 pm

Merana wrote:I'll delete my other post with the wrong answer if that's ok to avoid spoilers or something?
Sure, if that's possible. That would be great :D I'll need to learn how to do it as well in order to remove mine, then :)
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Re: Madja's Second Friendly Raffle (Any region)

Post by Merana » September 20th, 2015, 1:45 pm

Madja wrote:
Merana wrote:I'll delete my other post with the wrong answer if that's ok to avoid spoilers or something?
Sure, if that's possible. That would be great :D I'll need to learn how to do it as well in order to remove mine, then :)
It seems posts can only be deleted a few minutes after posting, oh well. But they can be edited at least! I'll do that.

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Re: Madja's Second Friendly Raffle (Any region)

Post by Blackmu » September 20th, 2015, 2:31 pm

2. He may not be quite as powerful as his daddy, but this lil' guy's Cataclysm still packs a punch!

My boyfriend here answered: [pet]Lil' Deathwing[/pet] :D

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Re: Madja's Second Friendly Raffle (Any region)

Post by Petzy » September 20th, 2015, 3:43 pm

12. This pet would be the perfect companion for any aspiring witch. It even comes with its own broomstick!

feline familiar

I already have the prizes but I have friends that don't. If it is not ok to give the prize to a friend then just delete/edit me :D
I watched your last give away but didn't enter since I had that prize already too, this is such a fun idea though & so nice of you to do!

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Re: Madja's Second Friendly Raffle (Any region)

Post by Madja » September 20th, 2015, 3:56 pm

Petzy wrote:I already have the prizes but I have friends that don't. If it is not ok to give the prize to a friend then just delete/edit me :D
That's fine! Since there isn't any way I can know what people intend to with the prize, it would be unfair to exclude you for being honest :) I'm okay with giving it to friends, but I would mind if someone simply wanted to sell it on.
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Re: Madja's Second Friendly Raffle (Any region)

Post by Kayhos » September 20th, 2015, 4:00 pm

Madja wrote: 20. While the Queen Elizabeth II loves this particular type of pet, I'm not sure she'd want this one. It might be a bit of a fire hazard to have around all those dusty old palaces.
Go go [pet]Molten Corgi[/pet]!

This is an awesome idea for a raffle Madja! Thanks for sharing :)

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Re: Madja's Second Friendly Raffle (Any region)

Post by Zonnetje » September 20th, 2015, 4:46 pm

45. Some people might not like to hear it, but I'm fairly certain that this pet is a product of a Draenei loving his goat a bit too much... If you know what I mean.

This is undoubtedly, Argi!

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Re: Madja's Second Friendly Raffle (Any region)

Post by Quintessence » September 20th, 2015, 4:57 pm

Not entering, but I just wanted to say that this is a wonderful idea [profile]Madja[/profile]! Who doesn't love a bit of pet trivia, with a pet prize at the end :)

Kudos on your generosity and creativity!
Feel free to browse through my pet collecting blog: http://wowpetaddiction.blogspot.com

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Re: Madja's Second Friendly Raffle (Any region)

Post by Salus » September 20th, 2015, 6:15 pm

44. This pet really only hangs around in order to make a profit. Rest assured, though, that keeping him close will be mutually beneficial, as he can offer you some rather unique items.
Ethereal Soul-Trader

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Re: Madja's Second Friendly Raffle (Any region)

Post by Saviya » September 20th, 2015, 7:06 pm

23. This pet is supposed to be a reward for your hard work, but I have a feeling that Breanni just wanted to get rid of it because he befouling the air in her shop. Remember to keep it away from black cats!

Stinker! I sent in so many requests to bliz to give us a skunk pet, rofls.

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