[ENDED] Madja's 7th Raffle [Any Region]

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[ENDED] Madja's 7th Raffle [Any Region]

Post by Madja » January 1st, 2016, 12:44 pm

Hi all and happy new year!

I hope you all had a lovely start to 2016 (those of you who follow the Gregorian calendar!) :)

So, it's time for my next raffle and I figured what better time to look back at the year that has passed and the one that has just begun :)

For that reason I'd love to hear what you hope to see in 2016 and what great things happened to you in 2015 :)

The prize for this raffle will be your choice of any items worth between €20-25 in the battle.net store.
This could be 2 pets, a mount, a pet + helm or a bundle for example.

How to enter:

Reply to this thread with a message telling what you think was your greatest accomplishment in 2015 and what you hope you do/see in 2016.

It can be either WoW related or not. That's up to you!
Feel free to accompany it with pictures or anything you like! This is not required, though!

Once you enter you will be assigned a number. A /roll will be performed in-game and the winner is whosever number is rolled.

My example:

I haven't played that much WoW, so mine will be from real life.

2015 was a really important year from me. I'm usually very shy and tend to not be very social, but I've made a ton of friends and started communicating a lot online. I've made decisions on what to do with my life and simply matured a lot overall.

My hopes for 2016 are to find love and to start on an education :)

It's as simply as that!


To be qualified for entry your account must have been created prior to 2016 or have at least 10 posts.

Only one entry per person.

All entries must be submitted by Saturday, January 16th, at 9 PM CET.

Good luck everyone!

Following the feedback from my last raffle, I plan to hold an in-game get-together for the roll.
I was thinking of starting it around 9.30 PM CET with the roll being performed at 9.45. Hopefully this would allow any US players to join, if they feel like it.

Look for a group by the name of "Madja Warcraftpets" in Custom Premade. The leader will be Cooro-EmeraldDream on the EU servers. The location will most likely be my Garrison, but we can change it depending on where people are able to travel.

Please let me know, if you would be interested in attending!
Last edited by Madja on January 17th, 2016, 12:31 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Madja's 7th Raffle [Any Region]

Post by Madja » January 1st, 2016, 12:45 pm

List of entries:

#1 Jettjedi
#2 Flownzu
#3 Desi
#4 Jerebear
#5 Seaka
#6 Deviantelf
#7 Darolyn
#8 Blissotica
#9 Milotha
#10 Vialupin
#11 Vakeetah
#12 Feypenguin
#13 Iibis
#14 Khorah
#15 Peterc
#16 Ivanstone
#17 Lynara
#18 N0083rp00f
#19 Lolfixheal
#20 Faolin
#21 Fahra
#22 Infernis
#23 Shaniel
#24 Topaz
#25 Cubcho
#26 Merana
#27 Evilpat
#28 Maylea
#29 Felixinseattle
#30 Tinibree
#31 Lena975
#32 Adumbledore
#33 Sam918
#34 Gráinne
#35 Tokoo
#36 Aeice
#37 Pry
#38 Kerbear
#39 Rogz
#40 Ken68m
#41 Melanis
#42 Stickybuns
#43 Kaz17
#44 Foxxon
Last edited by Madja on January 16th, 2016, 2:54 pm, edited 29 times in total.
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Re: Madja's 7th Raffle [Any Region]

Post by Jettjedi » January 1st, 2016, 1:39 pm

I am getting very close to having every pet that I can possibly get, so my focus is shifting to mounts at this point and the top target on my radar is the Infinite Timereaver.

In 2015 I reached 726 unique pets, not bad for a guy that has only played wow for about 2.5 years :D. 2016 will be the year of the mount!, I want to get the 250 mount achieve to get a Fel Corrupted Firehawk!

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Re: Madja's 7th Raffle [Any Region]

Post by Flownzu » January 1st, 2016, 1:57 pm

Thanks Madja for yet another raffle, there always seems to be one active...it's amazing and very generous of you!

I didn't really acomplish any noteworthy things in real life so I'm just gonna be boring and list some of my WoW acomplishements.
I just started WoW in 2015 so for me it's amazing that I already collected 660+ pets where 90% are rare and the average level is around 20 and collected 217 mounts already, my goal being 250 mounts and hopefully 700 pets before Legion hits this year.

Thanks again for the raffle and happy new year 2016 :)

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Re: Madja's 7th Raffle [Any Region]

Post by Desi » January 1st, 2016, 2:56 pm

Thanks Madja for another raffle!

My big wow accomplishment in 2015 was getting my pet collection and pet achievements completed. I came back to the game in 2014 after a long break so pretty much started pet collecting from scratch. It took a while but was lots of fun.

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Re: Madja's 7th Raffle [Any Region]

Post by Jerebear » January 1st, 2016, 4:49 pm

My biggest accomplishment for 2015 was finally finishing a cataclysm dungeon transmog I had been working on for over a year. For 2016 I am hoping to get my mount collection to the next achievement.
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Re: Madja's 7th Raffle [Any Region]

Post by Deviantelf » January 2nd, 2016, 1:27 am

Since it's my first year of WoW, lots happened in game! I started 1/8/2015 according to the 10th anniversary feat. I've accomplished a lot. Three level 100s, though I mostly play my main. 12535 achievements, Loremaster, 50 exaulted reps (once I did Loremaster I realized how close so many were). 137 toys, 165 mounts (made easier with the reps!), and 666 unique pets!

I imagine things will slow down considerably in WoW the next year. Though I want to get into some current dungeons/raiding... that moose mount is pretty good incentive, and seeing about the legendary ring. Getting the Argent Tourney mounts ... seems like that will take forever.

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Re: Madja's 7th Raffle [Any Region]

Post by Darolyn » January 2nd, 2016, 1:54 am

In life:

My biggest accomplishment in 2015 was taking steps to move forward in life and get into law school, including taking the LSAT.

In 2016, I'm going to get INTO law school and start moving toward a new career.

In WoW:

My biggest accomplishment in 2015 was getting six toons to 100,which is four more max level characters than I've ever had at any time, in any xpac.

In 2016, I can't wait to get all my pets to rare and 25, and have enough battlestones to be well set up for Legion.

Thank you, Madja!
Thaliana#1794 - My WoW account has 50 toons, so I would so greatly appreciate people creating toons on Kael'Thas or Ghostlands to trade with me. <3

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Re: Madja's 7th Raffle [Any Region]

Post by Blissotica » January 2nd, 2016, 3:42 am

I started a new journey. Using, growing, and selling Young Living Oils.
I have been busy with family and business so I have not had much time for

In 2016 I would like to have my business up and running successfully and profitably.
Have no health issues for myself or family.
Have more time in game.
And first up qualify for Executive in February and then for Si6 and the Silver retreat.

A happy and blessed New Year to all Warcraft Pet members

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Re: Madja's 7th Raffle [Any Region]

Post by Milotha » January 2nd, 2016, 4:35 am

MIne isn't WoW related.

2015: I moved overseas to the UK and have shed a ton of materialistic goods and am having a more experiential life of arts and travel over possessions. I've begun writing and have taken back up drawing and painting and have traveled to a bunch of new countries.

2016: This year I hope to complete my science fiction novel and teach myself watercolors.

Bear hugs and kisses to you all in the New Year.

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Re: Madja's 7th Raffle [Any Region]

Post by Vialupin » January 2nd, 2016, 8:47 am

Wow in 2015:

I finally got all of my pets to level 25! Took some time but I feel super accomplished! :D :D :D

I hope in 2016 that I get to 700 pets! Only two more to go!

On a side note, thanks so much for these fun raffles!

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Re: Madja's 7th Raffle [Any Region]

Post by Vakeetah » January 2nd, 2016, 10:07 am

First off, happy new year to you all! :3

I can't really highlight anything from this last year, it has been relatively plain in both the WoW and RL fronts! :roll:

RL: I started learning about electricity, not my dream job, and quite far apart from my current specialization (programming), but will hopefully help pay the bills due to a surge in job opportunities. Let's see how it goes!

My guild has been through a severe downfall, and I lost my Officer rank, so I've devoted most of this year to alts, garrisons, and of course pets. Can't really call it an accomplishment, but I finally completed my Whelpling collection. Why do I say it is not an accomplishment? Because I finally caved in, and bought the Azure and Crimson ones on AH. Could have started from there, I guess, instead of attempting to farm them! :lol:

Hopes for the new year? In WoW, I'm hoping to get my hands on Legion, even if just to find myself somewhere other than the icy landscapes of Frostwall Garrison... and save TONS of space in transmogrification gear! :P And IRL, to finish this bit of education, and land a good job; either in computing or in electricity.
- Thanks to Paladance for the sig!

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Re: Madja's 7th Raffle [Any Region]

Post by Feypenguin » January 2nd, 2016, 11:52 am

Thanks for the raffle!

I really haven't had much chance to play wow until a couple of months ago.

This year IRL has been a quite a roller coaster ride for me, mostly in the downhill direction. However, it helped to bring life into perspective for me and get me reconnected with family and friends that I had tenuous contact with as I pursued my graduate education. While most may not consider this an accomplishment, getting through this year sane-ish and reordering my priorities in life is something big for me.

For 2016 I hope to continue to grow as a person both professionally and personally.

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Re: Madja's 7th Raffle [Any Region]

Post by Iibis » January 2nd, 2016, 5:54 pm

Happy new year to all!

I think my greatest accomplishment last year was starting running as a hobby and actually feeling like it's something you can stick with. I had to take a break due to other health issues but I hope to start running again this year after I get healthy again, which isn't too far away. This year I really need to finish my master's degree, but in a less-stressful mind-setting I hope to knit a lot of nice stuff for myself <3

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Re: Madja's 7th Raffle [Any Region]

Post by Khorah » January 2nd, 2016, 7:44 pm

I finished my doctorate!! Woohoo!!!
For 2016, I am hoping my greatest accomplishment will be to score a solid job to pay off said doctorate ;)

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Re: Madja's 7th Raffle [Any Region]

Post by Peterc » January 3rd, 2016, 4:24 am

wow in 2015 - Levelling all my unique pets to 25 (although Blizzard made that super easy in the end)

wow in 2016 - continue collecting pets and toys (and to a much lesser extent mounts) - in game only of course, no real life money from me.

Great raffles and thanks for doing them,


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Re: Madja's 7th Raffle [Any Region]

Post by Az190 » January 3rd, 2016, 5:34 am

Since I won a little too much, i'm not entering this time...


2015: finally finished my apprenticeship

2016: change workplace, probably city... WoW is here to stay :roll:

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Re: Madja's 7th Raffle [Any Region]

Post by Ivanstone » January 3rd, 2016, 10:12 am

Managing to keep my comic shop afloat despite the sinking Canadian Dollar. I'm almost convinced that the International Wizards of Finance are conspiring against me.

Also buying every pet and mount that's available through the Auction House. Although that's more a function of Garrison's being a gold fountain rather than actual effort on my part.

Wage war against the International Wizards of Finance. I'll get the Canadian dollar to within 10% of the US dollar or die trying.

Also play some WoW. I here there's this Legion thing coming in the fall.

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Re: Madja's 7th Raffle [Any Region]

Post by Lynara » January 3rd, 2016, 11:07 am

Thank you Madja for yet another raffle, looking forward to gathering in-game to watch the rolls :)

Real Life best accomplishment of 2015: Got a new, awesome job and moved to London

WoW accomplishment of 2015: Obtained all in-game pets I could, including TCG pets, levelled them all to 25 and rare and as such am ranked as the top collector on my realm on both warcraftpets.com and wowprogress.com.

Real life goal for 2016: Make some friends in London

WoW goal for 2016: Setting the bar pretty low, given we had a 3% wipe on New Year's Eve Eve (i.e. the 30th), but I'd like to down HC Archimond with my guild and get the mount - I could easily pay for a boost, but I would rather earn it with my guild mates, especially since we were so close. More long term is to complete the 300 mount achievement, only 27 to go!

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