I'd like an addon for grouping - not battles.

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I'd like an addon for grouping - not battles.

Post by Tinibree » January 8th, 2016, 3:29 am

I think this is the right area?

Basically I have groups of pets nicknamed based off a person or a character (or all the new frost pup models because how can you choose a favorite?), and I'd like to be able to group them together to random summon from just that group. Like PetBattleTeams but just for summoning (and more than three if possible). Anyone know one? And one for mounts if that exists too.

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Re: I'd like an addon for grouping - not battles.

Post by Ziboo » January 8th, 2016, 4:58 pm

I'm not sure I'm understanding, but couldn't you use Rematch. Make a separate tab for your "teams" and then summon that way? It won't auto-summon. The ones I prefer, I keep on a hotbar and click.

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Re: I'd like an addon for grouping - not battles.

Post by Hashat » January 11th, 2016, 8:18 am

You can get this functionality with the base UI. Right-click and mark the pets you want to summon as 'Favourite', then you use the chat command '/rfp' (random favourite pet) to summon a random pet chosen among the ones marked 'Favourite'.

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Re: I'd like an addon for grouping - not battles.

Post by Merana » January 11th, 2016, 10:06 am

I agree it would be cool to be able to make several favorite groups instead of just having one large pool.

There seems to be an addon that lets you set favorite mounts and pets per character, instead of the blizzard UI default per account. But it hasn't been updated in almost a year and I'm not sure how good it is or if it still works at all. Maybe it's worth a shot if that's somethng really important to you. Here's a link: http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/character-favorite-mounts

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