[ENDED] Madja's 8th raffle - Fanboy/girl edition

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[ENDED] Madja's 8th raffle - Fanboy/girl edition

Post by Madja » January 17th, 2016, 12:31 pm

Salutations all and welcome to my 8th raffle!

As you might have noticed I give my 1 month long raffles a special theme and this one is no different ^^

This raffle is dedicated to my good friend who loves to collect Blizzard merchandise (I'm sure he'll let himself be known in the replies). So way of entry is going to be about showing your love for all things Blizzard!

You might know that Blizzard is releasing a new game called Overwatch and I'm sure that a ton of people are going to buy it simply because of its Blizzard tag.

For that reason the prize for this raffle will be a Overwatch: Origins Edition - This awards the Baby Winston pet in WoW!
(I am aware that you cannot gift a pre-purchase item, but I have a few solutions for that, which I will discuss with the winner.)

How to enter:

In order to enter you must show your love for Blizzard. This can be done in any way imaginable!

Maybe you have a collection of merchandise? Show us a picture of it!
Did you have to go through a lot of trouble to get that day-one game? Tell us the story!
Do you make Blizzard cosplay costumes? Show us!
Maybe you've subtly tried to manipulate your friends/loved ones into joining a Blizzard game? Let us know how you did it!
You can even write a poem/song/whatever to show how big of a fan you are!

The sky's the limit really! Don't worry too much about your entry. It's about having fun, so even if you only have a single collector's edition/piece of merchandise then just take a picture of that and show it to us :) I won't judge you on your writing/creative skills either!

The only limit is that it cannot be a story/screenshot from in-game!


To be qualified for entry your account must have been created prior to 2016 or have at least 10 posts.

Only one entry per person.

All entries must be submitted by Saturday, February 13th, at 9 PM CET.

Good luck everyone!

Even though no one showed up for my last roll in-game, I'll try it one more time!
So if you want to join in for a small event, then I'll be opening a group on the EU servers at Saturday around 9.30 PM CET.
Look for a group named "Madja Warcraftpets" (please whisper me for an invite. We don't want realm-hoppers in!)

Please let me know if you intend to attend!
(I'm not really sure what would be an appropriate time to do it, so if you feel that some other time is better, then please let me know as well!)
Last edited by Madja on February 13th, 2016, 4:51 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Madja's 8th raffle - Fanboy/girl edition [Any region]

Post by Madja » January 17th, 2016, 12:31 pm

List of entries:

#1 Darolyn
#2 Khorah
#3 Merana
#4 Desi
#5 Antaeus
#6 Pry
#7 Infernis
#8 Seaka
#9 Stickybuns
#10 Lynara
#11 Zonnetje
#12 Saviya
#13 Aeice
#14 Mehetabel
#15 Milotha
#16 Iibis
#17 Opallena
#18 Nomadking
#19 Sayulita
#20 Deviantelf
#21 Maylea
#22 Fahra
#23 Kel
#24 Graven
#25 Rengots
#26 Kaz17
#27 Gardenia
#28 Az190
#29 Peterc
#30 Faolin
#31 Llilli
#32 Peanutty
#33 Ellipet
#34 Scimytar
#35 Paladance
#36 Africanleopard
#37 Lunarific
#38 Adumbledore
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Re: Madja's 8th raffle - Fanboy/girl edition [Any region]

Post by Darolyn » January 17th, 2016, 12:57 pm

This made me smile, I love your crazy raffle ideas. You're awesome. And this is a prize I really need, and I'm having a terrible day today, so here I am.

The day Wrath of the Lich King came out was a crazy day. I wanted a collector's edition SO BAD, but I had to work until 7 am, and all the stores that were selling it around us opened at 7, it was my first expansion release since starting to play WoW, and I had no idea you could pre-order for home delivery, or anything.

So on my break at 5 am, I called a friend of mine, woke him out of a sound sleep, and told him if he could go to Walmart, and be there for opening, I would buy his copy as well as mine, he just had to get his hands on two CE's, and I'd come right from work and purchase them.

I raced there to find him nearly in an argument with someone who wanted one of the CE's he had. He was trying to explain that he was waiting for the "girl with the money" to show up, and if he gave up one, he wouldn't be getting one for himself, because I'd obviously buy mine and he'd have to settle for a regular edition.

He held tight to those two boxes, the other woman was hopping mad, but the Walmart employee said there was nothing they could do, as there wasn't a one per customer limit or anything, and he did have his hands on them first.

I paid for the two CE's, sent him home to install, drove the HOUR back to my place to install, he was on way before me, but waited for me to get into game. We leveled through Borean Tundra together.

That night, I was supposed to go into work, but my roommate's kitten had been fixed that day, and she'd torn a stitch, so I called in sick with the excuse that I had to care for the sick kitten. I played WoW all night with the sick kitten on my lap, hand feeding her around her cone while applying the ointment the vet had given us to her sutures.

Cataclysm collector's edition, I got smart..er. I ordered it online, but shipping to Canada was cost prohibitive. So I had it shipped to the house of the guy I was sort of seeing in the states, and made an excuse to come visit him the day it was supposed to arrive. I didn't get to start at midnight the way I would with MoP or WoD, but as soon as FedEx dropped it off at his house, I installed it, and promptly ignored him for the next three days while I sat on his couch and played. He understood, and made sure I was fed, watered, and got up to shower every day. Amazing friend.

Oh, by the way, the guy from the Wrath CE? We've been living together the last five years or so, and are buying a house together this year...
Thaliana#1794 - My WoW account has 50 toons, so I would so greatly appreciate people creating toons on Kael'Thas or Ghostlands to trade with me. <3

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Re: Madja's 8th raffle - Fanboy/girl edition [Any region]

Post by Madja » January 17th, 2016, 1:17 pm

Haha, that was a great story! I loved reading it :)

And that happy ending was just too nice <3
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Re: Madja's 8th raffle - Fanboy/girl edition [Any region]

Post by Faolin » January 17th, 2016, 1:43 pm

Oh ma goodness. I am excited for this! I'll go get some pics of my cosplay and my collection :3

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Re: Madja's 8th raffle - Fanboy/girl edition [Any region]

Post by Khorah » January 17th, 2016, 3:07 pm

I was at school for the MoP launch. I had pre-ordered my CE copy via Amazon and figured I would only be a few days behind but I would do Archeology in the mean time. No big deal... :roll:

Servers are up.. I hop on and all my guildies are wandering around, linking all of the cool new toys they find.. I fly over to the Archeology trainer only to discover.. no Archeology for me without MoP.. :cry:

So.. I realize that I have some time that afternoon that I COULD be doing homework.. or..... I could go wander around town to see who MIGHT have a copy of the CE. After MANY failed attempts, I swing by Game Stop for giggles, as they were notorious for not having enough CE's for their own pre-orders, much less walkins but I figured I might as well. I walk in as a very attractive young lady is scooping up CE's for her and her bf. I joke to the guy behind the counter, what are the chances you have any unclaimed CE's. He says, well, you are in luck. We have 1 that was not already claimed. :shock:
Quick dash back to the house.. and I was even more behind on homework.. but was exploring the world of Pandaria :D

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Re: Madja's 8th raffle - Fanboy/girl edition [Any region]

Post by Madja » January 17th, 2016, 4:14 pm

Khorah wrote:Quick dash back to the house.. and I was even more behind on homework.. but was exploring the world of Pandaria :D
Haha, launches tend to make us a bit desperate sometimes ;D Were you able to cancel your amazon pre-order then?
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Re: Madja's 8th raffle - Fanboy/girl edition [Any region]

Post by Merana » January 17th, 2016, 5:04 pm

MoP was the last expansion I bought a box for, and the second one I actually went to a midnight sale for. One of the game shops in town made a poll on Facebook asking if people were actually interested in one and I think only me and my boyfriend voted yes (or at all pretty much lol).
They did end up having a midnight sale and we got our boxes.
Before that we went to a Cataclysm midnight sale as well, only to come home to find the servers were completely fried and we were unable to play the game right off the bat. But at least we got to show off our sweet cardboard-and-tape Arcanite Reaper, which will no doubt find use again once the Warcraft movie comes out.
No common househould item or fruit for scale, sorry. But rest assured that I had to climb on a step ladder to get most of it on the picture.
I have a bunch of other stories that are even more boring than this one as well :P
arcanite reaper ho.jpg
arcanite reaper ho.jpg (77.32KiB)Viewed 12115 times
I'll try to make it to the in-game roll this time, I was busy cleaning my fridge the other night and missed it.

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Re: Madja's 8th raffle - Fanboy/girl edition [Any region]

Post by Madja » January 17th, 2016, 5:33 pm

Merana wrote:I have a bunch of other stories that are even more boring than this one as well :P
Haha, it wasn't boring! And your Arcanite Reaper looks great! ^^
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Re: Madja's 8th raffle - Fanboy/girl edition [Any region]

Post by Desi » January 17th, 2016, 5:44 pm

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Re: Madja's 8th raffle - Fanboy/girl edition [Any region]

Post by Antaeus » January 17th, 2016, 6:46 pm

While it's not going to be nearly as impressive as what others will have (as already shown by desi :P) heres a photo of some blizzard merch that me and my brother own.


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Re: Madja's 8th raffle - Fanboy/girl edition [Any region]

Post by Pry » January 17th, 2016, 8:02 pm

I think the best I got is trying to convince my wife to play. I know it is really not her thing and she probably won't enjoy it but I got her as far as installing it on her computer and she created her toon. It ended there though! Alas I play alone!

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Re: Madja's 8th raffle - Fanboy/girl edition [Any region]

Post by Infernis » January 17th, 2016, 8:22 pm

Hello Madja, and thanks a lot for making a giveaway in my honour.

As you know, i'm quite addicted to collecting Blizzard merchandise and have so far accumulated about 4 crates of blizzard stuff.

Sadly I do not have pictures of all, but I do have some outdated ones which I'll show + an updated one for just plushes.

http://imgur.com/a/wlDL9 The first one is just my plushie collection, I'm glad to say that since taking this picture I've ordered the SDCC 2013 Whimsyshire Goblin and I just need the Star Crafts Zergling to own every single plushie ever produced by blizzard
The second two are outdated of the rest of my collection which has kept growing since.
Good luck all!

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Re: Madja's 8th raffle - Fanboy/girl edition [Any region]

Post by Stickybuns » January 18th, 2016, 1:12 am

My husband and I met on wow and I am ever so slightly obsessed with pets, otherwise I wouldn't be on this site. :P I've always especially loved baby murlocs so here's three displays of my blizzard/pet love geekdom that bring all those loves together:

1.) I asked an artist friend to make a Murky and Gurky wedding cake topper for our wedding.
cake_topper.jpg (34.42KiB)Viewed 12040 times
2.) My sisters had a baby murloc themed baby shower when I was pregnant, here's one of the cute little cupcakes:
Cupcake from my baby shower
cupcake.JPG (18.29KiB)Viewed 12040 times
3.) My amazing artist friend came through again and painted me the cutest baby murloc painting for my nursery, complete with a horde bib to match the one she got me.
painting.JPG (45.71KiB)Viewed 12040 times

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Re: Madja's 8th raffle - Fanboy/girl edition [Any region]

Post by Desi » January 18th, 2016, 2:13 am

I love your murloc cake topper stickybuns!

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Re: Madja's 8th raffle - Fanboy/girl edition [Any region]

Post by Lynara » January 18th, 2016, 2:32 pm

Ok, so let me start with a brief fangirl photo of my Collector's editions:


Just missing the original WoW and the new Starcraft boxes *flex*. The WoTLK, Cataclysm and Diablo 3 boxes are all signed by the developers too, but they don't come up very well in photos.

BUT, let me tell you a story of how I got my favourite pet ever: Gurky, the pink murloc:

It was a chilly winter's eve and WoTLK was about to be released. A friend of mine told me to come to the midnight release event in London, because it would be fun: IT WAS! But as luck happened, while in the queue and meeting all the fun new people I bumped into two fellow female players also from my server!! - What luck?! So we chatted for ages and swapped character names and had a good laugh when suddenly they swapped into costumes as we got in the store. They looked awesome, so I asked if I could take a photo for the photo contest. They agreed and I took this beauty: Image

... Guess who's photo won. MINE! <3 Best night ever, 10/10 would go again (and I did, for the cataclysm and Diablo releases until they stopped doing London Midnight releases...). So that is how I got my most prized pet, met two new friends, and got my first signed collector's edition.

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Re: Madja's 8th raffle - Fanboy/girl edition [Any region]

Post by Zonnetje » January 18th, 2016, 4:48 pm

OK, I admit it, I am a wow geek. I have a dozen of the plushies, the Funko Pops I like, a bunch of the trading cards (I love the artwork).

This year for Christmas, I gave my son every murloc you could get. He has all the megablocs (we searched and searched to make sure he got them all). He was born in 2004. When the 10th anniversary satchels came available, I was all over that! I bought it last January I think, as soon as they were available to the general public. I saved it until Christmas this year, and told him how cool it was he was born the same year wow came out. He proudly carries it to school every day! My lil wow geek! (well Blizzard geek) - he prefers Illidan though. And murlocs, don't forget the murlocs.

I keep clay on my desk and fiddle with it when I am bored, you know, waiting for a raid queue to pop, or just randomly flying around trying to decide what to do next.


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Re: Madja's 8th raffle - Fanboy/girl edition [Any region]

Post by Saviya » January 19th, 2016, 3:11 am

I was never much into gaming. Growing up in a very religious family that believed video games were "the devil", I think my only exposure was playing duck hunt at a friends when I was 7, lol. I moved to Canada to live with my now-hubby, and he's super into video games. He tried to get me interested in them but couldn't find many that actually held my interest. Fast forward a couple years, we see the video "the internet is for porn" with wow chars (no joke), and after looking up the game hubby and his friend who was our roommate at the time decide they want to play. But of course if they play, then I have to play too.

We got copies of vanilla, and after watching the cinematic I HAD to be a dwarf with a bear. First thing I did was get stuck in the mountains and make myself sick trying to get out, and I almost quit right then. Hubby got me unstuck and sent me back down where I was supposed to be (I was only in the opposite direction!) and I grudgingly kept on playing. By this time hubby's working a full time job so I got into the game a lot more than he did.

BC rolls around, I am AMAZINGLY psyched by the cinematic. Hubby and roommate went to the midnight launch to pick them up while I stayed home to finish hitting 58 so I could unlock my tabard! Never have I been so psyched for this game as BC launch btw.

Play BC, I'm still getting more game time and really getting caught up in the game. Wrath rolls around, roommate preorders and gets me the collectors edition so I can have the pet. We go to the midnight launch and stand in line, and we got posters!

It's been 10 years now, and we still play together. It's been our main hobby that we share and spend time on together, and without it I imagine we'd have branched to very different interests!


My niece got these for me last christmas, and they're the only plushies is my massive collection that stay on my desk. I love them! <3

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