[ENDED] Madja's 8th raffle - Fanboy/girl edition

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Re: Madja's 8th raffle - Fanboy/girl edition [Any region]

Post by Kaz17 » January 27th, 2016, 6:50 am

My brother got me on WOW. I got hooked quickly playing on his computer. It wasn't long after that a new expansion was released and I was lucky enough that he bought me the deluxe edition of Burning Crusade. At the time I had no idea how happy I would be that he bought it for me as I have become a rather obsessed pet collector. So I started downloading as soon as I got it home but my video card was nowhere near good enough so I couldn't play it that night on my computer so I harassed my brother so much that he came around that same night and installed a new video card that he had just got for himself. Luckily he was an avid WOW fan like me and knew how horrible it would be not to play on the first day of an expansion. Since then I have got every deluxe edition and will get every future one. ❤️

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Re: Madja's 8th raffle - Fanboy/girl edition [Any region]

Post by Gardenia » January 27th, 2016, 1:43 pm

I had been playing WoW for just over a year when I unexpectedly lost both of my kidneys in December 2005. By late 2006, I was on twice weekly dialysis treatments. The Burning Crusade expansion was about to come out, and the dialysis center had no wifi. So I decided to remedy that. I spoke to several nurses, my doctor, the social worker, pretty much anyone involved in running the center who would listen... I told them that getting wifi in for the patients would allow them to do more than just sleep or watch a tiny little TV with headphones to pass the time.

It actually worked. My little crusade to get wifi for patients to use in the dialysis center - just so I could spend my three-hour sessions playing WoW - caused them to actually get wifi there. I was probably the only person who used it, for a while. I spent my sessions there over the next nearly five years playing WoW, and the time just flew by. (Which was especially welcome when they bumped up my treatments to three times a week my final year before I received my transplant.) The head nurse at the center even started playing not long after, as well, because she saw me playing and thought it looked like fun, lol. I might have been the only person taking advantage of it, at first, but it's really caught on since then. I recently spoke to one of my old nurses, and she told me several patients bring tablets with them to watch Netflix now.

So, there you have it: My fangirlish obsession with a "silly" game led to a quality of life improvement for others who are going through one of the least fun medical treatments on the planet. :D

If that's not enough to prove I'm a fangirl... I had my father take me to Best Buy the day the BC expansion came out so I could be the first in the door in order to be sure I got a Collector's Edition - and I had just recently been released from a month-long stay in the hospital. No amount of illness was coming between me and my WoW. ;)

(And before anyone asks, I am fine now. Four years post-transplant and everything's looking great!)
WoW Twitter account: @TamerGardenia

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Re: Madja's 8th raffle - Fanboy/girl edition [Any region]

Post by Az190 » January 29th, 2016, 3:49 pm

i don't have a physical collection, so here's a story :roll:

During Cataclysm's release me and my guild were really excited and wanted to get a headstart as soon as possible. Our server used to be impossibly populated, requiring us to log a hour before the raid start just to avoid the queue. So it was quite a big deal.
We organized groups on beta to test questing routes and stocked potions and flasks, and decided to meet at midnight to powerlevel together.
Until, I realized the only way to do that was to buy a digital key, and I didn't have a credit card to get that. I just resigned myself and ordered one at Gamestop.

That's when my longtime GM and co-tank gifted me one :D with the promise to go visit him (3 hours away) and buy him an adequate amount of beer!

That night of course the server crashed for several hours. Just as expected.

(Also, Gamestop called me two days later asking when I would come by and get my game :roll: /cast vanish )

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Re: Madja's 8th raffle - Fanboy/girl edition [Any region]

Post by Peterc » January 30th, 2016, 5:14 am

Not sure I can say I love Blizzard but I love World of Warcraft. Back in early 2006 my son (then 13) started going on about this game World of Warcraft and could we get it. Both my wife and I were not keen at the time and very suspicious of online games. However he kept on about it and in June 2006 we bought the game and he played it. After a while he said 'Dad you should create a character and give it a try' and I did and I was hooked. I have been a very regular player ever since.

I have some stories from in game so maybe this can be the subject of a future raffle (or raffles if each is on a certain subject - like raiding/questing/pet battles etc.) as I see they are not appropriate for this one.


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Re: Madja's 8th raffle - Fanboy/girl edition [Any region]

Post by Faolin » January 30th, 2016, 7:51 pm

Get ready for the photo spam that is my entry!

My collection of stuffs :3


My collection of Undead/Sylvanas stuff. (Me, play an Undead Priest? No.....)


The signed posters in my computer room that I got from Blizzcon 2015 :D


Collection of shirts and what not. (Me? Undead priest?)


And last but not least, the recent photos of my completed Banshee Queen Valla cosplay. (Couldn't decide to do Syvanas or Demon Hunter Valla for my first cosplay.....so why not both?)



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Re: Madja's 8th raffle - Fanboy/girl edition [Any region]

Post by Madja » January 30th, 2016, 9:15 pm

That's a pretty epic cosplay you have there, Faolin! Well done! :D
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Re: Madja's 8th raffle - Fanboy/girl edition [Any region]

Post by Saviya » January 31st, 2016, 6:38 am

I am always so amazed at the creativity that goes into cosplay. The costumes you guys make are incredible!

Madja, does it throw you off if we comment on other posts? If it does I'll stop doing it :P

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Re: Madja's 8th raffle - Fanboy/girl edition [Any region]

Post by Llilli » January 31st, 2016, 10:07 am

Wow, what a generous raffle prize, thank you for doing this!
IMG_6713.JPG (219.47KiB)Viewed 7737 times
This is my collection of plushes, but my kids play with them all the time now so I don't have a nice dedicated niche for them like in the old days, except for the Faerie dragon, who sits on my monitor. I've been so excited by the choices of the pets they've released, as so many of them have special connections for me. The Faerie Dragon was the first pet I fell in love with. The Crimson Whelping was the first pet I ever farmed (back when you couldn't ever buy pets like that on the AH because no one cared about them and so they weren't valuable... miss those days, in some ways) - I farmed it before our MC raids diligently. The Nexus whelp is my go to battle pet, and I've named all 3 of mine like the precious jewels they are ;)

wish i could be there for a 9:30 PM raffle but that's 3:30 AM eastern us time ... yikes!

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Re: Madja's 8th raffle - Fanboy/girl edition [Any region]

Post by Infernis » January 31st, 2016, 12:47 pm

Think i might be in love with Faolin.....

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Re: Madja's 8th raffle - Fanboy/girl edition [Any region]

Post by Madja » January 31st, 2016, 2:03 pm

Llilli wrote:wish i could be there for a 9:30 PM raffle but that's 3:30 AM eastern us time ... yikes!
Isn't it 3.30 PM? If not then I've made a mistake! That might be why nobody showed up last time xD

Infernis wrote:Think i might be in love with Faolin.....
I can't believe you'd be so unfaithful to me! I regret making this raffle in your honor now :P
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Re: Madja's 8th raffle - Fanboy/girl edition [Any region]

Post by Infernis » January 31st, 2016, 3:09 pm

Madja wrote:I can't believe you'd be so unfaithful to me! I regret making this raffle in your honor now :P

Are you a badass looking Sylvanas/Valla mixture? NO! There, you're not cool enough!

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Re: Madja's 8th raffle - Fanboy/girl edition [Any region]

Post by Faolin » January 31st, 2016, 3:51 pm

Madja wrote:That's a pretty epic cosplay you have there, Faolin! Well done! :D

:D Thanks! For my first one, I'm quite happy with how it turned out. Lots of experimenting. Learned how to sew (started with the corset) Learned how to work with Worbla. Learned how to work with clay. It was a great experience :D I already have ideas for the next!

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Re: Madja's 8th raffle - Fanboy/girl edition [Any region]

Post by Madja » January 31st, 2016, 6:37 pm

Faolin wrote:
Madja wrote:That's a pretty epic cosplay you have there, Faolin! Well done! :D

:D Thanks! For my first one, I'm quite happy with how it turned out. Lots of experimenting. Learned how to sew (started with the corset) Learned how to work with Worbla. Learned how to work with clay. It was a great experience :D I already have ideas for the next!
It looks really professionally made! I hope we get to see the next one as well :D
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Re: Madja's 8th raffle - Fanboy/girl edition [Any region]

Post by Peanutty » February 2nd, 2016, 12:13 am

Great stories and a whole lot of amazing collections! I don't really have a collection of stuff, and barely a decent story, but well... here's my only midnight release experience. ;)

I had never tried making the midnight release of a game before (started vanilla on the later side, got BC and WOTLK late), but with Cata I decided I wanted to pick up the game as soon as it was available because I wanted to be able to jump right into things with the rest of my guild at the time. My spouse had ordered the CE online but agreed to take me to the store for my copy.

So midnight came... and went. I forget why, but we couldn't make it right at midnight, so we had to rush to make it to the store before it closed. That ended up being a good thing - it was really cold out, and they would only let 5 people in at a time, but since we were amongst the very last few people there (I think only 2 others were behind us) we didn't have to wait for an hour like many folks did. Thought I admit it was interesting kind of listening in on other people's stories about their raiding or PVP experiences, or what they were hoping to see in the new xpac. :)

By the time we got home it was pretty late so I just finished the install and went straight to bed. :/

After that we've gone with digital downloads, so those days are behind me, but it was fun getting to do it once at least!

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Re: Madja's 8th raffle - Fanboy/girl edition [Any region]

Post by Ellipet » February 7th, 2016, 11:39 am

Excited for another raffle!
2016-02-07.jpg (103.36KiB)Viewed 7623 times

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Re: Madja's 8th raffle - Fanboy/girl edition [Any region]

Post by Scimytar » February 7th, 2016, 2:54 pm

Here is my Story :)

I helped my nephew out with some items over the summer. One day, in Oct, he asks me if I would like to go to Blizzcon. I said I thought it would be interesting but I couldn't afford a ticket. He said he had an extra ticket. I didn't think he was serious but after talking to my sister, I found out he was. The ticket and hotel room would be his way of replaying me for helping him out over the summer and a part of my birthday present. I accepted and drove down to L.A. to meet up with him and experience my first Blizzcon.

We managed to do 2 demon hunter demos and saw a bunch of neat things. However, we missed out on being able to play Overwatch. I had seen the Picture of the Frostwolf Pup Plushie and I really, really wanted one. We found the booth and the line didn't look very long. I hopped in line and he waited for me and watch some of the stuff that was being presented on the stage near the Darkmoon Faire. Neither of us realized that the line went around the booth and snaked behind it before coming out by the Diablo Area. Almost an hour and half later, I had my Pup. While in line, I saw the Warcraft Pets Sign and got to meet Marzena, some fellow Pet Collectors and eat some tasty cookies. After a couple more lines to wait in to get stuff, if was time to go for the day.

On the second day, the lines for Overwatch were huge with a wait time of almost 2 hours. We skipped it to try to see some of the other stuff before I had to take him to the airport.

All in All, we had fun and would like to go again this year.

Here is a Pic of my Pup and some of the other stuff that I got at Blizzcon.
Blizzcon Items.jpg
Blizzcon Items.jpg (162.87KiB)Viewed 7613 times
Frostwolf Pup.jpg
Frostwolf Pup.jpg (144.35KiB)Viewed 7613 times

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Re: Madja's 8th raffle - Fanboy/girl edition [Any region]

Post by Paladance » February 12th, 2016, 3:01 pm

I'm not very familiar with any special features. In fact, I've started playing in the early '14.

Some months ago my neighbour had a request to me -- she needed someone who can look after her pets: a cat and a dog (yes, they can live together :D), because she was going abroad for a week. I decided to help her and we concluded that I can just move to her for that week.
While these fellow creatures are playful enough to keep one busy for a big part of a day, I took my laptop here too.

I guess that they were disoriented that their keeper was gone for quite a long while. No wonder that they were trying to get my attention -- especially a cat that being young, kept biting everything that moves, including the wires of my headphones. :(
Sometimes I kept sending her to another room, but sometimes I was getting ready to show her cheesy cat videoclips on Youtube. :lol: She didn't like them anyway.

Once she arrived while I was playing WoW. I had a thought: "well, what if I log in with druid and go into the cat form?" and I followed it.
And believe or not, but she started to stare patiently at my monitor! :D
Then I just needed to be careful and not switch the form to moonkin, I guess.

And the dog? Oh, she slept most of the time (while not being outdoors, of course). And I managed to keep her growl off in the public. ;)

Sadly, I don't think I can show any photo. Haven't talked with my neighbour recently!

I have compiled community knowledge & data about pet battle abilities!

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Re: Madja's 8th raffle - Fanboy/girl edition [Any region]

Post by Africanleopard » February 12th, 2016, 11:59 pm

I am currently living in a construction site [we are doing a reno] so don't have access to all my goodies. But I have been a Blizzard fan from Orcs vs Humans :) - on good old MS-DOS [anybody remember the dramas of the 640K memory barrier?]. I absolutely loved the original Diablo and its expansion Hellfire. Spent many a night playing that game :D. I also have the original Stracraft and the expansion Brood Wars. Then came Diablo 2 - what an amazing game. I died so often to Diablo it was awful - the expansion Lord of Destruction made that encounter trivial - LOL. I think I beat Baal only once, not for lack of trying. My significant other bought me Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos as we were moving countries, so didn't get much time with that game. I did move all my games with me though :D.

My introduction to WoW was via a friend - she was playing a blood elf warlock on a PvP realm in 2007 - she was playing in Arathi Highlands and I was amazed at the big spiders she was fighting. And I was hooked. The rest, as we say is history :). Foolishly I didn't realise the importance of collectors editions at the time [and OMG, the number of CD's that were needed to load the game], and I bought the original WoW and Burning Crusade. Since then I have bought all the CE :D.

My friend and I started Allie druids together, and can you believe after 8-9 years those are still our mains. Me feral/guardian and she is a Boomie/Resto - and we still play together even though she has changed countries and is in a different time zone!

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Re: Madja's 8th raffle - Fanboy/girl edition [Any region]

Post by Llilli » February 13th, 2016, 12:09 am

whoops you are right, its 3:30 pm!

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Re: Madja's 8th raffle - Fanboy/girl edition [Any region]

Post by Lunarific » February 13th, 2016, 12:49 am

I was a bit of a raiding nut in the past and drew various raid-related stuff which I've put up here: https://unleashmagetable.wordpress.com/old-stuff/

I was also crazy enough to co-author 1000 trivia questions for triviabot with a friend back in Cata: http://wow.curseforge.com/addons/triviabot_catatrivia1000/

I had some silly poem about raiding T11 somewhere but I don't know where it is any more. =\

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