The One Million Gold Pet

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Re: The One Million Gold Pet

Post by Sunborne » May 15th, 2016, 8:11 am

As someone who can afford that 1M pet, I'm not paying that much for it no matter how bad my OCD as a collector gets, or how powerful it may be. I like my gold more. Even if it was a Graves and Murkalot combined that would rule the meta I wouldn't do it. I have to draw a line somewhere with collecting and spending and this might as well be it, after Baby Winston that is. I didn't even pay a fourth of 1M for get the last rare tcg pets I needed for my collection.

I'm all for a gold sink type pet but not that high. I think 100k is more than plenty and I've never paid more than 55k for any single pet.

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Re: The One Million Gold Pet

Post by Vakeetah » May 15th, 2016, 10:40 am

I'm on the same boat as Sunborne just above. Having nearly 3M across the account, I can afford the pet, but I won't. Matter of principle here, gold sink or not, it's just ridiculous.

That aside, while I don't mind gold sinks, I'd prefer if they at least made sense and transmitted an image of borderline-disgusting opulence. For example, what's the point of a Celestial baby hippo or some random huge Spider? They can be recognized as gold sinks by the people who know beforehand what they are and what they cost, but for the uninformed, they don't innately give that image. They are moderately cool and that's it.

For massive gold sinks, I'd expect the spider to be covered in gold, gems, and other over-the-top stuff (like a roll of toilet paper made of bills? :lol:) so that when someone sees it, they can know right away that that person is (or rather, was) filthy rich. And same with the pet, should be something that is literally made of gold, perhaps with a top hat and a monocle, that throws diamonds as an attack, and maybe leaving a small trail of coins behind as it moves... that is, something that would make [pet]Lil' Bling[/pet] look like a peasant! (would be great if it chucked a coin at him, as an special interaction, don't you think?)

In short, such shameless gold sinks should at least say that "I have the money and I'm not afraid of dillapidating it". But no, all we get is a ghost and a creep. Meh. All the less reason to bother with them, they don't even seem special. By contrast, the nyan-bauble that costs 250000g is way more apparent.
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Re: The One Million Gold Pet

Post by Ishildur » May 15th, 2016, 4:23 pm

Vakeetah wrote:In short, such shameless gold sinks should at least say that "I have the money and I'm not afraid of dillapidating it". But no, all we get is a ghost and a creep. Meh. All the less reason to bother with them, they don't even seem special. By contrast, the nyan-bauble that costs 250000g is way more apparent.
I can tell you that as someone who recently picked up that yak and the frigging alliance chopper I don't really ... I mean look if they gave me a gold palanquin studded with diamonds carried by wow devs while yelling my praise I probably still wouldn't use it. It's not cool enough. All it tells other players is "hey, I somehow got a lot of ingame currency and spent it on a mount" The mounts people crazy collectors like me tend to ride aren't real money mounts or ingame money mounts but mounts we suffered for.

I say mounts but the same goes for pets. Suffered for or anything that's relatively quiet and special (if it screams at me every 4 mins I don't care if it's a sparkle kitten-unicorn-celestial dragon, it's never going out with me). I mean I like to have my Valk out, it took me some time to get her. I like to have Graves out because dagnabit I suffered to get him! A lot. I also made others suffer to get him so he's very special to me for that reason. Something that just cost money is like meh. It has to be really cool looking to compete with Experiment12B that forced me to endure 480+ 4 min RP scenes in Dragon Souls. Or the Celestial pets that I leveled pets for 2 months to be able to beat the tourney to buy. So yeah, as status symbols they kind of fail hard. Not nearly cool looking enough, and you need to be plenty cool to compete with pets I suffered for.

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Re: The One Million Gold Pet

Post by Paladance » May 16th, 2016, 1:36 am

Ishildur wrote:The mounts people crazy collectors like me tend to ride aren't real money mounts or ingame money mounts but mounts we suffered for.
And that is we need to tell Watcher (or whoever has planned this). Though on the other hand, enough with the next Pathfinder… ;)

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Re: The One Million Gold Pet

Post by Monekop » May 16th, 2016, 12:27 pm

Its a pet, i will get it.


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Re: The One Million Gold Pet

Post by Avalee » May 17th, 2016, 9:54 am

I have a Ghastly skull (tcg mount) lying around which I probably can sell for a million. I'll buy this pet with that. I paid about 100 euros for that card.
It's a lot, but not much more than what I paid for Diablo CE, Starcraft CE, etc which I only bought for the pet.

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Re: The One Million Gold Pet

Post by Neolarva » May 17th, 2016, 10:13 am

Avalee wrote:I have a Ghastly skull (tcg mount) lying around which I probably can sell for a million. I'll buy this pet with that. I paid about 100 euros for that card.
atm on EU server, you can sell it for 1.6-1.7M. You should wait until the gold cap is removed to sell it.

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Re: The One Million Gold Pet

Post by Yazhi » May 17th, 2016, 10:23 am

I'm one of those in the +1mill club also....however I don't think I can part with that much for a reskin pet, it'd be a push for me to spend it even if it was a unique beautiful my little pony looking unicorn with wings that farted out flowers being rode by a baby murloc x)

Maybe if gold came up much much quicker but I'd still begrudge parting with it....they should've made it a duck, I wouldv'e bought 10 xD

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Re: The One Million Gold Pet

Post by Adumbledore » May 17th, 2016, 11:15 am

I don't have the 1m gold required to purchase the pet, though even if I did, I wouldn't. I understand that they are using this pet as a sort of "prestige" item, in that if you can afford it and purchase it, people will look at you in awe of your awesome gold-making abilities. Not everyone is going to be able to afford the pet, and that's fine.

Putting the price at 1m gold, though? That's putting it WAY out of reach for a good majority of people. And it's for a pet. Seriously. A pet. I could almost understand it if it were for some new, cool mount (though that's still severely stretching the thread for me). Almost. It's for a pet, though. The pet isn't cool enough to justify the price tag, either.

If they want to make the Mad Merchant really mad and interesting, what they should do is have the price change at random intervals so it could be 1m at one time, but the next time you come, it could be 200k. Or it could be 1.5m. You never know. Waiting to see what the price could be when it changes could work in your favor or it could punish you for waiting so long. I think more people would buy the pet if they knew there was a chance of being able to get it at a lower price tag.

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Re: The One Million Gold Pet

Post by Waflob » May 18th, 2016, 12:33 am

Adumbledore wrote:I understand that they are using this pet as a sort of "prestige" item, in that if you can afford it and purchase it, people will look at you in awe of your awesome gold-making abilities.
Or cynically assume they bought the gold ...

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Re: The One Million Gold Pet

Post by Paladance » May 18th, 2016, 5:13 am

Waflob wrote:
Adumbledore wrote:I understand that they are using this pet as a sort of "prestige" item, in that if you can afford it and purchase it, people will look at you in awe of your awesome gold-making abilities.
Or cynically assume they bought the gold ...
Or that they exploited the boosting idea charging everyone who doesn't fill more and more excessive requirements. ;)
You seem to hit the nail, however.

Of course we are talking about WoW tokens only. Or don't we? :(

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Re: The One Million Gold Pet

Post by Nagini » May 18th, 2016, 6:44 am

Every expansion has it gold sinks so this isnt entirely out of my calculations, though i'm not a rich player by any standard (300k across 5 servers). I do really love the spider, so even at a million, I might still make it an (unlikely) goal. However, i find the jump in price a little odd compared to blizzards statements that they don't like it that people could make gold so easily this expac.

One of my friends ingame recently made a really good observation about this. Gold now has realworld money value, because you can buy the tokens to get gametime. At 50k a pop (a little over current price) you could buy 20 of them with a million gold. That's almost two years world of warcraft... or a pet. That puts the mount on par with the tigre and in the range of CE editions. The notion that a mount with nothing special (and a reskin for a pet...) are equally valued to those things is bizarre with those basically no longer obtainable items is odd to me.

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Re: The One Million Gold Pet

Post by Peanutty » May 18th, 2016, 2:57 pm

Nagini wrote:One of my friends ingame recently made a really good observation about this. Gold now has realworld money value, because you can buy the tokens to get gametime. At 50k a pop (a little over current price) you could buy 20 of them with a million gold. That's almost two years world of warcraft... or a pet. That puts the mount on par with the tigre and in the range of CE editions. The notion that a mount with nothing special (and a reskin for a pet...) are equally valued to those things is bizarre with those basically no longer obtainable items is odd to me.
Sorry to break it to you but the mount is 2 million (unless they've changed it very recently?)

And keep in mind the current most expensive mount is the one from mythic Archimonde, which can sell for up to 2 million right now. So yes, people are already dropping that kind of gold on a "mount with nothing special" that will remain obtainable even after this xpac.

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Re: The One Million Gold Pet

Post by Paladance » May 18th, 2016, 3:42 pm

I've seen today an Unclaimed Black Market Container going for 140k.
Some people just want to see themselves victorious over the others, no matter the costs. :P

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Re: The One Million Gold Pet

Post by Vakeetah » May 18th, 2016, 4:56 pm

Paladance wrote:I've seen today an Unclaimed Black Market Container going for 140k.
Some people just want to see themselves victorious over the others, no matter the costs. :P
Only time I bothered with those, back in MoP, I got some Plate PvP Bracers, for Alliance, on an Horde Warlock. Never again! and it only costed me 4k. Imagine if it had been 140k... :o

Anyway, the pet is still a ugly reskin, and I'm sure the Bloodfang won't be the only Spider mount in the game - so eventually, it'll also be a reskin. Mark my words! :P
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Re: The One Million Gold Pet

Post by Mehetabel » May 20th, 2016, 12:55 pm

I have absolutely no problem with Blizz charging a million gold for a pet. Why should all pets be easy to get (ie: catch). I like pets that take some effort (in whatever form that may be). It gives goals to work towards, something to aim for.

However, where I DO have an issue is that it's not a really unique pet. The mount, now thats one of a kind (and Blizz have said that they intend to keep it that way for the foreseeable future). The pet model, not so much. We have celestial. We have hippos.

The price is fine. But give us a pet worth that price please.

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Re: The One Million Gold Pet

Post by Rioriel » May 22nd, 2016, 7:33 am

Ive been very lucky getting a second and third Seaborne Spore this weekend... Maybe 1 million gold is doable :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: The One Million Gold Pet

Post by Auryan » May 30th, 2016, 11:26 am

Nikkip wrote:there is not a pet in this game worth that much. So no I will not pay for it. Looking at its abilities it isn't that unique either. For a re-skin no thank you. Not worth it
Now on that I would have to disagree with you; I would gladly pay 1MM each for the old collectors editions, mini tyrael, etc. But a celestial river calf does not make me open my wallet. That freaky spider mount on the other hand...

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Re: The One Million Gold Pet

Post by Drudatz » May 30th, 2016, 5:45 pm

Paladance wrote:I've seen today an Unclaimed Black Market Container going for 140k.
Some people just want to see themselves victorious over the others, no matter the costs. :P
Are you pretending really to be that silly to NOT KNOW that these containers are the ONLY WAY now
to get the MOP CM pet if you havent gotten it in MOP? :?

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