Crawling Claw

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Crawling Claw

Post by Stormseeker » May 31st, 2016, 1:00 pm

So I've been going after recipe for Sandstone Drake since it came out and RNG has HATED me and I still don't have it. Even after collecting an estimated ~3000 Tol'Vir fragments. I'll farm for it off and on as life and boredness allow. Anyway, I was working on it again the other day and while doing my converting restored relic boxes to Tol'Vir fragments I finally got the Crawling Claw one! Yay! Thing is I had given up on actually getting that pet a while ago so I had traded with someone for another pet (or pets?) I had multiples of. So now I have two Crawling Claws. Not complaining at all. Just trying to figure out what to do with second one. I've had a few thoughts:

First, I could save it for Legion and hope to trade it for one of those rare pets or something like that.
Second, I could try to sell it on AH to work towards the 1 million gold pet.
Third, I could work on my dwarf to try and get a third one to make a 3 Crawling Claw PvP team. Obviously it would just be for fun as i doubt it'd be viable.

I'm leaning towards the first option currently but not sure how many collectors are still needing it and how it would compare to new Legion rare pets. Obviously this will vary depending on who you ask and their luck (or lack of luck) with RNG but thought I'd at least get a feel from fellow traders. Second option could work but I'm really not anywhere near close to having even somewhat close enough for the 1 million pet but it is a long term goal. Third option, while potentially funny, I don't think i have the endurance to let RNG be nice to me again lol.

So what do y'all think is the "best" way to go?

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Re: Crawling Claw

Post by Peanutty » May 31st, 2016, 2:42 pm

Guess it depends on your patience level (obviously you have patience, for working on Tol'Vir fragments at all!) I personally don't like holding onto things; I go for a fast turnaround because I just don't have the bag space to keep inventory and I don't like potential gold to be hanging out in my pockets, doing nothing (gotta sell so I can keep buying so I can keep selling). So I would go with #2.

If you're anticipating that there's pets you would want in the next xpac (and would value at a higher cost than what the Claw is worth right now) then you might consider #1. It's too early to say what the next Viscous Horror or Seaborne Spore might be, or when it'll come along, but if you're thinking you don't want to get caught with nothing to offer at that time, then holding onto it might be a good idea. I doubt the Claw will be any easier to get in the next xpac.

I'd say #3 is out because you'd go insane by the time you got a 3rd Claw via an alt. :lol:

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Re: Crawling Claw

Post by Ranok » May 31st, 2016, 9:29 pm

Tough decision.

I'd be tempted to hold off till Legion, pet sales not booming these days as WoW subscribers way down during the Lame Duck times till Legion hits, and lot of the holdouts already have all the pets they want. End of August can expect millions of veterans to start giving Blizz money each month and come back on and they're gonna be way too busy for a while to go though the horrible grind for Tol'vir artifacts.

Downside is remembering the Inflation that has accompanied each expansion, Gold suddenly worth less (remember in Vanilla, celebrating your very first whole GOLD around level 8 or 10). So even if your Claw sells for more, it's really not worth as much.

BTW, took my first archaeologist a freakin' year to finally score a Sandstone recipe. And she worked archaeo pretty steadily. Admit was when Blizz first added it to game, like 3 finds per site and stuff like that, but a year.

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Re: Crawling Claw

Post by Gráinne » June 3rd, 2016, 6:52 am

I'm really not seeing the Three-Claw team.

So for me, it's: sell now? or sell later?

I find the US price surprisingly high at ~90K

I don't expect the price of rarer pets to go down, though. I'd be happy with 90K, but I'd look for an opportunity to sell high, when I have no competition. If you're not in a rush for the cash, I'd hold on to it and see what happens with prices come pre-patch and early Legion.

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Re: Crawling Claw

Post by Stormseeker » June 3rd, 2016, 6:53 pm

Yeah, Grainne, the 3 claw team would be PURELY for giggles nothing more. I know it's not viable at all. Just was a random thought to show people my craziness lol. Thinking I'll hold off as I'm not in a hurry and even if i got 90-100k for it now (or then) it still wouldn't make that much difference if I decide to get the 1mil pet.

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Re: Crawling Claw

Post by Ranok » June 3rd, 2016, 8:00 pm

Gráinne wrote:I find the US price surprisingly high at ~90K
Best price I could find a few minutes ago was U.S. realm Stormrage, which seems to be about our highest-pop realm. 62K.

There's some spectacular price variations on some pets between the busy realms and the ones that are just hanging in there till Legion. Makes "average" price across all realms sort of deceptive sometimes.

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