Raiding with Leashes Achievement Progress..

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Raiding with Leashes Achievement Progress..

Post by Notamonk » December 22nd, 2012, 12:08 pm

So far I've gotten

3/3 Naxx

3/3 MC

2/3 AQ40

0/3 BWL (haven't found anyone that is willing to just help with the first boss yet)

How far along are you guys? Only been working on this thing for about a week or so now.. but was wondering what the pet Mr.Bigglesworth is like and if its worth it to use him as a battle pet or just a collection piece.

Edit: So as you can see I have not gotten all of the pets.. but I did manage to get the achievement by cheesing it a little bit. :S

A friend of mine who had the pets I needed traded them with me and I gave him the pets he needed; learned them then put them back in their cages and traded them back. I felt kinda slimy for getting the achievement like that but I wanted the kitty so badly! :(

I also ended up getting the 125 pet's collected achievement and got the Brilliant Kilari (not sure if thats how you spell it? lol) so I'll be busying leveling those up along with my new Gator! :D
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Re: Raiding with Leashes Achievement Progress..

Post by Poofah » December 22nd, 2012, 12:38 pm

You can solo razorgore with a bit of practice, assuming you're lvl 90. It's harder for some classes than others--certainly a partner makes it easier. If you buy the caged pets on the AH, it will also count toward the achievement.

Mr. Bigglesworth is a fun niche pet -- the best use I've seen for him is to cast Ice Tomb and Prowl (in whichever order), then backline him. The Ice Tomb will land for ~1400 dmg. Outside of this use he's very fragile though.

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Re: Raiding with Leashes Achievement Progress..

Post by Byntaran » December 22nd, 2012, 1:57 pm

Managed to clear AQ40, BWL, and MC on my Balance Druid. Geared enough for the first two MoP Raids via Raid Finder.

Had to use my DK to solo Viscidious, but DKs mix of magic and melee damage meant he couldn't solo the Twins. No drops though. (Except a Red Battle Tank within the first trash clear, but I already have it. :P)

Casting a HoT on my Druid kept him with Aggro for a bit of the fight with Razorgore, who kindly dropped a pet.

Got Harbinger of Flame and Ashtone Core from the other.

Going to have to look for something to clear debuffs on my DK with, or actually level my 2 Paladin's from 85 to 90.

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Re: Raiding with Leashes Achievement Progress..

Post by Drazius » December 22nd, 2012, 3:39 pm

I am 3/3 out of BWL

2/3 out of Naxx just need loathebs drop

2/3 out of AQ 40 just need the mini mindslayer

3/3 out of MC.

Actually have an extra chrominous and the whelp guard if anyone wants to trade for one of the two I'm missing.

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Re: Raiding with Leashes Achievement Progress..

Post by Notamonk » December 22nd, 2012, 5:03 pm

Nice! Glad to see I'm not that far behind everyone else!

Yea I ran Naxx this morning and was really hoping to get the Spider, but alas it was the only one that didn't drop of course! >.<"

How do you solo the first boss of bwl? I'm a level 90 windwalker monk with a gear level high enough for the first tier of raiding in mop.

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Re: Raiding with Leashes Achievement Progress..

Post by Pantherfern » December 22nd, 2012, 5:34 pm

I have the Ashstone Core, Bone Spider, and Ooze so far. I've run most of them multiple times now in the past couple weeks.

BWL . .I got past the 1st boss on my 85 DK - Run in, take control withOUT killing the guys there. By the time you start seeing adds, dismiss, run around BBing a bit (try not to hit the boss) then drop D&D where the control orb is and hop back in. Rinse, repeat.

Couldn't get past the 2nd boss though =/ Kept dying with boss at 2-5% no matter what I tried.
I tried the 1st on my 89 hunter and didn't get it down (kept damaging the boss too much with multishot.)
I gotta get this place figured out still though - Soloed Naxx, AQ, MC no problem on my warlock, need to get him into BWL to try.

This is pretty much all I've been doing in-game lately is pet battles and running these raids on 2-3 toons ><

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Re: Raiding with Leashes Achievement Progress..

Post by Formerruling » December 22nd, 2012, 6:58 pm

Ive refused to buy any of the pets.

I am:
3/3 MC
2/3 BWL
1/3 AQ
3/3 Naxx

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Re: Raiding with Leashes Achievement Progress..

Post by Drazius » December 22nd, 2012, 7:20 pm

Notamonk wrote:Nice! Glad to see I'm not that far behind everyone else!

Yea I ran Naxx this morning and was really hoping to get the Spider, but alas it was the only one that didn't drop of course! >.<"

How do you solo the first boss of bwl? I'm a level 90 windwalker monk with a gear level high enough for the first tier of raiding in mop.

I am a 90 WW monk as well.. What I do is kill all eggs on the farthest side first so as you get through them you inch closer and you take aggro away from razor gore . At about 25% of the channel I cancel out hit sck a few times and throw out an expel harm then resume channel.. If razor gore is doing bad throw the eh or chi wave on him to give him a heal.. Rinse repeat till all eggs are down.

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Re: Raiding with Leashes Achievement Progress..

Post by Kiowa » December 22nd, 2012, 9:18 pm

I'm only missing the Pup and the Idol :D

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Re: Raiding with Leashes Achievement Progress..

Post by Drazius » December 23rd, 2012, 2:28 am

I got my last 2 a little while ago.. them with mr. bigglesworth also puts me at 261.. my highest battle team is currently 15.. so still got about 10 levels worth of pets to catch..

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Re: Raiding with Leashes Achievement Progress..

Post by Byntaran » December 23rd, 2012, 5:29 am

Notamonk wrote: How do you solo the first boss of bwl? I'm a level 90 windwalker monk with a gear level high enough for the first tier of raiding in mop.
One of the main things is to not damage any adds while controlling Razorgore. If you have a 'fire and forget' spell that causes Agro, everything will attack you. And they won't do much damage at all.

In the case of a Druid, Starfall or HoTs.

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Re: Raiding with Leashes Achievement Progress..

Post by Zerdolf » December 23rd, 2012, 5:14 pm

Notamonk wrote:How do you solo the first boss of bwl? I'm a level 90 windwalker monk with a gear level high enough for the first tier of raiding in mop.
I am a 90 WW monk as well.. What I do is kill all eggs on the farthest side first so as you get through them you inch closer and you take aggro away from razor gore . At about 25% of the channel I cancel out hit sck a few times and throw out an expel harm then resume channel.. If razor gore is doing bad throw the eh or chi wave on him to give him a heal.. Rinse repeat till all eggs are down.
This, although none of my heals seem to affect him when I do it :( I'm still trying to find the perfect egg destroying pattern so it normally takes at least a couple of tries but once you nail it the rest of the raid is cake. My biggest problem is the mages that spawn as they are outside my SCK range and I have to move around to get them, I make sure razorgore is at least halfway across the room so I don't hit him.


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Re: Raiding with Leashes Achievement Progress..

Post by NathKnave » December 23rd, 2012, 5:44 pm

Zerdolf wrote:This, although none of my heals seem to affect him when I do it :(
You can heal Razorgore while he's being Mind Controlled. We used to do it this way 2-man with a holy paladin or a resto shaman. If you're doing it solo, if you have a non-channeled aoe heal you can heal him. I'm not sure if monks have anything that could work, but for example, a shaman could cast Healing Rain and MC him and have him stand in it.

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Re: Raiding with Leashes Achievement Progress..

Post by Imthedci » December 23rd, 2012, 7:11 pm

The best egg killing pattern that I've found (it's worked twice now) is to get the eggs in the front first, then the ones up the side when the adds start to spawn (most of the time the adds will not attack razorgore and just go to you), and start getting the ones in the middle next (the first channel should be over around here). Quickly kill off some guys and rechannel before razorgore gets up to the front. Next you get the eggs on the opposite side from where you killed the first ones and then the ones in the back. (Note: You may need to stop and kill more guys or heal here - I use my Lay on Hands). Lastly just get any straggling eggs in the middle (or wherever you have stragglers).

tl, dr - 1st channel: front, side, middle. 2nd channel: other side, back, middle.

The only part that I'm having problems with is Naxx. can't seem to get past anub'rekhan or patchwerk. get killed by the impales on anub and patchwerk just beats me down too quickly.

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Re: Raiding with Leashes Achievement Progress..

Post by Poofah » December 23rd, 2012, 8:03 pm

For Anub, run through him into the little recessed area behind his start point. The ceiling is low enough to stop fall damage from impales. Patchwerk is very spec-dependent, it's easy for tanks and not so much for others.

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Re: Raiding with Leashes Achievement Progress..

Post by Lillanthia » December 24th, 2012, 5:40 am

Ran Naxx with a guildmate last night and we were lucky enough to have the spider and stitched pup pets drops. He won both rolls, but was kind enough to give me the spider at the end. :)

Agreed with Patchwerk; my warrior just can't dps him down quick enough, whereas my druid main breezes past him. (Balance, just keep up rejuve and healing touch during the fight. Making sure DoTs are up, it's only about a 2 minute fight, so you get the achievement for downing him in under three minutes too!)

However my warrior can do the twins in AQ because of her self heal during fighting, my druid can't, they and the little summons interrupt too much.

Razorgore what I've done to solo is clear the far end of the room first of eggs, making sure he ends furthest away from me. Then when the mind control drops you can heal up, drop a starfall and he won't get back to attack you before it ends, so he doesn't get damaged by it. Then a quick heal and back into mind control. It's doable in only two mind control series.

Anub'rekhan as a druid, if you get impaled, hit cat form while in midair, and it negates the approx. 50k fall damage you take.

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Re: Raiding with Leashes Achievement Progress..

Post by Notamonk » December 24th, 2012, 11:12 am

Wow glad to see so many replies about successful Razorgore kill's alas. After several attempts I could not get him down alone. The closest I had come to downing him was 1 egg. I started casting destroy egg and he died with 1 second left on the cast.. -_-

I'm going to be trying again tonight (hopefully) and see if I can get him down again.. I don't have a problem surviving and taking a beating its freaking Razorgore! He takes a serious beating. More often then not I find that half way through my first cast he already has quiet a few ads following him around.

Any tips how to keep them off of him for a longer period of time?


what are your funny fail attempts? Mine was accidentally killing Razorgore killing ads.. I fat fingered touch of death and all of the sudden BOOOOOOM! lol

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Re: Raiding with Leashes Achievement Progress..

Post by Talmar » December 24th, 2012, 12:35 pm

I only need the Anubisath Idol at this point. It did drop this week buy my Classic Raid partner won the roll. Hopefully it'll be my turn on Christmas. Would be a nice Christmas present.

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Re: Raiding with Leashes Achievement Progress..

Post by Bithalver » December 25th, 2012, 11:51 am

Uh, girls and boys, why don't you borrow missing pets ? Achievements like quests: if a part-goal is fulfilled, it is never revoked.

Example: I do not have the Viscidus Globule, but I borrowed it from a guildmate for just 10 sec -> that part of the achievement turned on. Honestly, I do not care about this specific pet (as I do not see which pet battle it could be useful).

So, why don't you have Mr. Bigglesworth ? :D

Happy Christmas !

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