"Looking to add to your in-game pet collection? Be prepared to face dangers untold just off the coast of Azsuna on Seabreak Isle. These elite members of the Squigglefin tribe aren’t going to be happy about your visit to their little home, but if you’re lucky, you’ll be able to find Squirky among them. Summon your veteran pet battle team into action, and make him a part of your own band of merry battle pets."
Looks like you guys were right about Seabreak Isle! (19,20 Azsuna)
They are a wild pet battle. Tons are up and they can come in different rarities. Bring your best geared toon though, the elites will wreck you.
It's been a long wait since legion dropped, and it's finally November. However, it seems the pet journal updated and it no longer says "November", and instead a "special time". It definitely said November when I checked like a few weeks ago, so it must be a 7.1 change.
It's source is a pet battle, and the location is "The Great Sea". Which is... really huge. Does anyone have any ideas of where to potential search? I'm going to go look around where Terky was found first, but now I'm worried it might not be up with the tool tip change.
edit: Did see something interesting that was added in 7.1 when looking on wowhead: http://www.wowhead.com/npc=113589/invis ... rky-target