Regarding all the complaining about pets in Legion

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Re: Regarding all the complaining about pets in Legion

Post by Avalee » March 21st, 2017, 4:39 pm

I'm also not having much succes in the Brawler's guild. But you must remember one thing; It will get easier when your character gets stronger. So I decided to just wait a few patches and get my iLevel to a 1000 or so and then I may be able to 1-shot them all.

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Re: Regarding all the complaining about pets in Legion

Post by Mirith » March 21st, 2017, 4:51 pm

Avalee wrote:I'm also not having much succes in the Brawler's guild. But you must remember one thing; It will get easier when your character gets stronger. So I decided to just wait a few patches and get my iLevel to a 1000 or so and then I may be able to 1-shot them all.
Keep in mind that they disable the brawlers guild between expansions, then reopen it scaled to the new expansion.

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Re: Regarding all the complaining about pets in Legion

Post by Paladance » March 22nd, 2017, 2:31 am

Mirith wrote:Pets are mechanically different than a mount, title, and most toys. Those don't have a mechanical difference to some aspect of the game, just cosmetic. Toys generally are cosmetic, and even those that are not do not impact the game in a meaningful way, so it is still a matter of showing off or convenience. Pets, on the other hand, have game play associated with them. Maybe, it will turn out that one of the new DK whelplings will have some amazing configuration that wipes the board in certain encounters.
That was concerning me aswell.
Not sure if it's really consoling, but the PTR data (messed up, but possible to figure out) show that there is no revolution, although [ability]Slippery Ice[/ability] + [ability]Howling Blast[/ability] look nice. A rumour says they'd have breeds dedicated to each particular stat, with Bloodbrood being H/H, but that's just a rumour.

(Until we get to AK 50 and Pathfinder on mains there isn't really anything to say anymore, I'm afraid.)

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Re: Regarding all the complaining about pets in Legion

Post by Peanutty » March 22nd, 2017, 3:26 pm

Mirith wrote:
Avalee wrote:I'm also not having much succes in the Brawler's guild. But you must remember one thing; It will get easier when your character gets stronger. So I decided to just wait a few patches and get my iLevel to a 1000 or so and then I may be able to 1-shot them all.
Keep in mind that they disable the brawlers guild between expansions, then reopen it scaled to the new expansion.
By the end of the xpac most players should be geared enough to be able to trivialize many of the brawler's fights. Most classes right now at around ilvl 890 should be able to finish the entire thing. Still gotta do the mechanics though, no amount of gear will save you from something that's designed to instantly kill you.

I personally really enjoy brawler's because it's like doing raiding mechanics with no one else to yell at but yourself. Can't blame my groups for "messing up" when it's solely on me.

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Re: Regarding all the complaining about pets in Legion

Post by Digem » March 23rd, 2017, 7:54 am

Maizing wrote:
Sharna wrote:
Maizing wrote:I also have no issue with the occasional pet that is obtained by doing content unrelated to pet battles (such as [pet]Clock'em[/pet]) for those willing to do that content.
I don't mind doing long-winded slogs, especially if I can do it as a group activity with friends, but what I don't like is content I find impossible to complete. I play healers and however many expansions on it is now, I still haven't been able to find a way to succeed in getting the Brawlers' guild pet. And now there's a second one...
Yeah. I will not be getting the second one. I hate the Brawler's Guild with a passion and never did more that the bare minimum of what I needed for [pet]Clock'em[/pet] when it was first introduced. I almost didn't get that much done before they revamped it for Warlords.

Do it on a hunter and getting to the pet is easy. The hardest fight on the new one is the pacman like fight. Put yourself on slow walk to make it easier to navigate the maze and let your pets kill the bosses.

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Re: Regarding all the complaining about pets in Legion

Post by Minet » March 23rd, 2017, 10:24 am

Digem wrote:

Do it on a hunter and getting to the pet is easy. The hardest fight on the new one is the pacman like fight. Put yourself on slow walk to make it easier to navigate the maze and let your pets kill the bosses.
I mostly play a healer as well, and as they said in one of the Dev Q&A's (Paul Kubit I think?), Brawler's Guild is not meant for healers, really. I do have a hunter, though, and while she is not my best geared character by any means, I think this is a really good idea to do. I might try it... Soon. Like.. soonish.

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Re: Regarding all the complaining about pets in Legion

Post by Digem » March 23rd, 2017, 11:16 am

Minet wrote:
Digem wrote:

Do it on a hunter and getting to the pet is easy. The hardest fight on the new one is the pacman like fight. Put yourself on slow walk to make it easier to navigate the maze and let your pets kill the bosses.
I mostly play a healer as well, and as they said in one of the Dev Q&A's (Paul Kubit I think?), Brawler's Guild is not meant for healers, really. I do have a hunter, though, and while she is not my best geared character by any means, I think this is a really good idea to do. I might try it... Soon. Like.. soonish.
Unfortunately the brawlers guild has always been designed to work better for range classes. It sucks on melee and has never ever taken in account for healers. So since it favors ranged one might as well go at it with the most mobile range class that is hunter. Add in for BM hunters your pets do most of your damage let them lose on the boss and you worry about any mechanics. Makes the fights easier but I do understand why it annoys you though

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Re: Regarding all the complaining about pets in Legion

Post by Peanutty » March 23rd, 2017, 5:06 pm

Brawler's definitely favors ranged over melee, and dps spec over tank (or heals) due to the short enrage timer. The earlier fights can be done by tanks, but it really is best to get used to dpsing and managing your whole toolkit (interrupts, stuns, movement increases) if you plan on going all the way because of the dps requirements at higher ranks. However the first 2 ranks are not nearly as dps intensive.

The "pacman" fight (which you'll need to get past to get the pet) is much, much easier on a pet class like a BM hunter, as you can concentrate on navigating while the pet does the damage. The maze is 100% fatal so learning to navigate is more essential than anything.

The class that's actually been most successful from what I've seen is demon hunter. They just do an insane amount of dps even at a lower ilvl. Being melee makes things trickier but I've seen some do so much damage that they just bypass a number of mechanics, so that does help tremendously on some fights.

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Re: Regarding all the complaining about pets in Legion

Post by Mehetabel » March 25th, 2017, 2:30 pm

Minet wrote:
Digem wrote:

Do it on a hunter and getting to the pet is easy. The hardest fight on the new one is the pacman like fight. Put yourself on slow walk to make it easier to navigate the maze and let your pets kill the bosses.
I mostly play a healer as well, and as they said in one of the Dev Q&A's (Paul Kubit I think?), Brawler's Guild is not meant for healers, really. I do have a hunter, though, and while she is not my best geared character by any means, I think this is a really good idea to do. I might try it... Soon. Like.. soonish.
Fantastic idea! I also main a healer so I got Clock'em in my melee off-spec and it was tough! I think I might need to put a little bit of time into gearing my hunter!

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