Pet Raffle Thistleleaf Adventurer[US Servers]-COMPLETE

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Pet Raffle Thistleleaf Adventurer[US Servers]-COMPLETE

Post by Milotha » June 4th, 2017, 2:40 pm

We used to have raffles on this site, so I figured why not hand out something extra sitting in my banks. I took this idea from one of Madja's old raffles. I need a pick me up, as I live near London, but play on US servers

The prize will be a Thistleleaf Adventuerer. (Level 1).

Answer these questions to be entered:

1.What was your most fun or epic moment in pet battling?

2. If you were a battle pet, which one would you be?


Upon submission you will be awarded a number. A /roll will be performed in-game between 1 and the number of entries. The winner is the one with the number rolled.

Only one entry per person.

This raffle will end on the 30th of June at 9 PM CET.

P.S. Please make it clear at the top of your post, if you decide to reply, but don't wish to be entered for the roll!

Edit My own answers to the questions:

1)I had one pet pvp battle where I came in and my first two pets were basically killed in the first few rounds. Things were not looking good, but my final guy was Mr Pinchy. Some background on Mr Pinchy. He refused to drop for me. I spent whole days just fishing for him for expansion after expansion after expansion. I caught 5 Magical crawdads before one of them finally gave me a wish. It was the joke of my guild - everyone would link me their magical crawdad when they saw I was out fishing in BC. Well, now it was down to Mr Pinchy vs his team, and all those hours of fishing finally payed off. He couldn't kill him. Mr Pinchy healed himself to full over and over, for turn after turn after turn. Finally after about 70 turns of this epic pet battle, they guy fled and I got the win. I'd like to think he was cursing Mr Pinchy just as much as I used to when he refused to drop.

2) I'd be my Anodized Robo Cub. I'm kinda like a bear. I like to sleep all winter. I like sweet treats. I would like to rawr at people to leave me alone when I'm cranky. I like fishing. But, I'm into science and tech stuff, so I'd be a robotic one. Maybe that's why I don't like being out in the rain.
Last edited by Milotha on July 1st, 2017, 5:23 am, edited 6 times in total.

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Re: Need a Pick Me Up Pet Raffle[US Servers]

Post by Milotha » June 4th, 2017, 2:40 pm

List of entries:

3. Nagini
4. Abbotta
5. Peanutty
6. GormanGhaste
7. Cypetcollector
8. Salus
9. Gilneas
10. Sile9 -WINNER
11. Jennasmooth
12. Necrophagist
Last edited by Milotha on June 30th, 2017, 4:58 am, edited 11 times in total.

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Re: Need a Pick Me Up Pet Raffle[US Servers]

Post by Liraella » June 4th, 2017, 10:50 pm

Most epic pet battle was for my starry bunny & id be bright paw :)

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Re: Pet Raffle Thistleleaf Adventurer[US Servers]

Post by N0083rp00f » June 5th, 2017, 11:22 pm

1.What was your most fun or epic moment in pet battling?

Hmmm, this might be fun.
This was my first thought when I first tried pet battling.
I proceeded to have my team slaughtered against the first trainer.
I was frustrated but angry and so I went and beat up small critters in the wild.
Once I had an overwhelmingly leveled my team, all 5s, I went back and crushed them.
It felt good to be the Conan of the pet battle arena.

2. If you were a battle pet, which one would you be?

Well this is a bit of a toughie.
Do I select one that is as close to me as I am now or what I would like to be?
The me that I am now is a bit of a geek with a perdeliction for sloth and pessimism.
Potted Petunias [mystical bouquet] though I think I more resemble a Baby Winston :mrgreen:

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Re: Pet Raffle Thistleleaf Adventurer[US Servers]

Post by Nagini » June 6th, 2017, 2:37 am

1.What was your most fun or epic moment in pet battling?
Hmmm. It's not really pet battling, but it involves pets, so i hope it counts. My favorite thing about pets is that they make such wonderful gifts. I used to have a lot of trouble coming up with fun things for my online friends' birthdays and holiday, as I'm a european player on US servers so sending them stuff in real life wasn't doable. With the introduction of the petbattle collection/battle system I can now think of fun and original gifts. Last christmas I got people Nok-karosh (a wolf mount) with a little frostwolf pup (a baby wolf pet) pair :) Also roleplayers are so happy to get cool "utility" pets, like the broom, flying books, or flying torches that they can use in their stories.

The very first year I did this everyone was so surprised and pleased getting pets (even though they were a lot more random than my better thought-out gifts later), and I got a few people promise me they'd find me a new companion, too! ...ofcourse, that's before they saw my collection ;)

2. If you were a battle pet, which one would you be?
If I'd have to pick, I'd be a majestic Clefthoof runt. Calm, kind of furry, would like to eat all day, but also deadly when angered, haha! I may be slow to get going, but once I've set myself a goal I'll really "charge" into the fray :)

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Re: Pet Raffle Thistleleaf Adventurer[US Servers]

Post by Quintessence » June 6th, 2017, 3:32 am

Not entering, but wanted to say that this is very kind and generous of you [profile]Milotha[/profile]! Good luck to everyone entering!
Feel free to browse through my pet collecting blog:

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Re: Pet Raffle Thistleleaf Adventurer[US Servers]

Post by Mehetabel » June 6th, 2017, 10:57 am

Also not entering but good luck everyone! :D
Milotha wrote:I live near London, but play on US servers
I'm totally curious how you ended up on US servers, the time difference must be a real pain.

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Re: Pet Raffle Thistleleaf Adventurer[US Servers]

Post by Milotha » June 6th, 2017, 11:21 am

Mehetabel wrote:Also not entering but good luck everyone! :D
Milotha wrote:I live near London, but play on US servers
I'm totally curious how you ended up on US servers, the time difference must be a real pain.
I lived in the US most of my life, but then my hubby got a job transfer to London, so off we went. I'm still in my old US guild of 10 years which was low activity on a low population server before the move, and now no one is on when I play. I couldn't bear to give up my pet collection on switching to an EU realm.

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Re: Pet Raffle Thistleleaf Adventurer[US Servers]

Post by Abbotta » June 6th, 2017, 11:43 am


Most fun - without a doubt hunting for the [pet]Minfernal[/pet]. I spent frustrating days looking for one and I finally find one but something started attacking me. Instead of killing that monster I killed the first Minny I found. But it was fun because of all the other people I met looking for that one elusive Minfernal to pop up. In the end I built a DK on an Oceanic Server and found one there. I named her Minny Mantle

If I could be any pet - without a doubt the [pet]Emerald Proto-Whelp[/pet]. Even before I knew what a talented pet this was, a mainstay in just about any hardcore pet battle. I just thought it was a pretty pet and I love the color green. And I like how my Emmy has green related spells too!

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Re: Pet Raffle Thistleleaf Adventurer[US Servers]

Post by Peanutty » June 6th, 2017, 7:15 pm

1) Most epic moment for me would be the first time I got my collection to all 25s, all rares, back in MoP. Nowadays with stones it doesn't feel quite as "epic" to me when I get my new pets caught up, but back then it was a grind for sure. My goal was to level at least 2 pets a day, which I did without fail. From the time I set that goal until completion, it was 8 or 9 months.

2) If I were to be a battle pet, I would be the Giraffe Calf, because that was what motivated me to try out pet battling, and I'm always trying to motivate others in the same way.

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Re: Pet Raffle Thistleleaf Adventurer[US Servers]

Post by GormanGhaste » June 13th, 2017, 5:09 pm

Thank you for this raffle, and it is great reading everyone's responses as well!

I think my favorite moments are from participating in other people's and hosting my own Sumprush Rodent event. Everyone walked away with all the Rodents they could handle, and many of us ended up with rares of most of the Krasarang Wilds secondary pets. This forum community is great.

My second favorite moments are from catching all the wild pets at the beginning of the expansions. MoP was the most epic, of course!

If I had to pick a pet to be, I would choose the giant sewer rat. I really love both old Dalaran and fishing in wow. And I like the idea of being a scavenger and living in the nooks and crannies of the world :)
Mingyao on Madoran

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Re: Pet Raffle Thistleleaf Adventurer[US Servers]

Post by Cypetcollector » June 14th, 2017, 12:32 am

My fav moment was on the black market AH. I saw a Black Tabby Cat there and bid, but it quickly went way past my upper price range. I checked the BMAH the next day, and another was listed. No one was bidding on this one and I snagged it for 3k. :)

If I had to pick one pet, I'd be the Flayer Youngling. I love using that pet in PvP. So fast and good moves.

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Re: Pet Raffle Thistleleaf Adventurer[US Servers]

Post by Salus » June 14th, 2017, 7:41 am

1 - would have to be the celestial tournament. I barely qualified when I set foot in there, and I was working hard to level new pets to help out.

2 - probably a cat, say Orange tabby.

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Re: Pet Raffle Thistleleaf Adventurer[US Servers]

Post by Milotha » June 20th, 2017, 1:08 pm

A quick note to keep this on the main page. Thanks for all the replies. I've enjoyed reading them. Hopefully I haven't missed anyone in the list. Give me a bump if I do.

There will be another raffle next month for two different new pets.

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Re: Pet Raffle Thistleleaf Adventurer[US Servers]

Post by Gilneas » June 23rd, 2017, 6:38 pm

1. Fairly early in pet battling, when I had fewer than 10 level 25 pets, I was still figuring out leveling strats for the existing (and limited) tamers. I was working on the Lucky Quilen Cub. As my strat for Zusshi in Townlong was a bit... shakey at that point, he ended up living up to his name. I ended up mostly failing and with the two 25's I was using dead, but the last enemy pet at a sliver of health. Back then, lower level pets had greatly increased chances to miss if there was a large level disparity. I don't recall exactly the level of the cub, but it was single digits. Less than 5 possibly. He survived and dealt the killing blow. Named him "Lucky" on the spot.

Also, as an honorable mention, as someone else mentioned above, I love the gifting aspect. I always have a plethora of extras ever since I started off with a huge amount of multiples from the conversion to account-wide pets. Being able to spread that around has been great.

2. Mini Thor. Gets to cause such mayhem and destruction with those tiny guns. Was one of my original team of 3 25's, is a pretty solid mechanical pet, and I only had him due to stumbling upon a WoL CE in a store over 2 years after the fact.

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Re: Pet Raffle Thistleleaf Adventurer[US Servers]

Post by Sile9 » June 29th, 2017, 12:00 am

1. The most epic moment was when I completely turned the tables on a Call Lightning team back in the day. I applied Black Claw to the Sunreaver Micro-Sentry just before it blasted my Zandalari Raptor. My Pandaren Earth Spirit then annihilated it in a single turn. Rock Barrage + Lightning + Black Claw not only melted through its health but the Mechanical rez as well.

2. I'm Syd the Squid because I like the water and have trouble finding pants that fit.

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Re: Pet Raffle Thistleleaf Adventurer[US Servers]

Post by Jennasmooth » June 29th, 2017, 2:47 pm

1. The first time I beat the Celestial Tournament was probably my most exciting pet battling, though I get more excited about the collecting of them. I remember specifically getting the Dark Whelping, because it was the first drop I'd ever gotten, and it was within the first 20 kills. Definitely gave me too much hope for the future drops I'd spend hours and hours on ... :)

2. I'd be the Perky Pug because I'm kinda perky and I think I'd thoroughly enjoy the pug life.

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Re: Pet Raffle Thistleleaf Adventurer[US Servers]

Post by Necrophagist » June 29th, 2017, 8:26 pm

My favorite moment was during the Wailing Critters pet battle encounter and my teroclaw hatchling died but I had picked Argi as a random back up pet and was super delightfully surprised he beat the next two enemy pet with a simple but effective skill set of Horn Gore, Gift of the Naaru and Headbutt

If I were to be a battle pet, I would choooooooose Feline Familiar because I've always wished I was born a cat, and who wouldn't like riding around on a broom with a witch's hat!

I just realized that last bit kinda rhymed too :D

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Re: Pet Raffle Thistleleaf Adventurer[US Servers]

Post by Milotha » June 30th, 2017, 3:54 am

Congrats Sile9. You have won the raffle!. I will be sending you a message.

Thanks everyone for entering. It was fun reading your entries. Good luck next time and may your pet collecting dreams come true.
Raffle Roll
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Re: Pet Raffle Thistleleaf Adventurer[US Servers]-WINNER

Post by Sile9 » June 30th, 2017, 11:35 pm

Awesome, I can't wait!

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