Neolarva wrote:I lvled my ally alt, started prestige farming, I wasn't 7 on my all yet (I've done half) / I'm 13 on my main. I was going to get the pet, I wanted it, and we all know how blizzard is.
One day : we'll never put account wide the vicious mount.
Another day : we'll put account wide the vicious mount but you won't have the other faction ones.
Later : vicious mount account wide all faction.
MoP : we put this challenge mode pet sold by the guild vendor.
=> WoD : we removed this challenge mode pet sold by the guild vendor.
WoD : we put this other challenge mode pet sold by the guild vendor.
=> Legion : you can keep this challenge mode pet sold by the guild vendor.
You can't predict shit with them.
So as always, I play it safe. I farm things I don't like to get what I want, if we don't have a 100% knowledge of what will happen to it. atm Prestige next xpac is a big mystery (easier / gone / new rewards?), and not farming the 7 lvl on the other faction was a mistake I wasn't going to make.
But we all know today, it won't be necessary to finish the grind. An annoucement would have been nice (lol... like we would get one...) but even if we farmed all / half / less / none of the prestige on the other faction and did it for nothing, don't be selfish, it's a good day overall, this grind was dumb.
I think I have similar feelings.
Since the whole idea of Prestige rewards has come, my main concern was that it would be replaced with something else the next expansion. Perhaps people who used to PvP in Justice/Honor/Conquest/ABCDE times tear their hair out over a fact you can purchase most of the related gear with gold, after all.
I can also wholeheartedly agree with you and @Peanutty that the lack of communication is daunting. It is like the spirit of RNG, bored with the games themselves has leaked out of the servers and descended upon living beings.
On the other hand, I still wonder if there could be a certain background behind this particular decision -- maybe the statistics they collected (e.g. the class spec distribution) have told them that their initial plan was flawed for reasons other than the obvious one. But hey, if they could tell for pet dungeons "let's see and then decide"… each department to their own, huh?
Well, yes and no. PvP has no endgame, no "this is it and then you're over" and therefore the closest thing to a point of reference is an arena rating or the hlvl right now. Do you know if they're capped at all?
As a whole, PvP should have been created as "always relevant", but perhaps this isn't possible anymore.
I don't think that my attitude towards prestige rewards is relevant but I've never felt an urge to go for higher prestige levels for the same reason I don't go for mythic raiding or other tops -- it loses meaning over time, and I won't pretend to compete with someone who is a real fan of these activities. And yes, I have hard time with alting aswell but I'd enjoy it if it wasn't so time-consuming.
The first level of Prestige I'd call pretty casual though. I won't buy the Fanatic ASAP, don't worry.