Scourged Whelpling Help

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Scourged Whelpling Help

Post by Alaiyarocks » January 9th, 2013, 3:17 am

Hi all, I was wondering if those who have captured their little whelpling already could please help me out?

I have been unsuccessfully camping out for three weeks now on different alts on my main server Barthilas (Oceanic)

As far as I can tell there is only one CRZ pool, no matter what time I enter Icecrown its the same, I have tested this by putting characters in place at different times of day and night and then logging in on one, killing something then quickly logging all the others in to see if I can find the body. I always can. So that tells me that possibly due to Oceanic realms being few but all high population we are all linked together. So to enter different CRZ's I figure I would need to either level a character on a new realm or transfer. I would rather not unless I get really desperate. I have done late nights and early mornings sitting up camping and throughout the day as well. No success, I have only ever seen the spawns when flying over on the taxi.

My new strategy is to try to be online 24 hours after a restart which many pet collectors say has been their success story. Being Oceanic the time difference means that's normally midnight or so, so its doable. I just need to know what time the restart happens then start logging in around that time.

My question to those who have their whelp is: in your experience is it best to login before the time and just hang out for an hour or so? Do they all spawn at the same time or are they staggered? I am yet to see anyone else camping out BUT most of my alts have done no quests in the area so its possible level 90s are phased to me.

My second question is if you think this strategy is a waste of time, can you recommend a pool of low pop servers for me to transfer to? I looked at the Brazilian ones but I am English speaking so I felt that might hinder me if I wanted to ask around for help from other players...

TIA :)

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Re: Scourged Whelpling Help

Post by Jordicus » January 9th, 2013, 6:40 am

i got mine immediately after a server restart. At least 10 of them spawned at that time. I think the key is that you literally have to be able to login to your server within 2 minutes of it coming back up. If you can get in that quick, you will most likely be on your real server briefly instead of the CRZ server. The difference simply being the number of people camping the spot. Fortunately for me and unfortunately for you, I camped and got my rare back at the beginning of November so there were not quite as many people camping for it then.....

if you do decide to do a server transfer with an alt, make sure to pick a server that is more than 3 hours different from your current server. This should guarantee you will at least be on a different CRZ server since only servers within 3 hours of each other are merged.

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Re: Scourged Whelpling Help

Post by Index » January 9th, 2013, 6:47 am

From my own personal (and successful) observations, there is a CRZ pool for PVE, one for PVP, one for RP-PVP etc. I managed to get a rare scourged whelpling very quickly and realtively easily after weeks of sitting camping on my own realm / CRZ.

I rolled a DK alt on a low population German PVP server, level to 58 and bought a portal to Dalaran. From there, it's about a 10 minute (and dangerous) trek over to Sindragosa's fall (or get a guildy to CRZ and fly you over there), but if you stay up the hill near the little graveyard, you can freely battle around 10-12 whelps without aggroing the nearby level 70 mobs. I found respawns to be around 2-3 hours for them to re-pop.

All in all, it took me about 3 hours to level to 58 so I could get to SW, then about 15 minutes to get to the whelps spawn area, and I think it was my 3rd or 4th fight got me a rare whelp.

I've used the same tactic to get not one.. not two... but THREE minfernals, one rare two uncommon in breed 4 5 & 6!!!! Not a soul was around so I thought I'd go for them :)

Hope this helps?


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Re: Scourged Whelpling Help

Post by Alaiyarocks » January 9th, 2013, 8:10 am

Thanks for the replies :) I didn't know about that with the CRZ pools being from servers within 3 hour time difference, thanks very much for the tip!

Excitement tonight, there are some seriously hardcore collectors camping out as I login right on the start of the hour the restarts were scheduled last night. Camel Hoarders, multi-boxers and a bunch of Guildies from Gundrak realm. So I must be on the right track as they are all poised just above the ground ready to pounce on any spawns. Confirmation for me that there must be something in it or they wouldn't all be here.

I will try this strat out for a couple of days and try and level a DK on a foreign server in the meantime also. Thanks for the tip about the graveyard! I imagine the mobs round here would be tough to compete with at such a low level.

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Re: Scourged Whelpling Help

Post by Alaiyarocks » January 9th, 2013, 9:06 am

SUCCESS!!!!! I managed to get a rare sitting in the spot you suggested near the Silent Vigil graveyard! Two spawned at the same time and the one I jumped on was a rare. So I helped two others get theirs too until an Alliance Paladin started attacking battlers and killing the whelps if he was getting beaten. So that ended that.

If anyone is needing theirs, I am on Barthilas server and there were people from Jubei Thos, Gundrak, Frostmourne and Dreadmaul servers. It was 12.33am server time when the two whelplings spawned at the bottom of the ramp up to the Silent Vigil graveyard. I saw one more spawn heading down towards Scourgeholme but that was one that was killed. I am sure there was more as there was about 20 people hovering in various spots.

I posted it in General Chat as fast as I could once I finished my battle with my rare, sharing the love.

Thanks so much for the tips guys, I really appreciate it.

Please if you are still looking for yours, get to restart watching. Get on beforehand and stake out your spot. Clear any adds and avoid the temptation to fly around, I got bored but made myself stay still and it paid off where others who had been at it much longer than me were out of luck.

I have been logging on and off day and night for weeks with no sighting. I saw three tonight and witnessed two of them spawn, and I can guarantee there were more as 20 people disappeared from view (battling) and I saw corpses on the ground as well where the Paladin was attacking people.

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Re: Scourged Whelpling Help

Post by Nyara79 » January 9th, 2013, 2:15 pm

Congrats on getting one! I also found mine this morning. I couldn't drag myself out of bed on server restart Tuesday but did check the realm status page on my phone. My realm (bronzebeard) looked like it was down from about 5-5:15 yesterday, and today the whelps all came up around 5:35.
Side note: I got one and hopped onto my alt hoping for a minfernal, but there were quite a few people hanging around like usual, so either I missed them or they didn't come up the same way.

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Re: Scourged Whelpling Help

Post by Vincent » January 9th, 2013, 6:13 pm

Congratulations! :D I hate you! :twisted:

I have been trying to get this, getting up earlyin the morning and all that. Never have seen one spawn...

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Re: Scourged Whelpling Help

Post by Alaiyarocks » January 9th, 2013, 9:29 pm

Thanks! Yes I would hate me too lol, it seems unfair I got it that quickly once I started reading up on it.

I urge you to try the strategy - 24 hours after the servers come back up from a restart. Get yourself parked in the CRZ earlier in the day. Get on a bit before the servers went down and stake out your spot. Go on a level 90 with fast flying and pvp gear if your server is busy, be ruthless if you have to. Sit at the ramp up to Silent Vigil if noone else is nearby. Everyone in my area was clumped around the big hole in the ground and they wasted time fighting mobs too which cost them. Resist temptation to fly around, just wait it out.

Minfernal I just camped out day and night on an alt, I was eventually rewarded by a spawn underneath me upon login. That was more luck than any strategy, I got cursed out by many people but hey you snooze you lose.

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Re: Scourged Whelpling Help

Post by Notamonk » January 10th, 2013, 12:14 pm

I finally caught one, but sadly it was an uncommon and there were 5 other people waiting around for it and I was lukcy (or just fast enough) to catch the only one available.

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Re: Scourged Whelpling Help

Post by Hoopatang » January 14th, 2013, 3:16 pm

The best way to get a scourged whelpling is to go to a server that has NOT been included in the CRZ madness.
(Yes, they do exist!)

Folks with EU subscriptions: Earthen Ring - EU
Folks with US/Oceanic subscriptions: The Venture Co - US

I can't speak for Earthen Ring, as I don't have an EU sub, but on TVC all of the heavily-camped pets are plentiful and usually there's no one around to bother you, even though it's an RP-PVP server.
For instance, day before yesterday there were 17 infinite whelplings outside of the entrance to COT.
Each morning there are at least a dozen scourged whelplings that spawn in Icecrown. (Which will change after tomorrow's maintenance, it will become early afternoon rather than morning.)
There are so many fel flames in Shadowmoon Valley that they are, literally, not able to be counted. Defeat one and another instantly spawns somewhere else. The place is crawling with them.

Roll yourself a DK and you can fill out at least 90% of the pets you're missing on your list.
For the ones in Northrend, you'll need to level up a bit - which isn't hard. Just go straight to Outlands and start questing while queueing up for dungeons.
A level 73 frost DK can easily defeat the lvl 80 mobs that hang around Sindragosa's Fall.

Now, please, if you come to TVC... don't start being an ass and PVPing people just because you can. There are plenty of pets to go around. The atmosphere there currently is "if he's not bothering me, there's no need for me to bother him", and we'd like to keep it that way.... but for pet collectors, this server is simply *amazing*.

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