What's the most you'd pay for an unused WoW CE key?

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What's the most you'd pay for an unused WoW CE key?

Post by Caffeinedreamer » March 12th, 2012, 2:34 am

I've been debating buying a WoW CE key for less than half of what they tend to go for, but I think I might be going off my rocker.

How much would you folks pay to get an unused WoW CE key for a panda cub et al?

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Re: What's the most you'd pay for an unused WoW CE key?

Post by Aislinge » March 12th, 2012, 8:15 am

Oooo for the original? Wow, it's hard to answer. I've paid $200 odd for the BC CE and I had heart palpatations with that. The thing I look at is how much disposable income do I have versus the level of satisfaction I'll gain from the pets. Well, atm, I have no spare cash and quite frankly, I know that I'll have the pets out for maybe a week and then go back to my favs.

It's hard to answer - if you've got the cash and it's sub $500, then well, treat yourself. But I'd personally have a hard time going more than that.

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Re: What's the most you'd pay for an unused WoW CE key?

Post by Cronid » March 12th, 2012, 8:51 am

While pet collecting is my favourite part of WoW and I'm certainly trying to, as they say, "catch 'em all", I'd baulk at having to fork out 200 bucks just for the privilege of having a rare pet. I mean, how sad is that? I think things such as food/rent/etc are far more important than a bit of coding that no-one else has, and frankly not many people care about. It's a game, not a career. It's like those people who ruin WoW by buying gold, thus creating a business of spammers and hackers.
Saying that, I did shell out for the Collectors' Edition of Cataclysm, and I got the digital pass for Blizzcon so I could get Murkablo :lol:

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Re: What's the most you'd pay for an unused WoW CE key?

Post by Lysi » March 12th, 2012, 10:39 am

I don't make the same distinction between virtual goods and real life items that some people do, you spend real time in the game looking at your game items, you see that stuff more than you see some things in your house. If you'd buy something purely for aesthetics or pleasure in "real life" for the same price, I don't see any reason not to consider it. WoW isn't a fly by night operation, your pet may well last longer than it would take a Ming Vase in your house to get broken. XD

If it had been up to me alone, I would have gladly paid over $1000 for Murky. But when I talked to my husband about it, he turned pale as a ghost, lol. I thought about calling it my birthday present or something, but I realized he's right. We don't have a huge amount of extra income, and what we have is better spent saving for retirement, improving the house, giving to charity, etc. I talked myself out of it, decided I really wanted an orange baby murloc instead, maybe some day Blizz will let us have one. But if we won the lottery, I'd definitely bring up Murky again! And get that panda you're talking about, too! So it depends on your economic situation, and your philosophy.
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Re: What's the most you'd pay for an unused WoW CE key?

Post by Domie » March 13th, 2012, 9:40 am

Cronid wrote:While pet collecting is my favourite part of WoW and I'm certainly trying to, as they say, "catch 'em all", I'd baulk at having to fork out 200 bucks just for the privilege of having a rare pet. I mean, how sad is that? I think things such as food/rent/etc are far more important than a bit of coding that no-one else has, and frankly not many people care about. It's a game, not a career. It's like those people who ruin WoW by buying gold, thus creating a business of spammers and hackers.
Saying that, I did shell out for the Collectors' Edition of Cataclysm, and I got the digital pass for Blizzcon so I could get Murkablo :lol:
I think its wrong saying you shouldnt spend XX amount of money on something, just because its digital. I pay the same for a CD if i buy it in real life, as i do when i buy them digitaly (more or less), so dont see why you cant use 200 euro for something ingame, when their is people using thousands of euros on a handbag, shoes, other cloth and the like, but not use 200 for an item in a game. the effect is the same, just on another group of people. it just shows that other things are important to people.
I understand why a lot of people wouldnt spend so much on something ingame (i wouldnt either), but i dont see why we should judge where other people uses their money. i wouldnt have a problem using 200 euro on an ingame item as a gift, even tho i wouldnt use it on myself, in the same way i wouldnt use that much for a phone, when i wouldnt mind buying a friend an iPhone as a present.

I think its more sad that you judge how people should spend their money, than it is to spend them ingame, as long as they have the money for it. You say it like people that do this chose it over their rent and food, if they do, i agree thats somethings wrong, but i also get angry on my friends if they buy a new laptop they hardly need, when i know they can hardly pay the rent.

Physical goods = digital goods. the money spend is the same, and you get the same out of it, happyness, and maybe some kind of attention.

Better post something on the OP's topic aswell :P
If you have a lot of money in spare, go for it, but if you dont have some money stored away, i wouldnt go use my money on this, its purely vanity, and you might need the money for something useful later on :)

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Re: What's the most you'd pay for an unused WoW CE key?

Post by Emberdione » March 15th, 2012, 4:50 pm

So half of the original ce is about $1000. Just, fyi. I should know, I watch them like a hawk. (God, I want one so bad.)

At this very moment, I wouldn't do it. We *don't* know what is going on with pets in Pandaria, but I would be pissed if I spent 1k, then had the ability to buy one with gold off some dude in 6 months. (My friend with the CE has already promised me one of each, if he can give them to me in Pandaria.)

However, I *do* have a Spectral Tiger. I wanted one, and my husband, when I told him I wanted one, said flat out, if I bought it, he would divorce me. Then he got really mad, because I thought about it. Let me point out, we are both employed, with good paying jobs, bills are always paid, with plenty left over to save and such. He has never made a peep about my two accounts, or buying the pet store pets, mounts, or tcg cards. It was merely the price of one item, all at once that bothered him.

Fast forward a year later. It's Christmas, and I had gotten him several very cool gifts. The Mario anniversary edition, the Falling Water lego set, etc etc. My husband, going to open his presents hands me an envelop with a card. I got a bit upset, as it appeared he hadn't gotten me anything. I opened the cheesy Christmas card to find a Spectral Tiger card, staring back out at me. I want to say it took me a good 3 minutes to realize what I had in my hand. (Have you ever seen the Big Bang Theory where Penny gives Sheldon a napkin with Leonard Nimoy's signature and DNA on it? That was about my reaction to this.) My husband hates WoW. He doesn't play WoW. He thinks it's silly to spend so much time playing one game, when there are hundreds of other ones I could be playing. He doesn't say anything about me buying cards and pets because he knows I get enjoyment from it. So he got me this super cool gift, just because he knew I wanted it. He knew it would mean a great deal to me to own it, and that he had gotten it for me.

Yeah, it's a digital item. Yeah, I will lose it when WoW's servers get shut down. Does that mean I won't love having it every minute between now and then? Not at all. I adore having a spectral tiger. I adore that my husband got it for me. And I now have over a year's worth of memories of riding it around, taking screenshots, and having people whisper me about it.

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Re: What's the most you'd pay for an unused WoW CE key?

Post by Curtana » March 17th, 2012, 11:48 pm

So, I paid about $1200 USD for an EU CE code and used it on my US account. The going rate for a US CE code was around $2500. Here's how - this is legit but of course YMMV. This was about a year ago.

I created an EU account (free) and raised a case that I had an EU code and could not use it on my US account. They asked for the codes, pictures and proof of identity.

I then got an email saying they had cancelled that key and supplied me with a key I could use on US servers.

Which worked.

I now have all the CE editions, bought the hard way as BC was bought around the same time.

Risky, maybe. Worth it yes!


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Re: What's the most you'd pay for an unused WoW CE key?

Post by Livingdeath » March 31st, 2012, 3:23 pm

Emberdione wrote:So half of the original ce is about $1000. Just, fyi. I should know, I watch them like a hawk. (God, I want one so bad.)

At this very moment, I wouldn't do it. We *don't* know what is going on with pets in Pandaria, but I would be pissed if I spent 1k, then had the ability to buy one with gold off some dude in 6 months. (My friend with the CE has already promised me one of each, if he can give them to me in Pandaria.)....
I've been hoping to meet someone with the same last name as me (Lewis) who would be willing to trade their Original CE pets for all my other CE pets, but the likelihood of that is so small...

I have also been wondering the same thing about pet trading in MoP, if the CE and Blizzcon pets will become tradable in-game. I kind of doubt it because I suspect it would cut into their revenue stream (as many CE purchasers are pet collectors). And even if they did become tradable, wouldn't you be trading your version from your pet journal? Not many people want to lose their versions of the CE pets.

To err on the side of caution, I've created an alt holding the pets it starts out with in their bag so if by chance they do become tradable, I can exchange them for some original CE pets. Now the only thing is finding someone with the Original CE pets who would be willing to trade...

If anything, I have to hope that one day I find the original CE on ebay for less than $1000. :lol: I know, I'm dreaming, lol.

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Re: What's the most you'd pay for an unused WoW CE key?

Post by Rmd83 » April 14th, 2012, 2:26 pm

Emberdione wrote:So half of the original ce is about $1000. Just, fyi. I should know, I watch them like a hawk. (God, I want one so bad.)

At this very moment, I wouldn't do it. We *don't* know what is going on with pets in Pandaria, but I would be pissed if I spent 1k, then had the ability to buy one with gold off some dude in 6 months. (My friend with the CE has already promised me one of each, if he can give them to me in Pandaria.)

However, I *do* have a Spectral Tiger. I wanted one, and my husband, when I told him I wanted one, said flat out, if I bought it, he would divorce me. Then he got really mad, because I thought about it. Let me point out, we are both employed, with good paying jobs, bills are always paid, with plenty left over to save and such. He has never made a peep about my two accounts, or buying the pet store pets, mounts, or tcg cards. It was merely the price of one item, all at once that bothered him.

Fast forward a year later. It's Christmas, and I had gotten him several very cool gifts. The Mario anniversary edition, the Falling Water lego set, etc etc. My husband, going to open his presents hands me an envelop with a card. I got a bit upset, as it appeared he hadn't gotten me anything. I opened the cheesy Christmas card to find a Spectral Tiger card, staring back out at me. I want to say it took me a good 3 minutes to realize what I had in my hand. (Have you ever seen the Big Bang Theory where Penny gives Sheldon a napkin with Leonard Nimoy's signature and DNA on it? That was about my reaction to this.) My husband hates WoW. He doesn't play WoW. He thinks it's silly to spend so much time playing one game, when there are hundreds of other ones I could be playing. He doesn't say anything about me buying cards and pets because he knows I get enjoyment from it. So he got me this super cool gift, just because he knew I wanted it. He knew it would mean a great deal to me to own it, and that he had gotten it for me.

Yeah, it's a digital item. Yeah, I will lose it when WoW's servers get shut down. Does that mean I won't love having it every minute between now and then? Not at all. I adore having a spectral tiger. I adore that my husband got it for me. And I now have over a year's worth of memories of riding it around, taking screenshots, and having people whisper me about it.
You're lucky then :P my fiancee would crap a brick if she ever saw me buying something that expensive for a game :P, she hates WoW with a passion and won't even let me buy a new PSU & video card for D3 until the game actually comes out =\ and i've even told her about the RMAH & that i'll beable to make quite alot of $$ off the game, she doesn't believe me though =\ lol

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