3 Player requirement for Leashes I and II?

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3 Player requirement for Leashes I and II?

Post by Slab » May 31st, 2013, 9:59 am

(I initially asked this in one of the Chess Event, but realized that it was out of place and possibly not answered because of that. My apologies for the misdirection and/or repeated question)

Am I just completely misremembering or misunderstanding, but when Raiding With Leashes (the original) came out, wasn't there a restriction in place that the pets could only drop if 3 or more players were in the dungeon at the time? At the time, we only did weekly runs of Naxx, AQ, etc when we could drum up three people.

Now, with 5.3 and Raiding With Leashes II (The Re-Leashening?), my girlfriend and I got a couple of the new pets to drop .. and didn't even think about the fact there were only 2 of us until after the fact. We followed up by going to Naxx and Blackwing, where we got zero. I recognize it was just one run each of those two dungeons, but we couldn't help but think ... do you still need the three players for the pets in Raiding With Leashes? The second week, we also got zero pets in The Eye, Serpentshine and Kara, so is it possible that they allowed solo/duo groups to get the new pets in the first week, but now we need three players again?

I guess the TL;DR version is: Can we get the pets to drop for either/or/both achievements now? Or do we need to find a 3rd person again?

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Re: 3 Player requirement for Leashes I and II?

Post by Cat666 » May 31st, 2013, 10:02 am

Totally, 100% soloable.

I've got all the pets from part 1 except 2 from BWL solo.
I've got one of the pets from Part 2 solo.

They do seem to have nerfed the drop rate slightly, as I whizzed through part 1 and have had 2 dry weeks on part 2 (except the Big Bad Wolf).

You are better off doing them solo, more chances for a drop!

EDIT: I also did them over a time frame. Got most first week but it took me 3 kills to get the Twin Emp one, and 4 to do Viscidus on the DK (during which time I never got a duplicate from the prophet :( ). I also only recently learned to solo BWL and got one pet the first week, that was a week before 5.3.

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Re: 3 Player requirement for Leashes I and II?

Post by Dragonwizard » May 31st, 2013, 10:30 am

It was never a 3 person minimum. What it use to be was to create a raid you use to have to have 2 people in a party. One could be offline but had to be a party of 2. There was never a minimum person amount for the pets to drop, one was enough. I soloed all of the first Leashes and so far soloed all but 3 of leashes 2 pets (they just don't want to drop lol).
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Re: 3 Player requirement for Leashes I and II?

Post by Kring » May 31st, 2013, 10:32 am

Just wanted to confirm that there is no such thing as a 3 player requirement for leashes 1 or 2. Pets drop all regardless of group size.

But some bosses are easier to solo then to run with a group of 2 because of mechanics. I can only assume that whoever told you that 3 people are required probably thought that it's not possible to solo and that the mechanic requires more then 2 people.

- Maexxna who webs one player to the wall and the "tank" then has to free this player instead of the third player.
- Solarian who kills the non-tank player through fall damage.
- Kael'thas (not a pet boss) mind controlling both player and ending the fight (he doesn't seem to do that when you're alone)
- Nefarian (not a pet boss) mind controlling both player, despawning and not respawning after 20 minutes...
- Viscidus was changed in patch 5.1.0 to make it possible to solo him. Before that you needed more player because he had a "hits per 15 second" requirement which you probably couldn't do solo.

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Re: 3 Player requirement for Leashes I and II?

Post by Opallena » May 31st, 2013, 10:38 am

I've been able to two man all of these bosses with a friend, and we have no troubles at all (except on Vashj, but she's hard anyways). Vashj, twins, and BWL are really the only ones you truly need a partner for, due to mechanics of the bosses.

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Re: 3 Player requirement for Leashes I and II?

Post by Callena » May 31st, 2013, 10:41 am

I got all the raid pets Part 1 solo - though I did get a mage friend to help me get the globule pet (had no freeze spells on my druid!).

Part 2 - seems so far to have a much worse drop rate! But I got 3 pets solo and 2 duo so far.
:) Callena

ps - I can solo Vash on my druid but not on my shammy (she is still lvl 86 and not amazing gear, whereas my druid has 514 ilvl in kitty)
Last edited by Callena on May 31st, 2013, 10:48 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: 3 Player requirement for Leashes I and II?

Post by Callena » May 31st, 2013, 10:45 am

BWL first boss is soloable but I haven't worked it out myself (I think its easier with a good ranged aoe char)

Twins is soloable if you put out enough DPS to cover the heal - I did it a number of times on my druid when the RWL1 came out for the pet.

:) Callena

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Re: 3 Player requirement for Leashes I and II?

Post by Ratshag » May 31st, 2013, 11:09 am

Slab wrote:Am I just completely misremembering or misunderstanding, but when Raiding With Leashes (the original) came out, wasn't there a restriction in place that the pets could only drop if 3 or more players were in the dungeon at the time?
I think you're slightly misremembering. What Blizzard stated was that the drop rates for the RwL I pets were set based on the assumption that three people would be rolling for them, and therefore they didn't feel obliged to guarantee that every raid boss could be solo'd by every class and spec. Whether there was one person or 3 people or 40 people present for the boss kill had no effect on if the pet dropped. I'm guessing that after seeing everyone solo all those bosses anyway ("Phooey on bringing a friend and risking losing the roll to him!"), Blizzard set the drop rates for RwL II lower to match the reality.

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Re: 3 Player requirement for Leashes I and II?

Post by Slab » May 31st, 2013, 11:26 am

Thanks all. That last statement about "assuming 3 people would be rolling" does not look familiar at all, so I don't think that's where my twisted memory is coming from, but it's gotta be something like that. Bottom line is, 2 people, 2 level 90s each, hopefully that'll give us the opportunity for 4 runs each. All I need now is to actually be good enough to solo some of the dungeons (the girlfriend would have no problem, I'm sure. I'm the weak link :p, but that's part of why she's 500+ pets and I'm at 440~)

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