What Pets Have You Been Lazy in Getting?

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Re: What Pets Have You Been Lazy in Getting?

Post by Avalee » June 7th, 2013, 1:43 am

Yalina wrote:I went bone farming on Sunday afternoon, and got 450ish bones (and 3 runts) in a few hours.
That's pretty impressive. I'm at 850 bones and no runts so far.

But anyway, the Unborn Val'Kyr will probably not be in my posession for a while. I heard it was somewhat rare, but I'm on a non-crz realm so I don't expect problems finding it. But I have some other battle pets to get first as, to my shame, I miss a whole lot of pet achievements that I will go after first.

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Re: What Pets Have You Been Lazy in Getting?

Post by Kring » June 7th, 2013, 3:31 am

Dash wrote:I'm too lazy to battle pets in the wild and grind those last 5 stones I'm missing (3 beasts, 2 mecha). I should just skip the daily tamers, which I do religiously, and spend the time battling those specific families of pets instead. The odds of me getting just the stones I need from tamer bags are just so slim, although admittedly I've been really lucky since 5.3 dropped.
All I need is a specific, beasts filled spot like we have with birds in Dragonblight, and Krasarang wilds doesn't really do it for me. I need the kind of spot where you just don't move and chain battles. Yup, you can call that lazy :D
On my server you can get BoE stones from the AH for 3000 or 4000 gold. Just farm some direhorns or elemental tamer bag pets and sell them to get the money to buy stones (if you don't have it already). Direhorns should be easier to farm then battle stones from wild pets...

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Re: What Pets Have You Been Lazy in Getting?

Post by NoxCrucifix » June 7th, 2013, 4:02 am

I have been unusually lazy obtaining the Wild Golden and Wild Jade Hatchlings from Jade Forest (the ones that spawn after you earn exalted with the Order of the Cloud Serpent). I got the Crimson one...I don't know why I haven't just spent an hour or so poking around for the other two. I always seem to find something else to do.

And for some darned reason I can't seem to find a rare Gilded Moth so that one is missing and sticks out like a sore thumb in my collection. Stupid moths. I need to swallow my pride and catch a lesser quality one just so I have it but eeeehhh...lazy.

I have been bad about running LFR too so I have yet to see those pets. I bought a Ji-Kun Hatchling for relatively cheap a few days back but I don't want to have to shell out the cash to buy them all...then again, I don't want to run LFR ad nauseum either.

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Re: What Pets Have You Been Lazy in Getting?

Post by Chrth » June 7th, 2013, 8:32 am

Inspired by this thread, I sent my main down to the Molten Front ... and got my Searing Scorchling!
Quick and Dirty Primer to Raiding With Leashes II:

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Re: What Pets Have You Been Lazy in Getting?

Post by Yalina » June 7th, 2013, 11:52 am

Avalee wrote:That's pretty impressive. I'm at 850 bones and no runts so far.
I was almost exclusively killing the smaller direhorns, and I had exactly 20 bones from prior to 5.3. So both factors change the perceived drop rate. The smaller direhorns drop fewer bones, but my pet and I could handle them without too much fuss. I had originally started with them to get the pet, and when the first runt dropped, I moved on to the devilsaurs. Those, however, were much harder for me to manage, even if they did drop more bones. So I went back to the direhorn hatchlings and had two more runts drop.

In lazy collecting updates, I went to the Brawler's Guild last night and died in about 5 seconds to the first boss, the croc. Rezzed and logged off. Not going back there for a while.

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Re: What Pets Have You Been Lazy in Getting?

Post by Zoreia » June 7th, 2013, 1:45 pm

There's several I'm still after that I haven't grabbed yet. :<

Crawling Claw
Self explanatory. My archaeology is maxed, but the thought of grinding to get the pet (and mount because I don't have that either) just makes me not ever want to do it.

I'm pretty geared (couple ToT heroic pieces) but I REALLY hate Brawler's Guild. Something about other people watching me kill stuff makes me nervous. I just hit Rank 2 and am having a hard time bringing myself to finish it. The mount is tempting though...

Tiny Red Carp
This is the very last carp that I need to have all 4 carp. The blue and white ones I fished up myself (after a million casts) and I caved and bought the green one on the AH for 4k because I felt like spending that was better than sitting there fishing all day. I'd buy the red one too but no one on Malorne spends time fishing for them, so it's rare when they show up on the AH.

Stunted Direhorn
I'm new to the whole PVP scene when it comes to pets. I've been reading the forums trying to come up with team ideas, but I'm just inexperienced and am hesitant to begin this grind. :(

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Re: What Pets Have You Been Lazy in Getting?

Post by Dash » June 7th, 2013, 1:51 pm

Kring wrote: On my server you can get BoE stones from the AH for 3000 or 4000 gold. Just farm some direhorns or elemental tamer bag pets and sell them to get the money to buy stones (if you don't have it already). Direhorns should be easier to farm then battle stones from wild pets...
I'm lazy but I forgot to say I'm a penny pincher too :D

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Re: What Pets Have You Been Lazy in Getting?

Post by Mehetabel » June 7th, 2013, 2:04 pm

I've been rather slacking with all the 5.3 pets so far. :roll:

Clock 'Em, Lashtail Hatchling and Crawling Claw are the older ones that I just haven't gotten to yet either.

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Re: What Pets Have You Been Lazy in Getting?

Post by Puluz » June 7th, 2013, 6:09 pm

sumprush rodent... ._. also not too keen to start fishing for the carps, so been mainly stalking them from AH, not much luck yet except the white one that i actually got as a gift. Have also gotten most of the ToT pets as a gift and that's sorta sad, i wanted to get them myself. :P Still missing son of animus tho so maybe it motivates me to go to lfr on some toons. :)

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Re: What Pets Have You Been Lazy in Getting?

Post by Gwenolyn » June 7th, 2013, 6:19 pm

Quintessence wrote:Ditto. Despite reading AWESOME guides/tips/info from all of our seasoned battlers here on WarcraftPets, I still haven't gathered enough desire to do it. PVP is just.... bleh for me. I probably won't see the pet from the achievement for a while. :(
Maybe I'll start by trying to win the 10 per week for the weekly? /sigh I have the other 2 dinos, so just not super motivated atm.

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Re: What Pets Have You Been Lazy in Getting?

Post by Furbs » June 7th, 2013, 7:06 pm

So this probably counts, the EU Burning Crusade CE pet(s) were bugged and you had to mail off a bunch of cut up parts of the box to blizzards Paris office to redeem the whelp and the murloc (which they added in as a bonus for having to go through the trouble of cutting up your CE box) and well I never bothered to do it, I heard it was still possible to do a couple of years ago but never got around to looking into it and dunno if they still honour it these days.

So yea those 2 pets I've been too lazy to get =P.

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Re: What Pets Have You Been Lazy in Getting?

Post by Spyro » June 7th, 2013, 7:21 pm

The Tiny Carps, I just don't feel like fishing much. Maybe I'll get lucky and get them when I decide to work on Nat Pagle rep again.

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Re: What Pets Have You Been Lazy in Getting?

Post by Maltazan » June 7th, 2013, 7:30 pm

For some reason I have yet to go down and get the pets from Uldum. I have almost all the other pets in Kalimdor (excluding the seasonal). I have even gone to the zone multiple times. Don't know why I haven't stopped to catch em.

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Re: What Pets Have You Been Lazy in Getting?

Post by Callena » June 8th, 2013, 6:20 am

For me its the low level quest chains which I somehow missed when levelling my 2 chars - I have 4 quest pets that I miss - keep thinking I will do them when I level my monk, which is still level 2 :D

I'd rather waste hours hunting the valkyr than go and do those quests lol

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Re: What Pets Have You Been Lazy in Getting?

Post by Gendou » June 8th, 2013, 12:57 pm

Gendou wrote:Filthling:
This one wouldn't be so bad if I'd just get out there and do it.
I just keep putting it off.
I'm quoting my own list here.

I went out to Isle of Thunder yesterday and found an elite Filth.
I killed it, and it dropped a tooth.

Walked away, killed the Haywire Sunreaver Construct.
Dropped another Sunreaver bot (this is something like five of them now - no wonder they're cheap).

Walked back, found another elite Filth.
Killed it, and it dropped the Filthling.

So I got reaaaally lucky on that one. :D

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Re: What Pets Have You Been Lazy in Getting?

Post by Tiggindy » June 9th, 2013, 12:22 pm


I just haven't won the lottery or gotten multiple jobs so I could afford to plunk down the silly $$ required to buy it from ebay. :lol:

But honestly, I have nothing to contribute to this thread since I go to the required lengths to get the pets, but whine a lot while doing some of it. :roll:

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Re: What Pets Have You Been Lazy in Getting?

Post by Furkel » June 9th, 2013, 3:00 pm

Well, let's see:

Spawn of G'nathus is probably my worst one - I could easily just drag some friends along to kill it with me, but for whatever reason I just haven't bothered.

All four Tiny Carps - not that they're easy to get anyway, but I really haven't been trying AT ALL.

Whichever Raiding with Leashes II pets I'm missing - again, not exactly easy, but I've got several 80+ alts I could use to at least increase my chances... if not for my crazy decision that I have ONE main and thus get ONE chance a week, final.

Aaand I guess both Landro's pets? They tend to be pretty cheap-ish on my local AH, but I've never cared much for duplicate pets one way or the other.

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