500 club not so easy

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500 club not so easy

Post by Tekulve2012 » July 16th, 2013, 10:42 am

I started the pet collecting and battling 7 months ago ..just hit 500 pets today and I'm patting myself on the back.

I've seen posts here sort of mocking how 'easy' it is to get to 500 and I disagree. I have leveled 100 pets to max level (my profile says 97 but I traded a few away for lvl1's) and maybe that's what took extra time but I have respect for all of you collectors who put in the time to hit 500 and to hunt and camp for rares

Now for Blizzard to reward us with something for it!

BTW- the stupid silithid hatch. eludes me for the zookeeper title - dumb sandstorm watching!
Also that Unborn Valk has eluded me despite aching mount wings

A big thanks goes out to you WCP folks who've made great trades with me along the way.

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Re: 500 club not so easy

Post by Dragonwizard » July 16th, 2013, 10:55 am

Grats, 500 is a huge milestone and anyone that says it's easy to get to doesn't have a clue.
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Re: 500 club not so easy

Post by Domie » July 16th, 2013, 12:05 pm

The people that says its easy, are the ones that play way too much (like me :D ), and probaly had all the none pet battle pets, prio to mop, but it does indeed take a lot of dedication.


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Re: 500 club not so easy

Post by Jadax » July 16th, 2013, 1:23 pm

I don't think people really care about the "500 club". Honestly, it isn't all that challenging, but it does take time and hard work.

The introduction of wild battle pets did trivialise all the old collection achievements, though, which is unfortunate. I'd like to see more added, starting with 500 pets :P

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Re: 500 club not so easy

Post by Azrile » July 16th, 2013, 2:15 pm

A lot of it has to do with how long you were playing and if you were making any effort at pet collecting 2 years ago before MoP. A lot of the world drops ( whelplings, spirit dasher etc) were very easy to get at different points in time. Also, it was easier to collect some pets while the content was relevant. You didn´t have to make a task to quest threw Tekkor forest for mini-wing, you just got it on every character the same way we get fishy in Jade Forest.

The biggest thing with getting to 500 is add-ons. I cannot even imagine trying to catch all the wild pets without the addon that shows exactly where on a map the pets I am missing spawn. Once you have that, catching all the wild pets ( minus about 10 PIAs) is as easy as doing archeology.

Then there are the ´hardcores´ among us. Those that create DK alts to camp weather.... on multiple servers... or create alts and have spending money on different servers for BMAH and AH purchases. Pet collecting has become the biggest part of my wow playtime... and with all that, I am still only at 525.

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Re: 500 club not so easy

Post by Dakaf » July 16th, 2013, 5:27 pm

Congrats on 500! It was rough to do, so great job!
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Re: 500 club not so easy

Post by Kpb321 » July 16th, 2013, 5:59 pm

Grats on 500 I really don't think it's an easy task.

I'm at 467 currently and could get to ~485 pretty easily if I finished collecting all the easy to catch wild pets I haven't bothered with yet and could probably get to ~490 with some of the easier non-wild pets I haven't gotten around to getting but I can easily see those last 10 pets to get to 500 being a real pain to get. After excluding all the trading card/pet store/Promotional/misc other impossible to get pets my wanted total is only 519 even after picking up a couple TCG pets from the AH that weren't too expensive and buying the half price pet store pet recently. I guess it wouldn't be bad if you had been collecting for a while and already had most of the Pet store and TCG pets as that's another 20 pets I've excluded.

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Re: 500 club not so easy

Post by Doobjanka » July 16th, 2013, 8:16 pm

I would never belittle anyone's 500 achievement. I got lucky early on because I preordered the Vanilla CE and the Panda Cub started my collecting addiction in Vanilla. I've been at it since launch. You hitting 500 in 7 months is really impressive. Welcome to the club!
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Re: 500 club not so easy

Post by Gracies » July 16th, 2013, 8:54 pm

Congratulations :)!!! I've only been collecting since end of January, 2013 myself, so I can empathize. Keep up the great work!

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Re: 500 club not so easy

Post by Rosalyne » July 16th, 2013, 10:20 pm

Congratulations! I've been collecting since TBC, so I have over 500, but it's definitely not an easy (or cheap!) feat. I don't think anyone should mock anyone else for what they have/don't have because we all have our own priorities as well as different lifestyles that may allow for more or less time for games than others.

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Re: 500 club not so easy

Post by Sarmik » July 17th, 2013, 1:29 am

Congratulations to you and congratulations for me :) 500 done yesterday :shock:

it was a nightmare: P

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Re: 500 club not so easy

Post by Tenshiame » July 17th, 2013, 2:21 am

grats, I hit that awhile ago myself but I started collecting pets when they made em not take up bag space XD

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Re: 500 club not so easy

Post by Mehetabel » July 17th, 2013, 6:06 am

Welcome to the 500 Club! It's a good achievement, especially if you've only been playing for 7 months! :D
Tenshiame wrote:grats, I hit that awhile ago myself but I started collecting pets when they made em not take up bag space XD
haha smart move! I started collecting at the beginning of TBC and my bank was stock full of pets, as was my backpack. I used to rotate the pets I carried around with me lol :lol:

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Re: 500 club not so easy

Post by Slab » July 17th, 2013, 8:46 am

Coincidentally, I just hit #500 last night myself (I have to head over to the being lucky thread ... Searing Scorchling out of just my 2nd bag), and I felt a little disappointed that such a big threshold (essentially the biggest, roundest number you can get) doesn't do anything. Like the OP, I too am still not a Zookeeper ... but for me, it's because I didn't really start until February, and missed my chance for the Snowy Owl! :( All of you folks who impatiently waited for Summer, try to imagine doing it all over again for next Winter.

Like all good overly obsessed collectors, I keep a table of my pets, and whenever I review it, I check the number of remaining "wanted" pets, and have to say ... the number of ones I can realistically earn without major luck is dwindling. I mean, I'll get the Kirin Tor Familiar eventually, I'm 165/250 towards the Direhorn and I'm pretty sure WoW will still be around by December 21st. But I have no control over how small a window my opportunities are for the ToT pets, never mind the virtual impossibility of earning a Darkmoon Rabbit now that the Faire is CRZ. I've never even seen an attempt to make a group, never mind a group, or a fight, or a drop.

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Re: 500 club not so easy

Post by Breehit » July 17th, 2013, 11:43 am

Congratulations on 500! I am only at 481, mainly because I have resisted spending real money on trading card pets or other promotional pets. I suppose I will have to break down and drop some cash if I want to catch up.

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Re: 500 club not so easy

Post by Jadax » July 17th, 2013, 12:25 pm

Breehit wrote:Congratulations on 500! I am only at 481, mainly because I have resisted spending real money on trading card pets or other promotional pets. I suppose I will have to break down and drop some cash if I want to catch up.
You have at least 40 non-promotional pets still to collect, then, since I have 545 total and 521 with promotionals excluded. I don't think that you can say it's "mainly" because of promotional pets.

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Re: 500 club not so easy

Post by Tekulve2012 » July 17th, 2013, 12:30 pm

My congrats to Sarmik and Slab on hitting 500 pets!

It can be a long and lonely pursuit and the folks on this site
have been awesome!

I have a little question for anyone who can help... It's not worth starting a new thread for ... I'm wondering why the guild page and guild herald are counted on my collected pets pages but are still on my 'wanted' page as ones I need to collect
There used to be a manual add/exclude option for non battle pets I think but I can't find it anywhere
I did email this site's help desk about it already Btw

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Re: 500 club not so easy

Post by Slab » July 18th, 2013, 7:57 am

Tekulve2012 wrote:I have a little question for anyone who can help... It's not worth starting a new thread for ... I'm wondering why the guild page and guild herald are counted on my collected pets pages but are still on my 'wanted' page as ones I need to collect
There used to be a manual add/exclude option for non battle pets I think but I can't find it anywhere
I did email this site's help desk about it already Btw
Not positive that this is the issue, but something you should check ... There are technically two Guild Pages and two Guild Heralds; one for each side.

[url]http://www.warcraftpets.com/wow-pets/humanoid/humans/guild-page--alliance-[/url], [url]http://www.warcraftpets.com/wow-pets/humanoid/humans/guild-page--horde-/[/url])
[url]http://www.warcraftpets.com/wow-pets/humanoid/humans/guild-herald--alliance-[/url], [url]http://www.warcraftpets.com/wow-pets/humanoid/humans/guild-herald--horde-/[/url])

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