Favourite pet and why

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Re: Favourite pet and why

Post by Amayalou » December 6th, 2011, 3:09 pm

Man this one is hard, I am not sure really. But I would have to say the Kirin Tor Familiar

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Re: Favourite pet and why

Post by Domie » December 6th, 2011, 5:29 pm

I love the snowshoe bunny, i dont really remember why, but that pet is just special for me.
Also speedy, since he was my first childrens week pet, and he just looks cute with his big smile :D
The model i like the most is probaly the phoenix hatchling, it was the first pet that really had an impressive look if you ask me :)

Also love my Spirit of Competition, since its model was unique for a very long time, and its a pet you dont see where offen :)

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Re: Favourite pet and why

Post by Jorth » December 7th, 2011, 10:19 pm

Mine is the Feline Familiar because I love cats... and it flies with me on its magical broom! :D

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Re: Favourite pet and why

Post by Opallena » December 8th, 2011, 11:40 am

Thats a tough one... but it's definently between my Celestial Dragon and Spirit of Competition. Spirit of Competition just because it was the only pet from my first ten that did not get deleted due to lack of bag space before Wrath came out and the Celestial dragon because well... you have to have 150 pets to get it and that is a loooong grind

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Re: Favourite pet and why

Post by Deathgiggles » December 8th, 2011, 12:39 pm

Ever and always the Firefly. I have a macro that quotes the show when I summon it. :mrgreen:

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Re: Favourite pet and why

Post by NoxCrucifix » December 8th, 2011, 1:28 pm

It's so hard to pick just one. I have a whole handful of favorites that I routinely keep out alongside my druid on all his adventures. I can't imagine playing favorites!

But, if I had to pick just one...it would probably be the celestial dragon, for all the hard work it represents. It took a lot of time and a lot of effort farming up all those pets to get to 150. I camped the AH day after day looking for good deals, I spent weeks in the Argent Tournament grinding out the seals for the last few pets. I raided the neutral AH for horde-only pets...it was quite the grind. And it all came to a head one day when I was poking around in WoW before class. I finished my tournament dailies and purchased my last pet from there, and needed only one more for the achievement. On a whim I hearthed back to Stormwind and poked through the AH...and found a hyacinth macaw for 1000g. I had my achievement five seconds later :)

So yeah, if I had to pick just one, it would be that starry little dragon. I have him out most often anyway.

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Re: Favourite pet and why

Post by Ritsuka » December 8th, 2011, 6:00 pm

My Tiny Sporebat. :3 Has been ever since I first picked him up in BC by grinding out hundreds of fronds for those sweet little Sporelings, and probably always will be. I knew I loved Spore Bats in general, so much so that I've still never killed a non-aggressive one. But I didn't know how MUCH I was going to love this pet until I finally had him myself. (Pet collecting wasn't big yet in those times, I don't think I'd seen him in-game before this.)

Whenever I'm feeling upset in the game I bring out my Sporebaby and just watch him. The beautiful colors, the glowing, the graceful way he hovers and wiggles~ I don't know, it just makes me feel better. He's so soothing. Another awesome thing about him, he's been able to follow me on my flying mount ever since that feature was introduced! Before those cute chubby baby dragons could even. ;3 This is great because I never lose him when traveling, especially now that flying pets can keep up so well.

I have many veeeery close contenders (The golden Phoenix baby and my Corehound Pup in particular...), but he still gets the top spot. <3

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Re: Favourite pet and why

Post by Sugamonkey » February 11th, 2012, 11:46 pm

HHMMMM..... I would say seapony because it's new, Alliance balloon because it justs fun to have a balloon and tiny flamefly because it's purple.

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Re: Favourite pet and why

Post by Pinkymac » February 12th, 2012, 10:22 am

That's a tough choice! I love the Celestrial Dragon cuz its pretty and took so long to get. The fox kit is another favorite cuz I generally have terrible luck with rare drops and I got him after about 15 kills! :D The guardian cub I love because it has super cute animations and was a gift from a friend.
But once I get lil' tarecgosa, that will be my all time favorite cuz it is so awesome!!

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Re: Favourite pet and why

Post by Cronid » March 12th, 2012, 9:00 am

My favourite is the beautiful Phoenix Hatchling. Getting him was such a surprise. I never thought I would get him as I initially thought that he only dropped from the Phoenix boss in Tempest Keep, and I rarely raid. I resigned myself to never getting it. However, I did a run of Magister's Terrace with my girlfriend to grind rep for the Shattered Sun, and he dropped from Kael'Thas. Such a surprise, I never knew you got the phoenix from him. To top it off, she let me keep the little fellow. I've had him out ever since. He's so beautiful ^_^
I also love my Onyxian Whelpling and Tiny Shale Spider.

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Re: Favourite pet and why

Post by Surrenda » April 2nd, 2012, 9:14 pm

I really like being an undead warlock... I imagine my character, Surrenda!, is a groovy cool zombie witch chick. I made up that she comes from Brill and being from so close to the Undercity makes her super proud to show her hometown pride. Surrenda's fave pet is the Vampiric Batling: It's a super rare pet that you can't get anymore, it reminds her of all the giant bats flying around Brill, and it's VAMPIRIC!!! I don't know why I'm such a pet nerd. But, there you have it.

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Re: Favourite pet and why

Post by Sn4tch » April 5th, 2012, 4:38 pm

i have 3

Feline Familiar: because of broom riding.

Lashtail Hatchling: because its bigger than other raptor pets and it has different eyes.

Tiny Shale Spider: because im a rare hunter and i killed a rare for it.

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Re: Favourite pet and why

Post by Kaiyou » April 16th, 2012, 9:11 pm

My favorite pet is the Lashtail Hatchling :D . I absolutely loved the quest line for it and was very happy when I got to get her back.

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Re: Favourite pet and why

Post by Daned » May 22nd, 2012, 9:56 am

I love the Rocket Chicken as it has the best emotes. Often it will jet up and look around in confusion, unclear why it's up in the air. Sometimes it will explode in a shower of feathers, which attracts a lot of attention from others nearby. It's just a wonderfully insane pet.

After that the Panda Cub as it was my first pet ever.

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Re: Favourite pet and why

Post by Yquilla » May 29th, 2012, 1:19 am

I really like my Mechanical Squirrel, because I built it myself. And when I build Lil Smokey or Pet Bombling, they will be my new favorite because I managed to get the schematics as drips in Gnomergan...

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Re: Favourite pet and why

Post by Dementron » May 29th, 2012, 7:30 pm

I also tend to use different pets for different characters, though sometimes I'll use something different for a bit of variety.

On my main (a moonkin) it's the moonkin hatchling, since I roleplay her as my character's daughter (even though I'm not on a roleplaying server). I use the Darkmoon Cub and Hyjal Cub so she can coordinate with her mom when her mom goes feral (right now I have all three named Annie on the Beta, after Annie Mal from "You Awaken in Razor Hill"). I might switch to the Snow Cub and Baby Blizzard Bear when I can, to go with her mom's white fur. Annie is probably going to end up her own pet battle team, though I might switch out one of the beasts with a little tree for balance.

Sometimes I run around with the bubble fish during the Darkmoon Faire. It makes people do double takes because they're expecting the Sea Pony. :lol:

My shaman usually uses the Tiny Sporebat to go with his "the Diplomat" title (though I often use Ambassador because having a giant cow-man named Ambassador Tinibubbles is just too funny, and I'm working on Professor Tinibubbles). He also frequently runs around with the faerie dragon or the Cenarion Hatchling (to go with his Cenarion Hippogryph mount).

My DK uses Frosty, which works especially well because she has white fur and a blue mane (Tauren again, there's a pattern here :roll:). When she randomly gets a blue ghoul, they all match!

My hunter tries to coordinate her companion with her current pet, so it's usually the Mulgore Hatchling, but sometimes it's the Core Hound or a number of other things. (It'll be even better in Mists when she has access to all my main collector's pets!)

My bank alt usually uses whatever cool account-bound pet I feel I've been neglecting lately. (Currently it's the Wind Rider Cub.)

My goblin warlock uses the Pet Bombling because... goblin. One can never have too many explosives on hand.

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Re: Favourite pet and why

Post by Plucky » May 29th, 2012, 9:26 pm

Although it isn't a rare pet, it has to be the Jubling, its quite vibrant compared to other frogs, plus its so chubby!

On the other side of the spectrum, there's always the Creepy Crate and how it waddles when walking or maybe some sort of flying pet...so you don't have to desummon it. (possibly the Lamp)

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Re: Favourite pet and why

Post by Mewtmewt » June 11th, 2012, 3:18 pm

I don't have many pets cause I just started but for some reason I really love my Prairie dog from thunder bluff.

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Re: Favourite pet and why

Post by Suzi » June 13th, 2012, 8:33 am

After it was updated, I would have to say my favourite is the Snowshoe Rabbit. It looks like a bunny I used to own so it's like having an in-game version of him with me. I've just realised while typing that but I'll be able to rename it soon to match my dearly departed bunny's real name! That wasn't a feature I thought I'd use much, but I just have to for that pet!

I also love the Panda Cub because pandas are one of my favourite animals, but unfortunately I don't have the pet.

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